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Title 40—Protection of Environment–Volume 9

Last updated on October 20th, 2024 at 04:09 pm

Title 40—Protection of Environment–Volume 9


chapter i—Environmental Protection Agency (Continued)





Authority:42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.

Source:36 FR 24877, Dec. 23, 1971, unless otherwise noted.

Appendix A-1 to Part 60—Test Methods 1 through 2F

Method 1—Sample and velocity traverses for stationary sources

Method 1A—Sample and velocity traverses for stationary sources with small stacks or ducts

Method 2—Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate (Type S pitot tube)

Method 2A—Direct measurement of gas volume through pipes and small ducts

Method 2B—Determination of exhaust gas volume flow rate from gasoline vapor incinerators

Method 2C—Determination of gas velocity and volumetric flow rate in small stacks or ducts (standard pitot tube)

Method 2D—Measurement of gas volume flow rates in small pipes and ducts

Method 2E—Determination of landfill gas production flow rate

Method 2F—Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate With Three-Dimensional Probes

The test methods in this appendix are referred to in § 60.8 (Performance Tests) and § 60.11 (Compliance With Standards and Maintenance Requirements) of 40 CFR part 60, subpart A (General Provisions). Specific uses of these test methods are described in the standards of performance contained in the subparts, beginning with Subpart D.

Within each standard of performance, a section title “Test Methods and Procedures” is provided to: (1) Identify the test methods to be used as reference methods to the facility subject to the respective standard and (2) identify any special instructions or conditions to be followed when applying a method to the respective facility. Such instructions (for example, establish sampling rates, volumes, or temperatures) are to be used either in addition to, or as a substitute for procedures in a test method. Similarly, for sources subject to emission monitoring requirements, specific instructions pertaining to any use of a test method as a reference method are provided in the subpart or in appendix B.

Inclusion of methods in this appendix is not intended as an endorsement or denial of their applicability to sources that are not subject to standards of performance. The methods are potentially applicable to other sources; however, applicability should be confirmed by careful and appropriate evaluation of the conditions prevalent at such sources.

The approach followed in the formulation of the test methods involves specifications for equipment, procedures, and performance. In concept, a performance specification approach would be preferable in all methods because this allows the greatest flexibility to the user. In practice, however, this approach is impractical in most cases because performance specifications cannot be established. Most of the methods described herein, therefore, involve specific equipment specifications and procedures, and only a few methods in this appendix rely on performance criteria.

Minor changes in the test methods should not necessarily affect the validity of the results and it is recognized that alternative and equivalent methods exist. section 60.8 provides authority for the Administrator to specify or approve (1) equivalent methods, (2) alternative methods, and (3) minor changes in the methodology of the test methods. It should be clearly understood that unless otherwise identified all such methods and changes must have prior approval of the Administrator. An owner employing such methods or deviations from the test methods without obtaining prior approval does so at the risk of subsequent disapproval and retesting with approved methods.

Within the test methods, certain specific equipment or procedures are recognized as being acceptable or potentially acceptable and are specifically identified in the methods. The items identified as acceptable options may be used without approval but must be identified in the test report. The potentially approvable options are cited as “subject to the approval of the Administrator” or as “or equivalent.” Such potentially approvable techniques or alternatives may be used at the discretion of the owner without prior approval. However, detailed descriptions for applying these potentially approvable techniques or alternatives are not provided in the test methods. Also, the potentially approvable options are not necessarily acceptable in all applications. Therefore, an owner electing to use such potentially approvable techniques or alternatives is responsible for: (1) assuring that the techniques or alternatives are in fact applicable and are properly executed; (2) including a written description of the alternative method in the test report (the written method must be clear and must be capable of being performed without additional instruction, and the degree of detail should be similar to the detail contained in the test methods); and (3) providing any rationale or supporting data necessary to show the validity of the alternative in the particular application. Failure to meet these requirements can result in the Administrator’s disapproval of the alternative.

Method 1—Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test method: Method 2.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Measured Parameters. The purpose of the method is to provide guidance for the selection of sampling ports and traverse points at which sampling for air pollutants will be performed pursuant to regulations set forth in this part. Two procedures are presented: a simplified procedure, and an alternative procedure (see section 11.5). The magnitude of cyclonic flow of effluent gas in a stack or duct is the only parameter quantitatively measured in the simplified procedure.

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable to gas streams flowing in ducts, stacks, and flues. This method cannot be used when: (1) the flow is cyclonic or swirling; or (2) a stack is smaller than 0.30 meter (12 in.) in diameter, or 0.071 m
2 (113 in.
2) in cross-sectional area. The simplified procedure cannot be used when the measurement site is less than two stack or duct diameters downstream or less than a half diameter upstream from a flow disturbance.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.


The requirements of this method must be considered before construction of a new facility from which emissions are to be measured; failure to do so may require subsequent alterations to the stack or deviation from the standard procedure. Cases involving variants are subject to approval by the Administrator.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 This method is designed to aid in the representative measurement of pollutant emissions and/or total volumetric flow rate from a stationary source. A measurement site where the effluent stream is flowing in a known direction is selected, and the cross-section of the stack is divided into a number of equal areas. Traverse points are then located within each of these equal areas.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies.

6.1 Apparatus. The apparatus described below is required only when utilizing the alternative site selection procedure described in section 11.5 of this method.

6.1.1 Directional Probe. Any directional probe, such as United Sensor Type DA Three-Dimensional Directional Probe, capable of measuring both the pitch and yaw angles of gas flows is acceptable. Before using the probe, assign an identification number to the directional probe, and permanently mark or engrave the number on the body of the probe. The pressure holes of directional probes are susceptible to plugging when used in particulate-laden gas streams. Therefore, a procedure for cleaning the pressure holes by “back-purging” with pressurized air is required.

6.1.2 Differential Pressure Gauges. Inclined manometers, U-tube manometers, or other differential pressure gauges (e.g., magnehelic gauges) that meet the specifications described in Method 2, section 6.2.


If the differential pressure gauge produces both negative and positive readings, then both negative and positive pressure readings shall be calibrated at a minimum of three points as specified in Method 2, section 6.2.

7.0 Reagents and Standards [Reserved]

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport [Reserved]

9.0 Quality Control [Reserved]

10.0 Calibration and Standardization [Reserved]

11.0 Procedure

11.1 Selection of Measurement Site.

11.1.1 Sampling and/or velocity measurements are performed at a site located at least eight stack or duct diameters downstream and two diameters upstream from any flow disturbance such as a bend, expansion, or contraction in the stack, or from a visible flame. If necessary, an alternative location may be selected, at a position at least two stack or duct diameters downstream and a half diameter upstream from any flow disturbance.

11.1.2 An alternative procedure is available for determining the acceptability of a measurement location not meeting the criteria above. This procedure described in section 11.5 allows for the determination of gas flow angles at the sampling points and comparison of the measured results with acceptability criteria.

11.2 Determining the Number of Traverse Points.

11.2.1 Particulate Traverses. When the eight- and two-diameter criterion can be met, the minimum number of traverse points shall be: (1) twelve, for circular or rectangular stacks with diameters (or equivalent diameters) greater than 0.61 meter (24 in.); (2) eight, for circular stacks with diameters between 0.30 and 0.61 meter (12 and 24 in.); and (3) nine, for rectangular stacks with equivalent diameters between 0.30 and 0.61 meter (12 and 24 in.). When the eight- and two-diameter criterion cannot be met, the minimum number of traverse points is determined from Figure 1-1. Before referring to the figure, however, determine the distances from the measurement site to the nearest upstream and downstream disturbances, and divide each distance by the stack diameter or equivalent diameter, to determine the distance in terms of the number of duct diameters. Then, determine from Figure 1-1 the minimum number of traverse points that corresponds:

(1) To the number of duct diameters upstream; and

(2) To the number of diameters downstream. Select the higher of the two minimum numbers of traverse points, or a greater value, so that for circular stacks, the number is a multiple of 4, and for rectangular stacks, the number is one of those shown in Table 1-1.

11.2.2 Velocity (Non-Particulate) Traverses. When velocity or volumetric flow rate is to be determined (but not particulate matter), the same procedure as that used for particulate traverses (Section 11.2.1) is followed, except that Figure 1-2 may be used instead of Figure 1-1.

11.3 Cross-Sectional Layout and Location of Traverse Points.

11.3.1 Circular Stacks. Locate the traverse points on two perpendicular diameters according to Table 1-2 and the example shown in Figure 1-3. Any equation (see examples in References 2 and 3 in section 16.0) that gives the same values as those in Table 1-2 may be used in lieu of Table 1-2. For particulate traverses, one of the diameters must coincide with the plane containing the greatest expected concentration variation (e.g., after bends); one diameter shall be congruent to the direction of the bend. This requirement becomes less critical as the distance from the disturbance increases; therefore, other diameter locations may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator. In addition, for elliptical stacks having unequal perpendicular diameters, separate traverse points shall be calculated and located along each diameter. To determine the cross-sectional area of the elliptical stack, use the following equation:

Square Area = D1 × D2 × 0.7854

Where: D1 = Stack diameter 1

D2 = Stack diameter 2 In addition, for stacks having diameters greater than 0.61 m (24 in.), no traverse points shall be within 2.5 centimeters (1.00 in.) of the stack walls; and for stack diameters equal to or less than 0.61 m (24 in.), no traverse points shall be located within 1.3 cm (0.50 in.) of the stack walls. To meet these criteria, observe the procedures given below.

11.3.2 Stacks With Diameters Greater Than 0.61 m (24 in.). When any of the traverse points as located in section 11.3.1 fall within 2.5 cm (1.0 in.) of the stack walls, relocate them away from the stack walls to: (1) a distance of 2.5 cm (1.0 in.); or (2) a distance equal to the nozzle inside diameter, whichever is larger. These relocated traverse points (on each end of a diameter) shall be the “adjusted” traverse points. Whenever two successive traverse points are combined to form a single adjusted traverse point, treat the adjusted point as two separate traverse points, both in the sampling and/or velocity measurement procedure, and in recording of the data.

11.3.3 Stacks With Diameters Equal To or Less Than 0.61 m (24 in.). Follow the procedure in section, noting only that any “adjusted” points should be relocated away from the stack walls to: (1) a distance of 1.3 cm (0.50 in.); or (2) a distance equal to the nozzle inside diameter, whichever is larger.

11.3.4 Rectangular Stacks. Determine the number of traverse points as explained in sections 11.1 and 11.2 of this method. From Table 1-1, determine the grid configuration. Divide the stack cross-section into as many equal rectangular elemental areas as traverse points, and then locate a traverse point at the centroid of each equal area according to the example in Figure 1-4. To use more than the minimum number of traverse points, expand the “minimum number of traverse points” matrix (see Table 1-1) by adding the extra traverse points along one or the other or both legs of the matrix; the final matrix need not be balanced. For example, if a 4 × 3 “minimum number of points” matrix were expanded to 36 points, the final matrix could be 9 × 4 or 12 × 3, and would not necessarily have to be 6 × 6. After constructing the final matrix, divide the stack cross-section into as many equal rectangular, elemental areas as traverse points, and locate a traverse point at the centroid of each equal area. The situation of traverse points being too close to the stack walls is not expected to arise with rectangular stacks. If this problem should ever arise, the Administrator must be contacted for resolution of the matter.

11.4 Verification of Absence of Cyclonic Flow.

11.4.1 In most stationary sources, the direction of stack gas flow is essentially parallel to the stack walls. However, cyclonic flow may exist (1) after such devices as cyclones and inertial demisters following venturi scrubbers, or (2) in stacks having tangential inlets or other duct configurations which tend to induce swirling; in these instances, the presence or absence of cyclonic flow at the sampling location must be determined. The following techniques are acceptable for this determination.

11.4.2 Level and zero the manometer. Connect a Type S pitot tube to the manometer and leak-check system. Position the Type S pitot tube at each traverse point, in succession, so that the planes of the face openings of the pitot tube are perpendicular to the stack cross-sectional plane; when the Type S pitot tube is in this position, it is at “0° reference.” Note the differential pressure (Δp) reading at each traverse point. If a null (zero) pitot reading is obtained at 0° reference at a given traverse point, an acceptable flow condition exists at that point. If the pitot reading is not zero at 0° reference, rotate the pitot tube (up to ±90° yaw angle), until a null reading is obtained. Carefully determine and record the value of the rotation angle (α) to the nearest degree. After the null technique has been applied at each traverse point, calculate the average of the absolute values of α; assign α values of 0° to those points for which no rotation was required, and include these in the overall average. If the average value of α is greater than 20°, the overall flow condition in the stack is unacceptable, and alternative methodology, subject to the approval of the Administrator, must be used to perform accurate sample and velocity traverses.

11.5 Alternative Measurement Site Selection Procedure. The alternative site selection procedure may be used to determine the rotation angles in lieu of the procedure outlined in section 11.4 of this method.

11.5.1 This alternative procedure applies to sources where measurement locations are less than 2 equivalent or duct diameters downstream or less than one-half duct diameter upstream from a flow disturbance. The alternative should be limited to ducts larger than 24 inches in diameter where blockage and wall effects are minimal. A directional flow-sensing probe is used to measure pitch and yaw angles of the gas flow at 40 or more traverse points; the resultant angle is calculated and compared with acceptable criteria for mean and standard deviation.


Both the pitch and yaw angles are measured from a line passing through the traverse point and parallel to the stack axis. The pitch angle is the angle of the gas flow component in the plane that INCLUDES the traverse line and is parallel to the stack axis. The yaw angle is the angle of the gas flow component in the plane PERPENDICULAR to the traverse line at the traverse point and is measured from the line passing through the traverse point and parallel to the stack axis.

11.5.2 Traverse Points. Use a minimum of 40 traverse points for circular ducts and 42 points for rectangular ducts for the gas flow angle determinations. Follow the procedure outlined in section 11.3 and table 1-1 or 1-2 of this method for the location and layout of the traverse points. If the alternative measurement location is determined to be acceptable according to the criteria in this alternative procedure, use the same minimum of 40 traverse points for circular ducts and 42 points for rectangular ducts that were used in the alternative measurement procedure for future sampling and velocity measurements.

11.5.3 Measurement Procedure. Prepare the directional probe and differential pressure gauges as recommended by the manufacturer. Capillary tubing or surge tanks may be used to dampen pressure fluctuations. It is recommended, but not required, that a pretest leak check be conducted. To perform a leak check, pressurize or use suction on the impact opening until a reading of at least 7.6 cm (3 in.) H2O registers on the differential pressure gauge, then plug the impact opening. The pressure of a leak-free system will remain stable for at least 15 seconds. Level and zero the manometers. Since the manometer level and zero may drift because of vibrations and temperature changes, periodically check the level and zero during the traverse. Position the probe at the appropriate locations in the gas stream, and rotate until zero deflection is indicated for the yaw angle pressure gauge. Determine and record the yaw angle. Record the pressure gauge readings for the pitch angle, and determine the pitch angle from the calibration curve. Repeat this procedure for each traverse point. Complete a “back-purge” of the pressure lines and the impact openings prior to measurements of each traverse point. A post-test check as described in section is required. If the criteria for a leak-free system are not met, repair the equipment, and repeat the flow angle measurements.

11.5.4 Calibration. Use a flow system as described in sections and of Method 2. In addition, the flow system shall have the capacity to generate two test-section velocities: one between 365 and 730 m/min (1,200 and 2,400 ft/min) and one between 730 and 1,100 m/min (2,400 and 3,600 ft/min). Cut two entry ports in the test section. The axes through the entry ports shall be perpendicular to each other and intersect in the centroid of the test section. The ports should be elongated slots parallel to the axis of the test section and of sufficient length to allow measurement of pitch angles while maintaining the pitot head position at the test-section centroid. To facilitate alignment of the directional probe during calibration, the test section should be constructed of plexiglass or some other transparent material. All calibration measurements should be made at the same point in the test section, preferably at the centroid of the test section. To ensure that the gas flow is parallel to the central axis of the test section, follow the procedure outlined in section 11.4 for cyclonic flow determination to measure the gas flow angles at the centroid of the test section from two test ports located 90° apart. The gas flow angle measured in each port must be ±2° of 0°. Straightening vanes should be installed, if necessary, to meet this criterion. Pitch Angle Calibration. Perform a calibration traverse according to the manufacturer’s recommended protocol in 5° increments for angles from −60° to + 60° at one velocity in each of the two ranges specified above. Average the pressure ratio values obtained for each angle in the two flow ranges, and plot a calibration curve with the average values of the pressure ratio (or other suitable measurement factor as recommended by the manufacturer) versus the pitch angle. Draw a smooth line through the data points. Plot also the data values for each traverse point. Determine the differences between the measured data values and the angle from the calibration curve at the same pressure ratio. The difference at each comparison must be within 2° for angles between 0° and 40° and within 3° for angles between 40° and 60°. Yaw Angle Calibration. Mark the three-dimensional probe to allow the determination of the yaw position of the probe. This is usually a line extending the length of the probe and aligned with the impact opening. To determine the accuracy of measurements of the yaw angle, only the zero or null position need be calibrated as follows: Place the directional probe in the test section, and rotate the probe until the zero position is found. With a protractor or other angle measuring device, measure the angle indicated by the yaw angle indicator on the three-dimensional probe. This should be within 2° of 0°. Repeat this measurement for any other points along the length of the pitot where yaw angle measurements could be read in order to account for variations in the pitot markings used to indicate pitot head positions.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

12.1 Nomenclature.

L = length.

n = total number of traverse points.

Pi = pitch angle at traverse point i, degree.

Ravg = average resultant angle, degree.

Ri = resultant angle at traverse point i, degree.

Sd = standard deviation, degree.

W = width.

Yi = yaw angle at traverse point i, degree.

12.2 For a rectangular cross section, an equivalent diameter (De) shall be calculated using the following equation, to determine the upstream and downstream distances:

12.3 If use of the alternative site selection procedure (Section 11.5 of this method) is required, perform the following calculations using the equations below: the resultant angle at each traverse point, the average resultant angle, and the standard deviation. Complete the calculations retaining at least one extra significant figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round the values after the final calculations.

12.3.1 Calculate the resultant angle at each traverse point:

12.3.2 Calculate the average resultant for the measurements:

12.3.3 Calculate the standard deviations:

12.3.4 Acceptability Criteria. The measurement location is acceptable if Ravg ≤20° and Sd ≤10°.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

1. Determining Dust Concentration in a Gas Stream, ASME Performance Test Code No. 27. New York. 1957.

2. DeVorkin, Howard, et al. Air Pollution Source Testing Manual. Air Pollution Control District. Los Angeles, CA. November 1963.

3. Methods for Determining of Velocity, Volume, Dust and Mist Content of Gases. Western Precipitation Division of Joy Manufacturing Co. Los Angeles, CA. Bulletin WP-50. 1968.

4. Standard Method for Sampling Stacks for Particulate Matter. In: 1971 Book of ASTM Standards, Part 23. ASTM Designation D 2928-71. Philadelphia, PA. 1971.

5. Hanson, H.A., et al. Particulate Sampling Strategies for Large Power Plants Including Nonuniform Flow. USEPA, ORD, ESRL, Research Triangle Park, NC. EPA-600/2-76-170. June 1976.

6. Entropy Environmentalists, Inc. Determination of the Optimum Number of Sampling Points: An Analysis of Method 1 Criteria. Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC. EPA Contract No. 68-01-3172, Task 7.

7. Hanson, H.A., R.J. Davini, J.K. Morgan, and A.A. Iversen. Particulate Sampling Strategies for Large Power Plants Including Nonuniform Flow. USEPA, Research Triangle Park, NC. Publication No. EPA-600/2-76-170. June 1976. 350 pp.

8. Brooks, E.F., and R.L. Williams. Flow and Gas Sampling Manual. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC. Publication No. EPA-600/2-76-203. July 1976. 93 pp.

9. Entropy Environmentalists, Inc. Traverse Point Study. EPA Contract No. 68-02-3172. June 1977. 19 pp.

10. Brown, J. and K. Yu. Test Report: Particulate Sampling Strategy in Circular Ducts. Emission Measurement Branch. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711. July 31, 1980. 12 pp.

11. Hawksley, P.G.W., S. Badzioch, and J.H. Blackett. Measurement of Solids in Flue Gases. Leatherhead, England, The British Coal Utilisation Research Association. 1961. pp. 129-133.

12. Knapp, K.T. The Number of Sampling Points Needed for Representative Source Sampling. In: Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Energy and Environment. Theodore, L. et al. (ed). Dayton, Dayton section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. October 3-7, 1976. pp. 563-568.

13. Smith, W.S. and D.J. Grove. A Proposed Extension of EPA Method 1 Criteria. Pollution Engineering. XV (8):36-37. August 1983.

14. Gerhart, P.M. and M.J. Dorsey. Investigation of Field Test Procedures for Large Fans. University of Akron. Akron, OH. (EPRI Contract CS-1651). Final Report (RP-1649-5). December 1980.

15. Smith, W.S. and D.J. Grove. A New Look at Isokinetic Sampling—Theory and Applications. Source Evaluation Society Newsletter. VIII (3):19-24. August 1983.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Table 1-1 Cross-Section Layout for Rectangular Stacks

Number of tranverse points layout
93 × 3
124 × 3
164 × 4
205 × 4
255 × 5
306 × 5
366 × 6
427 × 6
497 × 7

Table 1-2—Location of Traverse Points in Circular Stacks

[Percent of stack diameter from inside wall to traverse point]

Traverse point number on a diameter
Number of traverse points on a diameter

Method 1A—Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources With Small Stacks or Ducts


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test method: Method 1.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Measured Parameters. The purpose of the method is to provide guidance for the selection of sampling ports and traverse points at which sampling for air pollutants will be performed pursuant to regulations set forth in this part.

1.2 Applicability. The applicability and principle of this method are identical to Method 1, except its applicability is limited to stacks or ducts. This method is applicable to flowing gas streams in ducts, stacks, and flues of less than about 0.30 meter (12 in.) in diameter, or 0.071 m
2 (113 in.
2) in cross-sectional area, but equal to or greater than about 0.10 meter (4 in.) in diameter, or 0.0081 m
2 (12.57 in.
2) in cross-sectional area. This method cannot be used when the flow is cyclonic or swirling.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 The method is designed to aid in the representative measurement of pollutant emissions and/or total volumetric flow rate from a stationary source. A measurement site or a pair of measurement sites where the effluent stream is flowing in a known direction is (are) selected. The cross-section of the stack is divided into a number of equal areas. Traverse points are then located within each of these equal areas.

2.2 In these small diameter stacks or ducts, the conventional Method 5 stack assembly (consisting of a Type S pitot tube attached to a sampling probe, equipped with a nozzle and thermocouple) blocks a significant portion of the cross-section of the duct and causes inaccurate measurements. Therefore, for particulate matter (PM) sampling in small stacks or ducts, the gas velocity is measured using a standard pitot tube downstream of the actual emission sampling site. The straight run of duct between the PM sampling and velocity measurement sites allows the flow profile, temporarily disturbed by the presence of the sampling probe, to redevelop and stabilize.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies [Reserved]

7.0 Reagents and Standards [Reserved]

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport [Reserved]

9.0 Quality Control [Reserved]

10.0 Calibration and Standardization [Reserved]

11.0 Procedure

11.1 Selection of Measurement Site.

11.1.1 Particulate Measurements—Steady or Unsteady Flow. Select a particulate measurement site located preferably at least eight equivalent stack or duct diameters downstream and 10 equivalent diameters upstream from any flow disturbances such as bends, expansions, or contractions in the stack, or from a visible flame. Next, locate the velocity measurement site eight equivalent diameters downstream of the particulate measurement site (see Figure 1A-1). If such locations are not available, select an alternative particulate measurement location at least two equivalent stack or duct diameters downstream and two and one-half diameters upstream from any flow disturbance. Then, locate the velocity measurement site two equivalent diameters downstream from the particulate measurement site. (See section 12.2 of Method 1 for calculating equivalent diameters for a rectangular cross-section.)

11.1.2 PM Sampling (Steady Flow) or Velocity (Steady or Unsteady Flow) Measurements. For PM sampling when the volumetric flow rate in a duct is constant with respect to time, section 11.1.1 of Method 1 may be followed, with the PM sampling and velocity measurement performed at one location. To demonstrate that the flow rate is constant (within 10 percent) when PM measurements are made, perform complete velocity traverses before and after the PM sampling run, and calculate the deviation of the flow rate derived after the PM sampling run from the one derived before the PM sampling run. The PM sampling run is acceptable if the deviation does not exceed 10 percent.

11.2 Determining the Number of Traverse Points.

11.2.1 Particulate Measurements (Steady or Unsteady Flow). Use Figure 1-1 of Method 1 to determine the number of traverse points to use at both the velocity measurement and PM sampling locations. Before referring to the figure, however, determine the distances between both the velocity measurement and PM sampling sites to the nearest upstream and downstream disturbances. Then divide each distance by the stack diameter or equivalent diameter to express the distances in terms of the number of duct diameters. Then, determine the number of traverse points from Figure 1-1 of Method 1 corresponding to each of these four distances. Choose the highest of the four numbers of traverse points (or a greater number) so that, for circular ducts the number is a multiple of four; and for rectangular ducts, the number is one of those shown in Table 1-1 of Method 1. When the optimum duct diameter location criteria can be satisfied, the minimum number of traverse points required is eight for circular ducts and nine for rectangular ducts.

11.2.2 PM Sampling (Steady Flow) or only Velocity (Non-Particulate) Measurements. Use Figure 1-2 of Method 1 to determine number of traverse points, following the same procedure used for PM sampling as described in section 11.2.1 of Method 1. When the optimum duct diameter location criteria can be satisfied, the minimum number of traverse points required is eight for circular ducts and nine for rectangular ducts.

11.3 Cross-sectional Layout, Location of Traverse Points, and Verification of the Absence of Cyclonic Flow. Same as Method 1, sections 11.3 and 11.4, respectively.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations [Reserved]

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

Same as Method 1, section 16.0, References 1 through 6, with the addition of the following:

1. Vollaro, Robert F. Recommended Procedure for Sample Traverses in Ducts Smaller Than 12 Inches in Diameter. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Emission Measurement Branch, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. January 1977.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Method 2—Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate (Type S Pitot Tube)


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test method: Method 1.

1.0 Scope and Application.

1.1 This method is applicable for the determination of the average velocity and the volumetric flow rate of a gas stream.

1.2 This method is not applicable at measurement sites that fail to meet the criteria of Method 1, section 11.1. Also, the method cannot be used for direct measurement in cyclonic or swirling gas streams; section 11.4 of Method 1 shows how to determine cyclonic or swirling flow conditions. When unacceptable conditions exist, alternative procedures, subject to the approval of the Administrator, must be employed to produce accurate flow rate determinations. Examples of such alternative procedures are: (1) to install straightening vanes; (2) to calculate the total volumetric flow rate stoichiometrically, or (3) to move to another measurement site at which the flow is acceptable.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method.

2.1 The average gas velocity in a stack is determined from the gas density and from measurement of the average velocity head with a Type S (Stausscheibe or reverse type) pitot tube.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

Specifications for the apparatus are given below. Any other apparatus that has been demonstrated (subject to approval of the Administrator) to be capable of meeting the specifications will be considered acceptable.

6.1 Type S Pitot Tube.

6.1.1 Pitot tube made of metal tubing (e.g., stainless steel) as shown in Figure 2-1. It is recommended that the external tubing diameter (dimension Dt, Figure 2-2b) be between 0.48 and 0.95 cm (
3/16 and
3/8 inch). There shall be an equal distance from the base of each leg of the pitot tube to its face-opening plane (dimensions PA and PB, Figure 2-2b); it is recommended that this distance be between 1.05 and 1.50 times the external tubing diameter. The face openings of the pitot tube shall, preferably, be aligned as shown in Figure 2-2; however, slight misalignments of the openings are permissible (see Figure 2-3).

6.1.2 The Type S pitot tube shall have a known coefficient, determined as outlined in section 10.0. An identification number shall be assigned to the pitot tube; this number shall be permanently marked or engraved on the body of the tube. A standard pitot tube may be used instead of a Type S, provided that it meets the specifications of sections 6.7 and 10.2. Note, however, that the static and impact pressure holes of standard pitot tubes are susceptible to plugging in particulate-laden gas streams. Therefore, whenever a standard pitot tube is used to perform a traverse, adequate proof must be furnished that the openings of the pitot tube have not plugged up during the traverse period. This can be accomplished by comparing the velocity head (Δp) measurement recorded at a selected traverse point (readable Δp value) with a second Δp measurement recorded after “back purging” with pressurized air to clean the impact and static holes of the standard pitot tube. If the before and after Δp measurements are within 5 percent, then the traverse data are acceptable. Otherwise, the data should be rejected and the traverse measurements redone. Note that the selected traverse point should be one that demonstrates a readable Δp value. If “back purging” at regular intervals is part of a routine procedure, then comparative Δp measurements shall be conducted as above for the last two traverse points that exhibit suitable Δp measurements.

6.2 Differential Pressure Gauge. An inclined manometer or equivalent device. Most sampling trains are equipped with a 10 in. (water column) inclined-vertical manometer, having 0.01 in. H20 divisions on the 0 to 1 in. inclined scale, and 0.1 in. H20 divisions on the 1 to 10 in. vertical scale. This type of manometer (or other gauge of equivalent sensitivity) is satisfactory for the measurement of Δp values as low as 1.27 mm (0.05 in.) H20. However, a differential pressure gauge of greater sensitivity shall be used (subject to the approval of the Administrator), if any of the following is found to be true: (1) the arithmetic average of all Δp readings at the traverse points in the stack is less than 1.27 mm (0.05 in.) H20; (2) for traverses of 12 or more points, more than 10 percent of the individual Δp readings are below 1.27 mm (0.05 in.) H20; or (3) for traverses of fewer than 12 points, more than one Δp reading is below 1.27 mm (0.05 in.) H20. Reference 18 (see section 17.0) describes commercially available instrumentation for the measurement of low-range gas velocities.

6.2.1 As an alternative to criteria (1) through (3) above, Equation 2-1 (Section 12.2) may be used to determine the necessity of using a more sensitive differential pressure gauge. If T is greater than 1.05, the velocity head data are unacceptable and a more sensitive differential pressure gauge must be used.


If differential pressure gauges other than inclined manometers are used (e.g., magnehelic gauges), their calibration must be checked after each test series. To check the calibration of a differential pressure gauge, compare Δp readings of the gauge with those of a gauge-oil manometer at a minimum of three points, approximately representing the range of Δp values in the stack. If, at each point, the values of Δp as read by the differential pressure gauge and gauge-oil manometer agree to within 5 percent, the differential pressure gauge shall be considered to be in proper calibration. Otherwise, the test series shall either be voided, or procedures to adjust the measured Δp values and final results shall be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator.

6.3 Temperature Sensor. A thermocouple, liquid-filled bulb thermometer, bimetallic thermometer, mercury-in-glass thermometer, or other gauge capable of measuring temperatures to within 1.5 percent of the minimum absolute stack temperature. The temperature sensor shall be attached to the pitot tube such that the sensor tip does not touch any metal; the gauge shall be in an interference-free arrangement with respect to the pitot tube face openings (see Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-4). Alternative positions may be used if the pitot tube-temperature gauge system is calibrated according to the procedure of section 10.0. Provided that a difference of not more than 1 percent in the average velocity measurement is introduced, the temperature gauge need not be attached to the pitot tube. This alternative is subject to the approval of the Administrator.

6.4 Pressure Probe and Gauge. A piezometer tube and mercury- or water-filled U-tube manometer capable of measuring stack pressure to within 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) Hg. The static tap of a standard type pitot tube or one leg of a Type S pitot tube with the face opening planes positioned parallel to the gas flow may also be used as the pressure probe.

6.5 Barometer. A mercury, aneroid, or other barometer capable of measuring atmospheric pressure to within 2.54 mm (0.1 in.) Hg.


The barometric pressure reading may be obtained from a nearby National Weather Service station. In this case, the station value (which is the absolute barometric pressure) shall be requested and an adjustment for elevation differences between the weather station and sampling point shall be made at a rate of minus 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) Hg per 30 m (100 ft) elevation increase or plus 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) Hg per 30 m (100 ft.) for elevation decrease.

6.6 Gas Density Determination Equipment. Method 3 equipment, if needed (see section 8.6), to determine the stack gas dry molecular weight, and Method 4 (reference method) or Method 5 equipment for moisture content determination. Other methods may be used subject to approval of the Administrator.

6.7 Calibration Pitot Tube. Calibration of the Type S pitot tube requires a standard pitot tube for a reference. When calibration of the Type S pitot tube is necessary (see Section 10.1), a standard pitot tube shall be used for a reference. The standard pitot tube shall, preferably, have a known coefficient, obtained directly from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD 20899, (301) 975-2002; or by calibration against another standard pitot tube with a NIST-traceable coefficient. Alternatively, a standard pitot tube designed according to the criteria given in sections 6.7.1 through 6.7.5 below and illustrated in Figure 2-5 (see also References 7, 8, and 17 in section 17.0) may be used. Pitot tubes designed according to these specifications will have baseline coefficients of 0.99 ±0.01.

6.7.1 Standard Pitot Design. Hemispherical (shown in Figure 2-5), ellipsoidal, or conical tip. A minimum of six diameters straight run (based upon D, the external diameter of the tube) between the tip and the static pressure holes. A minimum of eight diameters straight run between the static pressure holes and the centerline of the external tube, following the 90° bend. Static pressure holes of equal size (approximately 0.1 D), equally spaced in a piezometer ring configuration. 90° bend, with curved or mitered junction.

6.8 Differential Pressure Gauge for Type S Pitot Tube Calibration. An inclined manometer or equivalent. If the single-velocity calibration technique is employed (see section, the calibration differential pressure gauge shall be readable to the nearest 0.127 mm (0.005 in.) H20. For multivelocity calibrations, the gauge shall be readable to the nearest 0.127 mm (0.005 in.) H20 for Δp values between 1.27 and 25.4 mm (0.05 and 1.00 in.) H20, and to the nearest 1.27 mm (0.05 in.) H20 for Δp values above 25.4 mm (1.00 in.) H20. A special, more sensitive gauge will be required to read Δp values below 1.27 mm (0.05 in.) H20 (see Reference 18 in section 16.0).

7.0 Reagents and Standards [Reserved]

8.0 Sample Collection and Analysis

8.1 Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 2-1. Capillary tubing or surge tanks installed between the manometer and pitot tube may be used to dampen ΔP fluctuations. It is recommended, but not required, that a pretest leak-check be conducted as follows: (1) blow through the pitot impact opening until at least 7.6 cm (3.0 in.) H2O velocity head registers on the manometer; then, close off the impact opening. The pressure shall remain stable (±2.5 mm H2O, ±0.10 in. H2O) for at least 15 seconds; (2) do the same for the static pressure side, except using suction to obtain the minimum of 7.6 cm (3.0 in.) H2O. Other leak-check procedures, subject to the approval of the Administrator, may be used.

8.2 Level and zero the manometer. Because the manometer level and zero may drift due to vibrations and temperature changes, make periodic checks during the traverse (at least once per hour). Record all necessary data on a form similar to that shown in Figure 2-6.

8.3 Measure the velocity head and temperature at the traverse points specified by Method 1. Ensure that the proper differential pressure gauge is being used for the range of Δp values encountered (see section 6.2). If it is necessary to change to a more sensitive gauge, do so, and remeasure the Δp and temperature readings at each traverse point. Conduct a post-test leak-check (mandatory), as described in section 8.1 above, to validate the traverse run.

8.4 Measure the static pressure in the stack. One reading is usually adequate.

8.5 Determine the atmospheric pressure.

8.6 Determine the stack gas dry molecular weight. For combustion processes or processes that emit essentially CO2, O2, CO, and N2, use Method 3. For processes emitting essentially air, an analysis need not be conducted; use a dry molecular weight of 29.0. For other processes, other methods, subject to the approval of the Administrator, must be used.

8.7 Obtain the moisture content from Method 4 (reference method, or equivalent) or from Method 5.

8.8 Determine the cross-sectional area of the stack or duct at the sampling location. Whenever possible, physically measure the stack dimensions rather than using blueprints. Do not assume that stack diameters are equal. Measure each diameter distance to verify its dimensions.

9.0 Quality Control

Quality control measure
10.1-10.4Sampling equipment calibrationEnsure accurate measurement of stack gas flow rate, sample volume.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

10.1 Type S Pitot Tube. Before its initial use, carefully examine the Type S pitot tube top, side, and end views to verify that the face openings of the tube are aligned within the specifications illustrated in Figures 2-2 and 2-3. The pitot tube shall not be used if it fails to meet these alignment specifications. After verifying the face opening alignment, measure and record the following dimensions of the pitot tube: (a) the external tubing diameter (dimension Dt, Figure 2-2b); and (b) the base-to-opening plane distances (dimensions PA and PB, Figure 2-2b). If Dt is between 0.48 and 0.95 cm
3/16 and
3/8 in.), and if PA and PB are equal and between 1.05 and 1.50 Dt, there are two possible options: (1) the pitot tube may be calibrated according to the procedure outlined in sections 10.1.2 through 10.1.5, or (2) a baseline (isolated tube) coefficient value of 0.84 may be assigned to the pitot tube. Note, however, that if the pitot tube is part of an assembly, calibration may still be required, despite knowledge of the baseline coefficient value (see section 10.1.1). If Dt, PA, and PB are outside the specified limits, the pitot tube must be calibrated as outlined in sections 10.1.2 through 10.1.5.

10.1.1 Type S Pitot Tube Assemblies. During sample and velocity traverses, the isolated Type S pitot tube is not always used; in many instances, the pitot tube is used in combination with other source-sampling components (e.g., thermocouple, sampling probe, nozzle) as part of an “assembly.” The presence of other sampling components can sometimes affect the baseline value of the Type S pitot tube coefficient (Reference 9 in section 17.0); therefore, an assigned (or otherwise known) baseline coefficient value may or may not be valid for a given assembly. The baseline and assembly coefficient values will be identical only when the relative placement of the components in the assembly is such that aerodynamic interference effects are eliminated. Figures 2-4, 2-7, and 2-8 illustrate interference-free component arrangements for Type S pitot tubes having external tubing diameters between 0.48 and 0.95 cm (
3/16 and
3/8 in.). Type S pitot tube assemblies that fail to meet any or all of the specifications of Figures 2-4, 2-7, and 2-8 shall be calibrated according to the procedure outlined in sections 10.1.2 through 10.1.5, and prior to calibration, the values of the intercomponent spacings (pitot-nozzle, pitot-thermocouple, pitot-probe sheath) shall be measured and recorded.


Do not use a Type S pitot tube assembly that is constructed such that the impact pressure opening plane of the pitot tube is below the entry plane of the nozzle (see Figure 2-7B).

10.1.2 Calibration Setup. If the Type S pitot tube is to be calibrated, one leg of the tube shall be permanently marked A, and the other, B. Calibration shall be performed in a flow system having the following essential design features: The flowing gas stream must be confined to a duct of definite cross-sectional area, either circular or rectangular. For circular cross sections, the minimum duct diameter shall be 30.48 cm (12 in.); for rectangular cross sections, the width (shorter side) shall be at least 25.4 cm (10 in.). The cross-sectional area of the calibration duct must be constant over a distance of 10 or more duct diameters. For a rectangular cross section, use an equivalent diameter, calculated according to Equation 2-2 (see section 12.3), to determine the number of duct diameters. To ensure the presence of stable, fully developed flow patterns at the calibration site, or “test section,” the site must be located at least eight diameters downstream and two diameters upstream from the nearest disturbances.


The eight- and two-diameter criteria are not absolute; other test section locations may be used (subject to approval of the Administrator), provided that the flow at the test site has been demonstrated to be or found stable and parallel to the duct axis. The flow system shall have the capacity to generate a test-section velocity around 910 m/min (3,000 ft/min). This velocity must be constant with time to guarantee constant and steady flow during the entire period of calibration. A centrifugal fan is recommended for this purpose, as no flow rate adjustment for back pressure of the fan is allowed during the calibration process. Note that Type S pitot tube coefficients obtained by single-velocity calibration at 910 m/min (3,000 ft/min) will generally be valid to ±3 percent for the measurement of velocities above 300 m/min (1,000 ft/min) and to ±6 percent for the measurement of velocities between 180 and 300 m/min (600 and 1,000 ft/min). If a more precise correlation between the pitot tube coefficient (Cp) and velocity is desired, the flow system should have the capacity to generate at least four distinct, time-invariant test-section velocities covering the velocity range from 180 to 1,500 m/min (600 to 5,000 ft/min), and calibration data shall be taken at regular velocity intervals over this range (see References 9 and 14 in section 17.0 for details). Two entry ports, one for each of the standard and Type S pitot tubes, shall be cut in the test section. The standard pitot entry port shall be located slightly downstream of the Type S port, so that the standard and Type S impact openings will lie in the same cross-sectional plane during calibration. To facilitate alignment of the pitot tubes during calibration, it is advisable that the test section be constructed of Plexiglas
TM or some other transparent material.

10.1.3 Calibration Procedure. Note that this procedure is a general one and must not be used without first referring to the special considerations presented in section 10.1.5. Note also that this procedure applies only to single-velocity calibration. To obtain calibration data for the A and B sides of the Type S pitot tube, proceed as follows: Make sure that the manometer is properly filled and that the oil is free from contamination and is of the proper density. Inspect and leak-check all pitot lines; repair or replace if necessary. Level and zero the manometer. Switch on the fan, and allow the flow to stabilize. Seal the Type S pitot tube entry port. Ensure that the manometer is level and zeroed. Position the standard pitot tube at the calibration point (determined as outlined in section, and align the tube so that its tip is pointed directly into the flow. Particular care should be taken in aligning the tube to avoid yaw and pitch angles. Make sure that the entry port surrounding the tube is properly sealed. Read Δpstd, and record its value in a data table similar to the one shown in Figure 2-9. Remove the standard pitot tube from the duct, and disconnect it from the manometer. Seal the standard entry port. Make no adjustment to the fan speed or other wind tunnel volumetric flow control device between this reading and the corresponding Type S pitot reading. Connect the Type S pitot tube to the manometer and leak-check. Open the Type S tube entry port. Check the manometer level and zero. Insert and align the Type S pitot tube so that its A side impact opening is at the same point as was the standard pitot tube and is pointed directly into the flow. Make sure that the entry port surrounding the tube is properly sealed. Read Δps, and enter its value in the data table. Remove the Type S pitot tube from the duct, and disconnect it from the manometer. Repeat Steps through until three pairs of Δp readings have been obtained for the A side of the Type S pitot tube, with all the paired observations conducted at a constant fan speed (no changes to fan velocity between observed readings). Repeat Steps through for the B side of the Type S pitot tube. Perform calculations as described in section 12.4. Use the Type S pitot tube only if the values of σA and σB are less than or equal to 0.01 and if the absolute value of the difference between C
p(A) and C
p(B) is 0.01 or less.

10.1.4 Special Considerations. Selection of Calibration Point. When an isolated Type S pitot tube is calibrated, select a calibration point at or near the center of the duct, and follow the procedures outlined in section 10.1.3. The Type S pitot coefficients measured or calculated, (i.e., C
p(A) and C
p(B)) will be valid, so long as either: (1) the isolated pitot tube is used; or (2) the pitot tube is used with other components (nozzle, thermocouple, sample probe) in an arrangement that is free from aerodynamic interference effects (see Figures 2-4, 2-7, and 2-8). For Type S pitot tube-thermocouple combinations (without probe assembly), select a calibration point at or near the center of the duct, and follow the procedures outlined in section 10.1.3. The coefficients so obtained will be valid so long as the pitot tube-thermocouple combination is used by itself or with other components in an interference-free arrangement (Figures 2-4, 2-7, and 2-8). For Type S pitot tube combinations with complete probe assemblies, the calibration point should be located at or near the center of the duct; however, insertion of a probe sheath into a small duct may cause significant cross-sectional area interference and blockage and yield incorrect coefficient values (Reference 9 in section 17.0). Therefore, to minimize the blockage effect, the calibration point may be a few inches off-center if necessary, but no closer to the outer wall of the wind tunnel than 4 inches. The maximum allowable blockage, as determined by a projected-area model of the probe sheath, is 2 percent or less of the duct cross-sectional area (Figure 2-10a). If the pitot and/or probe assembly blocks more than 2 percent of the cross-sectional area at an insertion point only 4 inches inside the wind tunnel, the diameter of the wind tunnel must be increased. For those probe assemblies in which pitot tube-nozzle interference is a factor (i.e., those in which the pitot-nozzle separation distance fails to meet the specifications illustrated in Figure 2-7A), the value of Cp(s) depends upon the amount of free space between the tube and nozzle and, therefore, is a function of nozzle size. In these instances, separate calibrations shall be performed with each of the commonly used nozzle sizes in place. Note that the single-velocity calibration technique is acceptable for this purpose, even though the larger nozzle sizes (>0.635 cm or
1/4 in.) are not ordinarily used for isokinetic sampling at velocities around 910 m/min (3,000 ft/min), which is the calibration velocity. Note also that it is not necessary to draw an isokinetic sample during calibration (see Reference 19 in section 17.0). For a probe assembly constructed such that its pitot tube is always used in the same orientation, only one side of the pitot tube needs to be calibrated (the side which will face the flow). The pitot tube must still meet the alignment specifications of Figure 2-2 or 2-3, however, and must have an average deviation (σ) value of 0.01 or less (see section 12.4.4).

10.1.5 Field Use and Recalibration. Field Use. When a Type S pitot tube (isolated or in an assembly) is used in the field, the appropriate coefficient value (whether assigned or obtained by calibration) shall be used to perform velocity calculations. For calibrated Type S pitot tubes, the A side coefficient shall be used when the A side of the tube faces the flow, and the B side coefficient shall be used when the B side faces the flow. Alternatively, the arithmetic average of the A and B side coefficient values may be used, irrespective of which side faces the flow. When a probe assembly is used to sample a small duct, 30.5 to 91.4 cm (12 to 36 in.) in diameter, the probe sheath sometimes blocks a significant part of the duct cross-section, causing a reduction in the effective value of Cp(s). Consult Reference 9 (see section 17.0) for details. Conventional pitot-sampling probe assemblies are not recommended for use in ducts having inside diameters smaller than 30.5 cm (12 in.) (see Reference 16 in section 17.0). Recalibration. Isolated Pitot Tubes. After each field use, the pitot tube shall be carefully reexamined in top, side, and end views. If the pitot face openings are still aligned within the specifications illustrated in Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3, it can be assumed that the baseline coefficient of the pitot tube has not changed. If, however, the tube has been damaged to the extent that it no longer meets the specifications of Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3, the damage shall either be repaired to restore proper alignment of the face openings, or the tube shall be discarded. Pitot Tube Assemblies. After each field use, check the face opening alignment of the pitot tube, as in section Also, remeasure the intercomponent spacings of the assembly. If the intercomponent spacings have not changed and the face opening alignment is acceptable, it can be assumed that the coefficient of the assembly has not changed. If the face opening alignment is no longer within the specifications of Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3, either repair the damage or replace the pitot tube (calibrating the new assembly, if necessary). If the intercomponent spacings have changed, restore the original spacings, or recalibrate the assembly.

10.2 Standard Pitot Tube (if applicable). If a standard pitot tube is used for the velocity traverse, the tube shall be constructed according to the criteria of section 6.7 and shall be assigned a baseline coefficient value of 0.99. If the standard pitot tube is used as part of an assembly, the tube shall be in an interference-free arrangement (subject to the approval of the Administrator).

10.3 Temperature Sensors.

10.3.1 After each field use, calibrate dial thermometers, liquid-filled bulb thermometers, thermocouple-potentiometer systems, and other sensors at a temperature within 10 percent of the average absolute stack temperature. For temperatures up to 405 °C (761 °F), use an ASTM mercury-in-glass reference thermometer, or equivalent, as a reference. Alternatively, either a reference thermocouple and potentiometer (calibrated against NIST standards) or thermometric fixed points (e.g., ice bath and boiling water, corrected for barometric pressure) may be used. For temperatures above 405 °C (761 °F), use a reference thermocouple-potentiometer system calibrated against NIST standards or an alternative reference, subject to the approval of the Administrator.

10.3.2 The temperature data recorded in the field shall be considered valid. If, during calibration, the absolute temperature measured with the sensor being calibrated and the reference sensor agree within 1.5 percent, the temperature data taken in the field shall be considered valid. Otherwise, the pollutant emission test shall either be considered invalid or adjustments (if appropriate) of the test results shall be made, subject to the approval of the Administrator.

10.4 Barometer. Calibrate the barometer used against a mercury barometer or NIST-traceable barometer prior to each field test.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

Sample collection and analysis are concurrent for this method (see section 8.0).

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Carry out calculations, retaining at least one extra significant figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round off figures after final calculation.

12.1 Nomenclature.

A = Cross-sectional area of stack, m
2 (ft

Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream (from Method 4 (reference method) or Method 5), proportion by volume.

Cp = Pitot tube coefficient, dimensionless.

Cp(s) = Type S pitot tube coefficient, dimensionless.

Cp(std) = Standard pitot tube coefficient; use 0.99 if the coefficient is unknown and the tube is designed according to the criteria of sections 6.7.1 to 6.7.5 of this method.

De = Equivalent diameter.

K = 0.127 mm H2O (metric units). 0.005 in. H2O (English units).

Kp = Velocity equation constant.

L = Length.

Md = Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis (see section 8.6), g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole).

Ms = Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole).

n = Total number of traverse points.

Pbar = Barometric pressure at measurement site, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Pg = Stack static pressure, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Ps = Absolute stack pressure (Pbar + Pg), mm Hg (in. Hg),

Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg).

Qsd = Dry volumetric stack gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscm/hr (dscf/hr).

T = Sensitivity factor for differential pressure gauges.

Ts(abavg) = Average absolute stack temperature, °K (°R).

= 273 + Ts for metric units,

= 460 + Ts for English units.

Ts = Stack temperature, °C (°F).

= 273 + Ts for metric units,

= 460 + Ts for English units.

Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293 °K (528 °R).

Vs = Average stack gas velocity, m/sec (ft/sec).

W = Width.

Δp = Velocity head of stack gas, mm H2O (in. H20).

Δpi = Individual velocity head reading at traverse point “i”, mm (in.) H2O.

Δpstd = Velocity head measured by the standard pitot tube, cm (in.) H2O.

Δps = Velocity head measured by the Type S pitot tube, cm (in.) H2O.

3600 = Conversion Factor, sec/hr.

18.0 = Molecular weight of water, g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole).

12.2 Calculate T as follows:

12.3 Calculate De as follows:

12.4 Calibration of Type S Pitot Tube.

12.4.1 For each of the six pairs of Δp readings (i.e., three from side A and three from side B) obtained in section 10.1.3, calculate the value of the Type S pitot tube coefficient according to Equation 2-3:

12.4.2 Calculate C
p(A), the mean A-side coefficient, and C
p(B), the mean B-side coefficient. Calculate the difference between these two average values.

12.4.3 Calculate the deviation of each of the three A-side values of Cp(s) from C
p(A), and the deviation of each of the three B-side values of Cp(s) from C
p(B), using Equation 2-4:

12.4.4 Calculate σ the average deviation from the mean, for both the A and B sides of the pitot tube. Use Equation 2-5:

12.5 Molecular Weight of Stack Gas.

12.6 Average Stack Gas Velocity.

12.7 Average Stack Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

1. Mark, L.S. Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook. New York. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. 1951.

2. Perry, J.H., ed. Chemical Engineers’ Handbook. New York. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. 1960.

3. Shigehara, R.T., W.F. Todd, and W.S. Smith. Significance of Errors in Stack Sampling Measurements. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, N.C. (Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, St. Louis, MO., June 14-19, 1970).

4. Standard Method for Sampling Stacks for Particulate Matter. In: 1971 Book of ASTM Standards, Part 23. Philadelphia, PA. 1971. ASTM Designation D 2928-71.

5. Vennard, J.K. Elementary Fluid Mechanics. New York. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1947.

6. Fluid Meters—Their Theory and Application. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, N.Y. 1959.

7. ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals. 1972. p. 208.

8. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 26. 1974. p. 648.

9. Vollaro, R.F. Guidelines for Type S Pitot Tube Calibration. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, N.C. (Presented at 1st Annual Meeting, Source Evaluation Society, Dayton, OH, September 18, 1975.)

10. Vollaro, R.F. A Type S Pitot Tube Calibration Study. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Emission Measurement Branch, Research Triangle Park, N.C. July 1974.

11. Vollaro, R.F. The Effects of Impact Opening Misalignment on the Value of the Type S Pitot Tube Coefficient. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Emission Measurement Branch, Research Triangle Park, NC. October 1976.

12. Vollaro, R.F. Establishment of a Baseline Coefficient Value for Properly Constructed Type S Pitot Tubes. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Emission Measurement Branch, Research Triangle Park, NC. November 1976.

13. Vollaro, R.F. An Evaluation of Single-Velocity Calibration Technique as a Means of Determining Type S Pitot Tube Coefficients. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Emission Measurement Branch, Research Triangle Park, NC. August 1975.

14. Vollaro, R.F. The Use of Type S Pitot Tubes for the Measurement of Low Velocities. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Emission Measurement Branch, Research Triangle Park, NC. November 1976.

15. Smith, Marvin L. Velocity Calibration of EPA Type Source Sampling Probe. United Technologies Corporation, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Division, East Hartford, CT. 1975.

16. Vollaro, R.F. Recommended Procedure for Sample Traverses in Ducts Smaller than 12 Inches in Diameter. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Emission Measurement Branch, Research Triangle Park, NC. November 1976.

17. Ower, E. and R.C. Pankhurst. The Measurement of Air Flow, 4th Ed. London, Pergamon Press. 1966.

18. Vollaro, R.F. A Survey of Commercially Available Instrumentation for the Measurement of Low-Range Gas Velocities. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Emission Measurement Branch, Research Triangle Park, NC. November 1976. (Unpublished Paper).

19. Gnyp, A.W., et al. An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Pitot Tube-Sampling Probe Configurations on the Magnitude of the S Type Pitot Tube Coefficient for Commercially Available Source Sampling Probes. Prepared by the University of Windsor for the Ministry of the Environment, Toronto, Canada. February 1975.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data






2 (ft







Pt. No.
Vel. Hd.,


mm (in.)



mm Hg

(in. Hg)

°C ( °F)

°K (°R)


Figure 2-6. Velocity Traverse Data




“A” Side Calibration

Run No.

cm H2O

(in H2O)

cm H2O

(in H2O)

Cp, avg


“B” Side Calibration

Run No.

cm H2O

(in H2O)

cm H2O

(in H2O)

Cp, avg


[Cp, avg (side A)—Cp, avg (side B)]*

*Must be less than or equal to 0.01

Figure 2-9. Pitot Tube Calibration Data

Method 2A—Direct Measurement of Gas Volume Through Pipes and Small Ducts


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 This method is applicable for the determination of gas flow rates in pipes and small ducts, either in-line or at exhaust positions, within the temperature range of 0 to 50 °C (32 to 122 °F).

1.2 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 A gas volume meter is used to measure gas volume directly. Temperature and pressure measurements are made to allow correction of the volume to standard conditions.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

Specifications for the apparatus are given below. Any other apparatus that has been demonstrated (subject to approval of the Administrator) to be capable of meeting the specifications will be considered acceptable.

6.1 Gas Volume Meter. A positive displacement meter, turbine meter, or other direct measuring device capable of measuring volume to within 2 percent. The meter shall be equipped with a temperature sensor (accurate to within ±2 percent of the minimum absolute temperature) and a pressure gauge (accurate to within ±2.5 mm Hg). The manufacturer’s recommended capacity of the meter shall be sufficient for the expected maximum and minimum flow rates for the sampling conditions. Temperature, pressure, corrosive characteristics, and pipe size are factors necessary to consider in selecting a suitable gas meter.

6.2 Barometer. A mercury, aneroid, or other barometer capable of measuring atmospheric pressure to within ±2.5 mm Hg.


In many cases, the barometric reading may be obtained from a nearby National Weather Service station, in which case the station value (which is the absolute barometric pressure) shall be requested and an adjustment for elevation differences between the weather station and sampling point shall be applied at a rate of minus 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) Hg per 30 m (100 ft) elevation increase or vice versa for elevation decrease.

6.3 Stopwatch. Capable of measurement to within 1 second.

7.0 Reagents and Standards [Reserved]

8.0 Sample Collection and Analysis

8.1 Installation. As there are numerous types of pipes and small ducts that may be subject to volume measurement, it would be difficult to describe all possible installation schemes. In general, flange fittings should be used for all connections wherever possible. Gaskets or other seal materials should be used to assure leak-tight connections. The volume meter should be located so as to avoid severe vibrations and other factors that may affect the meter calibration.

8.2 Leak Test.

8.2.1 A volume meter installed at a location under positive pressure may be leak-checked at the meter connections by using a liquid leak detector solution containing a surfactant. Apply a small amount of the solution to the connections. If a leak exists, bubbles will form, and the leak must be corrected.

8.2.2 A volume meter installed at a location under negative pressure is very difficult to test for leaks without blocking flow at the inlet of the line and watching for meter movement. If this procedure is not possible, visually check all connections to assure leak-tight seals.

8.3 Volume Measurement.

8.3.1 For sources with continuous, steady emission flow rates, record the initial meter volume reading, meter temperature(s), meter pressure, and start the stopwatch. Throughout the test period, record the meter temperatures and pressures so that average values can be determined. At the end of the test, stop the timer, and record the elapsed time, the final volume reading, meter temperature, and pressure. Record the barometric pressure at the beginning and end of the test run. Record the data on a table similar to that shown in Figure 2A-1.

8.3.2 For sources with noncontinuous, non-steady emission flow rates, use the procedure in section 8.3.1 with the addition of the following: Record all the meter parameters and the start and stop times corresponding to each process cyclical or noncontinuous event.

9.0 Quality Control

Quality control measure
10.1-10.4Sampling equipment calibrationEnsure accurate measurement of stack gas flow rate, sample volume.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

10.1 Volume Meter.

10.1.1 The volume meter is calibrated against a standard reference meter prior to its initial use in the field. The reference meter is a spirometer or liquid displacement meter with a capacity consistent with that of the test meter.

10.1.2 Alternatively, a calibrated, standard pitot may be used as the reference meter in conjunction with a wind tunnel assembly. Attach the test meter to the wind tunnel so that the total flow passes through the test meter. For each calibration run, conduct a 4-point traverse along one stack diameter at a position at least eight diameters of straight tunnel downstream and two diameters upstream of any bend, inlet, or air mover. Determine the traverse point locations as specified in Method 1. Calculate the reference volume using the velocity values following the procedure in Method 2, the wind tunnel cross-sectional area, and the run time.

10.1.3 Set up the test meter in a configuration similar to that used in the field installation (i.e., in relation to the flow moving device). Connect the temperature sensor and pressure gauge as they are to be used in the field. Connect the reference meter at the inlet of the flow line, if appropriate for the meter, and begin gas flow through the system to condition the meters. During this conditioning operation, check the system for leaks.

10.1.4 The calibration shall be performed during at least three different flow rates. The calibration flow rates shall be about 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 times the rated maximum flow rate of the test meter.

10.1.5 For each calibration run, the data to be collected include: reference meter initial and final volume readings, the test meter initial and final volume reading, meter average temperature and pressure, barometric pressure, and run time. Repeat the runs at each flow rate at least three times.

10.1.6 Calculate the test meter calibration coefficient as indicated in section 12.2.

10.1.7 Compare the three Ym values at each of the flow rates tested and determine the maximum and minimum values. The difference between the maximum and minimum values at each flow rate should be no greater than 0.030. Extra runs may be required to complete this requirement. If this specification cannot be met in six successive runs, the test meter is not suitable for use. In addition, the meter coefficients should be between 0.95 and 1.05. If these specifications are met at all the flow rates, average all the Ym values from runs meeting the specifications to obtain an average meter calibration coefficient, Ym.

10.1.8 The procedure above shall be performed at least once for each volume meter. Thereafter, an abbreviated calibration check shall be completed following each field test. The calibration of the volume meter shall be checked with the meter pressure set at the average value encountered during the field test. Three calibration checks (runs) shall be performed using this average flow rate value. Calculate the average value of the calibration factor. If the calibration has changed by more than 5 percent, recalibrate the meter over the full range of flow as described above.


If the volume meter calibration coefficient values obtained before and after a test series differ by more than 5 percent, the test series shall either be voided, or calculations for the test series shall be performed using whichever meter coefficient value (i.e., before or after) gives the greater value of pollutant emission rate.

10.2 Temperature Sensor. After each test series, check the temperature sensor at ambient temperature. Use an American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) mercury-in-glass reference thermometer, or equivalent, as a reference. If the sensor being checked agrees within 2 percent (absolute temperature) of the reference, the temperature data collected in the field shall be considered valid. Otherwise, the test data shall be considered invalid or adjustments of the results shall be made, subject to the approval of the Administrator.

10.3 Barometer. Calibrate the barometer used against a mercury barometer or NIST-traceable barometer prior to the field test.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

Sample collection and analysis are concurrent for this method (see section 8.0).

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Carry out calculations, retaining at least one extra decimal figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round off figures after final calculation.

12.1 Nomenclature.

f = Final reading.

i = Initial reading.

Pbar = Barometric pressure, mm Hg.

Pg = Average static pressure in volume meter, mm Hg.

Qs = Gas flow rate, m
3/min, standard conditions.

s = Standard conditions, 20 °C and 760 mm Hg.

Tr = Reference meter average temperature, °K (°R).

Tm = Test meter average temperature, °K (°R).

Vr = Reference meter volume reading, m

Vm = Test meter volume reading, m

Ym = Test meter calibration coefficient, dimensionless.

θ = Elapsed test period time, min.

12.2 Test Meter Calibration Coefficient.

12.3 Volume.

12.4 Gas Flow Rate.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

1. Rom, Jerome J. Maintenance, Calibration, and Operation of Isokinetic Source Sampling Equipment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Publication No. APTD-0576. March 1972.

2. Wortman, Martin, R. Vollaro, and P.R. Westlin. Dry Gas Volume Meter Calibrations. Source Evaluation Society Newsletter. Vol. 2, No. 2. May 1977.

3. Westlin, P.R., and R.T. Shigehara. Procedure for Calibrating and Using Dry Gas Volume Meters as Calibration Standards. Source Evaluation Society Newsletter. Vol. 3, No. 1. February 1978.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data [Reserved]

Method 2B—Determination of Exhaust Gas Volume Flow Rate From Gasoline Vapor Incinerators


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should also have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2, Method 2A, Method 10, Method 25A, Method 25B.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 This method is applicable for the determination of exhaust volume flow rate from incinerators that process gasoline vapors consisting primarily of alkanes, alkenes, and/or arenes (aromatic hydrocarbons). It is assumed that the amount of auxiliary fuel is negligible.

1.2 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 Organic carbon concentration and volume flow rate are measured at the incinerator inlet using either Method 25A or Method 25B and Method 2A, respectively. Organic carbon, carbon dioxide (CO2), and carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations are measured at the outlet using either Method 25A or Method 25B and Method 10, respectively. The ratio of total carbon at the incinerator inlet and outlet is multiplied by the inlet volume to determine the exhaust volume flow rate.

3.0 Definitions

Same as section 3.0 of Method 10 and Method 25A.

4.0 Interferences

Same as section 4.0 of Method 10.

5.0 Safety

5.1 This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

Same as section 6.0 of Method 2A, Method 10, and Method 25A and/or Method 25B as applicable, with the addition of the following:

6.1 This analyzer must meet the specifications set forth in section 6.1.2 of Method 10, except that the span shall be 15 percent CO2 by volume.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

Same as section 7.0 of Method 10 and Method 25A, with the following addition and exceptions:

7.1 Carbon Dioxide Analyzer Calibration. CO2 gases meeting the specifications set forth in section 7 of Method 6C are required.

7.2 Hydrocarbon Analyzer Calibration. Methane shall not be used as a calibration gas when performing this method.

7.3 Fuel Gas. If Method 25B is used to measure the organic carbon concentrations at both the inlet and exhaust, no fuel gas is required.

8.0 Sample Collection and Analysis

8.1 Pre-test Procedures. Perform all pre-test procedures (e.g., system performance checks, leak checks) necessary to determine gas volume flow rate and organic carbon concentration in the vapor line to the incinerator inlet and to determine organic carbon, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide concentrations at the incinerator exhaust, as outlined in Method 2A, Method 10, and Method 25A and/or Method 25B as applicable.

8.2 Sampling. At the beginning of the test period, record the initial parameters for the inlet volume meter according to the procedures in Method 2A and mark all of the recorder strip charts to indicate the start of the test. Conduct sampling and analysis as outlined in Method 2A, Method 10, and Method 25A and/or Method 25B as applicable. Continue recording inlet organic and exhaust CO2, CO, and organic concentrations throughout the test. During periods of process interruption and halting of gas flow, stop the timer and mark the recorder strip charts so that data from this interruption are not included in the calculations. At the end of the test period, record the final parameters for the inlet volume meter and mark the end on all of the recorder strip charts.

8.3 Post-test Procedures. Perform all post-test procedures (e.g., drift tests, leak checks), as outlined in Method 2A, Method 10, and Method 25A and/or Method 25B as applicable.

9.0 Quality Control

Same as section 9.0 of Method 2A, Method 10, and Method 25A.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

Same as section 10.0 of Method 2A, Method 10, and Method 25A.


If a manifold system is used for the exhaust analyzers, all the analyzers and sample pumps must be operating when the analyzer calibrations are performed.

10.1 If an analyzer output does not meet the specifications of the method, invalidate the test data for the period. Alternatively, calculate the exhaust volume results using initial calibration data and using final calibration data and report both resulting volumes. Then, for emissions calculations, use the volume measurement resulting in the greatest emission rate or concentration.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

Sample collection and analysis are concurrent for this method (see section 8.0).

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Carry out the calculations, retaining at least one extra decimal figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round off figures after the final calculation.

12.1 Nomenclature.

COe = Mean carbon monoxide concentration in system exhaust, ppm.

(CO2)a = Ambient carbon dioxide concentration, ppm (if not measured during the test period, may be assumed to equal the global monthly mean CO2 concentration posted at http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/global.html#global_data).

(CO2)e = Mean carbon dioxide concentration in system exhaust, ppm.

HCe = Mean organic concentration in system exhaust as defined by the calibration gas, ppm.

Hci = Mean organic concentration in system inlet as defined by the calibration gas, ppm.

Ke = Hydrocarbon calibration gas factor for the exhaust hydrocarbon analyzer, unitless [equal to the number of carbon atoms per molecule of the gas used to calibrate the analyzer (2 for ethane, 3 for propane, etc.)].

Ki = Hydrocarbon calibration gas factor for the inlet hydrocarbon analyzer, unitless.

Ves = Exhaust gas volume, m

Vis = Inlet gas volume, m

Qes = Exhaust gas volume flow rate, m

Qis = Inlet gas volume flow rate, m

θ = Sample run time, min.

S = Standard conditions: 20 °C, 760 mm Hg.

12.2 Concentrations. Determine mean concentrations of inlet organics, outlet CO2, outlet CO, and outlet organics according to the procedures in the respective methods and the analyzers’ calibration curves, and for the time intervals specified in the applicable regulations.

12.3 Exhaust Gas Volume. Calculate the exhaust gas volume as follows:

12.4 Exhaust Gas Volume Flow Rate. Calculate the exhaust gas volume flow rate as follows:

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

Same as section 16.0 of Method 2A, Method 10, and Method 25A.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data [Reserved]

Method 2C—Determination of Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate in Small Stacks or Ducts (Standard Pitot Tube)


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should also have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 This method is applicable for the determination of average velocity and volumetric flow rate of gas streams in small stacks or ducts. Limits on the applicability of this method are identical to those set forth in Method 2, section 1.0, except that this method is limited to stationary source stacks or ducts less than about 0.30 meter (12 in.) in diameter, or 0.071 m
2 (113 in.
2) in cross-sectional area, but equal to or greater than about 0.10 meter (4 in.) in diameter, or 0.0081 m
2 (12.57 in.
2) in cross-sectional area.

1.2 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 The average gas velocity in a stack or duct is determined from the gas density and from measurement of velocity heads with a standard pitot tube.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

Same as Method 2, section 6.0, with the exception of the following:

6.1 Standard Pitot Tube (instead of Type S). A standard pitot tube which meets the specifications of section 6.7 of Method 2. Use a coefficient of 0.99 unless it is calibrated against another standard pitot tube with a NIST-traceable coefficient (see section 10.2 of Method 2).

6.2 Alternative Pitot Tube. A modified hemispherical-nosed pitot tube (see Figure 2C-1), which features a shortened stem and enlarged impact and static pressure holes. Use a coefficient of 0.99 unless it is calibrated as mentioned in section 6.1 above. This pitot tube is useful in particulate liquid droplet-laden gas streams when a “back purge” is ineffective.

7.0 Reagents and Standards [Reserved]

8.0 Sample Collection and Analysis

8.1 Follow the general procedures in section 8.0 of Method 2, except conduct the measurements at the traverse points specified in Method 1A. The static and impact pressure holes of standard pitot tubes are susceptible to plugging in particulate-laden gas streams. Therefore, adequate proof that the openings of the pitot tube have not plugged during the traverse period must be furnished; this can be done by taking the velocity head (Δp) heading at the final traverse point, cleaning out the impact and static holes of the standard pitot tube by “back-purging” with pressurized air, and then taking another Δp reading. If the Δp readings made before and after the air purge are the same (within ±5 percent) the traverse is acceptable. Otherwise, reject the run. Note that if the Δp at the final traverse point is unsuitably low, another point may be selected. If “back purging” at regular intervals is part of the procedure, then take comparative Δp readings, as above, for the last two back purges at which suitably high Δp readings are observed.

9.0 Quality Control

Quality control measure
10.0Sampling equipment calibrationEnsure accurate measurement of stack gas velocity head.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

Same as Method 2, sections 10.2 through 10.4.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

Sample collection and analysis are concurrent for this method (see section 8.0).

12.0 Calculations and Data Analysis

Same as Method 2, section 12.0.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

Same as Method 2, section 16.0.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Method 2D—Measurement of Gas Volume Flow Rates in Small Pipes and Ducts


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should also have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2, and Method 2A.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 This method is applicable for the determination of the volumetric flow rates of gas streams in small pipes and ducts. It can be applied to intermittent or variable gas flows only with particular caution.

1.2 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 All the gas flow in the pipe or duct is directed through a rotameter, orifice plate or similar device to measure flow rate or pressure drop. The device has been previously calibrated in a manner that insures its proper calibration for the gas being measured. Absolute temperature and pressure measurements are made to allow correction of volumetric flow rates to standard conditions.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

Specifications for the apparatus are given below. Any other apparatus that has been demonstrated (subject to approval of the Administrator) to be capable of meeting the specifications will be considered acceptable.

6.1 Gas Metering Rate or Flow Element Device. A rotameter, orifice plate, or other volume rate or pressure drop measuring device capable of measuring the stack flow rate to within ±5 percent. The metering device shall be equipped with a temperature gauge accurate to within ±2 percent of the minimum absolute stack temperature and a pressure gauge (accurate to within ±5 mm Hg). The capacity of the metering device shall be sufficient for the expected maximum and minimum flow rates at the stack gas conditions. The magnitude and variability of stack gas flow rate, molecular weight, temperature, pressure, dewpoint, and corrosive characteristics, and pipe or duct size are factors to consider in choosing a suitable metering device.

6.2 Barometer. Same as Method 2, section 6.5.

6.3 Stopwatch. Capable of measurement to within 1 second.

7.0 Reagents and Standards [Reserved]

8.0 Sample Collection and Analysis

8.1 Installation and Leak Check. Same as Method 2A, sections 8.1 and 8.2, respectively.

8.2 Volume Rate Measurement.

8.2.1 Continuous, Steady Flow. At least once an hour, record the metering device flow rate or pressure drop reading, and the metering device temperature and pressure. Make a minimum of 12 equally spaced readings of each parameter during the test period. Record the barometric pressure at the beginning and end of the test period. Record the data on a table similar to that shown in Figure 2D-1.

8.2.2 Noncontinuous and Nonsteady Flow. Use volume rate devices with particular caution. Calibration will be affected by variation in stack gas temperature, pressure and molecular weight. Use the procedure in section 8.2.1 with the addition of the following: Record all the metering device parameters on a time interval frequency sufficient to adequately profile each process cyclical or noncontinuous event. A multichannel continuous recorder may be used.

9.0 Quality Control

Quality control measure
10.0Sampling equipment calibrationEnsure accurate measurement of stack gas flow rate or sample volume.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

Same as Method 2A, section 10.0, with the following exception:

10.1 Gas Metering Device. Same as Method 2A, section 10.1, except calibrate the metering device with the principle stack gas to be measured (examples: air, nitrogen) against a standard reference meter. A calibrated dry gas meter is an acceptable reference meter. Ideally, calibrate the metering device in the field with the actual gas to be metered. For metering devices that have a volume rate readout, calculate the test metering device calibration coefficient, Ym, for each run shown in Equation 2D-2 section 12.3.

10.2 For metering devices that do not have a volume rate readout, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions to calculate the Vm2 corresponding to each Vr.

10.3 Temperature Gauge. Use the procedure and specifications in Method 2A, section 10.2. Perform the calibration at a temperature that approximates field test conditions.

10.4 Barometer. Calibrate the barometer used against a mercury barometer or NIST-traceable barometer prior to the field test.

11.0 Analytical Procedure.

Sample collection and analysis are concurrent for this method (see section 8.0).

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

12.1 Nomenclature.

Pbar = Barometric pressure, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Pm = Test meter average static pressure, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Qr = Reference meter volume flow rate reading, m
3/min (ft

Qm = Test meter volume flow rate reading, m
3/min (ft

Tr = Absolute reference meter average temperature, °K (°R).

Tm = Absolute test meter average temperature, °K (°R).

Kl = 0.3855 °K/mm Hg for metric units, = 17.65 °R/in. Hg for English units.

12.2 Gas Flow Rate.

12.3 Test Meter Device Calibration Coefficient. Calculation for testing metering device calibration coefficient, Ym.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

1. Spink, L.K. Principles and Practice of Flowmeter Engineering. The Foxboro Company. Foxboro, MA. 1967.

2. Benedict, R.P. Fundamentals of Temperature, Pressure, and Flow Measurements. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY. 1969.

3. Orifice Metering of Natural Gas. American Gas Association. Arlington, VA. Report No. 3. March 1978. 88 pp.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data



Run No.

Sample location

Barometric pressure (mm Hg):




Metering device No.

Calibration coefficient

Calibration gas

Date to recalibrate

Flow rate

Static Pressure

[mm Hg (in. Hg)]
°C (°F)
°K (°R)


Figure 2D-1. Volume Flow Rate Measurement Data

Method 2E—Determination of Landfill Gas Production Flow Rate


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should also have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Methods 2 and 3C.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Applicability. This method applies to the measurement of landfill gas (LFG) production flow rate from municipal solid waste landfills and is used to calculate the flow rate of nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC) from landfills.

1.2 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 Extraction wells are installed either in a cluster of three or at five dispersed locations in the landfill. A blower is used to extract LFG from the landfill. LFG composition, landfill pressures, and orifice pressure differentials from the wells are measured and the landfill gas production flow rate is calculated.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 Since this method is complex, only experienced personnel should perform the test. Landfill gas contains methane, therefore explosive mixtures may exist at or near the landfill. It is advisable to take appropriate safety precautions when testing landfills, such as refraining from smoking and installing explosion-proof equipment.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Well Drilling Rig. Capable of boring a 0.61 m (24 in.) diameter hole into the landfill to a minimum of 75 percent of the landfill depth. The depth of the well shall not extend to the bottom of the landfill or the liquid level.

6.2 Gravel. No fines. Gravel diameter should be appreciably larger than perforations stated in sections 6.10 and 8.2.

6.3 Bentonite.

6.4 Backfill Material. Clay, soil, and sandy loam have been found to be acceptable.

6.5 Extraction Well Pipe. Minimum diameter of 3 in., constructed of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), high density polyethylene (HDPE), fiberglass, stainless steel, or other suitable nonporous material capable of transporting landfill gas.

6.6 Above Ground Well Assembly. Valve capable of adjusting gas flow, such as a gate, ball, or butterfly valve; sampling ports at the well head and outlet; and a flow measuring device, such as an in-line orifice meter or pitot tube. A schematic of the aboveground well head assembly is shown in Figure 2E-1.

6.7 Cap. Constructed of PVC or HDPE.

6.8 Header Piping. Constructed of PVC or HDPE.

6.9 Auger. Capable of boring a 0.15-to 0.23-m (6-to 9-in.) diameter hole to a depth equal to the top of the perforated section of the extraction well, for pressure probe installation.

6.10 Pressure Probe. Constructed of PVC or stainless steel (316), 0.025-m (1-in.). Schedule 40 pipe. Perforate the bottom two-thirds. A minimum requirement for perforations is slots or holes with an open area equivalent to four 0.006-m (
1/4-in.) diameter holes spaced 90° apart every 0.15 m (6 in.).

6.11 Blower and Flare Assembly. Explosion-proof blower, capable of extracting LFG at a flow rate of 8.5 m
3/min (300 ft
3/min), a water knockout, and flare or incinerator.

6.12 Standard Pitot Tube and Differential Pressure Gauge for Flow Rate Calibration with Standard Pitot. Same as Method 2, sections 6.7 and 6.8.

6.13 Orifice Meter. Orifice plate, pressure tabs, and pressure measuring device to measure the LFG flow rate.

6.14 Barometer. Same as Method 4, section 6.1.5.

6.15 Differential Pressure Gauge. Water-filled U-tube manometer or equivalent, capable of measuring within 0.02 mm Hg (0.01 in. H2O), for measuring the pressure of the pressure probes.

7.0 Reagents and Standards. Not Applicable

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport

8.1 Placement of Extraction Wells. The landfill owner or operator may install a single cluster of three extraction wells in a test area or space five equal-volume wells over the landfill. The cluster wells are recommended but may be used only if the composition, age of the refuse, and the landfill depth of the test area can be determined.

8.1.1 Cluster Wells. Consult landfill site records for the age of the refuse, depth, and composition of various sections of the landfill. Select an area near the perimeter of the landfill with a depth equal to or greater than the average depth of the landfill and with the average age of the refuse between 2 and 10 years old. Avoid areas known to contain nondecomposable materials, such as concrete and asbestos. Locate the cluster wells as shown in Figure 2E-2. The age of the refuse in a test area will not be uniform, so calculate a weighted average age of the refuse as shown in section 12.2.

8.1.2 Equal Volume Wells. Divide the sections of the landfill that are at least 2 years old into five areas representing equal volumes. Locate an extraction well near the center of each area.

8.2 Installation of Extraction Wells. Use a well drilling rig to dig a 0.6 m (24 in.) diameter hole in the landfill to a minimum of 75 percent of the landfill depth, not to extend to the bottom of the landfill or the liquid level. Perforate the bottom two thirds of the extraction well pipe. A minimum requirement for perforations is holes or slots with an open area equivalent to 0.01-m (0.5-in.) diameter holes spaced 90° apart every 0.1 to 0.2 m (4 to 8 in.). Place the extraction well in the center of the hole and backfill with gravel to a level 0.30 m (1 ft) above the perforated section. Add a layer of backfill material 1.2 m (4 ft) thick. Add a layer of bentonite 0.9 m (3 ft) thick, and backfill the remainder of the hole with cover material or material equal in permeability to the existing cover material. The specifications for extraction well installation are shown in Figure 2E-3.

8.3 Pressure Probes. Shallow pressure probes are used in the check for infiltration of air into the landfill, and deep pressure probes are use to determine the radius of influence. Locate pressure probes along three radial arms approximately 120° apart at distances of 3, 15, 30, and 45 m (10, 50, 100, and 150 ft) from the extraction well. The tester has the option of locating additional pressure probes at distances every 15 m (50 feet) beyond 45 m (150 ft). Example placements of probes are shown in Figure 2E-4. The 15-, 30-, and 45-m, (50-, 100-, and 150-ft) probes from each well, and any additional probes located along the three radial arms (deep probes), shall extend to a depth equal to the top of the perforated section of the extraction wells. All other probes (shallow probes) shall extend to a depth equal to half the depth of the deep probes.

8.3.1 Use an auger to dig a hole, 0.15- to 0.23-m (6-to 9-in.) in diameter, for each pressure probe. Perforate the bottom two thirds of the pressure probe. A minimum requirement for perforations is holes or slots with an open area equivalent to four 0.006-m (0.25-in.) diameter holes spaced 90° apart every 0.15 m (6 in.). Place the pressure probe in the center of the hole and backfill with gravel to a level 0.30 m (1 ft) above the perforated section. Add a layer of backfill material at least 1.2 m (4 ft) thick. Add a layer of bentonite at least 0.3 m (1 ft) thick, and backfill the remainder of the hole with cover material or material equal in permeability to the existing cover material. The specifications for pressure probe installation are shown in Figure 2E-5.

8.4 LFG Flow Rate Measurement. Place the flow measurement device, such as an orifice meter, as shown in Figure 2E-1. Attach the wells to the blower and flare assembly. The individual wells may be ducted to a common header so that a single blower, flare assembly, and flow meter may be used. Use the procedures in section 10.1 to calibrate the flow meter.

8.5 Leak-Check. A leak-check of the above ground system is required for accurate flow rate measurements and for safety. Sample LFG at the well head sample port and at the outlet sample port. Use Method 3C to determine nitrogen (N2) concentrations. Determine the difference between the well head and outlet N2 concentrations using the formula in section 12.3. The system passes the leak-check if the difference is less than 10,000 ppmv.

8.6 Static Testing. Close the control valves on the well heads during static testing. Measure the gauge pressure (Pg) at each deep pressure probe and the barometric pressure (Pbar) every 8 hours (hr) for 3 days. Convert the gauge pressure of each deep pressure probe to absolute pressure using the equation in section 12.4. Record as Pi (initial absolute pressure).

8.6.1 For each probe, average all of the 8-hr deep pressure probe readings (Pi) and record as Pia (average absolute pressure). Pia is used in section 8.7.5 to determine the maximum radius of influence.

8.6.2 Measure the static flow rate of each well once during static testing.

8.7 Short-Term Testing. The purpose of short-term testing is to determine the maximum vacuum that can be applied to the wells without infiltration of ambient air into the landfill. The short-term testing is performed on one well at a time. Burn all LFG with a flare or incinerator.

8.7.1 Use the blower to extract LFG from a single well at a rate at least twice the static flow rate of the respective well measured in section 8.6.2. If using a single blower and flare assembly and a common header system, close the control valve on the wells not being measured. Allow 24 hr for the system to stabilize at this flow rate.

8.7.2 Test for infiltration of air into the landfill by measuring the gauge pressures of the shallow pressure probes and using Method 3C to determine the LFG N2 concentration. If the LFG N2 concentration is less than 5 percent and all of the shallow probes have a positive gauge pressure, increase the blower vacuum by 3.7 mm Hg (2 in. H2O), wait 24 hr, and repeat the tests for infiltration. Continue the above steps of increasing blower vacuum by 3.7 mm Hg (2 in. H2O), waiting 24 hr, and testing for infiltration until the concentration of N2 exceeds 5 percent or any of the shallow probes have a negative gauge pressure. When this occurs,reduce the blower vacuum to the maximum setting at which the N2 concentration was less than 5 percent and the gauge pressures of the shallow probes are positive.

8.7.3 At this blower vacuum, measure atmospheric pressure (Pbar) every 8 hr for 24 hr, and record the LFG flow rate (Qs) and the probe gauge pressures (Pf) for all of the probes. Convert the gauge pressures of the deep probes to absolute pressures for each 8-hr reading at Qs as shown in section 12.4.

8.7.4 For each probe, average the 8-hr deep pressure probe absolute pressure readings and record as Pfa (the final average absolute pressure).

8.7.5 For each probe, compare the initial average pressure (Pia) from section 8.6.1 to the final average pressure (Pfa). Determine the furthermost point from the well head along each radial arm where Pfa ≤Pia. This distance is the maximum radius of influence (Rm), which is the distance from the well affected by the vacuum. Average these values to determine the average maximum radius of influence (Rma).

8.7.6 Calculate the depth (Dst) affected by the extraction well during the short term test as shown in section 12.6. If the computed value of Dst exceeds the depth of the landfill, set Dst equal to the landfill depth.

8.7.7 Calculate the void volume (V) for the extraction well as shown in section 12.7.

8.7.8 Repeat the procedures in section 8.7 for each well.

8.8 Calculate the total void volume of the test wells (Vv) by summing the void volumes (V) of each well.

8.9 Long-Term Testing. The purpose of long-term testing is to extract two void volumes of LFG from the extraction wells. Use the blower to extract LFG from the wells. If a single Blower and flare assembly and common header system are used, open all control valves and set the blower vacuum equal to the highest stabilized blower vacuum demonstrated by any individual well in section 8.7. Every 8 hr, sample the LFG from the well head sample port, measure the gauge pressures of the shallow pressure probes, the blower vacuum, the LFG flow rate, and use the criteria for infiltration in section 8.7.2 and Method 3C to test for infiltration. If infiltration is detected, do not reduce the blower vacuum, instead reduce the LFG flow rate from the well by adjusting the control valve on the well head. Adjust each affected well individually. Continue until the equivalent of two total void volumes (Vv) have been extracted, or until Vt = 2Vv.

8.9.1 Calculate Vt, the total volume of LFG extracted from the wells, as shown in section 12.8.

8.9.2 Record the final stabilized flow rate as Qf and the gauge pressure for each deep probe. If, during the long term testing, the flow rate does not stabilize, calculate Qf by averaging the last 10 recorded flow rates.

8.9.3 For each deep probe, convert each gauge pressure to absolute pressure as in section 12.4. Average these values and record as Psa. For each probe, compare Pia to Psa. Determine the furthermost point from the well head along each radial arm where Psa ≤Pia. This distance is the stabilized radius of influence. Average these values to determine the average stabilized radius of influence (Rsa).

8.10 Determine the NMOC mass emission rate using the procedures in section 12.9 through 12.15.

9.0 Quality Control

9.1 Miscellaneous Quality Control Measures.

Quality control measure
10.1LFG flow rate meter calibrationEnsures accurate measurement of LFG flow rate and sample volume

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

10.1 LFG Flow Rate Meter (Orifice) Calibration Procedure. Locate a standard pitot tube in line with an orifice meter. Use the procedures in section 8, 12.5, 12.6, and 12.7 of Method 2 to determine the average dry gas volumetric flow rate for at least five flow rates that bracket the expected LFG flow rates, except in section 8.1, use a standard pitot tube rather than a Type S pitot tube. Method 3C may be used to determine the dry molecular weight. It may be necessary to calibrate more than one orifice meter in order to bracket the LFG flow rates. Construct a calibration curve by plotting the pressure drops across the orifice meter for each flow rate versus the average dry gas volumetric flow rate in m
3/min of the gas.

11.0 Procedures [Reserved]

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

12.1 Nomenclature.

A = Age of landfill, yr.

Aavg = Average age of the refuse tested, yr.

Ai = Age of refuse in the ith fraction, yr.

Ar = Acceptance rate, Mg/yr.

CNMOC = NMOC concentration, ppmv as hexane (CNMOC = Ct/6).

Co = Concentration of N2 at the outlet, ppmv.

Ct = NMOC concentration, ppmv (carbon equivalent) from Method 25C.

Cw = Concentration of N2 at the wellhead, ppmv.

D = Depth affected by the test wells, m.

Dst = Depth affected by the test wells in the short-term test, m.

e = Base number for natural logarithms (2.718).

f = Fraction of decomposable refuse in the landfill.

fi = Fraction of the refuse in the ith section.

k = Landfill gas generation constant, yr−1.

Lo = Methane generation potential, m

Lo′ = Revised methane generation potential to account for the amount of nondecomposable material in the landfill, m

Mi = Mass of refuse in the ith section, Mg.

Mr = Mass of decomposable refuse affected by the test well, Mg.

Pbar = Atmospheric pressure, mm Hg.

Pf = Final absolute pressure of the deep pressure probes during short-term testing, mm Hg.

Pfa = Average final absolute pressure of the deep pressure probes during short-term testing, mm Hg.

Pgf = final gauge pressure of the deep pressure probes, mm Hg.

Pgi = Initial gauge pressure of the deep pressure probes, mm Hg.

Pi = Initial absolute pressure of the deep pressure probes during static testing, mm Hg.

Pia = Average initial absolute pressure of the deep pressure probes during static testing, mm Hg.

Ps = Final absolute pressure of the deep pressure probes during long-term testing, mm Hg.

Psa = Average final absolute pressure of the deep pressure probes during long-term testing, mm Hg.

Qf = Final stabilized flow rate, m

Qi = LFG flow rate measured at orifice meter during the ith interval, m

Qs = Maximum LFG flow rate at each well determined by short-term test, m

Qt = NMOC mass emission rate, m

Rm = Maximum radius of influence, m.

Rma = Average maximum radius of influence, m.

Rs = Stabilized radius of influence for an individual well, m.

Rsa = Average stabilized radius of influence, m.

ti = Age of section i, yr.

tt = Total time of long-term testing, yr.

tvi = Time of the ith interval (usually 8), hr.

V = Void volume of test well, m

Vr = Volume of refuse affected by the test well, m

Vt = Total volume of refuse affected by the long-term testing, m

Vv = Total void volume affected by test wells, m

WD = Well depth, m.

ρ = Refuse density, Mg/m
3 (Assume 0.64 Mg/m
3 if data are unavailable).

12.2 Use the following equation to calculate a weighted average age of landfill refuse.

12.3 Use the following equation to determine the difference in N2 concentrations (ppmv) at the well head and outlet location.

12.4 Use the following equation to convert the gauge pressure (Pg) of each initial deep pressure probe to absolute pressure (Pi).

12.5 Use the following equation to convert the gauge pressures of the deep probes to absolute pressures for each 8-hr reading at Qs.

12.6 Use the following equation to calculate the depth (Dst) affected by the extraction well during the short-term test.

12.7 Use the following equation to calculate the void volume for the extraction well (V).

12.8 Use the following equation to calculate Vt, the total volume of LFG extracted from the wells.

12.9 Use the following equation to calculate the depth affected by the test well. If using cluster wells, use the average depth of the wells for WD. If the value of D is greater than the depth of the landfill, set D equal to the landfill depth.

12.10 Use the following equation to calculate the volume of refuse affected by the test well.

12.11 Use the following equation to calculate the mass affected by the test well.

12.12 Modify Lo to account for the nondecomposable refuse in the landfill.

12.13 In the following equation, solve for k (landfill gas generation constant) by iteration. A suggested procedure is to select a value for k, calculate the left side of the equation, and if not equal to zero, select another value for k. Continue this process until the left hand side of the equation equals zero, ±0.001.

12.14 Use the following equation to determine landfill NMOC mass emission rate if the yearly acceptance rate of refuse has been consistent (10 percent) over the life of the landfill.

12.15 Use the following equation to determine landfill NMOC mass emission rate if the acceptance rate has not been consistent over the life of the landfill.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

1. Same as Method 2, Appendix A, 40 CFR Part 60.

2. Emcon Associates, Methane Generation and Recovery from Landfills. Ann Arbor Science, 1982.

3. The Johns Hopkins University, Brown Station Road Landfill Gas Resource Assessment, Volume 1: Field Testing and Gas Recovery Projections. Laurel, Maryland: October 1982.

4. Mandeville and Associates, Procedure Manual for Landfill Gases Emission Testing.

5. Letter and attachments from Briggum, S., Waste Management of North America, to Thorneloe, S., EPA. Response to July 28, 1988 request for additional information. August 18, 1988.

6. Letter and attachments from Briggum, S., Waste Management of North America, to Wyatt, S., EPA. Response to December 7, 1988 request for additional information. January 16, 1989.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Method 2F—Determination of Stack Gas Velocity And Volumetric Flow Rate With Three-Dimensional Probes


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling) essential to its performance. Some material has been incorporated from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, those using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Methods 1, 2, 3 or 3A, and 4.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 This method is applicable for the determination of yaw angle, pitch angle, axial velocity and the volumetric flow rate of a gas stream in a stack or duct using a three-dimensional (3-D) probe. This method may be used only when the average stack or duct gas velocity is greater than or equal to 20 ft/sec. When the above condition cannot be met, alternative procedures, approved by the Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, shall be used to make accurate flow rate determinations.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 A 3-D probe is used to determine the velocity pressure and the yaw and pitch angles of the flow velocity vector in a stack or duct. The method determines the yaw angle directly by rotating the probe to null the pressure across a pair of symmetrically placed ports on the probe head. The pitch angle is calculated using probe-specific calibration curves. From these values and a determination of the stack gas density, the average axial velocity of the stack gas is calculated. The average gas volumetric flow rate in the stack or duct is then determined from the average axial velocity.

3.0 Definitions

3.1. Angle-measuring Device Rotational Offset (RADO). The rotational position of an angle-measuring device relative to the reference scribe line, as determined during the pre-test rotational position check described in section 8.3.

3.2 Axial Velocity. The velocity vector parallel to the axis of the stack or duct that accounts for the yaw and pitch angle components of gas flow. The term “axial” is used herein to indicate that the velocity and volumetric flow rate results account for the measured yaw and pitch components of flow at each measurement point.

3.3 Calibration Pitot Tube. The standard (Prandtl type) pitot tube used as a reference when calibrating a 3-D probe under this method.

3.4 Field Test. A set of measurements conducted at a specific unit or exhaust stack/duct to satisfy the applicable regulation (e.g., a three-run boiler performance test, a single-or multiple-load nine-run relative accuracy test).

3.5 Full Scale of Pressure-measuring Device. Full scale refers to the upper limit of the measurement range displayed by the device. For bi-directional pressure gauges, full scale includes the entire pressure range from the lowest negative value to the highest positive value on the pressure scale.

3.6 Main probe. Refers to the probe head and that section of probe sheath directly attached to the probe head. The main probe sheath is distinguished from probe extensions, which are sections of sheath added onto the main probe to extend its reach.

3.7 “May,” “Must,” “Shall,” “Should,” and the imperative form of verbs.

3.7.1 “May” is used to indicate that a provision of this method is optional.

3.7.2 “Must,” “Shall,” and the imperative form of verbs (such as “record” or “enter”) are used to indicate that a provision of this method is mandatory.

3.7.3 “Should” is used to indicate that a provision of this method is not mandatory, but is highly recommended as good practice.

3.8 Method 1. Refers to 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, “Method 1—Sample and velocity traverses for stationary sources.”

3.9 Method 2. Refers to 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, “Method 2—Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate (Type S pitot tube).”

3.10 Method 2G. Refers to 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, “Method 2G—Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate with two-dimensional probes.”

3.11 Nominal Velocity. Refers to a wind tunnel velocity setting that approximates the actual wind tunnel velocity to within ±1.5 m/sec (±5 ft/sec).

3.12 Pitch Angle. The angle between the axis of the stack or duct and the pitch component of flow, i.e., the component of the total velocity vector in a plane defined by the traverse line and the axis of the stack or duct. (Figure 2F-1 illustrates the “pitch plane.”) From the standpoint of a tester facing a test port in a vertical stack, the pitch component of flow is the vector of flow moving from the center of the stack toward or away from that test port. The pitch angle is the angle described by this pitch component of flow and the vertical axis of the stack.

3.13 Readability. For the purposes of this method, readability for an analog measurement device is one half of the smallest scale division. For a digital measurement device, it is the number of decimals displayed by the device.

3.14 Reference Scribe Line. A line permanently inscribed on the main probe sheath (in accordance with section to serve as a reference mark for determining yaw angles.

3.15 Reference Scribe Line Rotational Offset (RSLO). The rotational position of a probe’s reference scribe line relative to the probe’s yaw-null position, as determined during the yaw angle calibration described in section 10.5.

3.16 Response Time. The time required for the measurement system to fully respond to a change from zero differential pressure and ambient temperature to the stable stack or duct pressure and temperature readings at a traverse point.

3.17 Tested Probe. A 3-D probe that is being calibrated.

3.18 Three-dimensional (3-D) Probe. A directional probe used to determine the velocity pressure and yaw and pitch angles in a flowing gas stream.

3.19 Traverse Line. A diameter or axis extending across a stack or duct on which measurements of differential pressure and flow angles are made.

3.20 Wind Tunnel Calibration Location. A point, line, area, or volume within the wind tunnel test section at, along, or within which probes are calibrated. At a particular wind tunnel velocity setting, the average velocity pressures at specified points at, along, or within the calibration location shall vary by no more than 2 percent or 0.3 mm H2O (0.01 in. H2O), whichever is less restrictive, from the average velocity pressure at the calibration pitot tube location. Air flow at this location shall be axial, i.e., yaw and pitch angles within ±3°. Compliance with these flow criteria shall be demonstrated by performing the procedures prescribed in sections 10.1.1 and 10.1.2. For circular tunnels, no part of the calibration location may be closer to the tunnel wall than 10.2 cm (4 in.) or 25 percent of the tunnel diameter, whichever is farther from the wall. For elliptical or rectangular tunnels, no part of the calibration location may be closer to the tunnel wall than 10.2 cm (4 in.) or 25 percent of the applicable cross-sectional axis, whichever is farther from the wall.

3.21 Wind Tunnel with Documented Axial Flow. A wind tunnel facility documented as meeting the provisions of sections 10.1.1 (velocity pressure cross-check) and 10.1.2 (axial flow verification) using the procedures described in these sections or alternative procedures determined to be technically equivalent.

3.22 Yaw Angle. The angle between the axis of the stack or duct and the yaw component of flow, i.e., the component of the total velocity vector in a plane perpendicular to the traverse line at a particular traverse point. (Figure 2F-1 illustrates the “yaw plane.”) From the standpoint of a tester facing a test port in a vertical stack, the yaw component of flow is the vector of flow moving to the left or right from the center of the stack as viewed by the tester. (This is sometimes referred to as “vortex flow,” i.e., flow around the centerline of a stack or duct.) The yaw angle is the angle described by this yaw component of flow and the vertical axis of the stack. The algebraic sign convention is illustrated in Figure 2F-2.

3.23 Yaw Nulling. A procedure in which a probe is rotated about its axis in a stack or duct until a zero differential pressure reading (“yaw null”) is obtained. When a 3-D probe is yaw-nulled, its impact pressure port (P1) faces directly into the direction of flow in the stack or duct and the differential pressure between pressure ports P2 and P3 is zero.

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 This test method may involve hazardous operations and the use of hazardous materials or equipment. This method does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish and implement appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before using this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Three-dimensional Probes. The 3-D probes as specified in subsections 6.1.1 through 6.1.3 below qualify for use based on comprehensive wind tunnel and field studies involving both inter-and intra-probe comparisons by multiple test teams. Other types of probes shall not be used unless approved by the Administrator. Each 3-D probe shall have a unique identification number or code permanently marked on the main probe sheath. The minimum recommended diameter of the sensing head of any probe used under this method is 2.5 cm (1 in.). Each probe shall be calibrated prior to use according to the procedures in section 10. Manufacturer-supplied calibration data shall be used as example information only, except when the manufacturer calibrates the 3-D probe as specified in section 10 and provides complete documentation.

6.1.1 Five-hole prism-shaped probe. This type of probe consists of five pressure taps in the flat facets of a prism-shaped sensing head. The pressure taps are numbered 1 through 5, with the pressures measured at each hole referred to as P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5, respectively. Figure 2F-3 is an illustration of the placement of pressure taps on a commonly available five-hole prism-shaped probe, the 2.5-cm (1-in.) DAT probe. (Note: Mention of trade names or specific products does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.) The numbering arrangement for the prism-shaped sensing head presented in Figure 2F-3 shall be followed for correct operation of the probe. A brief description of the probe measurements involved is as follows: the differential pressure P2-P3 is used to yaw null the probe and determine the yaw angle; the differential pressure P4-P5 is a function of pitch angle; and the differential pressure P1-P2 is a function of total velocity.

6.1.2 Five-hole spherical probe. This type of probe consists of five pressure taps in a spherical sensing head. As with the prism-shaped probe, the pressure taps are numbered 1 through 5, with the pressures measured at each hole referred to as P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5, respectively. However, the P4 and P5 pressure taps are in the reverse location from their respective positions on the prism-shaped probe head. The differential pressure P2-P3 is used to yaw null the probe and determine the yaw angle; the differential pressure P4-P5 is a function of pitch angle; and the differential pressure P1-P2 is a function of total velocity. A diagram of a typical spherical probe sensing head is presented in Figure 2F-4. Typical probe dimensions are indicated in the illustration.

6.1.3 A manual 3-D probe refers to a five-hole prism-shaped or spherical probe that is positioned at individual traverse points and yaw nulled manually by an operator. An automated 3-D probe refers to a system that uses a computer-controlled motorized mechanism to position the five-hole prism-shaped or spherical head at individual traverse points and perform yaw angle determinations.

6.1.4 Other three-dimensional probes. [Reserved]

6.1.5 Probe sheath. The probe shaft shall include an outer sheath to: (1) provide a surface for inscribing a permanent reference scribe line, (2) accommodate attachment of an angle-measuring device to the probe shaft, and (3) facilitate precise rotational movement of the probe for determining yaw angles. The sheath shall be rigidly attached to the probe assembly and shall enclose all pressure lines from the probe head to the farthest position away from the probe head where an angle-measuring device may be attached during use in the field. The sheath of the fully assembled probe shall be sufficiently rigid and straight at all rotational positions such that, when one end of the probe shaft is held in a horizontal position, the fully extended probe meets the horizontal straightness specifications indicated in section 8.2 below.

6.1.6 Scribe lines. Reference scribe line. A permanent line, no greater than 1.6 mm (1/16 in.) in width, shall be inscribed on each manual probe that will be used to determine yaw angles of flow. This line shall be placed on the main probe sheath in accordance with the procedures described in section 10.4 and is used as a reference position for installation of the yaw angle-measuring device on the probe. At the discretion of the tester, the scribe line may be a single line segment placed at a particular position on the probe sheath (e.g., near the probe head), multiple line segments placed at various locations along the length of the probe sheath (e.g., at every position where a yaw angle-measuring device may be mounted), or a single continuous line extending along the full length of the probe sheath. Scribe line on probe extensions. A permanent line may also be inscribed on any probe extension that will be attached to the main probe in performing field testing. This allows a yaw angle-measuring device mounted on the extension to be readily aligned with the reference scribe line on the main probe sheath. Alignment specifications. This specification shall be met separately, using the procedures in section 10.4.1, on the main probe and on each probe extension. The rotational position of the scribe line or scribe line segments on the main probe or any probe extension must not vary by more than 2°. That is, the difference between the minimum and maximum of all of the rotational angles that are measured along the full length of the main probe or the probe extension must not exceed 2°.

6.1.7 Probe and system characteristics to ensure horizontal stability. For manual probes, it is recommended that the effective length of the probe (coupled with a probe extension, if necessary) be at least 0.9 m (3 ft.) longer than the farthest traverse point mark on the probe shaft away from the probe head. The operator should maintain the probe’s horizontal stability when it is fully inserted into the stack or duct. If a shorter probe is used, the probe should be inserted through a bushing sleeve, similar to the one shown in Figure 2F-5, that is installed on the test port; such a bushing shall fit snugly around the probe and be secured to the stack or duct entry port in such a manner as to maintain the probe’s horizontal stability when fully inserted into the stack or duct. An automated system that includes an external probe casing with a transport system shall have a mechanism for maintaining horizontal stability comparable to that obtained by manual probes following the provisions of this method. The automated probe assembly shall also be constructed to maintain the alignment and position of the pressure ports during sampling at each traverse point. The design of the probe casing and transport system shall allow the probe to be removed from the stack or duct and checked through direct physical measurement for angular position and insertion depth.

6.1.8 The tubing that is used to connect the probe and the pressure-measuring device should have an inside diameter of at least 3.2 mm (1/8 in.), to reduce the time required for pressure equilibration, and should be as short as practicable.

6.2 Yaw Angle-measuring Device. One of the following devices shall be used for measurement of the yaw angle of flow.

6.2.1 Digital inclinometer. This refers to a digital device capable of measuring and displaying the rotational position of the probe to within ±1°. The device shall be able to be locked into position on the probe sheath or probe extension, so that it indicates the probe’s rotational position throughout the test. A rotational position collar block that can be attached to the probe sheath (similar to the collar shown in Figure 2F-6) may be required to lock the digital inclinometer into position on the probe sheath.

6.2.2 Protractor wheel and pointer assembly. This apparatus, similar to that shown in Figure 2F-7, consists of the following components. A protractor wheel that can be attached to a port opening and set in a fixed rotational position to indicate the yaw angle position of the probe’s scribe line relative to the longitudinal axis of the stack or duct. The protractor wheel must have a measurement ring on its face that is no less than 17.8 cm (7 in.) in diameter, shall be able to be rotated to any angle and then locked into position on the stack or duct port, and shall indicate angles to a resolution of 1°. A pointer assembly that includes an indicator needle mounted on a collar that can slide over the probe sheath and be locked into a fixed rotational position on the probe sheath. The pointer needle shall be of sufficient length, rigidity, and sharpness to allow the tester to determine the probe’s angular position to within 1° from the markings on the protractor wheel. Corresponding to the position of the pointer, the collar must have a scribe line to be used in aligning the pointer with the scribe line on the probe sheath.

6.2.3 Other yaw angle-measuring devices. Other angle-measuring devices with a manufacturer’s specified precision of 1° or better may be used, if approved by the Administrator.

6.3 Probe Supports and Stabilization Devices. When probes are used for determining flow angles, the probe head should be kept in a stable horizontal position. For probes longer than 3.0 m (10 ft.), the section of the probe that extends outside the test port shall be secured. Three alternative devices are suggested for maintaining the horizontal position and stability of the probe shaft during flow angle determinations and velocity pressure measurements: (1) Monorails installed above each port, (2) probe stands on which the probe shaft may be rested, or (3) bushing sleeves of sufficient length secured to the test ports to maintain probes in a horizontal position. Comparable provisions shall be made to ensure that automated systems maintain the horizontal position of the probe in the stack or duct. The physical characteristics of each test platform may dictate the most suitable type of stabilization device. Thus, the choice of a specific stabilization device is left to the judgment of the testers.

6.4 Differential Pressure Gauges. The pressure (ΔP) measuring devices used during wind tunnel calibrations and field testing shall be either electronic manometers (e.g., pressure transducers), fluid manometers, or mechanical pressure gauges (e.g., MagnehelicΔ gauges). Use of electronic manometers is recommended. Under low velocity conditions, use of electronic manometers may be necessary to obtain acceptable measurements.

6.4.1 Differential pressure-measuring device. This refers to a device capable of measuring pressure differentials and having a readability of ±1 percent of full scale. The device shall be capable of accurately measuring the maximum expected pressure differential. Such devices are used to determine the following pressure measurements: velocity pressure, static pressure, yaw-null pressure, and pitch-angle pressure. For an inclined-vertical manometer, the readability specification of ±1 percent shall be met separately using the respective full-scale upper limits of the inclined and vertical portions of the scales. To the extent practicable, the device shall be selected such that most of the pressure readings are between 10 and 90 percent of the device’s full-scale measurement range (as defined in section 3.5). Typical velocity pressure (P1-P2) ranges for both the prism-shaped probe and the spherical probe are 0 to 1.3 cm H2O (0 to 0.5 in. H2O), 0 to 5.1 cm H2O (0 to 2 in. H2O), and 0 to 12.7 cm H2O (0 to 5 in. H2O). The pitch angle (P4-P5) pressure range is typically −6.4 to + 6.4 mm H2O (−0.25 to + 0.25 in. H2O) or −12.7 to + 12.7 mm H2O (−0.5 to + 0.5 in. H2O) for the prism-shaped probe, and −12.7 to + 12.7 mm H2O (−0.5 to + 0.5 in. H2O) or −5.1 to + 5.1 cm H2O (−2 to + 2 in. H2O) for the spherical probe. The pressure range for the yaw null (P2-P3) readings is typically −12.7 to + 12.7 mm H2O (−0.5 to + 0.5 in. H2O) for both probe types. In addition, pressure-measuring devices should be selected such that the zero does not drift by more than 5 percent of the average expected pressure readings to be encountered during the field test. This is particularly important under low pressure conditions.

6.4.2 Gauge used for yaw nulling. The differential pressure-measuring device chosen for yaw nulling the probe during the wind tunnel calibrations and field testing shall be bi-directional, i.e., capable of reading both positive and negative differential pressures. If a mechanical, bi-directional pressure gauge is chosen, it shall have a full-scale range no greater than 2.6 cm H2O (1 in. H2O) [i.e., −1.3 to + 1.3 cm H2O (−0.5 in. to + 0.5 in.)].

6.4.3 Devices for calibrating differential pressure-measuring devices. A precision manometer (e.g., a U-tube, inclined, or inclined-vertical manometer, or micromanometer) or NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) traceable pressure source shall be used for calibrating differential pressure-measuring devices. The device shall be maintained under laboratory conditions or in a similar protected environment (e.g., a climate-controlled trailer). It shall not be used in field tests. The precision manometer shall have a scale gradation of 0.3 mm H2O (0.01 in. H2O), or less, in the range of 0 to 5.1 cm H2O (0 to 2 in. H2O) and 2.5 mm H2O (0.1 in. H2O), or less, in the range of 5.1 to 25.4 cm H2O (2 to 10 in. H2O). The manometer shall have manufacturer’s documentation that it meets an accuracy specification of at least 0.5 percent of full scale. The NIST-traceable pressure source shall be recertified annually.

6.4.4 Devices used for post-test calibration check. A precision manometer meeting the specifications in section 6.4.3, a pressure-measuring device or pressure source with a documented calibration traceable to NIST, or an equivalent device approved by the Administrator shall be used for the post-test calibration check. The pressure-measuring device shall have a readability equivalent to or greater than the tested device. The pressure source shall be capable of generating pressures between 50 and 90 percent of the range of the tested device and known to within ±1 percent of the full scale of the tested device. The pressure source shall be recertified annually.

6.5 Data Display and Capture Devices. Electronic manometers (if used) shall be coupled with a data display device (such as a digital panel meter, personal computer display, or strip chart) that allows the tester to observe and validate the pressure measurements taken during testing. They shall also be connected to a data recorder (such as a data logger or a personal computer with data capture software) that has the ability to compute and retain the appropriate average value at each traverse point, identified by collection time and traverse point.

6.6 Temperature Gauges. For field tests, a thermocouple or resistance temperature detector (RTD) capable of measuring temperature to within ±3 °C (±5 °F) of the stack or duct temperature shall be used. The thermocouple shall be attached to the probe such that the sensor tip does not touch any metal and is located on the opposite side of the probe head from the pressure ports so as not to interfere with the gas flow around the probe head. The position of the thermocouple relative to the pressure port face openings shall be in the same configuration as used for the probe calibrations in the wind tunnel. Temperature gauges used for wind tunnel calibrations shall be capable of measuring temperature to within ±0.6 °C (±1 °F) of the temperature of the flowing gas stream in the wind tunnel.

6.7 Stack or Duct Static Pressure Measurement. The pressure-measuring device used with the probe shall be as specified in section 6.4 of this method. The static tap of a standard (Prandtl type) pitot tube or one leg of a Type S pitot tube with the face opening planes positioned parallel to the gas flow may be used for this measurement. Also acceptable is the pressure differential reading of P1-Pbar from a five-hole prism-shaped probe (e.g., Type DA or DAT probe) with the P1 pressure port face opening positioned parallel to the gas flow in the same manner as the Type S probe. However, the spherical probe, as specified in section 6.1.2, is unable to provide this measurement and shall not be used to take static pressure measurements. Static pressure measurement is further described in section 8.11.

6.8 Barometer. Same as Method 2, section 2.5.

6.9 Gas Density Determination Equipment. Method 3 or 3A shall be used to determine the dry molecular weight of the stack gas. Method 4 shall be used for moisture content determination and computation of stack gas wet molecular weight. Other methods may be used, if approved by the Administrator.

6.10 Calibration Pitot Tube. Same as Method 2, section 2.7.

6.11 Wind Tunnel for Probe Calibration. Wind tunnels used to calibrate velocity probes must meet the following design specifications.

6.11.1 Test section cross-sectional area. The flowing gas stream shall be confined within a circular, rectangular, or elliptical duct. The cross-sectional area of the tunnel must be large enough to ensure fully developed flow in the presence of both the calibration pitot tube and the tested probe. The calibration site, or “test section,” of the wind tunnel shall have a minimum diameter of 30.5 cm (12 in.) for circular or elliptical duct cross-sections or a minimum width of 30.5 cm (12 in.) on the shorter side for rectangular cross-sections. Wind tunnels shall meet the probe blockage provisions of this section and the qualification requirements prescribed in section 10.1. The projected area of the portion of the probe head, shaft, and attached devices inside the wind tunnel during calibration shall represent no more than 4 percent of the cross-sectional area of the tunnel. The projected area shall include the combined area of the calibration pitot tube and the tested probe if both probes are placed simultaneously in the same cross-sectional plane in the wind tunnel, or the larger projected area of the two probes if they are placed alternately in the wind tunnel.

6.11.2 Velocity range and stability. The wind tunnel should be capable of maintaining velocities between 6.1 m/sec and 30.5 m/sec (20 ft/sec and 100 ft/sec). The wind tunnel shall produce fully developed flow patterns that are stable and parallel to the axis of the duct in the test section.

6.11.3 Flow profile at the calibration location. The wind tunnel shall provide axial flow within the test section calibration location (as defined in section 3.20). Yaw and pitch angles in the calibration location shall be within ±3° of 0°. The procedure for determining that this requirement has been met is described in section 10.1.2.

6.11.4 Entry ports in the wind tunnel test section. Port for tested probe. A port shall be constructed for the tested probe. The port should have an elongated slot parallel to the axis of the duct at the test section. The elongated slot should be of sufficient length to allow attaining all the pitch angles at which the probe will be calibrated for use in the field. To facilitate alignment of the probe during calibration, the test section should include a window constructed of a transparent material to allow the tested probe to be viewed. This port shall be located to allow the head of the tested probe to be positioned within the calibration location (as defined in section 3.20) at all pitch angle settings. Port for verification of axial flow. Depending on the equipment selected to conduct the axial flow verification prescribed in section 10.1.2, a second port, located 90° from the entry port for the tested probe, may be needed to allow verification that the gas flow is parallel to the central axis of the test section. This port should be located and constructed so as to allow one of the probes described in section to access the same test point(s) that are accessible from the port described in section Port for calibration pitot tube. The calibration pitot tube shall be used in the port for the tested probe or a separate entry port. In either case, all measurements with the calibration pitot tube shall be made at the same point within the wind tunnel over the course of a probe calibration. The measurement point for the calibration pitot tube shall meet the same specifications for distance from the wall and for axial flow as described in section 3.20 for the wind tunnel calibration location.

6.11.5 Pitch angle protractor plate. A protractor plate shall be attached directly under the port used with the tested probe and set in a fixed position to indicate the pitch angle position of the probe relative to the longitudinal axis of the wind tunnel duct (similar to Figure 2F-8). The protractor plate shall indicate angles in 5° increments with a minimum resolution of ±2°. The tested probe shall be able to be locked into position at the desired pitch angle delineated on the protractor. The probe head position shall be maintained within the calibration location (as defined in section 3.20) in the test section of the wind tunnel during all tests across the range of pitch angles.

7.0 Reagents and Standards [Reserved]

8.0 Sample Collection and Analysis

8.1 Equipment Inspection and Set-Up

8.1.1 All probes, differential pressure-measuring devices, yaw angle-measuring devices, thermocouples, and barometers shall have a current, valid calibration before being used in a field test. (See sections 10.3.3, 10.3.4, and 10.5 through10.10 for the applicable calibration requirements.)

8.1.2 Before each field use of a 3-D probe, perform a visual inspection to verify the physical condition of the probe head according to the procedures in section 10.2. Record the inspection results on a form similar to Table 2F-1. If there is visible damage to the 3-D probe, the probe shall not be used until it is recalibrated.

8.1.3 After verifying that the physical condition of the probe head is acceptable, set up the apparatus using lengths of flexible tubing that are as short as practicable. Surge tanks installed between the probe and pressure-measuring device may be used to dampen pressure fluctuations provided that an adequate measurement response time (see section 8.8) is maintained.

8.2 Horizontal Straightness Check. A horizontal straightness check shall be performed before the start of each field test, except as otherwise specified in this section. Secure the fully assembled probe (including the probe head and all probe shaft extensions) in a horizontal position using a stationary support at a point along the probe shaft approximating the location of the stack or duct entry port when the probe is sampling at the farthest traverse point from the stack or duct wall. The probe shall be rotated to detect bends. Use an angle-measuring device or trigonometry to determine the bend or sag between the probe head and the secured end. (See Figure 2F-9.) Probes that are bent or sag by more than 5° shall not be used. Although this check does not apply when the probe is used for a vertical traverse, care should be taken to avoid the use of bent probes when conducting vertical traverses. If the probe is constructed of a rigid steel material and consists of a main probe without probe extensions, this check need only be performed before the initial field use of the probe, when the probe is recalibrated, when a change is made to the design or material of the probe assembly, and when the probe becomes bent. With such probes, a visual inspection shall be made of the fully assembled probe before each field test to determine if a bend is visible. The probe shall be rotated to detect bends. The inspection results shall be documented in the field test report. If a bend in the probe is visible, the horizontal straightness check shall be performed before the probe is used.

8.3 Rotational Position Check. Before each field test, and each time an extension is added to the probe during a field test, a rotational position check shall be performed on all manually operated probes (except as noted in section 8.3.5, below) to ensure that, throughout testing, the angle-measuring device is either: aligned to within ±1° of the rotational position of the reference scribe line; or is affixed to the probe such that the rotational offset of the device from the reference scribe line is known to within ±1°. This check shall consist of direct measurements of the rotational positions of the reference scribe line and angle-measuring device sufficient to verify that these specifications are met. Annex A in section 18 of this method gives recommended procedures for performing the rotational position check, and Table 2F-2 gives an example data form. Procedures other than those recommended in Annex A in section 18 may be used, provided they demonstrate whether the alignment specification is met and are explained in detail in the field test report.

8.3.1 Angle-measuring device rotational offset. The tester shall maintain a record of the angle-measuring device rotational offset, RADO, as defined in section 3.1. Note that RADO is assigned a value of 0° when the angle-measuring device is aligned to within ±1° of the rotational position of the reference scribe line. The RADO shall be used to determine the yaw angle of flow in accordance with section 8.9.4.

8.3.2 Sign of angle-measuring device rotational offset. The sign of RADO is positive when the angle-measuring device (as viewed from the “tail” end of the probe) is positioned in a clockwise direction from the reference scribe line and negative when the device is positioned in a counterclockwise direction from the reference scribe line.

8.3.3 Angle-measuring devices that can be independently adjusted (e.g., by means of a set screw), after being locked into position on the probe sheath, may be used. However, the RADO must also take into account this adjustment.

8.3.4 Post-test check. If probe extensions remain attached to the main probe throughout the field test, the rotational position check shall be repeated, at a minimum, at the completion of the field test to ensure that the angle-measuring device has remained within ±2° of its rotational position established prior to testing. At the discretion of the tester, additional checks may be conducted after completion of testing at any sample port or after any test run. If the ±2° specification is not met, all measurements made since the last successful rotational position check must be repeated. section of Annex A provides an example procedure for performing the post-test check.

8.3.5 Exceptions. A rotational position check need not be performed if, for measurements taken at all velocity traverse points, the yaw angle-measuring device is mounted and aligned directly on the reference scribe line specified in sections and and no independent adjustments, as described in section 8.3.3, are made to the device’s rotational position. If extensions are detached and re-attached to the probe during a field test, a rotational position check need only be performed the first time an extension is added to the probe, rather than each time the extension is re-attached, if the probe extension is designed to be locked into a mechanically fixed rotational position (e.g., through use of interlocking grooves) that can re-establish the initial rotational position to within ±1°.

8.4 Leak Checks. A pre-test leak check shall be conducted before each field test. A post-test check shall be performed at the end of the field test, but additional leak checks may be conducted after any test run or group of test runs. The post-test check may also serve as the pre-test check for the next group of test runs. If any leak check is failed, all runs since the last passed leak check are invalid. While performing the leak check procedures, also check each pressure device’s responsiveness to the changes in pressure.

8.4.1 To perform the leak check, pressurize the probe’s P1 pressure port until at least 7.6 cm H2O (3 in. H2O) pressure, or a pressure corresponding to approximately 75 percent of the pressure-measuring device’s measurement scale, whichever is less, registers on the device; then, close off the pressure port. The pressure shall remain stable [±2.5 mm H2O (±0.10 in. H2O)] for at least 15 seconds. Check the P2, P3, P4, and P5 pressure ports in the same fashion. Other leak-check procedures may be used, if approved by the Administrator.

8.5 Zeroing the Differential Pressure-measuring Device. Zero each differential pressure-measuring device, including the device used for yaw nulling, before each field test. At a minimum, check the zero after each field test. A zero check may also be performed after any test run or group of test runs. For fluid manometers and mechanical pressure gauges (e.g., MagnehelicΔ gauges), the zero reading shall not deviate from zero by more than ±0.8 mm H2O (±0.03 in. H2O) or one minor scale division, whichever is greater, between checks. For electronic manometers, the zero reading shall not deviate from zero between checks by more than: ±0.3 mm H2O (±0.01 in. H2O), for full scales less than or equal to 5.1 cm H2O (2.0 in. H2O); or ±0.8 mm H2O (±0.03 in. H2O), for full scales greater than 5.1 cm H2O (2.0 in. H2O). (Note: If negative zero drift is not directly readable, estimate the reading based on the position of the gauge oil in the manometer or of the needle on the pressure gauge.) In addition, for all pressure-measuring devices except those used exclusively for yaw nulling, the zero reading shall not deviate from zero by more than 5 percent of the average measured differential pressure at any distinct process condition or load level. If any zero check is failed at a specific process condition or load level, all runs conducted at that process condition or load level since the last passed zero check are invalid.

8.6 Traverse Point Verification. The number and location of the traverse points shall be selected based on Method 1 guidelines. The stack or duct diameter and port nipple lengths, including any extension of the port nipples into stack or duct, shall be verified the first time the test is performed; retain and use this information for subsequent field tests, updating it as required. Physically measure the stack or duct dimensions or use a calibrated laser device; do not use engineering drawings of the stack or duct. The probe length necessary to reach each traverse point shall be recorded to within ±6.4 mm (±1/4 in.) and, for manual probes, marked on the probe sheath. In determining these lengths, the tester shall take into account both the distance that the port flange projects outside of the stack and the depth that any port nipple extends into the gas stream. The resulting point positions shall reflect the true distances from the inside wall of the stack or duct, so that when the tester aligns any of the markings with the outside face of the stack port, the probe’s impact port shall be located at the appropriate distance from the inside wall for the respective Method 1 traverse point. Before beginning testing at a particular location, an out-of-stack or duct verification shall be performed on each probe that will be used to ensure that these position markings are correct. The distances measured during the verification must agree with the previously calculated distances to within ±1/4 in. For manual probes, the traverse point positions shall be verified by measuring the distance of each mark from the probe’s P1 pressure port. A comparable out-of-stack test shall be performed on automated probe systems. The probe shall be extended to each of the prescribed traverse point positions. Then, the accuracy of the positioning for each traverse point shall be verified by measuring the distance between the port flange and the probe’s P1 pressure port.

8.7 Probe Installation. Insert the probe into the test port. A solid material shall be used to seal the port.

8.8 System Response Time. Determine the response time of the probe measurement system. Insert and position the “cold” probe (at ambient temperature and pressure) at any Method 1 traverse point. Read and record the probe’s P1-P2 differential pressure, temperature, and elapsed time at 15-second intervals until stable readings for both pressure and temperature are achieved. The response time is the longer of these two elapsed times. Record the response time.

8.9 Sampling.

8.9.1 Yaw angle measurement protocol. With manual probes, yaw angle measurements may be obtained in two alternative ways during the field test, either by using a yaw angle-measuring device (e.g., digital inclinometer) affixed to the probe, or using a protractor wheel and pointer assembly. For horizontal traversing, either approach may be used. For vertical traversing, i.e., when measuring from on top or into the bottom of a horizontal duct, only the protractor wheel and pointer assembly may be used. With automated probes, curve-fitting protocols may be used to obtain yaw-angle measurements. If a yaw angle-measuring device affixed to the probe is to be used, lock the device on the probe sheath, aligning it either on the reference scribe line or in the rotational offset position established under section 8.3.1. If a protractor wheel and pointer assembly is to be used, follow the procedures in Annex B of this method. Other yaw angle-determination procedures. If approved by the Administrator, other procedures for determining yaw angle may be used, provided that they are verified in a wind tunnel to be able to perform the yaw angle calibration procedure as described in section 10.5.

8.9.2 Sampling strategy. At each traverse point, first yaw-null the probe, as described in section 8.9.3, below. Then, with the probe oriented into the direction of flow, measure and record the yaw angle, the differential pressures and the temperature at the traverse point, after stable readings are achieved, in accordance with sections 8.9.4 and 8.9.5. At the start of testing in each port (i.e., after a probe has been inserted into the flue gas stream), allow at least the response time to elapse before beginning to take measurements at the first traverse point accessed from that port. Provided that the probe is not removed from the flue gas stream, measurements may be taken at subsequent traverse points accessed from the same test port without waiting again for the response time to elapse.

8.9.3 Yaw-nulling procedure. In preparation for yaw angle determination, the probe must first be yaw nulled. After positioning the probe at the appropriate traverse point, perform the following procedures. Rotate the probe until a null differential pressure reading (the difference in pressures across the P2 and P3 pressure ports is zero, i.e., P2 = P3) is indicated by the yaw angle pressure gauge. Read and record the angle displayed by the angle-measuring device. Sign of the measured angle. The angle displayed on the angle-measuring device is considered positive when the probe’s impact pressure port (as viewed from the “tail” end of the probe) is oriented in a clockwise rotational position relative to the stack or duct axis and is considered negative when the probe’s impact pressure port is oriented in a counterclockwise rotational position (see Figure 2F-10).

8.9.4 Yaw angle determination. After performing the yaw-nulling procedure in section 8.9.3, determine the yaw angle of flow according to one of the following procedures. Special care must be observed to take into account the signs of the recorded angle and all offsets. Direct-reading. If all rotational offsets are zero or if the angle-measuring device rotational offset (RADO) determined in section 8.3 exactly compensates for the scribe line rotational offset (RSLO) determined in section 10.5, then the magnitude of the yaw angle is equal to the displayed angle-measuring device reading from section The algebraic sign of the yaw angle is determined in accordance with section


Under certain circumstances (e.g., testing of horizontal ducts), a 90° adjustment to the angle-measuring device readings may be necessary to obtain the correct yaw angles. Compensation for rotational offsets during data reduction. When the angle-measuring device rotational offset does not compensate for reference scribe line rotational offset, the following procedure shall be used to determine the yaw angle:

(a) Enter the reading indicated by the angle-measuring device from section

(b) Associate the proper algebraic sign from section with the reading in step (a).

(c) Subtract the reference scribe line rotational offset, RSLO, from the reading in step (b).

(d) Subtract the angle-measuring device rotational offset, RADO, if any, from the result obtained in step (c).

(e) The final result obtained in step (d) is the yaw angle of flow.


It may be necessary to first apply a 90° adjustment to the reading in step (a), in order to obtain the correct yaw angle. Record the yaw angle measurements on a form similar to Table 2F-3.

8.9.5 Velocity determination. Maintain the probe rotational position established during the yaw angle determination. Then, begin recording the pressure-measuring device readings for the impact pressure (P1-P2) and pitch angle pressure (P4-P5). These pressure measurements shall be taken over a sampling period of sufficiently long duration to ensure representative readings at each traverse point. If the pressure measurements are determined from visual readings of the pressure device or display, allow sufficient time to observe the pulsation in the readings to obtain a sight-weighted average, which is then recorded manually. If an automated data acquisition system (e.g., data logger, computer-based data recorder, strip chart recorder) is used to record the pressure measurements, obtain an integrated average of all pressure readings at the traverse point. Stack or duct gas temperature measurements shall be recorded, at a minimum, once at each traverse point. Record all necessary data as shown in the example field data form (Table 2F-3).

8.9.6 Alignment check. For manually operated probes, after the required yaw angle and differential pressure and temperature measurements have been made at each traverse point, verify (e.g., by visual inspection) that the yaw angle-measuring device has remained in proper alignment with the reference scribe line or with the rotational offset position established in section 8.3. If, for a particular traverse point, the angle-measuring device is found to be in proper alignment, proceed to the next traverse point; otherwise, re-align the device and repeat the angle and differential pressure measurements at the traverse point. In the course of a traverse, if a mark used to properly align the angle-measuring device (e.g., as described in section cannot be located, re-establish the alignment mark before proceeding with the traverse.

8.10 Probe Plugging. Periodically check for plugging of the pressure ports by observing the responses on pressure differential readouts. Plugging causes erratic results or sluggish responses. Rotate the probe to determine whether the readouts respond in the expected direction. If plugging is detected, correct the problem and repeat the affected measurements.

8.11 Static Pressure. Measure the static pressure in the stack or duct using the equipment described in section 6.7.

8.11.1 If a Type DA or DAT probe is used for this measurement, position the probe at or between any traverse point(s) and rotate the probe until a null differential pressure reading is obtained at P2-P3. Rotate the probe 90°. Disconnect the P2 pressure side of the probe and read the pressure P1-Pbar and record as the static pressure. (Note: The spherical probe, specified in section 6.1.2, is unable to provide this measurement and shall not be used to take static pressure measurements.)

8.11.2 If a Type S probe is used for this measurement, position the probe at or between any traverse point(s) and rotate the probe until a null differential pressure reading is obtained. Disconnect the tubing from one of the pressure ports; read and record the ΔP. For pressure devices with one-directional scales, if a deflection in the positive direction is noted with the negative side disconnected, then the static pressure is positive. Likewise, if a deflection in the positive direction is noted with the positive side disconnected, then the static pressure is negative.

8.12 Atmospheric Pressure. Determine the atmospheric pressure at the sampling elevation during each test run following the procedure described in section 2.5 of Method 2.

8.13 Molecular Weight. Determine the stack gas dry molecular weight. For combustion processes or processes that emit essentially CO2, O2, CO, and N2, use Method 3 or 3A. For processes emitting essentially air, an analysis need not be conducted; use a dry molecular weight of 29.0. Other methods may be used, if approved by the Administrator.

8.14 Moisture. Determine the moisture content of the stack gas using Method 4 or equivalent.

8.15 Data Recording and Calculations. Record all required data on a form similar to Table 2F-3.

8.15.1 Selection of appropriate calibration curves. Choose the appropriate pair of F1 and F2 versus pitch angle calibration curves, created as described in section 10.6.

8.15.2 Pitch angle derivation. Use the appropriate calculation procedures in section 12.2 to find the pitch angle ratios that are applicable at each traverse point. Then, find the pitch angles corresponding to these pitch angle ratios on the “F1 versus pitch angle” curve for the probe.

8.15.3 Velocity calibration coefficient derivation. Use the pitch angle obtained following the procedures described in section 8.15.2 to find the corresponding velocity calibration coefficients from the “F2 versus pitch angle” calibration curve for the probe.

8.15.4 Calculations. Calculate the axial velocity at each traverse point using the equations presented in section 12.2 to account for the yaw and pitch angles of flow. Calculate the test run average stack gas velocity by finding the arithmetic average of the point velocity results in accordance with sections 12.3 and 12.4, and calculate the stack gas volumetric flow rate in accordance with section 12.5 or 12.6, as applicable.

9.0 Quality Control

9.1 Quality Control Activities. In conjunction with the yaw angle determination and the pressure and temperature measurements specified in section 8.9, the following quality control checks should be performed.

9.1.1 Range of the differential pressure gauge. In accordance with the specifications in section 6.4, ensure that the proper differential pressure gauge is being used for the range of ΔP values encountered. If it is necessary to change to a more sensitive gauge, replace the gauge with a gauge calibrated according to section 10.3.3, perform the leak check described in section 8.4 and the zero check described in section 8.5, and repeat the differential pressure and temperature readings at each traverse point.

9.1.2 Horizontal stability check. For horizontal traverses of a stack or duct, visually check that the probe shaft is maintained in a horizontal position prior to taking a pressure reading. Periodically, during a test run, the probe’s horizontal stability should be verified by placing a carpenter’s level, a digital inclinometer, or other angle-measuring device on the portion of the probe sheath that extends outside of the test port. A comparable check should be performed by automated systems.

10.0 Calibration

10.1 Wind Tunnel Qualification Checks. To qualify for use in calibrating probes, a wind tunnel shall have the design features specified in section 6.11 and satisfy the following qualification criteria. The velocity pressure cross-check in section 10.1.1 and axial flow verification in section 10.1.2 shall be performed before the initial use of the wind tunnel and repeated immediately after any alteration occurs in the wind tunnel’s configuration, fans, interior surfaces, straightening vanes, controls, or other properties that could reasonably be expected to alter the flow pattern or velocity stability in the tunnel. The owner or operator of a wind tunnel used to calibrate probes according to this method shall maintain records documenting that the wind tunnel meets the requirements of sections 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 and shall provide these records to the Administrator upon request.

10.1.1 Velocity pressure cross-check. To verify that the wind tunnel produces the same velocity at the tested probe head as at the calibration pitot tube impact port, perform the following cross-check. Take three differential pressure measurements at the fixed calibration pitot tube location, using the calibration pitot tube specified in section 6.10, and take three measurements with the calibration pitot tube at the wind tunnel calibration location, as defined in section 3.20. Alternate the measurements between the two positions. Perform this procedure at the lowest and highest velocity settings at which the probes will be calibrated. Record the values on a form similar to Table 2F-4. At each velocity setting, the average velocity pressure obtained at the wind tunnel calibration location shall be within ±2 percent or 2.5 mm H2O (0.01 in. H2O), whichever is less restrictive, of the average velocity pressure obtained at the fixed calibration pitot tube location. This comparative check shall be performed at 2.5-cm (1-in.), or smaller, intervals across the full length, width, and depth (if applicable) of the wind tunnel calibration location. If the criteria are not met at every tested point, the wind tunnel calibration location must be redefined, so that acceptable results are obtained at every point. Include the results of the velocity pressure cross-check in the calibration data section of the field test report. (See section 16.1.4.)

10.1.2 Axial flow verification. The following procedures shall be performed to demonstrate that there is fully developed axial flow within the calibration location and at the calibration pitot tube location. Two testing options are available to conduct this check. Using a calibrated 3-D probe. A 3-D probe that has been previously calibrated in a wind tunnel with documented axial flow (as defined in section 3.21) may be used to conduct this check. Insert the calibrated 3-D probe into the wind tunnel test section using the tested probe port. Following the procedures in sections 8.9 and 12.2 of this method, determine the yaw and pitch angles at all the point(s) in the test section where the velocity pressure cross-check, as specified in section 10.1.1, is performed. This includes all the points in the calibration location and the point where the calibration pitot tube will be located. Determine the yaw and pitch angles at each point. Repeat these measurements at the highest and lowest velocities at which the probes will be calibrated. Record the values on a form similar to Table 2F-5. Each measured yaw and pitch angle shall be within ±3° of 0°. Exceeding the limits indicates unacceptable flow in the test section. Until the problem is corrected and acceptable flow is verified by repetition of this procedure, the wind tunnel shall not be used for calibration of probes. Include the results of the axial flow verification in the calibration data section of the field test report. (See section 16.1.4.) Using alternative probes. Axial flow verification may be performed using an uncalibrated prism-shaped 3-D probe (e.g., DA or DAT probe) or an uncalibrated wedge probe. (Figure 2F-11 illustrates a typical wedge probe.) This approach requires use of two ports: the tested probe port and a second port located 90° from the tested probe port. Each port shall provide access to all the points within the wind tunnel test section where the velocity pressure cross-check, as specified in section 10.1.1, is conducted. The probe setup shall include establishing a reference yaw-null position on the probe sheath to serve as the location for installing the angle-measuring device. Physical design features of the DA, DAT, and wedge probes are relied on to determine the reference position. For the DA or DAT probe, this reference position can be determined by setting a digital inclinometer on the flat facet where the P1 pressure port is located and then identifying the rotational position on the probe sheath where a second angle-measuring device would give the same angle reading. The reference position on a wedge probe shaft can be determined either geometrically or by placing a digital inclinometer on each side of the wedge and rotating the probe until equivalent readings are obtained. With the latter approach, the reference position is the rotational position on the probe sheath where an angle-measuring device would give a reading of 0°. After installing the angle-measuring device in the reference yaw-null position on the probe sheath, determine the yaw angle from the tested port. Repeat this measurement using the 90° offset port, which provides the pitch angle of flow. Determine the yaw and pitch angles at all the point(s) in the test section where the velocity pressure cross-check, as specified in section 10.1.1, is performed. This includes all the points in the wind tunnel calibration location and the point where the calibration pitot tube will be located. Perform this check at the highest and lowest velocities at which the probes will be calibrated. Record the values on a form similar to Table 2F-5. Each measured yaw and pitch angle shall be within ±3° of 0°. Exceeding the limits indicates unacceptable flow in the test section. Until the problem is corrected and acceptable flow is verified by repetition of this procedure, the wind tunnel shall not be used for calibration of probes. Include the results in the probe calibration report.

10.1.3 Wind tunnel audits. Procedure. Upon the request of the Administrator, the owner or operator of a wind tunnel shall calibrate a 3-D audit probe in accordance with the procedures described in sections 10.3 through 10.6. The calibration shall be performed at two velocities and over a pitch angle range that encompasses the velocities and pitch angles typically used for this method at the facility. The resulting calibration data and curves shall be submitted to the Agency in an audit test report. These results shall be compared by the Agency to reference calibrations of the audit probe at the same velocity and pitch angle settings obtained at two different wind tunnels. Acceptance criteria. The audited tunnel’s calibration is acceptable if all of the following conditions are satisfied at each velocity and pitch setting for the reference calibration obtained from at least one of the wind tunnels. For pitch angle settings between −15° and + 15°, no velocity calibration coefficient (i.e., F2) may differ from the corresponding reference value by more than 3 percent. For pitch angle settings outside of this range (i.e., less than −15° and greater than + 15°), no velocity calibration coefficient may differ by more than 5 percent from the corresponding reference value. If the acceptance criteria are not met, the audited wind tunnel shall not be used to calibrate probes for use under this method until the problems are resolved and acceptable results are obtained upon completion of a subsequent audit.

10.2 Probe Inspection. Before each calibration of a 3-D probe, carefully examine the physical condition of the probe head. Particular attention shall be paid to the edges of the pressure ports and the surfaces surrounding these ports. Any dents, scratches, or asymmetries on the edges of the pressure ports and any scratches or indentations on the surfaces surrounding the pressure ports shall be noted because of the potential effect on the probe’s pressure readings. If the probe has been previously calibrated, compare the current condition of the probe’s pressure ports and surfaces to the results of the inspection performed during the probe’s most recent wind tunnel calibration. Record the results of this inspection on a form and in diagrams similar to Table 2F-1. The information in Table 2F-1 will be used as the basis for comparison during the probe head inspections performed before each subsequent field use.

10.3 Pre-Calibration Procedures. Prior to calibration, a scribe line shall have been placed on the probe in accordance with section 10.4. The yaw angle and velocity calibration procedures shall not begin until the pre-test requirements in sections 10.3.1 through 10.3.4 have been met.

10.3.1 Perform the horizontal straightness check described in section 8.2 on the probe assembly that will be calibrated in the wind tunnel.

10.3.2 Perform a leak check in accordance with section 8.4.

10.3.3 Except as noted in section, calibrate all differential pressure-measuring devices to be used in the probe calibrations, using the following procedures. At a minimum, calibrate these devices on each day that probe calibrations are performed. Procedure. Before each wind tunnel use, all differential pressure-measuring devices shall be calibrated against the reference device specified in section 6.4.3 using a common pressure source. Perform the calibration at three reference pressures representing 30, 60, and 90 percent of the full-scale range of the pressure-measuring device being calibrated. For an inclined-vertical manometer, perform separate calibrations on the inclined and vertical portions of the measurement scale, considering each portion of the scale to be a separate full-scale range. [For example, for a manometer with a 0- to 2.5-cm H2O (0- to 1-in. H2O) inclined scale and a 2.5- to 12.7-cm H2O (1- to 5-in. H2O) vertical scale, calibrate the inclined portion at 7.6, 15.2, and 22.9 mm H2O (0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 in. H2O), and calibrate the vertical portion at 3.8, 7.6, and 11.4 cm H2O (1.5, 3.0, and 4.5 in. H2O).] Alternatively, for the vertical portion of the scale, use three evenly spaced reference pressures, one of which is equal to or higher than the highest differential pressure expected in field applications. Acceptance criteria. At each pressure setting, the two pressure readings made using the reference device and the pressure-measuring device being calibrated shall agree to within ±2 percent of full scale of the device being calibrated or 0.5 mm H2O (0.02 in. H2O), whichever is less restrictive. For an inclined-vertical manometer, these requirements shall be met separately using the respective full-scale upper limits of the inclined and vertical portions of the scale. Differential pressure-measuring devices not meeting the #2 percent of full scale or 0.5 mm H2O (0.02 in. H2O) calibration requirement shall not be used. Exceptions. Any precision manometer that meets the specifications for a reference device in section 6.4.3 and that is not used for field testing does not require calibration, but must be leveled and zeroed before each wind tunnel use. Any pressure device used exclusively for yaw nulling does not require calibration, but shall be checked for responsiveness to rotation of the probe prior to each wind tunnel use.

10.3.4 Calibrate digital inclinometers on each day of wind tunnel or field testing (prior to beginning testing) using the following procedures. Calibrate the inclinometer according to the manufacturer’s calibration procedures. In addition, use a triangular block (illustrated in Figure 2F-12) with a known angle, θ independently determined using a protractor or equivalent device, between two adjacent sides to verify the inclinometer readings.


If other angle-measuring devices meeting the provisions of section 6.2.3 are used in place of a digital inclinometer, comparable calibration procedures shall be performed on such devices.)

Secure the triangular block in a fixed position. Place the inclinometer on one side of the block (side A) to measure the angle of inclination (R1). Repeat this measurement on the adjacent side of the block (side B) using the inclinometer to obtain a second angle reading (R2). The difference of the sum of the two readings from 180° (i.e., 180° −R1 −R2) shall be within ±2° of the known angle, Θ

10.4 Placement of Reference Scribe Line. Prior to the first calibration of a probe, a line shall be permanently inscribed on the main probe sheath to serve as a reference mark for determining yaw angles. Annex C in section 18 of this method gives a guideline for placement of the reference scribe line.

10.4.1 This reference scribe line shall meet the specifications in sections and of this method. To verify that the alignment specification in section is met, secure the probe in a horizontal position and measure the rotational angle of each scribe line and scribe line segment using an angle-measuring device that meets the specifications in section 6.2.1 or 6.2.3. For any scribe line that is longer than 30.5 cm (12 in.), check the line’s rotational position at 30.5-cm (12-in.) intervals. For each line segment that is 30.5 cm (12 in.) or less in length, check the rotational position at the two endpoints of the segment. To meet the alignment specification in section, the minimum and maximum of all of the rotational angles that are measured along the full length of the main probe must not differ by more than 2°.


A short reference scribe line segment [e.g., 15.2 cm (6 in.) or less in length] meeting the alignment specifications in section is fully acceptable under this method. See section of Annex A for an example of a probe marking procedure, suitable for use with a short reference scribe line.

10.4.2 The scribe line should be placed on the probe first and then its offset from the yaw-null position established (as specified in section 10.5). The rotational position of the reference scribe line relative to the yaw-null position of the probe, as determined by the yaw angle calibration procedure in section 10.5, is defined as the reference scribe line rotational offset, RSLO. The reference scribe line rotational offset shall be recorded and retained as part of the probe’s calibration record.

10.4.3 Scribe line for automated probes. A scribe line may not be necessary for an automated probe system if a reference rotational position of the probe is built into the probe system design. For such systems, a “flat” (or comparable, clearly identifiable physical characteristic) should be provided on the probe casing or flange plate to ensure that the reference position of the probe assembly remains in a vertical or horizontal position. The rotational offset of the flat (or comparable, clearly identifiable physical characteristic) needed to orient the reference position of the probe assembly shall be recorded and maintained as part of the automated probe system’s specifications.

10.5 Yaw Angle Calibration Procedure. For each probe used to measure yaw angles with this method, a calibration procedure shall be performed in a wind tunnel meeting the specifications in section 10.1 to determine the rotational position of the reference scribe line relative to the probe’s yaw-null position. This procedure shall be performed on the main probe with all devices that will be attached to the main probe in the field [such as thermocouples or resistance temperature detectors (RTDs)] that may affect the flow around the probe head. Probe shaft extensions that do not affect flow around the probe head need not be attached during calibration. At a minimum, this procedure shall include the following steps.

10.5.1 Align and lock the angle-measuring device on the reference scribe line. If a marking procedure (such as that described in section is used, align the angle-measuring device on a mark within ±1° of the rotational position of the reference scribe line. Lock the angle-measuring device onto the probe sheath at this position.

10.5.2 Zero the pressure-measuring device used for yaw nulling.

10.5.3 Insert the probe assembly into the wind tunnel through the entry port, positioning the probe’s impact port at the calibration location. Check the responsiveness of the pressure-measurement device to probe rotation, taking corrective action if the response is unacceptable.

10.5.4 Ensure that the probe is in a horizontal position, using a carpenter’s level.

10.5.5 Rotate the probe either clockwise or counterclockwise until a yaw null (P2 = P3) is obtained.

10.5.6 Use the reading displayed by the angle-measuring device at the yaw-null position to determine the magnitude of the reference scribe line rotational offset, RSLO, as defined in section 3.15. Annex D in section 18 of this method provides a recommended procedure for determining the magnitude of RSLO with a digital inclinometer and a second procedure for determining the magnitude of RSLO with a protractor wheel and pointer device. Table 2F-6 presents an example data form and Table 2F-7 is a look-up table with the recommended procedure. Procedures other than those recommended in Annex D in section 18 may be used, if they can determine RSLO to within ±1° and are explained in detail in the field test report. The algebraic sign of RSLO will either be positive, if the rotational position of the reference scribe line (as viewed from the “tail” end of the probe) is clockwise, or negative, if counterclockwise with respect to the probe’s yaw-null position. (This is illustrated in Figure 2F-13.)

10.5.7 The steps in sections 10.5.3 through 10.5.6 shall be performed twice at each of the velocities at which the probe will be calibrated (in accordance with section 10.6). Record the values of RSLO.

10.5.8 The average of all of the RSLO values shall be documented as the reference scribe line rotational offset for the probe.

10.5.9 Use of reference scribe line offset. The reference scribe line rotational offset shall be used to determine the yaw angle of flow in accordance with section 8.9.4.

10.6 Pitch Angle and Velocity Pressure Calibrations. Use the procedures in sections 10.6.1 through 10.6.16 to generate an appropriate set (or sets) of pitch angle and velocity pressure calibration curves for each probe. The calibration procedure shall be performed on the main probe and all devices that will be attached to the main probe in the field (e.g., thermocouple or RTDs) that may affect the flow around the probe head. Probe shaft extensions that do not affect flow around the probe head need not be attached during calibration. (Note: If a sampling nozzle is part of the assembly, a wind tunnel demonstration shall be performed that shows the probe’s ability to measure velocity and yaw null is not impaired when the nozzle is drawing a sample.) The calibration procedure involves generating two calibration curves, F1 versus pitch angle and F2 versus pitch angle. To generate these two curves, F1 and F2 shall be derived using Equations 2F-1 and 2F-2, below. Table 2F-8 provides an example wind tunnel calibration data sheet, used to log the measurements needed to derive these two calibration curves.

10.6.1 Calibration velocities. The tester may calibrate the probe at two nominal wind tunnel velocity settings of 18.3 m/sec and 27.4 m/sec (60 ft/sec and 90 ft/sec) and average the results of these calibrations, as described in section, in order to generate a set of calibration curves. If this option is selected, this single set of calibration curves may be used for all field applications over the entire velocity range allowed by the method. Alternatively, the tester may customize the probe calibration for a particular field test application (or for a series of applications), based on the expected average velocity(ies) at the test site(s). If this option is selected, generate each set of calibration curves by calibrating the probe at two nominal wind tunnel velocity settings, at least one of which is greater than or equal to the expected average velocity(ies) for the field application(s), and average the results as described in section Whichever calibration option is selected, the probe calibration coefficients (F2 values) obtained at the two nominal calibration velocities shall, for the same pitch angle setting, meet the conditions specified in section 10.6.16.

10.6.2 Pitch angle calibration curve (F1 versus pitch angle). The pitch angle calibration involves generating a calibration curve of calculated F1 values versus tested pitch angles, where F1 is the ratio of the pitch pressure to the velocity pressure, i.e.,

See Figure 2F-14 for an example F1 versus pitch angle calibration curve.

10.6.3 Velocity calibration curve (F2 versus pitch angle). The velocity calibration involves generating a calibration curve of the 3-D probe’s F2 coefficient against the tested pitch angles, where


Cp = calibration pitot tube coefficient, and

ΔPstd = velocity pressure from the calibration pitot tube.

See Figure 2F-15 for an example F2 versus pitch angle calibration curve.

10.6.4 Connect the tested probe and calibration pitot probe to their respective pressure-measuring devices. Zero the pressure-measuring devices. Inspect and leak-check all pitot lines; repair or replace, if necessary. Turn on the fan, and allow the wind tunnel air flow to stabilize at the first of the two selected nominal velocity settings.

10.6.5 Position the calibration pitot tube at its measurement location (determined as outlined in section, and align the tube so that its tip is pointed directly into the flow. Ensure that the entry port surrounding the tube is properly sealed. The calibration pitot tube may either remain in the wind tunnel throughout the calibration, or be removed from the wind tunnel while measurements are taken with the probe being calibrated.

10.6.6 Set up the pitch protractor plate on the tested probe’s entry port to establish the pitch angle positions of the probe to within ±2°.

10.6.7 Check the zero setting of each pressure-measuring device.

10.6.8 Insert the tested probe into the wind tunnel and align it so that its P1 pressure port is pointed directly into the flow and is positioned within the calibration location (as defined in section 3.20). Secure the probe at the 0° pitch angle position. Ensure that the entry port surrounding the probe is properly sealed.

10.6.9 Read the differential pressure from the calibration pitot tube (ΔPstd), and record its value. Read the barometric pressure to within ±2.5 mm Hg (±0.1 in. Hg) and the temperature in the wind tunnel to within 0.6 °C (1 °F). Record these values on a data form similar to Table 2F-8.

10.6.10 After the tested probe’s differential pressure gauges have had sufficient time to stabilize, yaw null the probe, then obtain differential pressure readings for (P1-P2) and (P4-P5). Record the yaw angle and differential pressure readings. After taking these readings, ensure that the tested probe has remained at the yaw-null position.

10.6.11 Either take paired differential pressure measurements with both the calibration pitot tube and tested probe (according to sections 10.6.9 and 10.6.10) or take readings only with the tested probe (according to section 10.6.10) in 5° increments over the pitch-angle range for which the probe is to be calibrated. The calibration pitch-angle range shall be symmetric around 0° and shall exceed the largest pitch angle expected in the field by 5°. At a minimum, probes shall be calibrated over the range of −15° to + 15°. If paired calibration pitot tube and tested probe measurements are not taken at each pitch angle setting, the differential pressure from the calibration pitot tube shall be read, at a minimum, before taking the tested probe’s differential pressure reading at the first pitch angle setting and after taking the tested probe’s differential pressure readings at the last pitch angle setting in each replicate.

10.6.12 Perform a second replicate of the procedures in sections 10.6.5 through 10.6.11 at the same nominal velocity setting.

10.6.13 For each replicate, calculate the F1 and F2 values at each pitch angle. At each pitch angle, calculate the percent difference between the two F2 values using Equation 2F-3.

If the percent difference is less than or equal to 2 percent, calculate an average F1 value and an average F2 value at that pitch angle. If the percent difference is greater than 2 percent and less than or equal to 5 percent, perform a third repetition at that angle and calculate an average F1 value and an average F2 value using all three repetitions. If the percent difference is greater than 5 percent, perform four additional repetitions at that angle and calculate an average F1 value and an average F2 value using all six repetitions. When additional repetitions are required at any pitch angle, move the probe by at least 5° and then return to the specified pitch angle before taking the next measurement. Record the average values on a form similar to Table 2F-9.

10.6.14 Repeat the calibration procedures in sections 10.6.5 through 10.6.13 at the second selected nominal wind tunnel velocity setting.

10.6.15 Velocity drift check. The following check shall be performed, except when paired calibration pitot tube and tested probe pressure measurements are taken at each pitch angle setting. At each velocity setting, calculate the percent difference between consecutive differential pressure measurements made with the calibration pitot tube. If a measurement differs from the previous measurement by more than 2 percent or 0.25 mm H2O (0.01 in. H2O), whichever is less restrictive, the calibration data collected between these calibration pitot tube measurements may not be used, and the measurements shall be repeated.

10.6.16 Compare the averaged F2 coefficients obtained from the calibrations at the two selected nominal velocities, as follows. At each pitch angle setting, use Equation 2F-3 to calculate the difference between the corresponding average F2 values at the two calibration velocities. At each pitch angle in the −15° to + 15° range, the percent difference between the average F2 values shall not exceed 3.0 percent. For pitch angles outside this range (i.e., less than −15°0 and greater than + 15°), the percent difference shall not exceed 5.0 percent. If the applicable specification in section 10.6.16 is met at each pitch angle setting, average the results obtained at the two nominal calibration velocities to produce a calibration record of F1 and F2 at each pitch angle tested. Record these values on a form similar to Table 2F-9. From these values, generate one calibration curve representing F1 versus pitch angle and a second curve representing F2 versus pitch angle. Computer spreadsheet programs may be used to graph the calibration data and to develop polynomial equations that can be used to calculate pitch angles and axial velocities. If the applicable specification in section 10.6.16 is exceeded at any pitch angle setting, the probe shall not be used unless: (1) the calibration is repeated at that pitch angle and acceptable results are obtained or (2) values of F1 and F2 are obtained at two nominal velocities for which the specifications in section 10.6.16 are met across the entire pitch angle range.

10.7 Recalibration. Recalibrate the probe using the procedures in section 10 either within 12 months of its first field use after its most recent calibration or after 10 field tests (as defined in section 3.4), whichever occurs later. In addition, whenever there is visible damage to the 3-D head, the probe shall be recalibrated before it is used again.

10.8 Calibration of pressure-measuring devices used in field tests. Before its initial use in a field test, calibrate each pressure-measuring device (except those used exclusively for yaw nulling) using the three-point calibration procedure described in section 10.3.3. The device shall be recalibrated according to the procedure in section 10.3.3 no later than 90 days after its first field use following its most recent calibration. At the discretion of the tester, more frequent calibrations (e.g., after a field test) may be performed. No adjustments, other than adjustments to the zero setting, shall be made to the device between calibrations.

10.8.1 Post-test calibration check. A single-point calibration check shall be performed on each pressure-measuring device after completion of each field test. At the discretion of the tester, more frequent single-point calibration checks (e.g., after one or more field test runs) may be performed. It is recommended that the post-test check be performed before leaving the field test site. The check shall be performed at a pressure between 50 and 90 percent of full scale by taking a common pressure reading with the tested device and a reference pressure-measuring device (as described in section 6.4.4) or by challenging the tested device with a reference pressure source (as described in section 6.4.4) or by performing an equivalent check using a reference device approved by the Administrator.

10.8.2 Acceptance criterion. At the selected pressure setting, the pressure readings made using the reference device and the tested device shall agree to within 3 percent of full scale of the tested device or 0.8 mm H2O (0.03 in. H2O), whichever is less restrictive. If this specification is met, the test data collected during the field test are valid. If the specification is not met, all test data collected since the last successful calibration or calibration check are invalid and shall be repeated using a pressure-measuring device with a current, valid calibration. Any device that fails the calibration check shall not be used in a field test until a successful recalibration is performed according to the procedures in section 10.3.3.

10.9 Temperature Gauges. Same as Method 2, section 4.3. The alternative thermocouple calibration procedures outlined in Emission Measurement Center (EMC) Approved Alternative Method (ALT-011) “Alternative Method 2 Thermocouple Calibration Procedure” may be performed. Temperature gauges shall be calibrated no more than 30 days prior to the start of a field test or series of field tests and recalibrated no more than 30 days after completion of a field test or series of field tests.

10.10 Barometer. Same as Method 2, section 4.4. The barometer shall be calibrated no more than 30 days prior to the start of a field test or series of field tests.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

Sample collection and analysis are concurrent for this method (see section 8.0).

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

These calculations use the measured yaw angle, derived pitch angle, and the differential pressure and temperature measurements at individual traverse points to derive the axial flue gas velocity (va(i)) at each of those points. The axial velocity values at all traverse points that comprise a full stack or duct traverse are then averaged to obtain the average axial flue gas velocity (va (avg)). Round off figures only in the final calculation of reported values.

12.1 Nomenclature

A = Cross-sectional area of stack or duct, m
2 (ft

Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream (from Method 4 or alternative), proportion by volume.

Kp Conversion factor (a constant),

for the metric system, and

for the English system.

Md = Molecular weight of stack or duct gas, dry basis (see section 8.13), g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole).

Ms = Molecular weight of stack or duct gas, wet basis, g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole).

Pbar = Barometric pressure at measurement site, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Pg = Stack or duct static pressure, mm H2O (in. H2O).

Ps = Absolute stack or duct pressure, mm Hg (in. Hg),

Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg).

13.6 = Conversion from mm H2O (in. H2O) to mm Hg (in. Hg).

Qsd = Average dry-basis volumetric stack or duct gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscm/hr (dscf/hr).

Qsw = Average wet-basis volumetric stack or duct gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, wscm/hr (wscf/hr).

Ts(avg) = Average absolute stack or duct gas temperature across all traverse points.

ts(i) = Stack or duct gas temperature, C (F), at traverse point i.

Ts(i) = Absolute stack or duct gas temperature, K (R), at traverse point i,

for the metric system, and

for the English system.

Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293 °K (528 °R).

F1(i) = Pitch angle ratio, applicable at traverse point i, dimensionless.

F2(i) = 3-D probe velocity calibration coefficient, applicable at traverse point i, dimensionless.

(P4-P5)i = Pitch differential pressure of stack or duct gas flow, mm H2O (in. H2O), at traverse point i.

(P1-P2)i = Velocity head (differential pressure) of stack or duct gas flow, mm H2O (in. H2O), at traverse point i.

va(i) = Reported stack or duct gas axial velocity, m/sec (ft/sec), at traverse point i.

va(avg) = Average stack or duct gas axial velocity, m/sec (ft/sec), across all traverse points.

3,600 = Conversion factor, sec/hr.

18.0 = Molecular weight of water, g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole).

θy(i) = Yaw angle, degrees, at traverse point i.

θp(i) = Pitch angle, degrees, at traverse point i.

n = Number of traverse points.

12.2 Traverse Point Velocity Calculations. Perform the following calculations from the measurements obtained at each traverse point.

12.2.1 Selection of calibration curves. Select calibration curves as described in section 10.6.1.

12.2.2 Traverse point pitch angle ratio. Use Equation 2F-1, as described in section 10.6.2, to calculate the pitch angle ratio, F1(i), at each traverse point.

12.2.3 Pitch angle. Use the pitch angle ratio, F1(i), to derive the pitch angle, θp(i), at traverse point i from the F1 versus pitch angle calibration curve generated under section

12.2.4 Velocity calibration coefficient. Use the pitch angle, θp(i), to obtain the probe velocity calibration coefficient, F2(i), at traverse point i from the “velocity pressure calibration curve,” i.e., the F2 versus pitch angle calibration curve generated under section

12.2.5 Axial velocity. Use the following equation to calculate the axial velocity, va(i), from the differential pressure (P1-P2)i and yaw angle, θy(i), measured at traverse point i and the previously calculated values for the velocity calibration coefficient, F2(i), absolute stack or duct standard temperature, Ts(i), absolute stack or duct pressure, Ps, molecular weight, Ms, and pitch angle, “θp(i).

12.2.6 Handling multiple measurements at a traverse point. For pressure or temperature devices that take multiple measurements at a traverse point, the multiple measurements (or where applicable, their square roots) may first be averaged and the resulting average values used in the equations above. Alternatively, the individual measurements may be used in the equations above and the resulting multiple calculated values may then be averaged to obtain a single traverse point value. With either approach, all of the individual measurements recorded at a traverse point must be used in calculating the applicable traverse point value.

12.3 Average Axial Velocity in Stack or Duct. Use the reported traverse point axial velocity in the following equation.

12.4 Acceptability of Results. The test results are acceptable and the calculated value of va(avg) may be reported as the average axial velocity for the test run if the conditions in either section 12.4.1 or 12.4.2 are met.

12.4.1 The calibration curves were generated at nominal velocities of 18.3 m/sec and 27.4 m/sec (60 ft/sec and 90 ft/sec).

12.4.2 The calibration curves were generated at nominal velocities other than 18.3 m/sec and 27.4 m/sec (60 ft/sec and 90 ft/sec), and the value of va(avg) obtained using Equation 2F-9 is less than or equal to at least one of the nominal velocities used to derive the F1 and F2 calibration curves.

12.4.3 If the conditions in neither section 12.4.1 nor section 12.4.2 are met, the test results obtained in Equation 2F-9 are not acceptable, and the steps in sections 12.2 and 12.3 must be repeated using a set of F1 and F2 calibration curves that satisfies the conditions specified in section 12.4.1 or 12.4.2.

12.5 Average Gas Wet Volumetric Flow Rate in Stack or Duct. Use the following equation to compute the average volumetric flow rate on a wet basis.

12.6 Average Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate in Stack or Duct. Use the following equation to compute the average volumetric flow rate on a dry basis.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 Reporting

16.1 Field Test Reports. Field test reports shall be submitted to the Agency according to applicable regulatory requirements. Field test reports should, at a minimum, include the following elements.

16.1.1 Description of the source. This should include the name and location of the test site, descriptions of the process tested, a description of the combustion source, an accurate diagram of stack or duct cross-sectional area at the test site showing the dimensions of the stack or duct, the location of the test ports, and traverse point locations and identification numbers or codes. It should also include a description and diagram of the stack or duct layout, showing the distance of the test location from the nearest upstream and downstream disturbances and all structural elements (including breachings, baffles, fans, straighteners, etc.) affecting the flow pattern. If the source and test location descriptions have been previously submitted to the Agency in a document (e.g., a monitoring plan or test plan), referencing the document in lieu of including this information in the field test report is acceptable.

16.1.2 Field test procedures. These should include a description of test equipment and test procedures. Testing conventions, such as traverse point numbering and measurement sequence (e.g., sampling from center to wall, or wall to center), should be clearly stated. Test port identification and directional reference for each test port should be included on the appropriate field test data sheets.

16.1.3 Field test data. Summary of results. This summary should include the dates and times of testing and the average axial gas velocity and the average flue gas volumetric flow results for each run and tested condition. Test data. The following values for each traverse point should be recorded and reported:

(a) P1-P2 and P4-P5 differential pressures

(b) Stack or duct gas temperature at traverse point i (ts(i))

(c) Absolute stack or duct gas temperature at traverse point i (Ts(i))

(d) Yaw angle at each traverse point i (θy(i))

(e) Pitch angle at each traverse point i (θp(i))

(f) Stack or duct gas axial velocity at traverse point i (va(i)) The following values should be reported once per run:

(a) Water vapor in the gas stream (from Method 4 or alternative), proportion by volume (Bws), measured at the frequency specified in the applicable regulation

(b) Molecular weight of stack or duct gas, dry basis (Md)

(c) Molecular weight of stack or duct gas, wet basis (Ms)

(d) Stack or duct static pressure (Pg)

(e) Absolute stack or duct pressure (Ps)

(f) Carbon dioxide concentration in the flue gas, dry basis (
0/0d CO2)

(g) Oxygen concentration in the flue gas, dry basis (
0/0d O2)

(h) Average axial stack or duct gas velocity (va(avg)) across all traverse points

(i) Gas volumetric flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dry or wet basis as required by the applicable regulation (Qsd or Qsw) The following should be reported once per complete set of test runs:

(a) Cross-sectional area of stack or duct at the test location (A)

(b) Measurement system response time (sec)

(c) Barometric pressure at measurement site (Pbar)

16.1.4 Calibration data. The field test report should include calibration data for all probes and test equipment used in the field test. At a minimum, the probe calibration data reported to the Agency should include the following:

(a) Date of calibration

(b) Probe type

(c) Probe identification number(s) or code(s)

(d) Probe inspection sheets

(e) Pressure measurements and intermediate calculations of F1 and F2 at each pitch angle used to obtain calibration curves in accordance with section 10.6 of this method

(f) Calibration curves (in graphic or equation format) obtained in accordance with sections 10.6.11 of this method

(g) Description and diagram of wind tunnel used for the calibration, including dimensions of cross-sectional area and position and size of the test section

(h) Documentation of wind tunnel qualification tests performed in accordance with section 10.1 of this method

16.1.5 Quality Assurance. Specific quality assurance and quality control procedures used during the test should be described.

17.0 Bibliography

(1) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 1—Sample and velocity traverses for stationary sources.

(2) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 2H—Determination of stack gas velocity taking into account velocity decay near the stack wall.

(3) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 2—Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate (Type S pitot tube).

(4) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 3—Gas analysis for carbon dioxide, oxygen, excess air, and dry molecular weight.

(5) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 3A—Determination of oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in emissions from stationary sources (instrumental analyzer procedure).

(6) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 4—Determination of moisture content in stack gases.

(7) Emission Measurement Center (EMC) Approved Alternative Method (ALT-011) “Alternative Method 2 Thermocouple Calibration Procedure.”

(8) Electric Power Research Institute, Interim Report EPRI TR-106698, “Flue Gas Flow Rate Measurement Errors,” June 1996.

(9) Electric Power Research Institute, Final Report EPRI TR-108110, “Evaluation of Heat Rate Discrepancy from Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems,” August 1997.

(10) Fossil Energy Research Corporation, Final Report, “Velocity Probe Tests in Non-axial Flow Fields,” November 1998, Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

(11) Fossil Energy Research Corporation, “Additional Swirl Tunnel Tests: E-DAT and T-DAT Probes,” February 24, 1999, Technical Memorandum Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, P.O. No. 7W-1193-NALX.

(12) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Report WBWT-TR-1317, “Calibration of Eight Wind Speed Probes Over a Reynolds Number Range of 46,000 to 725,000 Per Foot, Text and Summary Plots,” Plus appendices, October 15, 1998, Prepared for The Cadmus Group, Inc.

(13) National Institute of Standards and Technology, Special Publication 250, “NIST Calibration Services Users Guide 1991,” Revised October 1991, U.S. Department of Commerce, p. 2.

(14) National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998, “Report of Special Test of Air Speed Instrumentation, Four Prandtl Probes, Four S-Type Probes, Four French Probes, Four Modified Kiel Probes,” Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under IAG #DW13938432-01-0.

(15) National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998, “Report of Special Test of Air Speed Instrumentation, Five Autoprobes,” Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under IAG #DW13938432-01-0.

(16) National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998, “Report of Special Test of Air Speed Instrumentation, Eight Spherical Probes,” Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under IAG #DW13938432-01-0.

(17) National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998, “Report of Special Test of Air Speed Instrumentation, Four DAT Probes,” Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under IAG #DW13938432-01-0.

(18) Norfleet, S.K., “An Evaluation of Wall Effects on Stack Flow Velocities and Related Overestimation Bias in EPA’s Stack Flow Reference Methods,” EPRI CEMS User’s Group Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 13-15, 1998.

(19) Page, J.J., E.A. Potts, and R.T. Shigehara, “3-D Pitot Tube Calibration Study,” EPA Contract No. 68-D1-0009, Work Assignment No. I-121, March 11, 1993.

(20) Shigehara, R.T., W.F. Todd, and W.S. Smith, “Significance of Errors in Stack Sampling Measurements,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, St. Louis, Missouri, June 14-19, 1970.

(21) The Cadmus Group, Inc., May 1999, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Findings Report,” EPA/430-R-99-009.

(22) The Cadmus Group, Inc., 1998, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Data Report, Texas Utilities, DeCordova Steam Electric Station, Volume I: Test Description and Appendix A (Data Distribution Package),” EPA/430-R-98-015a.

(23) The Cadmus Group, Inc., 1998, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Data Report, Texas Utilities, Lake Hubbard Steam Electric Station, Volume I: Test Description and Appendix A (Data Distribution Package),” EPA/430-R-98-017a.

(24) The Cadmus Group, Inc., 1998, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Data Report, Pennsylvania Electric Co., G.P.U. Genco Homer City Station: Unit 1, Volume I: Test Description and Appendix A (Data Distribution Package),” EPA/430-R-98-018a.

(25) The Cadmus Group, Inc., 1997, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Wind Tunnel Experimental Results,” EPA/430-R-97-013.

18.0 Annexes

Annex A, C, and D describe recommended procedures for meeting certain provisions in sections 8.3, 10.4, and 10.5 of this method. Annex B describes procedures to be followed when using the protractor wheel and pointer assembly to measure yaw angles, as provided under section 8.9.1.

18.1 Annex A—Rotational Position Check. The following are recommended procedures that may be used to satisfy the rotational position check requirements of section 8.3 of this method and to determine the angle-measuring device rotational offset RADO.

18.1.1 Rotational position check with probe outside stack. Where physical constraints at the sampling location allow full assembly of the probe outside the stack and insertion into the test port, the following procedures should be performed before the start of testing. Two angle-measuring devices that meet the specifications in section 6.2.1 or 6.2.3 are required for the rotational position check. An angle measuring device whose position can be independently adjusted (e.g., by means of a set screw) after being locked into position on the probe sheath shall not be used for this check unless the independent adjustment is set so that the device performs exactly like a device without the capability for independent adjustment. That is, when aligned on the probe such a device must give the same reading as a device that does not have the capability of being independently adjusted. With the fully assembled probe (including probe shaft extensions, if any) secured in a horizontal position, affix one yaw angle-measuring device to the probe sheath and lock it into position on the reference scribe line specified in section Position the second angle-measuring device using the procedure in section or Marking procedure. The procedures in this section should be performed at each location on the fully assembled probe where the yaw angle-measuring device will be mounted during the velocity traverse. Place the second yaw angle-measuring device on the main probe sheath (or extension) at the position where a yaw angle will be measured during the velocity traverse. Adjust the position of the second angle-measuring device until it indicates the same angle (±1°) as the reference device, and affix the second device to the probe sheath (or extension). Record the angles indicated by the two angle-measuring devices on a form similar to Table 2F-2. In this position, the second angle-measuring device is considered to be properly positioned for yaw angle measurement. Make a mark, no wider than 1.6 mm (1/16 in.), on the probe sheath (or extension), such that the yaw angle-measuring device can be re-affixed at this same properly aligned position during the velocity traverse. Procedure for probe extensions with scribe lines. If, during a velocity traverse the angle-measuring device will be affixed to a probe extension having a scribe line as specified in section, the following procedure may be used to align the extension’s scribe line with the reference scribe line instead of marking the extension as described in section Attach the probe extension to the main probe. Align and lock the second angle-measuring device on the probe extension’s scribe line. Then, rotate the extension until both measuring devices indicate the same angle (±1°). Lock the extension at this rotational position. Record the angles indicated by the two angle-measuring devices on a form similar to Table 2F-2. An angle-measuring device may be aligned at any position on this scribe line during the velocity traverse, if the scribe line meets the alignment specification in section Post-test rotational position check. If the fully assembled probe includes one or more extensions, the following check should be performed immediately after the completion of a velocity traverse. At the discretion of the tester, additional checks may be conducted after completion of testing at any sample port. Without altering the alignment of any of the components of the probe assembly used in the velocity traverse, secure the fully assembled probe in a horizontal position. Affix an angle-measuring device at the reference scribe line specified in section Use the other angle-measuring device to check the angle at each location where the device was checked prior to testing. Record the readings from the two angle-measuring devices.

18.1.2 Rotational position check with probe in stack. This section applies only to probes that, due to physical constraints, cannot be inserted into the test port as fully assembled with all necessary extensions needed to reach the inner-most traverse point(s). Perform the out-of-stack procedure in section 18.1.1 on the main probe and any attached extensions that will be initially inserted into the test port. Use the following procedures to perform additional rotational position check(s) with the probe in the stack, each time a probe extension is added. Two angle-measuring devices are required. The first of these is the device that was used to measure yaw angles at the preceding traverse point, left in its properly aligned measurement position. The second angle-measuring device is positioned on the added probe extension. Use the applicable procedures in section or to align, adjust, lock, and mark (if necessary) the position of the second angle-measuring device to within ±1° of the first device. Record the readings of the two devices on a form similar to Table 2F-2. The procedure in section should be performed at the first port where measurements are taken. The procedure should be repeated each time a probe extension is re-attached at a subsequent port, unless the probe extensions are designed to be locked into a mechanically fixed rotational position (e.g., through use of interlocking grooves), which can be reproduced from port to port as specified in section

18.2 Annex B—Angle Measurement Protocol for Protractor Wheel and Pointer Device. The following procedure shall be used when a protractor wheel and pointer assembly, such as the one described in section 6.2.2 and illustrated in Figure 2F-7 is used to measure the yaw angle of flow. With each move to a new traverse point, unlock, re-align, and re-lock the probe, angle-pointer collar, and protractor wheel to each other. At each such move, particular attention is required to ensure that the scribe line on the angle pointer collar is either aligned with the reference scribe line on the main probe sheath or is at the rotational offset position established under section 8.3.1. The procedure consists of the following steps:

18.2.1 Affix a protractor wheel to the entry port for the test probe in the stack or duct.

18.2.2 Orient the protractor wheel so that the 0° mark corresponds to the longitudinal axis of the stack or duct. For stacks, vertical ducts, or ports on the side of horizontal ducts, use a digital inclinometer meeting the specifications in section 6.2.1 to locate the 0° orientation. For ports on the top or bottom of horizontal ducts, identify the longitudinal axis at each test port and permanently mark the duct to indicate the 0° orientation. Once the protractor wheel is properly aligned, lock it into position on the test port.

18.2.3 Move the pointer assembly along the probe sheath to the position needed to take measurements at the first traverse point. Align the scribe line on the pointer collar with the reference scribe line or at the rotational offset position established under section 8.3.1. Maintaining this rotational alignment, lock the pointer device onto the probe sheath. Insert the probe into the entry port to the depth needed to take measurements at the first traverse point.

18.2.4 Perform the yaw angle determination as specified in sections 8.9.3 and 8.9.4 and record the angle as shown by the pointer on the protractor wheel. Then, take velocity pressure and temperature measurements in accordance with the procedure in section 8.9.5. Perform the alignment check described in section 8.9.6.

18.2.5 After taking velocity pressure measurements at that traverse point, unlock the probe from the collar and slide the probe through the collar to the depth needed to reach the next traverse point.

18.2.6 Align the scribe line on the pointer collar with the reference scribe line on the main probe or at the rotational offset position established under section 8.3.1. Lock the collar onto the probe.

18.2.7 Repeat the steps in sections 18.2.4 through 18.2.6 at the remaining traverse points accessed from the current stack or duct entry port.

18.2.8 After completing the measurement at the last traverse point accessed from a port, verify that the orientation of the protractor wheel on the test port has not changed over the course of the traverse at that port. For stacks, vertical ducts, or ports on the side of horizontal ducts, use a digital inclinometer meeting the specifications in section 6.2.1 to check the rotational position of the 0° mark on the protractor wheel. For ports on the top or bottom of horizontal ducts, observe the alignment of the angle wheel 0° mark relative to the permanent 0° mark on the duct at that test port. If these observed comparisons exceed ±2° of 0°, all angle and pressure measurements taken at that port since the protractor wheel was last locked into position on the port shall be repeated.

18.2.9 Move to the next stack or duct entry port and repeat the steps in sections 18.2.1 through 18.2.8.

18.3 Annex C—Guideline for Reference Scribe Line Placement. Use of the following guideline is recommended to satisfy the requirements of section 10.4 of this method. The rotational position of the reference scribe line should be either 90° or 180° from the probe’s impact pressure port.

18.4 Annex D—Determination of Reference Scribe Line Rotational Offset. The following procedures are recommended for determining the magnitude and sign of a probe’s reference scribe line rotational offset, RSLO. Separate procedures are provided for two types of angle-measuring devices: digital inclinometers and protractor wheel and pointer assemblies.

18.4.1 Perform the following procedures on the main probe with all devices that will be attached to the main probe in the field [such as thermocouples or resistance temperature detectors (RTDs)] that may affect the flow around the probe head. Probe shaft extensions that do not affect flow around the probe head need not be attached during calibration.

18.4.2 The procedures below assume that the wind tunnel duct used for probe calibration is horizontal and that the flow in the calibration wind tunnel is axial as determined by the axial flow verification check described in section 10.1.2. Angle-measuring devices are assumed to display angles in alternating 0° to 90° and 90° to 0° intervals. If angle-measuring devices with other readout conventions are used or if other calibration wind tunnel duct configurations are used, make the appropriate calculational corrections. Position the angle-measuring device in accordance with one of the following procedures. If using a digital inclinometer, affix the calibrated digital inclinometer to the probe. If the digital inclinometer can be independently adjusted after being locked into position on the probe sheath (e.g., by means of a set screw), the independent adjustment must be set so that the device performs exactly like a device without the capability for independent adjustment. That is, when aligned on the probe the device must give the same readings as a device that does not have the capability of being independently adjusted. Either align it directly on the reference scribe line or on a mark aligned with the scribe line determined according to the procedures in section Maintaining this rotational alignment, lock the digital inclinometer onto the probe sheath. If using a protractor wheel and pointer device, orient the protractor wheel on the test port so that the 0° mark is aligned with the longitudinal axis of the wind tunnel duct. Maintaining this alignment, lock the wheel into place on the wind tunnel test port. Align the scribe line on the pointer collar with the reference scribe line or with a mark aligned with the reference scribe line, as determined under section Maintaining this rotational alignment, lock the pointer device onto the probe sheath. Zero the pressure-measuring device used for yaw nulling. Insert the probe assembly into the wind tunnel through the entry port, positioning the probe’s impact port at the calibration location. Check the responsiveness of the pressure-measuring device to probe rotation, taking corrective action if the response is unacceptable. Ensure that the probe is in a horizontal position using a carpenter’s level. Rotate the probe either clockwise or counterclockwise until a yaw null (P2 = P3) is obtained. Read and record the value of θnull, the angle indicated by the angle-measuring device at the yaw-null position. Record the angle reading on a form similar to Table 2F-6. Do not associate an algebraic sign with this reading. Determine the magnitude and algebraic sign of the reference scribe line rotational offset, RSLO. The magnitude of RSLO will be equal to either θnull or (90°−θnull), depending on the angle-measuring device used. (See Table 2F-7 for a summary.) The algebraic sign of RSLO will either be positive, if the rotational position of the reference scribe line is clockwise, or negative, if counterclockwise with respect to the probe’s yaw-null position. Figure 2F-13 illustrates how the magnitude and sign of RSLO are determined. Perform the steps in sections through twice at each of the two calibration velocities selected for the probe under section 10.6. Record the values of RSLO in a form similar to Table 2F-6. The average of all RSLO values is the reference scribe line rotational offset for the probe.

[36 FR 24877, Dec. 23, 1971]

Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting appendix A-1 to part 60, see the List of CFR sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.

Appendix A-2 to Part 60—Test Methods 2G through 3C

Method 2G—Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate With Two-Dimensional Probes

Method 2H—Determination of Stack Gas Velocity Taking Into Account Velocity Decay Near the Stack Wall

Method 3—Gas analysis for the determination of dry molecular weight

Method 3A—Determination of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in Emissions From Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure)

Method 3B—Gas analysis for the determination of emission rate correction factor or excess air

Method 3C—Determination of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen, and oxygen from stationary sources

The test methods in this appendix are referred to in § 60.8 (Performance Tests) and § 60.11 (Compliance With Standards and Maintenance Requirements) of 40 CFR part 60, subpart A (General Provisions). Specific uses of these test methods are described in the standards of performance contained in the subparts, beginning with Subpart D.

Within each standard of performance, a section title “Test Methods and Procedures” is provided to: (1) Identify the test methods to be used as reference methods to the facility subject to the respective standard and (2) identify any special instructions or conditions to be followed when applying a method to the respective facility. Such instructions (for example, establish sampling rates, volumes, or temperatures) are to be used either in addition to, or as a substitute for procedures in a test method. Similarly, for sources subject to emission monitoring requirements, specific instructions pertaining to any use of a test method as a reference method are provided in the subpart or in Appendix B.

Inclusion of methods in this appendix is not intended as an endorsement or denial of their applicability to sources that are not subject to standards of performance. The methods are potentially applicable to other sources; however, applicability should be confirmed by careful and appropriate evaluation of the conditions prevalent at such sources.

The approach followed in the formulation of the test methods involves specifications for equipment, procedures, and performance. In concept, a performance specification approach would be preferable in all methods because this allows the greatest flexibility to the user. In practice, however, this approach is impractical in most cases because performance specifications cannot be established. Most of the methods described herein, therefore, involve specific equipment specifications and procedures, and only a few methods in this appendix rely on performance criteria.

Minor changes in the test methods should not necessarily affect the validity of the results and it is recognized that alternative and equivalent methods exist. section 60.8 provides authority for the Administrator to specify or approve (1) equivalent methods, (2) alternative methods, and (3) minor changes in the methodology of the test methods. It should be clearly understood that unless otherwise identified all such methods and changes must have prior approval of the Administrator. An owner employing such methods or deviations from the test methods without obtaining prior approval does so at the risk of subsequent disapproval and retesting with approved methods.

Within the test methods, certain specific equipment or procedures are recognized as being acceptable or potentially acceptable and are specifically identified in the methods. The items identified as acceptable options may be used without approval but must be identified in the test report. The potentially approvable options are cited as “subject to the approval of the Administrator” or as “or equivalent.” Such potentially approvable techniques or alternatives may be used at the discretion of the owner without prior approval. However, detailed descriptions for applying these potentially approvable techniques or alternatives are not provided in the test methods. Also, the potentially approvable options are not necessarily acceptable in all applications. Therefore, an owner electing to use such potentially approvable techniques or alternatives is responsible for: (1) assuring that the techniques or alternatives are in fact applicable and are properly executed; (2) including a written description of the alternative method in the test report (the written method must be clear and must be capable of being performed without additional instruction, and the degree of detail should be similar to the detail contained in the test methods); and (3) providing any rationale or supporting data necessary to show the validity of the alternative in the particular application. Failure to meet these requirements can result in the Administrator’s disapproval of the alternative.

Method 2G—Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate With Two-Dimensional Probes


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling) essential to its performance. Some material has been incorporated from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, those using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Methods 1, 2, 3 or 3A, and 4.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 This method is applicable for the determination of yaw angle, near-axial velocity, and the volumetric flow rate of a gas stream in a stack or duct using a two-dimensional (2-D) probe.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 A 2-D probe is used to measure the velocity pressure and the yaw angle of the flow velocity vector in a stack or duct. Alternatively, these measurements may be made by operating one of the three-dimensional (3-D) probes described in Method 2F, in yaw determination mode only. From these measurements and a determination of the stack gas density, the average near-axial velocity of the stack gas is calculated. The near-axial velocity accounts for the yaw, but not the pitch, component of flow. The average gas volumetric flow rate in the stack or duct is then determined from the average near-axial velocity.

3.0 Definitions

3.1. Angle-measuring Device Rotational Offset (RADO). The rotational position of an angle-measuring device relative to the reference scribe line, as determined during the pre-test rotational position check described in section 8.3.

3.2 Calibration Pitot Tube. The standard (Prandtl type) pitot tube used as a reference when calibrating a probe under this method.

3.3 Field Test. A set of measurements conducted at a specific unit or exhaust stack/duct to satisfy the applicable regulation (e.g., a three-run boiler performance test, a single-or multiple-load nine-run relative accuracy test).

3.4 Full Scale of Pressure-measuring Device. Full scale refers to the upper limit of the measurement range displayed by the device. For bi-directional pressure gauges, full scale includes the entire pressure range from the lowest negative value to the highest positive value on the pressure scale.

3.5 Main probe. Refers to the probe head and that section of probe sheath directly attached to the probe head. The main probe sheath is distinguished from probe extensions, which are sections of sheath added onto the main probe to extend its reach.

3.6 “May,” “Must,” “Shall,” “Should,” and the imperative form of verbs.

3.6.1 “May” is used to indicate that a provision of this method is optional.

3.6.2 “Must,” “Shall,” and the imperative form of verbs (such as “record” or “enter”) are used to indicate that a provision of this method is mandatory.

3.6.3 “Should” is used to indicate that a provision of this method is not mandatory, but is highly recommended as good practice.

3.7 Method 1. Refers to 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, “Method 1—Sample and velocity traverses for stationary sources.”

3.8 Method 2. Refers to 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, “Method 2—Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate (Type S pitot tube).”

3.9 Method 2F. Refers to 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, “Method 2F—Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate with three-dimensional probes.”

3.10 Near-axial Velocity. The velocity vector parallel to the axis of the stack or duct that accounts for the yaw angle component of gas flow. The term “near-axial” is used herein to indicate that the velocity and volumetric flow rate results account for the measured yaw angle component of flow at each measurement point.

3.11 Nominal Velocity. Refers to a wind tunnel velocity setting that approximates the actual wind tunnel velocity to within ±1.5 m/sec (±5 ft/sec).

3.12 Pitch Angle. The angle between the axis of the stack or duct and the pitch component of flow, i.e., the component of the total velocity vector in a plane defined by the traverse line and the axis of the stack or duct. (Figure 2G-1 illustrates the “pitch plane.”) From the standpoint of a tester facing a test port in a vertical stack, the pitch component of flow is the vector of flow moving from the center of the stack toward or away from that test port. The pitch angle is the angle described by this pitch component of flow and the vertical axis of the stack.

3.13 Readability. For the purposes of this method, readability for an analog measurement device is one half of the smallest scale division. For a digital measurement device, it is the number of decimals displayed by the device.

3.14 Reference Scribe Line. A line permanently inscribed on the main probe sheath (in accordance with section to serve as a reference mark for determining yaw angles.

3.15 Reference Scribe Line Rotational Offset (RSLO). The rotational position of a probe’s reference scribe line relative to the probe’s yaw-null position, as determined during the yaw angle calibration described in section 10.5.

3.16 Response Time. The time required for the measurement system to fully respond to a change from zero differential pressure and ambient temperature to the stable stack or duct pressure and temperature readings at a traverse point.

3.17 Tested Probe. A probe that is being calibrated.

3.18 Three-dimensional (3-D) Probe. A directional probe used to determine the velocity pressure and the yaw and pitch angles in a flowing gas stream.

3.19 Two-dimensional (2-D) Probe. A directional probe used to measure velocity pressure and yaw angle in a flowing gas stream.

3.20 Traverse Line. A diameter or axis extending across a stack or duct on which measurements of velocity pressure and flow angles are made.

3.21 Wind Tunnel Calibration Location. A point, line, area, or volume within the wind tunnel test section at, along, or within which probes are calibrated. At a particular wind tunnel velocity setting, the average velocity pressures at specified points at, along, or within the calibration location shall vary by no more than 2 percent or 0.3 mm H20 (0.01 in. H2O), whichever is less restrictive, from the average velocity pressure at the calibration pitot tube location. Air flow at this location shall be axial, i.e., yaw and pitch angles within ±3° of 0°. Compliance with these flow criteria shall be demonstrated by performing the procedures prescribed in sections 10.1.1 and 10.1.2. For circular tunnels, no part of the calibration location may be closer to the tunnel wall than 10.2 cm (4 in.) or 25 percent of the tunnel diameter, whichever is farther from the wall. For elliptical or rectangular tunnels, no part of the calibration location may be closer to the tunnel wall than 10.2 cm (4 in.) or 25 percent of the applicable cross-sectional axis, whichever is farther from the wall.

3.22 Wind Tunnel with Documented Axial Flow. A wind tunnel facility documented as meeting the provisions of sections 10.1.1 (velocity pressure cross-check) and 10.1.2 (axial flow verification) using the procedures described in these sections or alternative procedures determined to be technically equivalent.

3.23 Yaw Angle. The angle between the axis of the stack or duct and the yaw component of flow, i.e., the component of the total velocity vector in a plane perpendicular to the traverse line at a particular traverse point. (Figure 2G-1 illustrates the “yaw plane.”) From the standpoint of a tester facing a test port in a vertical stack, the yaw component of flow is the vector of flow moving to the left or right from the center of the stack as viewed by the tester. (This is sometimes referred to as “vortex flow,” i.e., flow around the centerline of a stack or duct.) The yaw angle is the angle described by this yaw component of flow and the vertical axis of the stack. The algebraic sign convention is illustrated in Figure 2G-2.

3.24 Yaw Nulling. A procedure in which a Type-S pitot tube or a 3-D probe is rotated about its axis in a stack or duct until a zero differential pressure reading (“yaw null”) is obtained. When a Type S probe is yaw-nulled, the rotational position of its impact port is 90° from the direction of flow in the stack or duct and the ΔP reading is zero. When a 3-D probe is yaw-nulled, its impact pressure port (P1) faces directly into the direction of flow in the stack or duct and the differential pressure between pressure ports P2 and P3 is zero.

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 This test method may involve hazardous operations and the use of hazardous materials or equipment. This method does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish and implement appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before using this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Two-dimensional Probes. Probes that provide both the velocity pressure and the yaw angle of the flow vector in a stack or duct, as listed in sections 6.1.1 and 6.1.2, qualify for use based on comprehensive wind tunnel and field studies involving both inter-and intra-probe comparisons by multiple test teams. Each 2-D probe shall have a unique identification number or code permanently marked on the main probe sheath. Each probe shall be calibrated prior to use according to the procedures in section 10. Manufacturer-supplied calibration data shall be used as example information only, except when the manufacturer calibrates the probe as specified in section 10 and provides complete documentation.

6.1.1 Type S (Stausscheibe or reverse type) pitot tube. This is the same as specified in Method 2, section 2.1, except for the following additional specifications that enable the pitot tube to accurately determine the yaw component of flow. For the purposes of this method, the external diameter of the tubing used to construct the Type S pitot tube (dimension Dt in Figure 2-2 of Method 2) shall be no less than 9.5 mm (3/8 in.). The pitot tube shall also meet the following alignment specifications. The angles α1, α2, β1, and β2, as shown in Method 2, Figure 2-3, shall not exceed ±2°. The dimensions w and z, shown in Method 2, Figure 2-3 shall not exceed 0.5 mm (0.02 in.). Manual Type S probe. This refers to a Type S probe that is positioned at individual traverse points and yaw nulled manually by an operator. Automated Type S probe. This refers to a system that uses a computer-controlled motorized mechanism to position the Type S pitot head at individual traverse points and perform yaw angle determinations.

6.1.2 Three-dimensional probes used in 2-D mode. A 3-D probe, as specified in sections 6.1.1 through 6.1.3 of Method 2F, may, for the purposes of this method, be used in a two-dimensional mode (i.e., measuring yaw angle, but not pitch angle). When the 3-D probe is used as a 2-D probe, only the velocity pressure and yaw-null pressure are obtained using the pressure taps referred to as P1, P2, and P3. The differential pressure P1-P2 is a function of total velocity and corresponds to the ΔP obtained using the Type S probe. The differential pressure P2-P3 is used to yaw null the probe and determine the yaw angle. The differential pressure P4-P5, which is a function of pitch angle, is not measured when the 3-D probe is used in 2-D mode.

6.1.3 Other probes. [Reserved]

6.1.4 Probe sheath. The probe shaft shall include an outer sheath to: (1) provide a surface for inscribing a permanent reference scribe line, (2) accommodate attachment of an angle-measuring device to the probe shaft, and (3) facilitate precise rotational movement of the probe for determining yaw angles. The sheath shall be rigidly attached to the probe assembly and shall enclose all pressure lines from the probe head to the farthest position away from the probe head where an angle-measuring device may be attached during use in the field. The sheath of the fully assembled probe shall be sufficiently rigid and straight at all rotational positions such that, when one end of the probe shaft is held in a horizontal position, the fully extended probe meets the horizontal straightness specifications indicated in section 8.2 below.

6.1.5 Scribe lines. Reference scribe line. A permanent line, no greater than 1.6 mm (1/16 in.) in width, shall be inscribed on each manual probe that will be used to determine yaw angles of flow. This line shall be placed on the main probe sheath in accordance with the procedures described in section 10.4 and is used as a reference position for installation of the yaw angle-measuring device on the probe. At the discretion of the tester, the scribe line may be a single line segment placed at a particular position on the probe sheath (e.g., near the probe head), multiple line segments placed at various locations along the length of the probe sheath (e.g., at every position where a yaw angle-measuring device may be mounted), or a single continuous line extending along the full length of the probe sheath. Scribe line on probe extensions. A permanent line may also be inscribed on any probe extension that will be attached to the main probe in performing field testing. This allows a yaw angle-measuring device mounted on the extension to be readily aligned with the reference scribe line on the main probe sheath. Alignment specifications. This specification shall be met separately, using the procedures in section 10.4.1, on the main probe and on each probe extension. The rotational position of the scribe line or scribe line segments on the main probe or any probe extension must not vary by more than 2°. That is, the difference between the minimum and maximum of all of the rotational angles that are measured along the full length of the main probe or the probe extension must not exceed 2°.

6.1.6 Probe and system characteristics to ensure horizontal stability. For manual probes, it is recommended that the effective length of the probe (coupled with a probe extension, if necessary) be at least 0.9 m (3 ft.) longer than the farthest traverse point mark on the probe shaft away from the probe head. The operator should maintain the probe’s horizontal stability when it is fully inserted into the stack or duct. If a shorter probe is used, the probe should be inserted through a bushing sleeve, similar to the one shown in Figure 2G-3, that is installed on the test port; such a bushing shall fit snugly around the probe and be secured to the stack or duct entry port in such a manner as to maintain the probe’s horizontal stability when fully inserted into the stack or duct. An automated system that includes an external probe casing with a transport system shall have a mechanism for maintaining horizontal stability comparable to that obtained by manual probes following the provisions of this method. The automated probe assembly shall also be constructed to maintain the alignment and position of the pressure ports during sampling at each traverse point. The design of the probe casing and transport system shall allow the probe to be removed from the stack or duct and checked through direct physical measurement for angular position and insertion depth.

6.1.7 The tubing that is used to connect the probe and the pressure-measuring device should have an inside diameter of at least 3.2 mm (
1/8 in.), to reduce the time required for pressure equilibration, and should be as short as practicable.

6.1.8 If a detachable probe head without a sheath [e.g., a pitot tube, typically 15.2 to 30.5 cm (6 to 12 in.) in length] is coupled with a probe sheath and calibrated in a wind tunnel in accordance with the yaw angle calibration procedure in section 10.5, the probe head shall remain attached to the probe sheath during field testing in the same configuration and orientation as calibrated. Once the detachable probe head is uncoupled or re-oriented, the yaw angle calibration of the probe is no longer valid and must be repeated before using the probe in subsequent field tests.

6.2 Yaw Angle-measuring Device. One of the following devices shall be used for measurement of the yaw angle of flow.

6.2.1 Digital inclinometer. This refers to a digital device capable of measuring and displaying the rotational position of the probe to within ±1°. The device shall be able to be locked into position on the probe sheath or probe extension, so that it indicates the probe’s rotational position throughout the test. A rotational position collar block that can be attached to the probe sheath (similar to the collar shown in Figure 2G-4) may be required to lock the digital inclinometer into position on the probe sheath.

6.2.2 Protractor wheel and pointer assembly. This apparatus, similar to that shown in Figure 2G-5, consists of the following components. A protractor wheel that can be attached to a port opening and set in a fixed rotational position to indicate the yaw angle position of the probe’s scribe line relative to the longitudinal axis of the stack or duct. The protractor wheel must have a measurement ring on its face that is no less than 17.8 cm (7 in.) in diameter, shall be able to be rotated to any angle and then locked into position on the stack or duct test port, and shall indicate angles to a resolution of 1°. A pointer assembly that includes an indicator needle mounted on a collar that can slide over the probe sheath and be locked into a fixed rotational position on the probe sheath. The pointer needle shall be of sufficient length, rigidity, and sharpness to allow the tester to determine the probe’s angular position to within 1° from the markings on the protractor wheel. Corresponding to the position of the pointer, the collar must have a scribe line to be used in aligning the pointer with the scribe line on the probe sheath.

6.2.3 Other yaw angle-measuring devices. Other angle-measuring devices with a manufacturer’s specified precision of 1° or better may be used, if approved by the Administrator.

6.3 Probe Supports and Stabilization Devices. When probes are used for determining flow angles, the probe head should be kept in a stable horizontal position. For probes longer than 3.0 m (10 ft.), the section of the probe that extends outside the test port shall be secured. Three alternative devices are suggested for maintaining the horizontal position and stability of the probe shaft during flow angle determinations and velocity pressure measurements: (1) monorails installed above each port, (2) probe stands on which the probe shaft may be rested, or (3) bushing sleeves of sufficient length secured to the test ports to maintain probes in a horizontal position. Comparable provisions shall be made to ensure that automated systems maintain the horizontal position of the probe in the stack or duct. The physical characteristics of each test platform may dictate the most suitable type of stabilization device. Thus, the choice of a specific stabilization device is left to the judgement of the testers.

6.4 Differential Pressure Gauges. The velocity pressure (ΔP) measuring devices used during wind tunnel calibrations and field testing shall be either electronic manometers (e.g., pressure transducers), fluid manometers, or mechanical pressure gauges (e.g., MagnehelicΔ gauges). Use of electronic manometers is recommended. Under low velocity conditions, use of electronic manometers may be necessary to obtain acceptable measurements.

6.4.1 Differential pressure-measuring device. This refers to a device capable of measuring pressure differentials and having a readability of ±1 percent of full scale. The device shall be capable of accurately measuring the maximum expected pressure differential. Such devices are used to determine the following pressure measurements: velocity pressure, static pressure, and yaw-null pressure. For an inclined-vertical manometer, the readability specification of ±1 percent shall be met separately using the respective full-scale upper limits of the inclined anvertical portions of the scales. To the extent practicable, the device shall be selected such that most of the pressure readings are between 10 and 90 percent of the device’s full-scale measurement range (as defined in section 3.4). In addition, pressure-measuring devices should be selected such that the zero does not drift by more than 5 percent of the average expected pressure readings to be encountered during the field test. This is particularly important under low pressure conditions.

6.4.2 Gauge used for yaw nulling. The differential pressure-measuring device chosen for yaw nulling the probe during the wind tunnel calibrations and field testing shall be bi-directional, i.e., capable of reading both positive and negative differential pressures. If a mechanical, bi-directional pressure gauge is chosen, it shall have a full-scale range no greater than 2.6 cm (i.e., −1.3 to + 1.3 cm) [1 in. H2O (i.e., −0.5 in. to + 0.5 in.)].

6.4.3 Devices for calibrating differential pressure-measuring devices. A precision manometer (e.g., a U-tube, inclined, or inclined-vertical manometer, or micromanometer) or NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) traceable pressure source shall be used for calibrating differential pressure-measuring devices. The device shall be maintained under laboratory conditions or in a similar protected environment (e.g., a climate-controlled trailer). It shall not be used in field tests. The precision manometer shall have a scale gradation of 0.3 mm H2O (0.01 in. H2O), or less, in the range of 0 to 5.1 cm H2O (0 to 2 in. H2O) and 2.5 mm H2O (0.1 in. H2O), or less, in the range of 5.1 to 25.4 cm H2O (2 to 10 in. H2O). The manometer shall have manufacturer’s documentation that it meets an accuracy specification of at least 0.5 percent of full scale. The NIST-traceable pressure source shall be recertified annually.

6.4.4 Devices used for post-test calibration check. A precision manometer meeting the specifications in section 6.4.3, a pressure-measuring device or pressure source with a documented calibration traceable to NIST, or an equivalent device approved by the Administrator shall be used for the post-test calibration check. The pressure-measuring device shall have a readability equivalent to or greater than the tested device. The pressure source shall be capable of generating pressures between 50 and 90 percent of the range of the tested device and known to within ±1 percent of the full scale of the tested device. The pressure source shall be recertified annually.

6.5 Data Display and Capture Devices. Electronic manometers (if used) shall be coupled with a data display device (such as a digital panel meter, personal computer display, or strip chart) that allows the tester to observe and validate the pressure measurements taken during testing. They shall also be connected to a data recorder (such as a data logger or a personal computer with data capture software) that has the ability to compute and retain the appropriate average value at each traverse point, identified by collection time and traverse point.

6.6 Temperature Gauges. For field tests, a thermocouple or resistance temperature detector (RTD) capable of measuring temperature to within ±3 °C (±5 °F) of the stack or duct temperature shall be used. The thermocouple shall be attached to the probe such that the sensor tip does not touch any metal. The position of the thermocouple relative to the pressure port face openings shall be in the same configuration as used for the probe calibrations in the wind tunnel. Temperature gauges used for wind tunnel calibrations shall be capable of measuring temperature to within ±0.6 °C (±1 °F) of the temperature of the flowing gas stream in the wind tunnel.

6.7 Stack or Duct Static Pressure Measurement. The pressure-measuring device used with the probe shall be as specified in section 6.4 of this method. The static tap of a standard (Prandtl type) pitot tube or one leg of a Type S pitot tube with the face opening planes positioned parallel to the gas flow may be used for this measurement. Also acceptable is the pressure differential reading of P1-Pbar from a five-hole prism-shaped 3-D probe, as specified in section 6.1.1 of Method 2F (such as the Type DA or DAT probe), with the P1 pressure port face opening positioned parallel to the gas flow in the same manner as the Type S probe. However, the 3-D spherical probe, as specified in section 6.1.2 of Method 2F, is unable to provide this measurement and shall not be used to take static pressure measurements. Static pressure measurement is further described in section 8.11.

6.8 Barometer. Same as Method 2, section 2.5.

6.9 Gas Density Determination Equipment. Method 3 or 3A shall be used to determine the dry molecular weight of the stack or duct gas. Method 4 shall be used for moisture content determination and computation of stack or duct gas wet molecular weight. Other methods may be used, if approved by the Administrator.

6.10 Calibration Pitot Tube. Same as Method 2, section 2.7.

6.11 Wind Tunnel for Probe Calibration. Wind tunnels used to calibrate velocity probes must meet the following design specifications.

6.11.1 Test section cross-sectional area. The flowing gas stream shall be confined within a circular, rectangular, or elliptical duct. The cross-sectional area of the tunnel must be large enough to ensure fully developed flow in the presence of both the calibration pitot tube and the tested probe. The calibration site, or “test section,” of the wind tunnel shall have a minimum diameter of 30.5 cm (12 in.) for circular or elliptical duct cross-sections or a minimum width of 30.5 cm (12 in.) on the shorter side for rectangular cross-sections. Wind tunnels shall meet the probe blockage provisions of this section and the qualification requirements prescribed in section 10.1. The projected area of the portion of the probe head, shaft, and attached devices inside the wind tunnel during calibration shall represent no more than 2 percent of the cross-sectional area of the tunnel. If the pitot and/or probe assembly blocks more than 2 percent of the cross-sectional area at an insertion point only 4 inches inside the wind tunnel, the diameter of the wind tunnel must be increased.

6.11.2 Velocity range and stability. The wind tunnel should be capable of achieving and maintaining a constant and steady velocity between 6.1 m/sec and 30.5 m/sec (20 ft/sec and 100 ft/sec) for the entire calibration period for each selected calibration velocity. The wind tunnel shall produce fully developed flow patterns that are stable and parallel to the axis of the duct in the test section.

6.11.3 Flow profile at the calibration location. The wind tunnel shall provide axial flow within the test section calibration location (as defined in section 3.21). Yaw and pitch angles in the calibration location shall be within ±3° of 0°. The procedure for determining that this requirement has been met is described in section 10.1.2.

6.11.4 Entry ports in the wind tunnel test section. Port for tested probe. A port shall be constructed for the tested probe. This port shall be located to allow the head of the tested probe to be positioned within the wind tunnel calibration location (as defined in section 3.21). The tested probe shall be able to be locked into the 0° pitch angle position. To facilitate alignment of the probe during calibration, the test section should include a window constructed of a transparent material to allow the tested probe to be viewed. Port for verification of axial flow. Depending on the equipment selected to conduct the axial flow verification prescribed in section 10.1.2, a second port, located 90° from the entry port for the tested probe, may be needed to allow verification that the gas flow is parallel to the central axis of the test section. This port should be located and constructed so as to allow one of the probes described in section to access the same test point(s) that are accessible from the port described in section Port for calibration pitot tube. The calibration pitot tube shall be used in the port for the tested probe or in a separate entry port. In either case, all measurements with the calibration pitot tube shall be made at the same point within the wind tunnel over the course of a probe calibration. The measurement point for the calibration pitot tube shall meet the same specifications for distance from the wall and for axial flow as described in section 3.21 for the wind tunnel calibration location.

7.0 Reagents and Standards [Reserved]

8.0 Sample Collection and Analysis

8.1 Equipment Inspection and Set Up

8.1.1 All 2-D and 3-D probes, differential pressure-measuring devices, yaw angle-measuring devices, thermocouples, and barometers shall have a current, valid calibration before being used in a field test. (See sections 10.3.3, 10.3.4, and 10.5 through 10.10 for the applicable calibration requirements.)

8.1.2 Before each field use of a Type S probe, perform a visual inspection to verify the physical condition of the pitot tube. Record the results of the inspection. If the face openings are noticeably misaligned or there is visible damage to the face openings, the probe shall not be used until repaired, the dimensional specifications verified (according to the procedures in section 10.2.1), and the probe recalibrated.

8.1.3 Before each field use of a 3-D probe, perform a visual inspection to verify the physical condition of the probe head according to the procedures in section 10.2 of Method 2F. Record the inspection results on a form similar to Table 2F-1 presented in Method 2F. If there is visible damage to the 3-D probe, the probe shall not be used until it is recalibrated.

8.1.4 After verifying that the physical condition of the probe head is acceptable, set up the apparatus using lengths of flexible tubing that are as short as practicable. Surge tanks installed between the probe and pressure-measuring device may be used to dampen pressure fluctuations provided that an adequate measurement system response time (see section 8.8) is maintained.

8.2 Horizontal Straightness Check. A horizontal straightness check shall be performed before the start of each field test, except as otherwise specified in this section. Secure the fully assembled probe (including the probe head and all probe shaft extensions) in a horizontal position using a stationary support at a point along the probe shaft approximating the location of the stack or duct entry port when the probe is sampling at the farthest traverse point from the stack or duct wall. The probe shall be rotated to detect bends. Use an angle-measuring device or trigonometry to determine the bend or sag between the probe head and the secured end. (See Figure 2G-6.) Probes that are bent or sag by more than 5° shall not be used. Although this check does not apply when the probe is used for a vertical traverse, care should be taken to avoid the use of bent probes when conducting vertical traverses. If the probe is constructed of a rigid steel material and consists of a main probe without probe extensions, this check need only be performed before the initial field use of the probe, when the probe is recalibrated, when a change is made to the design or material of the probe assembly, and when the probe becomes bent. With such probes, a visual inspection shall be made of the fully assembled probe before each field test to determine if a bend is visible. The probe shall be rotated to detect bends. The inspection results shall be documented in the field test report. If a bend in the probe is visible, the horizontal straightness check shall be performed before the probe is used.

8.3 Rotational Position Check. Before each field test, and each time an extension is added to the probe during a field test, a rotational position check shall be performed on all manually operated probes (except as noted in section 8.3.5 below) to ensure that, throughout testing, the angle-measuring device is either: aligned to within ±1° of the rotational position of the reference scribe line; or is affixed to the probe such that the rotational offset of the device from the reference scribe line is known to within ±1°. This check shall consist of direct measurements of the rotational positions of the reference scribe line and angle-measuring device sufficient to verify that these specifications are met. Annex A in section 18 of this method gives recommended procedures for performing the rotational position check, and Table 2G-2 gives an example data form. Procedures other than those recommended in Annex A in section 18 may be used, provided they demonstrate whether the alignment specification is met and are explained in detail in the field test report.

8.3.1 Angle-measuring device rotational offset. The tester shall maintain a record of the angle-measuring device rotational offset, RADO, as defined in section 3.1. Note that RADO is assigned a value of 0° when the angle-measuring device is aligned to within ±1° of the rotational position of the reference scribe line. The RADO shall be used to determine the yaw angle of flow in accordance with section 8.9.4.

8.3.2 Sign of angle-measuring device rotational offset. The sign of RADO is positive when the angle-measuring device (as viewed from the “tail” end of the probe) is positioned in a clockwise direction from the reference scribe line and negative when the device is positioned in a counterclockwise direction from the reference scribe line.

8.3.3 Angle-measuring devices that can be independently adjusted (e.g., by means of a set screw), after being locked into position on the probe sheath, may be used. However, the RADO must also take into account this adjustment.

8.3.4 Post-test check. If probe extensions remain attached to the main probe throughout the field test, the rotational position check shall be repeated, at a minimum, at the completion of the field test to ensure that the angle-measuring device has remained within ±2° of its rotational position established prior to testing. At the discretion of the tester, additional checks may be conducted after completion of testing at any sample port or after any test run. If the ±2° specification is not met, all measurements made since the last successful rotational position check must be repeated. section of Annex A provides an example procedure for performing the post-test check.

8.3.5 Exceptions. A rotational position check need not be performed if, for measurements taken at all velocity traverse points, the yaw angle-measuring device is mounted and aligned directly on the reference scribe line specified in sections and and no independent adjustments, as described in section 8.3.3, are made to device’s rotational position. If extensions are detached and re-attached to the probe during a field test, a rotational position check need only be performed the first time an extension is added to the probe, rather than each time the extension is re-attached, if the probe extension is designed to be locked into a mechanically fixed rotational position (e.g., through the use of interlocking grooves), that can re-establish the initial rotational position to within ±1°.

8.4 Leak Checks. A pre-test leak check shall be conducted before each field test. A post-test check shall be performed at the end of the field test, but additional leak checks may be conducted after any test run or group of test runs. The post-test check may also serve as the pre-test check for the next group of test runs. If any leak check is failed, all runs since the last passed leak check are invalid. While performing the leak check procedures, also check each pressure device’s responsiveness to changes in pressure.

8.4.1 To perform the leak check on a Type S pitot tube, pressurize the pitot impact opening until at least 7.6 cm H2O (3 in. H2O) velocity pressure, or a pressure corresponding to approximately 75 percent of the pressure device’s measurement scale, whichever is less, registers on the pressure device; then, close off the impact opening. The pressure shall remain stable (±2.5 mm H2O, ±0.10 in. H2O) for at least 15 seconds. Repeat this procedure for the static pressure side, except use suction to obtain the required pressure. Other leak-check procedures may be used, if approved by the Administrator.

8.4.2 To perform the leak check on a 3-D probe, pressurize the probe’s impact (P1) opening until at least 7.6 cm H2O (3 in. H2O) velocity pressure, or a pressure corresponding to approximately 75 percent of the pressure device’s measurement scale, whichever is less, registers on the pressure device; then, close off the impact opening. The pressure shall remain stable (±2.5 mm H2O, ±0.10 in. H2O) for at least 15 seconds. Check the P2 and P3 pressure ports in the same fashion. Other leak-check procedures may be used, if approved by the Administrator.

8.5 Zeroing the Differential Pressure-measuring Device. Zero each differential pressure-measuring device, including the device used for yaw nulling, before each field test. At a minimum, check the zero after each field test. A zero check may also be performed after any test run or group of test runs. For fluid manometers and mechanical pressure gauges (e.g., MagnehelicΔ gauges), the zero reading shall not deviate from zero by more than ±0.8 mm H2O (±0.03 in. H2O) or one minor scale division, whichever is greater, between checks. For electronic manometers, the zero reading shall not deviate from zero between checks by more than: ±0.3 mm H2O (±0.01 in. H2O), for full scales less than or equal to 5.1 cm H2O (2.0 in. H2O); or ±0.8 mm H2O (±0.03 in. H2O), for full scales greater than 5.1 cm H2O (2.0 in. H2O). (Note: If negative zero drift is not directly readable, estimate the reading based on the position of the gauge oil in the manometer or of the needle on the pressure gauge.) In addition, for all pressure-measuring devices except those used exclusively for yaw nulling, the zero reading shall not deviate from zero by more than 5 percent of the average measured differential pressure at any distinct process condition or load level. If any zero check is failed at a specific process condition or load level, all runs conducted at that process condition or load level since the last passed zero check are invalid.

8.6 Traverse Point Verification. The number and location of the traverse points shall be selected based on Method 1 guidelines. The stack or duct diameter and port nipple lengths, including any extension of the port nipples into the stack or duct, shall be verified the first time the test is performed; retain and use this information for subsequent field tests, updating it as required. Physically measure the stack or duct dimensions or use a calibrated laser device; do not use engineering drawings of the stack or duct. The probe length necessary to reach each traverse point shall be recorded to within ±6.4 mm (±
1/4 in.) and, for manual probes, marked on the probe sheath. In determining these lengths, the tester shall take into account both the distance that the port flange projects outside of the stack and the depth that any port nipple extends into the gas stream. The resulting point positions shall reflect the true distances from the inside wall of the stack or duct, so that when the tester aligns any of the markings with the outside face of the stack port, the probe’s impact port shall be located at the appropriate distance from the inside wall for the respective Method 1 traverse point. Before beginning testing at a particular location, an out-of-stack or duct verification shall be performed on each probe that will be used to ensure that these position markings are correct. The distances measured during the verification must agree with the previously calculated distances to within ±
1/4 in. For manual probes, the traverse point positions shall be verified by measuring the distance of each mark from the probe’s impact pressure port (the P1 port for a 3-D probe). A comparable out-of-stack test shall be performed on automated probe systems. The probe shall be extended to each of the prescribed traverse point positions. Then, the accuracy of the positioning for each traverse point shall be verified by measuring the distance between the port flange and the probe’s impact pressure port.

8.7 Probe Installation. Insert the probe into the test port. A solid material shall be used to seal the port.

8.8 System Response Time. Determine the response time of the probe measurement system. Insert and position the “cold” probe (at ambient temperature and pressure) at any Method 1 traverse point. Read and record the probe differential pressure, temperature, and elapsed time at 15-second intervals until stable readings for both pressure and temperature are achieved. The response time is the longer of these two elapsed times. Record the response time.

8.9 Sampling.

8.9.1 Yaw angle measurement protocol. With manual probes, yaw angle measurements may be obtained in two alternative ways during the field test, either by using a yaw angle-measuring device (e.g., digital inclinometer) affixed to the probe, or using a protractor wheel and pointer assembly. For horizontal traversing, either approach may be used. For vertical traversing, i.e., when measuring from on top or into the bottom of a horizontal duct, only the protractor wheel and pointer assembly may be used. With automated probes, curve-fitting protocols may be used to obtain yaw-angle measurements. If a yaw angle-measuring device affixed to the probe is to be used, lock the device on the probe sheath, aligning it either on the reference scribe line or in the rotational offset position established under section 8.3.1. If a protractor wheel and pointer assembly is to be used, follow the procedures in Annex B of this method. Curve-fitting procedures. Curve-fitting routines sweep through a range of yaw angles to create curves correlating pressure to yaw position. To find the zero yaw position and the yaw angle of flow, the curve found in the stack is computationally compared to a similar curve that was previously generated under controlled conditions in a wind tunnel. A probe system that uses a curve-fitting routine for determining the yaw-null position of the probe head may be used, provided that it is verified in a wind tunnel to be able to determine the yaw angle of flow to within ±1°. Other yaw angle determination procedures. If approved by the Administrator, other procedures for determining yaw angle may be used, provided that they are verified in a wind tunnel to be able to perform the yaw angle calibration procedure as described in section 10.5.

8.9.2 Sampling strategy. At each traverse point, first yaw-null the probe, as described in section 8.9.3, below. Then, with the probe oriented into the direction of flow, measure and record the yaw angle, the differential pressure and the temperature at the traverse point, after stable readings are achieved, in accordance with sections 8.9.4 and 8.9.5. At the start of testing in each port (i.e., after a probe has been inserted into the flue gas stream), allow at least the response time to elapse before beginning to take measurements at the first traverse point accessed from that port. Provided that the probe is not removed from the flue gas stream, measurements may be taken at subsequent traverse points accessed from the same test port without waiting again for the response time to elapse.

8.9.3 Yaw-nulling procedure. In preparation for yaw angle determination, the probe must first be yaw nulled. After positioning the probe at the appropriate traverse point, perform the following procedures. For Type S probes, rotate the probe until a null differential pressure reading is obtained. The direction of the probe rotation shall be such that the thermocouple is located downstream of the probe pressure ports at the yaw-null position. Rotate the probe 90° back from the yaw-null position to orient the impact pressure port into the direction of flow. Read and record the angle displayed by the angle-measuring device. For 3-D probes, rotate the probe until a null differential pressure reading (the difference in pressures across the P2 and P3 pressure ports is zero, i.e., P2 = P3) is indicated by the yaw angle pressure gauge. Read and record the angle displayed by the angle-measuring device. Sign of the measured angle. The angle displayed on the angle-measuring device is considered positive when the probe’s impact pressure port (as viewed from the “tail” end of the probe) is oriented in a clockwise rotational position relative to the stack or duct axis and is considered negative when the probe’s impact pressure port is oriented in a counterclockwise rotational position (see Figure 2G-7).

8.9.4 Yaw angle determination. After performing the applicable yaw-nulling procedure in section 8.9.3, determine the yaw angle of flow according to one of the following procedures. Special care must be observed to take into account the signs of the recorded angle reading and all offsets. Direct-reading. If all rotational offsets are zero or if the angle-measuring device rotational offset (RADO) determined in section 8.3 exactly compensates for the scribe line rotational offset (RSLO) determined in section 10.5, then the magnitude of the yaw angle is equal to the displayed angle-measuring device reading from section or The algebraic sign of the yaw angle is determined in accordance with section [Note: Under certain circumstances (e.g., testing of horizontal ducts) a 90° adjustment to the angle-measuring device readings may be necessary to obtain the correct yaw angles.] Compensation for rotational offsets during data reduction. When the angle-measuring device rotational offset does not compensate for reference scribe line rotational offset, the following procedure shall be used to determine the yaw angle:

(a) Enter the reading indicated by the angle-measuring device from section or

(b) Associate the proper algebraic sign from section with the reading in step (a).

(c) Subtract the reference scribe line rotational offset, RSLO, from the reading in step (b).

(d) Subtract the angle-measuring device rotational offset, RADO, if any, from the result obtained in step (c).

(e) The final result obtained in step (d) is the yaw angle of flow.


It may be necessary to first apply a 90° adjustment to the reading in step (a), in order to obtain the correct yaw angle. Record the yaw angle measurements on a form similar to Table 2G-3.

8.9.5 Impact velocity determination. Maintain the probe rotational position established during the yaw angle determination. Then, begin recording the pressure-measuring device readings. These pressure measurements shall be taken over a sampling period of sufficiently long duration to ensure representative readings at each traverse point. If the pressure measurements are determined from visual readings of the pressure device or display, allow sufficient time to observe the pulsation in the readings to obtain a sight-weighted average, which is then recorded manually. If an automated data acquisition system (e.g., data logger, computer-based data recorder, strip chart recorder) is used to record the pressure measurements, obtain an integrated average of all pressure readings at the traverse point. Stack or duct gas temperature measurements shall be recorded, at a minimum, once at each traverse point. Record all necessary data as shown in the example field data form (Table 2G-3).

8.9.6 Alignment check. For manually operated probes, after the required yaw angle and differential pressure and temperature measurements have been made at each traverse point, verify (e.g., by visual inspection) that the yaw angle-measuring device has remained in proper alignment with the reference scribe line or with the rotational offset position established in section 8.3. If, for a particular traverse point, the angle-measuring device is found to be in proper alignment, proceed to the next traverse point; otherwise, re-align the device and repeat the angle and differential pressure measurements at the traverse point. In the course of a traverse, if a mark used to properly align the angle-measuring device (e.g., as described in section cannot be located, re-establish the alignment mark before proceeding with the traverse.

8.10 Probe Plugging. Periodically check for plugging of the pressure ports by observing the responses on the pressure differential readouts. Plugging causes erratic results or sluggish responses. Rotate the probe to determine whether the readouts respond in the expected direction. If plugging is detected, correct the problem and repeat the affected measurements.

8.11 Static Pressure. Measure the static pressure in the stack or duct using the equipment described in section 6.7.

8.11.1 If a Type S probe is used for this measurement, position the probe at or between any traverse point(s) and rotate the probe until a null differential pressure reading is obtained. Disconnect the tubing from one of the pressure ports; read and record the ΔP. For pressure devices with one-directional scales, if a deflection in the positive direction is noted with the negative side disconnected, then the static pressure is positive. Likewise, if a deflection in the positive direction is noted with the positive side disconnected, then the static pressure is negative.

8.11.2 If a 3-D probe is used for this measurement, position the probe at or between any traverse point(s) and rotate the probe until a null differential pressure reading is obtained at P2-P3. Rotate the probe 90°. Disconnect the P2 pressure side of the probe and read the pressure P1-Pbar and record as the static pressure. (Note: The spherical probe, specified in section 6.1.2 of Method 2F, is unable to provide this measurement and shall not be used to take static pressure measurements.)

8.12 Atmospheric Pressure. Determine the atmospheric pressure at the sampling elevation during each test run following the procedure described in section 2.5 of Method 2.

8.13 Molecular Weight. Determine the stack or duct gas dry molecular weight. For combustion processes or processes that emit essentially CO2, O2, CO, and N2, use Method 3 or 3A. For processes emitting essentially air, an analysis need not be conducted; use a dry molecular weight of 29.0. Other methods may be used, if approved by the Administrator.

8.14 Moisture. Determine the moisture content of the stack gas using Method 4 or equivalent.

8.15 Data Recording and Calculations. Record all required data on a form similar to Table 2G-3.

8.15.1 2-D probe calibration coefficient. When a Type S pitot tube is used in the field, the appropriate calibration coefficient as determined in section 10.6 shall be used to perform velocity calculations. For calibrated Type S pitot tubes, the A-side coefficient shall be used when the A-side of the tube faces the flow, and the B-side coefficient shall be used when the B-side faces the flow.

8.15.2 3-D calibration coefficient. When a 3-D probe is used to collect data with this method, follow the provisions for the calibration of 3-D probes in section 10.6 of Method 2F to obtain the appropriate velocity calibration coefficient (F2 as derived using Equation 2F-2 in Method 2F) corresponding to a pitch angle position of 0°.

8.15.3 Calculations. Calculate the yaw-adjusted velocity at each traverse point using the equations presented in section 12.2. Calculate the test run average stack gas velocity by finding the arithmetic average of the point velocity results in accordance with sections 12.3 and 12.4, and calculate the stack gas volumetric flow rate in accordance with section 12.5 or 12.6, as applicable.

9.0 Quality Control

9.1 Quality Control Activities. In conjunction with the yaw angle determination and the pressure and temperature measurements specified in section 8.9, the following quality control checks should be performed.

9.1.1 Range of the differential pressure gauge. In accordance with the specifications in section 6.4, ensure that the proper differential pressure gauge is being used for the range of ΔP values encountered. If it is necessary to change to a more sensitive gauge, replace the gauge with a gauge calibrated according to section 10.3.3, perform the leak check described in section 8.4 and the zero check described in section 8.5, and repeat the differential pressure and temperature readings at each traverse point.

9.1.2 Horizontal stability check. For horizontal traverses of a stack or duct, visually check that the probe shaft is maintained in a horizontal position prior to taking a pressure reading. Periodically, during a test run, the probe’s horizontal stability should be verified by placing a carpenter’s level, a digital inclinometer, or other angle-measuring device on the portion of the probe sheath that extends outside of the test port. A comparable check should be performed by automated systems.

10.0 Calibration

10.1 Wind Tunnel Qualification Checks. To qualify for use in calibrating probes, a wind tunnel shall have the design features specified in section 6.11 and satisfy the following qualification criteria. The velocity pressure cross-check in section 10.1.1 and axial flow verification in section 10.1.2 shall be performed before the initial use of the wind tunnel and repeated immediately after any alteration occurs in the wind tunnel’s configuration, fans, interior surfaces, straightening vanes, controls, or other properties that could reasonably be expected to alter the flow pattern or velocity stability in the tunnel. The owner or operator of a wind tunnel used to calibrate probes according to this method shall maintain records documenting that the wind tunnel meets the requirements of sections 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 and shall provide these records to the Administrator upon request.

10.1.1 Velocity pressure cross-check. To verify that the wind tunnel produces the same velocity at the tested probe head as at the calibration pitot tube impact port, perform the following cross-check. Take three differential pressure measurements at the fixed calibration pitot tube location, using the calibration pitot tube specified in section 6.10, and take three measurements with the calibration pitot tube at the wind tunnel calibration location, as defined in section 3.21. Alternate the measurements between the two positions. Perform this procedure at the lowest and highest velocity settings at which the probes will be calibrated. Record the values on a form similar to Table 2G-4. At each velocity setting, the average velocity pressure obtained at the wind tunnel calibration location shall be within ±2 percent or 2.5 mm H2O (0.01 in. H2O), whichever is less restrictive, of the average velocity pressure obtained at the fixed calibration pitot tube location. This comparative check shall be performed at 2.5-cm (1-in.), or smaller, intervals across the full length, width, and depth (if applicable) of the wind tunnel calibration location. If the criteria are not met at every tested point, the wind tunnel calibration location must be redefined, so that acceptable results are obtained at every point. Include the results of the velocity pressure cross-check in the calibration data section of the field test report. (See section 16.1.4.)

10.1.2 Axial flow verification. The following procedures shall be performed to demonstrate that there is fully developed axial flow within the wind tunnel calibration location and at the calibration pitot tube location. Two options are available to conduct this check. Using a calibrated 3-D probe. A probe that has been previously calibrated in a wind tunnel with documented axial flow (as defined in section 3.22) may be used to conduct this check. Insert the calibrated 3-D probe into the wind tunnel test section using the tested probe port. Following the procedures in sections 8.9 and 12.2 of Method 2F, determine the yaw and pitch angles at all the point(s) in the test section where the velocity pressure cross-check, as specified in section 10.1.1, is performed. This includes all the points in the calibration location and the point where the calibration pitot tube will be located. Determine the yaw and pitch angles at each point. Repeat these measurements at the highest and lowest velocities at which the probes will be calibrated. Record the values on a form similar to Table 2G-5. Each measured yaw and pitch angle shall be within ±3° of 0°. Exceeding the limits indicates unacceptable flow in the test section. Until the problem is corrected and acceptable flow is verified by repetition of this procedure, the wind tunnel shall not be used for calibration of probes. Include the results of the axial flow verification in the calibration data section of the field test report. (See section 16.1.4.) Using alternative probes. Axial flow verification may be performed using an uncalibrated prism-shaped 3-D probe (e.g., DA or DAT probe) or an uncalibrated wedge probe. (Figure 2G-8 illustrates a typical wedge probe.) This approach requires use of two ports: the tested probe port and a second port located 90° from the tested probe port. Each port shall provide access to all the points within the wind tunnel test section where the velocity pressure cross-check, as specified in section 10.1.1, is conducted. The probe setup shall include establishing a reference yaw-null position on the probe sheath to serve as the location for installing the angle-measuring device. Physical design features of the DA, DAT, and wedge probes are relied on to determine the reference position. For the DA or DAT probe, this reference position can be determined by setting a digital inclinometer on the flat facet where the P1 pressure port is located and then identifying the rotational position on the probe sheath where a second angle-measuring device would give the same angle reading. The reference position on a wedge probe shaft can be determined either geometrically or by placing a digital inclinometer on each side of the wedge and rotating the probe until equivalent readings are obtained. With the latter approach, the reference position is the rotational position on the probe sheath where an angle-measuring device would give a reading of 0°. After installation of the angle-measuring device in the reference yaw-null position on the probe sheath, determine the yaw angle from the tested port. Repeat this measurement using the 90° offset port, which provides the pitch angle of flow. Determine the yaw and pitch angles at all the point(s) in the test section where the velocity pressure cross-check, as specified in section 10.1.1, is performed. This includes all the points in the wind tunnel calibration location and the point where the calibration pitot tube will be located. Perform this check at the highest and lowest velocities at which the probes will be calibrated. Record the values on a form similar to Table 2G-5. Each measured yaw and pitch angle shall be within ±3° of 0°. Exceeding the limits indicates unacceptable flow in the test section. Until the problem is corrected and acceptable flow is verified by repetition of this procedure, the wind tunnel shall not be used for calibration of probes. Include the results in the probe calibration report.

10.1.3 Wind tunnel audits. Procedure. Upon the request of the Administrator, the owner or operator of a wind tunnel shall calibrate a 2-D audit probe in accordance with the procedures described in sections 10.3 through 10.6. The calibration shall be performed at two velocities that encompass the velocities typically used for this method at the facility. The resulting calibration data shall be submitted to the Agency in an audit test report. These results shall be compared by the Agency to reference calibrations of the audit probe at the same velocity settings obtained at two different wind tunnels. Acceptance criterion. The audited tunnel’s calibration coefficient is acceptable if it is within ±3 percent of the reference calibrations obtained at each velocity setting by one (or both) of the wind tunnels. If the acceptance criterion is not met at each calibration velocity setting, the audited wind tunnel shall not be used to calibrate probes for use under this method until the problems are resolved and acceptable results are obtained upon completion of a subsequent audit.

10.2 Probe Inspection.

10.2.1 Type S probe. Before each calibration of a Type S probe, verify that one leg of the tube is permanently marked A, and the other, B. Carefully examine the pitot tube from the top, side, and ends. Measure the angles (α1, α2, β1, and β2) and the dimensions (w and z) illustrated in Figures 2-2 and 2-3 in Method 2. Also measure the dimension A, as shown in the diagram in Table 2G-1, and the external tubing diameter (dimension Dt, Figure 2-2b in Method 2). For the purposes of this method, Dt shall be no less than 9.5 mm (
3/8 in.). The base-to-opening plane distances PA and PB in Figure 2-3 of Method 2 shall be equal, and the dimension A in Table 2G-1 should be between 2.10Dt and 3.00Dt. Record the inspection findings and probe measurements on a form similar to Table CD2-1 of the “Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems: Volume III, Stationary Source-Specific Methods” (EPA/600/R-94/038c, September 1994). For reference, this form is reproduced herein as Table 2G-1. The pitot tube shall not be used under this method if it fails to meet the specifications in this section and the alignment specifications in section 6.1.1. All Type S probes used to collect data with this method shall be calibrated according to the procedures outlined in sections 10.3 through 10.6 below. During calibration, each Type S pitot tube shall be configured in the same manner as used, or planned to be used, during the field test, including all components in the probe assembly (e.g., thermocouple, probe sheath, sampling nozzle). Probe shaft extensions that do not affect flow around the probe head need not be attached during calibration.

10.2.2 3-D probe. If a 3-D probe is used to collect data with this method, perform the pre-calibration inspection according to procedures in Method 2F, section 10.2.

10.3 Pre-Calibration Procedures. Prior to calibration, a scribe line shall have been placed on the probe in accordance with section 10.4. The yaw angle and velocity calibration procedures shall not begin until the pre-test requirements in sections 10.3.1 through 10.3.4 have been met.

10.3.1 Perform the horizontal straightness check described in section 8.2 on the probe assembly that will be calibrated in the wind tunnel.

10.3.2 Perform a leak check in accordance with section 8.4.

10.3.3 Except as noted in section, calibrate all differential pressure-measuring devices to be used in the probe calibrations, using the following procedures. At a minimum, calibrate these devices on each day that probe calibrations are performed. Procedure. Before each wind tunnel use, all differential pressure-measuring devices shall be calibrated against the reference device specified in section 6.4.3 using a common pressure source. Perform the calibration at three reference pressures representing 30, 60, and 90 percent of the full-scale range of the pressure-measuring device being calibrated. For an inclined-vertical manometer, perform separate calibrations on the inclined and vertical portions of the measurement scale, considering each portion of the scale to be a separate full-scale range. [For example, for a manometer with a 0-to 2.5-cm H2O (0-to 1-in. H2O) inclined scale and a 2.5-to 12.7-cm H2O (1-to 5-in. H2O) vertical scale, calibrate the inclined portion at 7.6, 15.2, and 22.9 mm H2O (0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 in. H2O), and calibrate the vertical portion at 3.8, 7.6, and 11.4 cm H2O (1.5, 3.0, and 4.5 in. H2O).] Alternatively, for the vertical portion of the scale, use three evenly spaced reference pressures, one of which is equal to or higher than the highest differential pressure expected in field applications. Acceptance criteria. At each pressure setting, the two pressure readings made using the reference device and the pressure-measuring device being calibrated shall agree to within ±2 percent of full scale of the device being calibrated or 0.5 mm H2O (0.02 in. H2O), whichever is less restrictive. For an inclined-vertical manometer, these requirements shall be met separately using the respective full-scale upper limits of the inclined and vertical portions of the scale. Differential pressure-measuring devices not meeting the ±2 percent of full scale or 0.5 mm H2O (0.02 in. H2O) calibration requirement shall not be used. Exceptions. Any precision manometer that meets the specifications for a reference device in section 6.4.3 and that is not used for field testing does not require calibration, but must be leveled and zeroed before each wind tunnel use. Any pressure device used exclusively for yaw nulling does not require calibration, but shall be checked for responsiveness to rotation of the probe prior to each wind tunnel use.

10.3.4 Calibrate digital inclinometers on each day of wind tunnel or field testing (prior to beginning testing) using the following procedures. Calibrate the inclinometer according to the manufacturer’s calibration procedures. In addition, use a triangular block (illustrated in Figure 2G-9) with a known angle θ, independently determined using a protractor or equivalent device, between two adjacent sides to verify the inclinometer readings. (Note: If other angle-measuring devices meeting the provisions of section 6.2.3 are used in place of a digital inclinometer, comparable calibration procedures shall be performed on such devices.) Secure the triangular block in a fixed position. Place the inclinometer on one side of the block (side A) to measure the angle of inclination (R1). Repeat this measurement on the adjacent side of the block (side B) using the inclinometer to obtain a second angle reading (R2). The difference of the sum of the two readings from 180° (i.e., 180°-R1-R2) shall be within ±2° of the known angle, θ.

10.4 Placement of Reference Scribe Line. Prior to the first calibration of a probe, a line shall be permanently inscribed on the main probe sheath to serve as a reference mark for determining yaw angles. Annex C in section 18 of this method gives a guideline for placement of the reference scribe line.

10.4.1 This reference scribe line shall meet the specifications in sections and of this method. To verify that the alignment specification in section is met, secure the probe in a horizontal position and measure the rotational angle of each scribe line and scribe line segment using an angle-measuring device that meets the specifications in section 6.2.1 or 6.2.3. For any scribe line that is longer than 30.5 cm (12 in.), check the line’s rotational position at 30.5-cm (12-in.) intervals. For each line segment that is 12 in. or less in length, check the rotational position at the two endpoints of the segment. To meet the alignment specification in section, the minimum and maximum of all of the rotational angles that are measured along the full length of main probe must not differ by more than 2°. (Note: A short reference scribe line segment [e.g., 15.2 cm (6 in.) or less in length] meeting the alignment specifications in section is fully acceptable under this method. See section of Annex A for an example of a probe marking procedure, suitable for use with a short reference scribe line.)

10.4.2 The scribe line should be placed on the probe first and then its offset from the yaw-null position established (as specified in section 10.5). The rotational position of the reference scribe line relative to the yaw-null position of the probe, as determined by the yaw angle calibration procedure in section 10.5, is the reference scribe line rotational offset, RSLO. The reference scribe line rotational offset shall be recorded and retained as part of the probe’s calibration record.

10.4.3 Scribe line for automated probes. A scribe line may not be necessary for an automated probe system if a reference rotational position of the probe is built into the probe system design. For such systems, a “flat” (or comparable, clearly identifiable physical characteristic) should be provided on the probe casing or flange plate to ensure that the reference position of the probe assembly remains in a vertical or horizontal position. The rotational offset of the flat (or comparable, clearly identifiable physical characteristic) needed to orient the reference position of the probe assembly shall be recorded and maintained as part of the automated probe system’s specifications.

10.5 Yaw Angle Calibration Procedure. For each probe used to measure yaw angles with this method, a calibration procedure shall be performed in a wind tunnel meeting the specifications in section 10.1 to determine the rotational position of the reference scribe line relative to the probe’s yaw-null position. This procedure shall be performed on the main probe with all devices that will be attached to the main probe in the field [such as thermocouples, resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), or sampling nozzles] that may affect the flow around the probe head. Probe shaft extensions that do not affect flow around the probe head need not be attached during calibration. At a minimum, this procedure shall include the following steps.

10.5.1 Align and lock the angle-measuring device on the reference scribe line. If a marking procedure (such as described in section is used, align the angle-measuring device on a mark within ±1° of the rotational position of the reference scribe line. Lock the angle-measuring device onto the probe sheath at this position.

10.5.2 Zero the pressure-measuring device used for yaw nulling.

10.5.3 Insert the probe assembly into the wind tunnel through the entry port, positioning the probe’s impact port at the calibration location. Check the responsiveness of the pressure-measurement device to probe rotation, taking corrective action if the response is unacceptable.

10.5.4 Ensure that the probe is in a horizontal position, using a carpenter’s level.

10.5.5 Rotate the probe either clockwise or counterclockwise until a yaw null [zero ΔP for a Type S probe or zero (P2-P3) for a 3-D probe] is obtained. If using a Type S probe with an attached thermocouple, the direction of the probe rotation shall be such that the thermocouple is located downstream of the probe pressure ports at the yaw-null position.

10.5.6 Use the reading displayed by the angle-measuring device at the yaw-null position to determine the magnitude of the reference scribe line rotational offset, RSLO, as defined in section 3.15. Annex D in section 18 of this method gives a recommended procedure for determining the magnitude of RSLO with a digital inclinometer and a second procedure for determining the magnitude of RSLO with a protractor wheel and pointer device. Table 2G-6 gives an example data form and Table 2G-7 is a look-up table with the recommended procedure. Procedures other than those recommended in Annex D in section 18 may be used, if they can determine RSLO to within 1° and are explained in detail in the field test report. The algebraic sign of RSLO will either be positive if the rotational position of the reference scribe line (as viewed from the “tail” end of the probe) is clockwise, or negative, if counterclockwise with respect to the probe’s yaw-null position. (This is illustrated in Figure 2G-10.)

10.5.7 The steps in sections 10.5.3 through 10.5.6 shall be performed twice at each of the velocities at which the probe will be calibrated (in accordance with section 10.6). Record the values of RSLO.

10.5.8 The average of all of the RSLO values shall be documented as the reference scribe line rotational offset for the probe.

10.5.9 Use of reference scribe line offset. The reference scribe line rotational offset shall be used to determine the yaw angle of flow in accordance with section 8.9.4.

10.6 Velocity Calibration Procedure. When a 3-D probe is used under this method, follow the provisions for the calibration of 3-D probes in section 10.6 of Method 2F to obtain the necessary velocity calibration coefficients (F2 as derived using Equation 2F-2 in Method 2F) corresponding to a pitch angle position of 0°. The following procedure applies to Type S probes. This procedure shall be performed on the main probe and all devices that will be attached to the main probe in the field (e.g., thermocouples, RTDs, sampling nozzles) that may affect the flow around the probe head. Probe shaft extensions that do not affect flow around the probe head need not be attached during calibration. (Note: If a sampling nozzle is part of the assembly, two additional requirements must be satisfied before proceeding. The distance between the nozzle and the pitot tube shall meet the minimum spacing requirement prescribed in Method 2, and a wind tunnel demonstration shall be performed that shows the probe’s ability to yaw null is not impaired when the nozzle is drawing sample.) To obtain velocity calibration coefficient(s) for the tested probe, proceed as follows.

10.6.1 Calibration velocities. The tester may calibrate the probe at two nominal wind tunnel velocity settings of 18.3 m/sec and 27.4 m/sec (60 ft/sec and 90 ft/sec) and average the results of these calibrations, as described in sections 10.6.12 through 10.6.14, in order to generate the calibration coefficient, Cp. If this option is selected, this calibration coefficient may be used for all field applications where the velocities are 9.1 m/sec (30 ft/sec) or greater. Alternatively, the tester may customize the probe calibration for a particular field test application (or for a series of applications), based on the expected average velocity(ies) at the test site(s). If this option is selected, generate the calibration coefficients by calibrating the probe at two nominal wind tunnel velocity settings, one of which is less than or equal to and the other greater than or equal to the expected average velocity(ies) for the field application(s), and average the results as described in sections 10.6.12 through 10.6.14. Whichever calibration option is selected, the probe calibration coefficient(s) obtained at the two nominal calibration velocities shall meet the conditions specified in sections 10.6.12 through 10.6.14.

10.6.2 Connect the tested probe and calibration pitot tube to their respective pressure-measuring devices. Zero the pressure-measuring devices. Inspect and leak-check all pitot lines; repair or replace them, if necessary. Turn on the fan, and allow the wind tunnel air flow to stabilize at the first of the selected nominal velocity settings.

10.6.3 Position the calibration pitot tube at its measurement location (determined as outlined in section, and align the tube so that its tip is pointed directly into the flow. Ensure that the entry port surrounding the tube is properly sealed. The calibration pitot tube may either remain in the wind tunnel throughout the calibration, or be removed from the wind tunnel while measurements are taken with the probe being calibrated.

10.6.4 Check the zero setting of each pressure-measuring device.

10.6.5 Insert the tested probe into the wind tunnel and align it so that the designated pressure port (e.g., either the A-side or B-side of a Type S probe) is pointed directly into the flow and is positioned within the wind tunnel calibration location (as defined in section 3.21). Secure the probe at the 0° pitch angle position. Ensure that the entry port surrounding the probe is properly sealed.

10.6.6 Read the differential pressure from the calibration pitot tube (ΔPstd), and record its value. Read the barometric pressure to within ±2.5 mm Hg (±0.1 in. Hg) and the temperature in the wind tunnel to within 0.6 °C (1 °F). Record these values on a data form similar to Table 2G-8. Record the rotational speed of the fan or indicator of wind tunnel velocity control (damper setting, variac rheostat, etc.) and make no adjustment to fan speed or wind tunnel velocity control between this observation and the Type S probe reading.

10.6.7 After the tested probe’s differential pressure gauges have had sufficient time to stabilize, yaw null the probe (and then rotate it back 90° for Type S probes), then obtain the differential pressure reading (ΔP). Record the yaw angle and differential pressure readings.

10.6.8 Take paired differential pressure measurements with the calibration pitot tube and tested probe (according to sections 10.6.6 and 10.6.7). The paired measurements in each replicate can be made either simultaneously (i.e., with both probes in the wind tunnel) or by alternating the measurements of the two probes (i.e., with only one probe at a time in the wind tunnel). Adjustments made to the fan speed or other changes to the system designed to change the air flow velocity of the wind tunnel between observation of the calibration pitot tube (ΔPstd) and the Type S pitot tube invalidates the reading and the observation must be repeated.

10.6.9 Repeat the steps in sections 10.6.6 through 10.6.8 at the same nominal velocity setting until three pairs of ΔP readings have been obtained from the calibration pitot tube and the tested probe.

10.6.10 Repeat the steps in sections 10.6.6 through 10.6.9 above for the A-side and B-side of the Type S pitot tube. For a probe assembly constructed such that its pitot tube is always used in the same orientation, only one side of the pitot tube need be calibrated (the side that will face the flow). However, the pitot tube must still meet the alignment and dimension specifications in section 6.1.1 and must have an average deviation (σ) value of 0.01 or less as provided in section

10.6.11 Repeat the calibration procedures in sections 10.6.6 through 10.6.10 at the second selected nominal wind tunnel velocity setting.

10.6.12 Perform the following calculations separately on the A-side and B-side values. Calculate a Cp value for each of the three replicates performed at the lower velocity setting where the calibrations were performed using Equation 2-2 in section 4.1.4 of Method 2. Calculate the arithmetic average, Cp(avg-low), of the three Cp values. Calculate the deviation of each of the three individual values of Cp from the A-side average Cp(avg-low) value using Equation 2-3 in Method 2. Calculate the average deviation (σ) of the three individual Cp values from Cp(avg-low) using Equation 2-4 in Method 2. Use the Type S pitot tube only if the values of σ (side A) and σ (side B) are less than or equal to 0.01. If both A-side and B-side calibration coefficients are calculated, the absolute value of the difference between Cp(avg-low) (side A) and Cp(avg-low) (side B) must not exceed 0.01.

10.6.13 Repeat the calculations in section 10.6.12 using the data obtained at the higher velocity setting to derive the arithmetic Cp values at the higher velocity setting, Cp(avg-high), and to determine whether the conditions in are met by both the A-side and B-side calibrations at this velocity setting.

10.6.14 Use equation 2G-1 to calculate the percent difference of the averaged Cp values at the two calibration velocities.

The percent difference between the averaged Cp values shall not exceed ±3 percent. If the specification is met, average the A-side values of Cp(avg-low) and Cp(avg-high) to produce a single A-side calibration coefficient, Cp. Repeat for the B-side values if calibrations were performed on that side of the pitot. If the specification is not met, make necessary adjustments in the selected velocity settings and repeat the calibration procedure until acceptable results are obtained.

10.6.15 If the two nominal velocities used in the calibration were 18.3 and 27.4 m/sec (60 and 90 ft/sec), the average Cp from section 10.6.14 is applicable to all velocities 9.1 m/sec (30 ft/sec) or greater. If two other nominal velocities were used in the calibration, the resulting average Cp value shall be applicable only in situations where the velocity calculated using the calibration coefficient is neither less than the lower nominal velocity nor greater than the higher nominal velocity.

10.7 Recalibration. Recalibrate the probe using the procedures in section 10 either within 12 months of its first field use after its most recent calibration or after 10 field tests (as defined in section 3.3), whichever occurs later. In addition, whenever there is visible damage to the probe head, the probe shall be recalibrated before it is used again.

10.8 Calibration of pressure-measuring devices used in the field. Before its initial use in a field test, calibrate each pressure-measuring device (except those used exclusively for yaw nulling) using the three-point calibration procedure described in section 10.3.3. The device shall be recalibrated according to the procedure in section 10.3.3 no later than 90 days after its first field use following its most recent calibration. At the discretion of the tester, more frequent calibrations (e.g., after a field test) may be performed. No adjustments, other than adjustments to the zero setting, shall be made to the device between calibrations.

10.8.1 Post-test calibration check. A single-point calibration check shall be performed on each pressure-measuring device after completion of each field test. At the discretion of the tester, more frequent single-point calibration checks (e.g., after one or more field test runs) may be performed. It is recommended that the post-test check be performed before leaving the field test site. The check shall be performed at a pressure between 50 and 90 percent of full scale by taking a common pressure reading with the tested probe and a reference pressure-measuring device (as described in section 6.4.4) or by challenging the tested device with a reference pressure source (as described in section 6.4.4) or by performing an equivalent check using a reference device approved by the Administrator.

10.8.2 Acceptance criterion. At the selected pressure setting, the pressure readings made using the reference device and the tested device shall agree to within ±3 percent of full scale of the tested device or 0.8 mm H2O (0.03 in. H2O), whichever is less restrictive. If this specification is met, the test data collected during the field test are valid. If the specification is not met, all test data collected since the last successful calibration or calibration check are invalid and shall be repeated using a pressure-measuring device with a current, valid calibration. Any device that fails the calibration check shall not be used in a field test until a successful recalibration is performed according to the procedures in section 10.3.3.

10.9 Temperature Gauges. Same as Method 2, section 4.3. The alternative thermocouple calibration procedures outlined in Emission Measurement Center (EMC) Approved Alternative Method (ALT-011) “Alternative Method 2 Thermocouple Calibration Procedure” may be performed. Temperature gauges shall be calibrated no more than 30 days prior to the start of a field test or series of field tests and recalibrated no more than 30 days after completion of a field test or series of field tests.

10.10 Barometer. Same as Method 2, section 4.4. The barometer shall be calibrated no more than 30 days prior to the start of a field test or series of field tests.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

Sample collection and analysis are concurrent for this method (see section 8.0).

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

These calculations use the measured yaw angle and the differential pressure and temperature measurements at individual traverse points to derive the near-axial flue gas velocity (va(i)) at each of those points. The near-axial velocity values at all traverse points that comprise a full stack or duct traverse are then averaged to obtain the average near-axial stack or duct gas velocity (va(avg)).

12.1 Nomenclature

A = Cross-sectional area of stack or duct at the test port location, m
2 (ft

Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream (from Method 4 or alternative), proportion by volume.

Cp = Pitot tube calibration coefficient, dimensionless.

F2(i) = 3-D probe velocity coefficient at 0 pitch, applicable at traverse point i.

Kp = Pitot tube constant,

for the metric system, and

for the English system.

Md = Molecular weight of stack or duct gas, dry basis (see section 8.13), g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole).

Ms = Molecular weight of stack or duct gas, wet basis, g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole).

Pbar = Barometric pressure at velocity measurement site, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Pg = Stack or duct static pressure, mm H2O (in. H2O).

Ps = Absolute stack or duct pressure, mm Hg (in. Hg),

Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg).

13.6 = Conversion from mm H2O (in. H2O) to mm Hg (in. Hg).

Qsd = Average dry-basis volumetric stack or duct gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscm/hr (dscf/hr).

Qsw = Average wet-basis volumetric stack or duct gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, wscm/hr (wscf/hr).

ts(i) = Stack or duct temperature, °C (°F), at traverse point i.

Ts(i) = Absolute stack or duct temperature, °K (°R), at traverse point i.

for the metric system, and

for the English system.

Ts(avg) = Average absolute stack or duct gas temperature across all traverse points.

Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293 °K (528 °R).

va(i) = Measured stack or duct gas impact velocity, m/sec (ft/sec), at traverse point i.

va(avg) = Average near-axial stack or duct gas velocity, m/sec (ft/sec) across all traverse points.

ΔPi = Velocity head (differential pressure) of stack or duct gas, mm H2O (in. H2O), applicable at traverse point i.

(P1-P2) = Velocity head (differential pressure) of stack or duct gas measured by a 3-D probe, mm H2O (in. H2O), applicable at traverse point i.

3,600 = Conversion factor, sec/hr.

18.0 = Molecular weight of water, g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole).

θy(i) = Yaw angle of the flow velocity vector, at traverse point i.

n = Number of traverse points.

12.2 Traverse Point Velocity Calculations. Perform the following calculations from the measurements obtained at each traverse point.

12.2.1 Selection of calibration coefficient. Select the calibration coefficient as described in section 10.6.1.

12.2.2 Near-axial traverse point velocity. When using a Type S probe, use the following equation to calculate the traverse point near-axial velocity (va(i)) from the differential pressure (ΔPi), yaw angle (θy(i)), absolute stack or duct standard temperature (Ts(i)) measured at traverse point i, the absolute stack or duct pressure (Ps), and molecular weight (Ms).

Use the following equation when using a 3-D probe.

12.2.3 Handling multiple measurements at a traverse point. For pressure or temperature devices that take multiple measurements at a traverse point, the multiple measurements (or where applicable, their square roots) may first be averaged and the resulting average values used in the equations above. Alternatively, the individual measurements may be used in the equations above and the resulting calculated values may then be averaged to obtain a single traverse point value. With either approach, all of the individual measurements recorded at a traverse point must be used in calculating the applicable traverse point value.

12.3 Average Near-Axial Velocity in Stack or Duct. Use the reported traverse point near-axial velocity in the following equation.

12.4 Acceptability of Results. The acceptability provisions in section 12.4 of Method 2F apply to 3-D probes used under Method 2G. The following provisions apply to Type S probes. For Type S probes, the test results are acceptable and the calculated value of va(avg) may be reported as the average near-axial velocity for the test run if the conditions in either section 12.4.1 or 12.4.2 are met.

12.4.1 The average calibration coefficient Cp used in Equation 2G-6 was generated at nominal velocities of 18.3 and 27.4 m/sec (60 and 90 ft/sec) and the value of va(avg) calculated using Equation 2G-8 is greater than or equal to 9.1 m/sec (30 ft/sec).

12.4.2 The average calibration coefficient Cp used in Equation 2G-6 was generated at nominal velocities other than 18.3 or 27.4 m/sec (60 or 90 ft/sec) and the value of va(avg) calculated using Equation 2G-8 is greater than or equal to the lower nominal velocity and less than or equal to the higher nominal velocity used to derive the average Cp.

12.4.3 If the conditions in neither section 12.4.1 nor section 12.4.2 are met, the test results obtained from Equation 2G-8 are not acceptable, and the steps in sections 12.2 and 12.3 must be repeated using an average calibration coefficient Cp that satisfies the conditions in section 12.4.1 or 12.4.2.

12.5 Average Gas Volumetric Flow Rate in Stack or Duct (Wet Basis). Use the following equation to compute the average volumetric flow rate on a wet basis.

12.6 Average Gas Volumetric Flow Rate in Stack or Duct (Dry Basis). Use the following equation to compute the average volumetric flow rate on a dry basis.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 Reporting.

16.1 Field Test Reports. Field test reports shall be submitted to the Agency according to applicable regulatory requirements. Field test reports should, at a minimum, include the following elements.

16.1.1 Description of the source. This should include the name and location of the test site, descriptions of the process tested, a description of the combustion source, an accurate diagram of stack or duct cross-sectional area at the test site showing the dimensions of the stack or duct, the location of the test ports, and traverse point locations and identification numbers or codes. It should also include a description and diagram of the stack or duct layout, showing the distance of the test location from the nearest upstream and downstream disturbances and all structural elements (including breachings, baffles, fans, straighteners, etc.) affecting the flow pattern. If the source and test location descriptions have been previously submitted to the Agency in a document (e.g., a monitoring plan or test plan), referencing the document in lieu of including this information in the field test report is acceptable.

16.1.2 Field test procedures. These should include a description of test equipment and test procedures. Testing conventions, such as traverse point numbering and measurement sequence (e.g., sampling from center to wall, or wall to center), should be clearly stated. Test port identification and directional reference for each test port should be included on the appropriate field test data sheets.

16.1.3 Field test data. Summary of results. This summary should include the dates and times of testing, and the average near-axial gas velocity and the average flue gas volumetric flow results for each run and tested condition. Test data. The following values for each traverse point should be recorded and reported:

(a) Differential pressure at traverse point i (ΔPi)

(b) Stack or duct temperature at traverse point i (ts(i))

(c) Absolute stack or duct temperature at traverse point i (Ts(i))

(d) Yaw angle at traverse point i (θy(i))

(e) Stack gas near-axial velocity at traverse point i (va(i)) The following values should be reported once per run:

(a) Water vapor in the gas stream (from Method 4 or alternative), proportion by volume (Bws), measured at the frequency specified in the applicable regulation

(b) Molecular weight of stack or duct gas, dry basis (Md)

(c) Molecular weight of stack or duct gas, wet basis (Ms)

(d) Stack or duct static pressure (Pg)

(e) Absolute stack or duct pressure (Ps)

(f) Carbon dioxide concentration in the flue gas, dry basis (%d CO2)

(g) Oxygen concentration in the flue gas, dry basis (%d O2)

(h) Average near-axial stack or duct gas velocity (va(avg)) across all traverse points

(i) Gas volumetric flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dry or wet basis as required by the applicable regulation (Qsd or Qsw) The following should be reported once per complete set of test runs:

(a) Cross-sectional area of stack or duct at the test location (A)

(b) Pitot tube calibration coefficient (Cp)

(c) Measurement system response time (sec)

(d) Barometric pressure at measurement site (Pbar)

16.1.4 Calibration data. The field test report should include calibration data for all probes and test equipment used in the field test. At a minimum, the probe calibration data reported to the Agency should include the following:

(a) Date of calibration

(b) Probe type

(c) Probe identification number(s) or code(s)

(d) Probe inspection sheets

(e) Pressure measurements and calculations used to obtain calibration coefficients in accordance with section 10.6 of this method

(f) Description and diagram of wind tunnel used for the calibration, including dimensions of cross-sectional area and position and size of the test section

(g) Documentation of wind tunnel qualification tests performed in accordance with section 10.1 of this method

16.1.5 Quality assurance. Specific quality assurance and quality control procedures used during the test should be described.

17.0 Bibliography.

(1) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 1—Sample and velocity traverses for stationary sources.

(2) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 2—Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate (Type S pitot tube) .

(3) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 2F—Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate with three-dimensional probes.

(4) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 2H—Determination of stack gas velocity taking into account velocity decay near the stack wall.

(5) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 3—Gas analysis for carbon dioxide, oxygen, excess air, and dry molecular weight.

(6) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 3A—Determination of oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in emissions from stationary sources (instrumental analyzer procedure).

(7) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 4—Determination of moisture content in stack gases.

(8) Emission Measurement Center (EMC) Approved Alternative Method (ALT-011) “Alternative Method 2 Thermocouple Calibration Procedure.”

(9) Electric Power Research Institute, Interim Report EPRI TR-106698, “Flue Gas Flow Rate Measurement Errors,” June 1996.

(10) Electric Power Research Institute, Final Report EPRI TR-108110, “Evaluation of Heat Rate Discrepancy from Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems,” August 1997.

(11) Fossil Energy Research Corporation, Final Report, “Velocity Probe Tests in Non-axial Flow Fields,” November 1998, Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

(12) Fossil Energy Research Corporation, “Additional Swirl Tunnel Tests: E-DAT and T-DAT Probes,” February 24, 1999, Technical Memorandum Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, P.O. No. 7W-1193-NALX.

(13) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Report WBWT-TR-1317, “Calibration of Eight Wind Speed Probes Over a Reynolds Number Range of 46,000 to 725,000 Per Foot, Text and Summary Plots,” Plus appendices, October 15, 1998, Prepared for The Cadmus Group, Inc.

(14) National Institute of Standards and Technology, Special Publication 250, “NIST Calibration Services Users Guide 1991,” Revised October 1991, U.S. Department of Commerce, p. 2.

(15) National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998, “Report of Special Test of Air Speed Instrumentation, Four Prandtl Probes, Four S-Type Probes, Four French Probes, Four Modified Kiel Probes,” Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under IAG #DW13938432-01-0.

(16) National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998, “Report of Special Test of Air Speed In-strumentation, Five Autoprobes,” Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under IAG #DW13938432-01-0.

(17) National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998, “Report of Special Test of Air Speed Instrumentation, Eight Spherical Probes,” Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under IAG #DW13938432-01-0.

(18) National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998, “Report of Special Test of Air Speed Instrumentation, Four DAT Probes, “ Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under IAG #DW13938432-01-0.

(19) Norfleet, S.K., “An Evaluation of Wall Effects on Stack Flow Velocities and Related Overestimation Bias in EPA’s Stack Flow Reference Methods,” EPRI CEMS User’s Group Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 13-15, 1998.

(20) Page, J.J., E.A. Potts, and R.T. Shigehara, “3-D Pitot Tube Calibration Study,” EPA Contract No. 68D10009, Work Assignment No. I-121, March 11, 1993.

(21) Shigehara, R.T., W.F. Todd, and W.S. Smith, “Significance of Errors in Stack Sampling Measurements,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, St. Louis, Missouri, June 1419, 1970.

(22) The Cadmus Group, Inc., May 1999, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Findings Report,” EPA/430-R-99-009.

(23) The Cadmus Group, Inc., 1998, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Data Report, Texas Utilities, DeCordova Steam Electric Station, Volume I: Test Description and Appendix A (Data Distribution Package),” EPA/430-R-98-015a.

(24) The Cadmus Group, Inc., 1998, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Data Report, Texas Utilities, Lake Hubbard Steam Electric Station, Volume I: Test Description and Appendix A (Data Distribution Package),” EPA/430-R-98-017a.

(25) The Cadmus Group, Inc., 1998, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Data Report, Pennsylvania Electric Co., G.P.U. Genco Homer City Station: Unit 1, Volume I: Test Description and Appendix A (Data Distribution Package),” EPA/430-R-98-018a.

(26) The Cadmus Group, Inc., 1997, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Wind Tunnel Experimental Results,” EPA/430-R-97-013.

18.0 Annexes

Annex A, C, and D describe recommended procedures for meeting certain provisions in sections 8.3, 10.4, and 10.5 of this method. Annex B describes procedures to be followed when using the protractor wheel and pointer assembly to measure yaw angles, as provided under section 8.9.1.

18.1 Annex A—Rotational Position Check. The following are recommended procedures that may be used to satisfy the rotational position check requirements of section 8.3 of this method and to determine the angle-measuring device rotational offset (RADO).

18.1.1 Rotational position check with probe outside stack. Where physical constraints at the sampling location allow full assembly of the probe outside the stack and insertion into the test port, the following procedures should be performed before the start of testing. Two angle-measuring devices that meet the specifications in section 6.2.1 or 6.2.3 are required for the rotational position check. An angle measuring device whose position can be independently adjusted (e.g., by means of a set screw) after being locked into position on the probe sheath shall not be used for this check unless the independent adjustment is set so that the device performs exactly like a device without the capability for independent adjustment. That is, when aligned on the probe such a device must give the same reading as a device that does not have the capability of being independently adjusted. With the fully assembled probe (including probe shaft extensions, if any) secured in a horizontal position, affix one yaw angle-measuring device to the probe sheath and lock it into position on the reference scribe line specified in section Position the second angle-measuring device using the procedure in section or Marking procedure. The procedures in this section should be performed at each location on the fully assembled probe where the yaw angle-measuring device will be mounted during the velocity traverse. Place the second yaw angle-measuring device on the main probe sheath (or extension) at the position where a yaw angle will be measured during the velocity traverse. Adjust the position of the second angle-measuring device until it indicates the same angle (±1°) as the reference device, and affix the second device to the probe sheath (or extension). Record the angles indicated by the two angle-measuring devices on a form similar to table 2G-2. In this position, the second angle-measuring device is considered to be properly positioned for yaw angle measurement. Make a mark, no wider than 1.6 mm (
1/16 in.), on the probe sheath (or extension), such that the yaw angle-measuring device can be re-affixed at this same properly aligned position during the velocity traverse. Procedure for probe extensions with scribe lines. If, during a velocity traverse the angle-measuring device will be affixed to a probe extension having a scribe line as specified in section, the following procedure may be used to align the extension’s scribe line with the reference scribe line instead of marking the extension as described in section Attach the probe extension to the main probe. Align and lock the second angle-measuring device on the probe extension’s scribe line. Then, rotate the extension until both measuring devices indicate the same angle (±1°). Lock the extension at this rotational position. Record the angles indicated by the two angle-measuring devices on a form similar to table 2G-2. An angle-measuring device may be aligned at any position on this scribe line during the velocity traverse, if the scribe line meets the alignment specification in section Post-test rotational position check. If the fully assembled probe includes one or more extensions, the following check should be performed immediately after the completion of a velocity traverse. At the discretion of the tester, additional checks may be conducted after completion of testing at any sample port. Without altering the alignment of any of the components of the probe assembly used in the velocity traverse, secure the fully assembled probe in a horizontal position. Affix an angle-measuring device at the reference scribe line specified in section Use the other angle-measuring device to check the angle at each location where the device was checked prior to testing. Record the readings from the two angle-measuring devices.

18.1.2 Rotational position check with probe in stack. This section applies only to probes that, due to physical constraints, cannot be inserted into the test port as fully assembled with all necessary extensions needed to reach the inner-most traverse point(s). Perform the out-of-stack procedure in section 18.1.1 on the main probe and any attached extensions that will be initially inserted into the test port. Use the following procedures to perform additional rotational position check(s) with the probe in the stack, each time a probe extension is added. Two angle-measuring devices are required. The first of these is the device that was used to measure yaw angles at the preceding traverse point, left in its properly aligned measurement position. The second angle-measuring device is positioned on the added probe extension. Use the applicable procedures in section or to align, adjust, lock, and mark (if necessary) the position of the second angle-measuring device to within ±1° of the first device. Record the readings of the two devices on a form similar to Table 2G-2. The procedure in section should be performed at the first port where measurements are taken. The procedure should be repeated each time a probe extension is re-attached at a subsequent port, unless the probe extensions are designed to be locked into a mechanically fixed rotational position (e.g., through use of interlocking grooves), which can be reproduced from port to port as specified in section

18.2 Annex B—Angle Measurement Protocol for Protractor Wheel and Pointer Device. The following procedure shall be used when a protractor wheel and pointer assembly, such as the one described in section 6.2.2 and illustrated in Figure 2G-5 is used to measure the yaw angle of flow. With each move to a new traverse point, unlock, re-align, and re-lock the probe, angle-pointer collar, and protractor wheel to each other. At each such move, particular attention is required to ensure that the scribe line on the angle pointer collar is either aligned with the reference scribe line on the main probe sheath or is at the rotational offset position established under section 8.3.1. The procedure consists of the following steps:

18.2.1 Affix a protractor wheel to the entry port for the test probe in the stack or duct.

18.2.2 Orient the protractor wheel so that the 0° mark corresponds to the longitudinal axis of the stack or duct. For stacks, vertical ducts, or ports on the side of horizontal ducts, use a digital inclinometer meeting the specifications in section 6.2.1 to locate the 0° orientation. For ports on the top or bottom of horizontal ducts, identify the longitudinal axis at each test port and permanently mark the duct to indicate the 0° orientation. Once the protractor wheel is properly aligned, lock it into position on the test port.

18.2.3 Move the pointer assembly along the probe sheath to the position needed to take measurements at the first traverse point. Align the scribe line on the pointer collar with the reference scribe line or at the rotational offset position established under section 8.3.1. Maintaining this rotational alignment, lock the pointer device onto the probe sheath. Insert the probe into the entry port to the depth needed to take measurements at the first traverse point.

18.2.4 Perform the yaw angle determination as specified in sections 8.9.3 and 8.9.4 and record the angle as shown by the pointer on the protractor wheel. Then, take velocity pressure and temperature measurements in accordance with the procedure in section 8.9.5. Perform the alignment check described in section 8.9.6.

18.2.5 After taking velocity pressure measurements at that traverse point, unlock the probe from the collar and slide the probe through the collar to the depth needed to reach the next traverse point.

18.2.6 Align the scribe line on the pointer collar with the reference scribe line on the main probe or at the rotational offset position established under section 8.3.1. Lock the collar onto the probe.

18.2.7 Repeat the steps in sections 18.2.4 through 18.2.6 at the remaining traverse points accessed from the current stack or duct entry port.

18.2.8 After completing the measurement at the last traverse point accessed from a port, verify that the orientation of the protractor wheel on the test port has not changed over the course of the traverse at that port. For stacks, vertical ducts, or ports on the side of horizontal ducts, use a digital inclinometer meeting the specifications in section 6.2.1 to check the rotational position of the 0° mark on the protractor wheel. For ports on the top or bottom of horizontal ducts, observe the alignment of the angle wheel 0° mark relative to the permanent 0° mark on the duct at that test port. If these observed comparisons exceed ±2° of 0°, all angle and pressure measurements taken at that port since the protractor wheel was last locked into position on the port shall be repeated.

18.2.9 Move to the next stack or duct entry port and repeat the steps in sections 18.2.1 through 18.2.8.

18.3 Annex C—Guideline for Reference Scribe Line Placement. Use of the following guideline is recommended to satisfy the requirements of section 10.4 of this method. The rotational position of the reference scribe line should be either 90° or 180° from the probe’s impact pressure port. For Type-S probes, place separate scribe lines, on opposite sides of the probe sheath, if both the A and B sides of the pitot tube are to be used for yaw angle measurements.

18.4 Annex D—Determination of Reference Scribe Line Rotational Offset. The following procedures are recommended for determining the magnitude and sign of a probe’s reference scribe line rotational offset, RSLO. Separate procedures are provided for two types of angle-measuring devices: digital inclinometers and protractor wheel and pointer assemblies.

18.4.1 Perform the following procedures on the main probe with all devices that will be attached to the main probe in the field [such as thermocouples, resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), or sampling nozzles] that may affect the flow around the probe head. Probe shaft extensions that do not affect flow around the probe head need not be attached during calibration.

18.4.2 The procedures below assume that the wind tunnel duct used for probe calibration is horizontal and that the flow in the calibration wind tunnel is axial as determined by the axial flow verification check described in section 10.1.2. Angle-measuring devices are assumed to display angles in alternating 0° to 90° and 90° to 0° intervals. If angle-measuring devices with other readout conventions are used or if other calibration wind tunnel duct configurations are used, make the appropriate calculational corrections. For Type-S probes, calibrate the A-side and B-sides separately, using the appropriate scribe line (see section 18.3, above), if both the A and B sides of the pitot tube are to be used for yaw angle determinations. Position the angle-measuring device in accordance with one of the following procedures. If using a digital inclinometer, affix the calibrated digital inclinometer to the probe. If the digital inclinometer can be independently adjusted after being locked into position on the probe sheath (e.g., by means of a set screw), the independent adjustment must be set so that the device performs exactly like a device without the capability for independent adjustment. That is, when aligned on the probe the device must give the same readings as a device that does not have the capability of being independently adjusted. Either align it directly on the reference scribe line or on a mark aligned with the scribe line determined according to the procedures in section Maintaining this rotational alignment, lock the digital inclinometer onto the probe sheath. If using a protractor wheel and pointer device, orient the protractor wheel on the test port so that the 0° mark is aligned with the longitudinal axis of the wind tunnel duct. Maintaining this alignment, lock the wheel into place on the wind tunnel test port. Align the scribe line on the pointer collar with the reference scribe line or with a mark aligned with the reference scribe line, as determined under section Maintaining this rotational alignment, lock the pointer device onto the probe sheath. Zero the pressure-measuring device used for yaw nulling. Insert the probe assembly into the wind tunnel through the entry port, positioning the probe’s impact port at the calibration location. Check the responsiveness of the pressure-measuring device to probe rotation, taking corrective action if the response is unacceptable. Ensure that the probe is in a horizontal position using a carpenter’s level. Rotate the probe either clockwise or counterclockwise until a yaw null [zero ΔP for a Type S probe or zero (P2-P3) for a 3-D probe] is obtained. If using a Type S probe with an attached thermocouple, the direction of the probe rotation shall be such that the thermocouple is located downstream of the probe pressure ports at the yaw-null position. Read and record the value of θnull, the angle indicated by the angle-measuring device at the yaw-null position. Record the angle reading on a form similar to Table 2G-6. Do not associate an algebraic sign with this reading. Determine the magnitude and algebraic sign of the reference scribe line rotational offset, RSLO. The magnitude of RSLO will be equal to either θnull or (90°−θnull), depending on the type of probe being calibrated and the type of angle-measuring device used. (See Table 2G-7 for a summary.) The algebraic sign of RSLO will either be positive if the rotational position of the reference scribe line is clockwise or negative if counterclockwise with respect to the probe’s yaw-null position. Figure 2G-10 illustrates how the magnitude and sign of RSLO are determined. Perform the steps in sections through twice at each of the two calibration velocities selected for the probe under section 10.6. Record the values of RSLO in a form similar to Table 2G-6. The average of all RSLO values is the reference scribe line rotational offset for the probe.

Method 2H—Determination of Stack Gas Velocity Taking Into Account Velocity Decay Near the Stack Wall

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 This method is applicable in conjunction with Methods 2, 2F, and 2G (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A) to account for velocity decay near the wall in circular stacks and ducts.

1.2 This method is not applicable for testing stacks and ducts less than 3.3 ft (1.0 m) in diameter.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 A wall effects adjustment factor is determined. It is used to adjust the average stack gas velocity obtained under Method 2, 2F, or 2G of this appendix to take into account velocity decay near the stack or duct wall.

2.2 The method contains two possible procedures: a calculational approach which derives an adjustment factor from velocity measurements and a default procedure which assigns a generic adjustment factor based on the construction of the stack or duct.

2.2.1 The calculational procedure derives a wall effects adjustment factor from velocity measurements taken using Method 2, 2F, or 2G at 16 (or more) traverse points specified under Method 1 of this appendix and a total of eight (or more) wall effects traverse points specified under this method. The calculational procedure based on velocity measurements is not applicable for horizontal circular ducts where build-up of particulate matter or other material in the bottom of the duct is present.

2.2.2 A default wall effects adjustment factor of 0.9900 for brick and mortar stacks and 0.9950 for all other types of stacks and ducts may be used without taking wall effects measurements in a stack or duct.

2.3 When the calculational procedure is conducted as part of a relative accuracy test audit (RATA) or other multiple-run test procedure, the wall effects adjustment factor derived from a single traverse (i.e., single RATA run) may be applied to all runs of the same RATA without repeating the wall effects measurements. Alternatively, wall effects adjustment factors may be derived for several traverses and an average wall effects adjustment factor applied to all runs of the same RATA.

3.0 Definitions.

3.1 Complete wall effects traverse means a traverse in which measurements are taken at drem (see section 3.3) and at 1-in. intervals in each of the four Method 1 equal-area sectors closest to the wall, beginning not farther than 4 in. (10.2 cm) from the wall and extending either (1) across the entire width of the Method 1 equal-area sector or (2) for stacks or ducts where this width exceeds 12 in. (30.5 cm) (i.e., stacks or ducts greater than or equal to 15.6 ft [4.8 m] in diameter), to a distance of not less than 12 in. (30.5 cm) from the wall. Note: Because this method specifies that measurements must be taken at whole number multiples of 1 in. from a stack or duct wall, for clarity numerical quantities in this method are expressed in English units followed by metric units in parentheses. To enhance readability, hyphenated terms such as “1-in. intervals” or “1-in. incremented,” are expressed in English units only.

3.2 dlast Depending on context, dlast means either (1) the distance from the wall of the last 1-in. incremented wall effects traverse point or (2) the traverse point located at that distance (see Figure 2H-2).

3.3 drem Depending on context, drem means either (1) the distance from the wall of the centroid of the area between dlast and the interior edge of the Method 1 equal-area sector closest to the wall or (2) the traverse point located at that distance (see Figure 2H-2).

3.4 “May,” “Must,” “Shall,” “Should,” and the imperative form of verbs.

3.4.1 “May” is used to indicate that a provision of this method is optional.

3.4.2 “Must,” “Shall,” and the imperative form of verbs (such as “record” or “enter”) are used to indicate that a provision of this method is mandatory.

3.4.3 “Should” is used to indicate that a provision of this method is not mandatory but is highly recommended as good practice.

3.5 Method 1 refers to 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, “Method 1—Sample and velocity traverses for stationary sources.”

3.6 Method 1 exterior equal-area sector and Method 1 equal-area sector closest to the wall mean any one of the four equal-area sectors that are closest to the wall for a circular stack or duct laid out in accordance with section 2.3.1 of Method 1 (see Figure 2H-1).

3.7 Method 1 interior equal-area sector means any of the equal-area sectors other than the Method 1 exterior equal-area sectors (as defined in section 3.6) for a circular stack or duct laid out in accordance with section 2.3.1 of Method 1 (see Figure 2H-1).

3.8 Method 1 traverse point and Method 1 equal-area traverse point mean a traverse point located at the centroid of an equal-area sector of a circular stack laid out in accordance with section 2.3.1 of Method 1.

3.9 Method 2 refers to 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, “Method 2—Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate (Type S pitot tube).”

3.10 Method 2F refers to 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, “Method 2F—Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate with three-dimensional probes.”

3.11 Method 2G refers to 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, “Method 2G—Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate with two-dimensional probes.”

3.12 1-in. incremented wall effects traverse point means any of the wall effects traverse points that are located at 1-in. intervals, i.e., traverse points d1 through dlast (see Figure 2H-2).

3.13 Partial wall effects traverse means a traverse in which measurements are taken at fewer than the number of traverse points required for a “complete wall effects traverse” (as defined in section 3.1), but are taken at a minimum of two traverse points in each Method 1 equal-area sector closest to the wall, as specified in section 8.2.2.

3.14 Relative accuracy test audit (RATA) is a field test procedure performed in a stack or duct in which a series of concurrent measurements of the same stack gas stream is taken by a reference method and an installed monitoring system. A RATA usually consists of series of 9 to 12 sets of such concurrent measurements, each of which is referred to as a RATA run. In a volumetric flow RATA, each reference method run consists of a complete traverse of the stack or duct.

3.15 Wall effects-unadjusted average velocity means the average stack gas velocity, not accounting for velocity decay near the wall, as determined in accordance with Method 2, 2F, or 2G for a Method 1 traverse consisting of 16 or more points.

3.16 Wall effects-adjusted average velocity means the average stack gas velocity, taking into account velocity decay near the wall, as calculated from measurements at 16 or more Method 1 traverse points and at the additional wall effects traverse points specified in this method.

3.17 Wall effects traverse point means a traverse point located in accordance with sections 8.2.2 or 8.2.3 of this method.

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This method does not purport to address all of the health and safety considerations associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this method to establish appropriate health and safety practices and to determine the applicability of occupational health and safety regulatory requirements prior to performing this method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 The provisions pertaining to equipment and supplies in the method that is used to take the traverse point measurements (i.e., Method 2, 2F, or 2G) are applicable under this method.

7.0 Reagents and Standards [Reserved]

8.0 Sample Collection and Analysis

8.1 Default Wall Effects Adjustment Factors. A default wall effects adjustment factor of 0.9900 for brick and mortar stacks and 0.9950 for all other types of stacks and ducts may be used without conducting the following procedures.

8.2 Traverse Point Locations. Determine the location of the Method 1 traverse points in accordance with section 8.2.1 and the location of the traverse points for either a partial wall effects traverse in accordance with section 8.2.2 or a complete wall effects traverse in accordance with section 8.2.3.

8.2.1 Method 1 equal-area traverse point locations. Determine the location of the Method 1 equal-area traverse points for a traverse consisting of 16 or more points using Table 1-2 (Location of Traverse Points in Circular Stacks) of Method 1.

8.2.2 Partial wall effects traverse. For a partial wall effects traverse, measurements must be taken at a minimum of the following two wall effects traverse point locations in all four Method 1 equal-area sectors closest to the wall: (1) 1 in. (2.5 cm) from the wall (except as provided in section and (2) drem, as determined using Equation 2H-1 or 2H-2 (see section If the probe cannot be positioned at 1 in. (2.5 cm) from the wall (e.g., because of insufficient room to withdraw the probe shaft) or if velocity pressure cannot be detected at 1 in. (2.5 cm) from the wall (for any reason other than build-up of particulate matter in the bottom of a duct), take measurements at the 1-in. incremented wall effects traverse point closest to the wall where the probe can be positioned and velocity pressure can be detected. Calculate the distance of drem from the wall to within ±
1/4 in. (6.4 mm) using Equation 2H-1 or Equation 2H-2 (for a 16-point traverse).


r = the stack or duct radius determined from direct measurement of the stack or duct diameter in accordance with section 8.6 of Method 2F or Method 2G, in. (cm);

p = the number of Method 1 equal-area traverse points on a diameter, p ≥8 (e.g., for a 16-point traverse, p = 8); dlast and drem are defined in sections 3.2 and 3.3 respectively, in. (cm).

For a 16-point Method 1 traverse, Equation 2H-1 becomes: Measurements may be taken at any number of additional wall effects traverse points, with the following provisions.

(a) dlast must not be closer to the center of the stack or duct than the distance of the interior edge (boundary), db, of the Method 1 equal-area sector closest to the wall (see Figure 2H-2 or 2H-3). That is,


Table 2H-1 shows db as a function of the stack or duct radius, r, for traverses ranging from 16 to 48 points (i.e., for values of p ranging from 8 to 24).

(b) Each point must be located at a distance that is a whole number (e.g., 1, 2, 3) multiple of 1 in. (2.5 cm).

(c) Points do not have to be located at consecutive 1-in. intervals. That is, one or more 1-in. incremented points may be skipped. For example, it would be acceptable for points to be located at 1 in. (2.5 cm), 3 in. (7.6 cm), 5 in. (12.7 cm), dlast, and drem; or at 1 in. (2.5 cm), 2 in. (5.1 cm), 4 in. (10.2 cm), 7 in. (17.8 cm), dlast, and drem. Follow the instructions in section of this method for recording results for wall effects traverse points that are skipped. It should be noted that the full extent of velocity decay may not be accounted for if measurements are not taken at all 1-in. incremented points close to the wall.

8.2.3 Complete wall effects traverse. For a complete wall effects traverse, measurements must be taken at the following points in all four Method 1 equal-area sectors closest to the wall.

(a) The 1-in. incremented wall effects traverse point closest to the wall where the probe can be positioned and velocity can be detected, but no farther than 4 in. (10.2 cm) from the wall.

(b) Every subsequent 1-in. incremented wall effects traverse point out to the interior edge of the Method 1 equal-area sector or to 12 in. (30.5 cm) from the wall, whichever comes first. Note: In stacks or ducts with diameters greater than 15.6 ft (4.8 m) the interior edge of the Method 1 equal-area sector is farther from the wall than 12 in. (30.5 cm).

(c) drem, as determined using Equation 2H-1 or 2H-2 (as applicable). Note: For a complete traverse of a stack or duct with a diameter less than 16.5 ft (5.0 m), the distance between drem and dlast is less than or equal to
1/2 in. (12.7 mm). As discussed in section, when the distance between drem and dlast is less than or equal to
1/2 in. (12.7 mm), the velocity measured at dlast may be used for drem. Thus, it is not necessary to calculate the distance of drem or to take measurements at drem when conducting a complete traverse of a stack or duct with a diameter less than 16.5 ft (5.0 m).

8.2.4 Special considerations. The following special considerations apply when the distance between traverse points is less than or equal to
1/2 in. (12.7 mm). A wall effects traverse point and the Method 1 traverse point. If the distance between a wall effects traverse point and the Method 1 traverse point is less than or equal to
1/2 in. (12.7 mm), taking measurements at both points is allowed but not required or recommended; if measurements are taken at only one point, take the measurements at the point that is farther from the wall and use the velocity obtained at that point as the value for both points (see sections 8.2.3 and 9.2 for related requirements). drem and dlast. If the distance between drem and dlast is less than or equal to
1/2 in. (12.7 mm), taking measurements at drem is allowed but not required or recommended; if measurements are not taken at drem, the measured velocity value at dlast must be used as the value for both dlast and drem.

8.3 Traverse Point Sampling Order and Probe Selection. Determine the sampling order of the Method 1 and wall effects traverse points and select the appropriate probe for the measurements, taking into account the following considerations.

8.3.1 Traverse points on any radius may be sampled in either direction (i.e., from the wall toward the center of the stack or duct, or vice versa).

8.3.2 To reduce the likelihood of velocity variations during the time of the traverse and the attendant potential impact on the wall effects-adjusted and unadjusted average velocities, the following provisions of this method shall be met. Each complete set of Method 1 and wall effects traverse points accessed from the same port shall be sampled without interruption. Unless traverses are performed simultaneously in all ports using separate probes at each port, this provision disallows first sampling all Method 1 points at all ports and then sampling all the wall effects points. The entire integrated Method 1 and wall effects traverse across all test ports shall be as short as practicable, consistent with the measurement system response time (see section and sampling (see section provisions of this method.

8.3.3 It is recommended but not required that in each Method 1 equal-area sector closest to the wall, the Method 1 equal-area traverse point should be sampled in sequence between the adjacent wall effects traverse points. For example, for the traverse point configuration shown in Figure 2H-2, it is recommended that the Method 1 equal-area traverse point be sampled between dlast and drem. In this example, if the traverse is conducted from the wall toward the center of the stack or duct, it is recommended that measurements be taken at points in the following order: d1, d2, dlast, the Method 1 traverse point, drem, and then at the traverse points in the three Method 1 interior equal-area sectors.

8.3.4 The same type of probe must be used to take measurements at all Method 1 and wall effects traverse points. However, different copies of the same type of probe may be used at different ports (e.g., Type S probe 1 at port A, Type S probe 2 at port B) or at different traverse points accessed from a particular port (e.g., Type S probe 1 for Method 1 interior traverse points accessed from port A, Type S probe 2 for wall effects traverse points and the Method 1 exterior traverse point accessed from port A). The identification number of the probe used to obtain measurements at each traverse point must be recorded.

8.4 Measurements at Method 1 and Wall Effects Traverse Points. Conduct measurements at Method 1 and wall effects traverse points in accordance with Method 2, 2F, or 2G and in accordance with the provisions of the following subsections (some of which are included in Methods 2F and 2G but not in Method 2), which are particularly important for wall effects testing.

8.4.1 Probe residence time at wall effects traverse points. Due to the steep temperature and pressure gradients that can occur close to the wall, it is very important for the probe residence time (i.e., the total time spent at a traverse point) to be long enough to ensure collection of representative temperature and pressure measurements. The provisions of Methods 2F and 2G in the following subsections shall be observed. System response time. Determine the response time of each probe measurement system by inserting and positioning the “cold” probe (at ambient temperature and pressure) at any Method 1 traverse point. Read and record the probe differential pressure, temperature, and elapsed time at 15-second intervals until stable readings for both pressure and temperature are achieved. The response time is the longer of these two elapsed times. Record the response time. Sampling. At the start of testing in each port (i.e., after a probe has been inserted into the stack gas stream), allow at least the response time to elapse before beginning to take measurements at the first traverse point accessed from that port. Provided that the probe is not removed from the stack gas stream, measurements may be taken at subsequent traverse points accessed from the same test port without waiting again for the response time to elapse.

8.4.2 Temperature measurement for wall effects traverse points. Either (1) take temperature measurements at each wall effects traverse point in accordance with the applicable provisions of Method 2, 2F, or 2G; or (2) use the temperature measurement at the Method 1 traverse point closest to the wall as the temperature measurement for all the wall effects traverse points in the corresponding equal-area sector.

8.4.3 Non-detectable velocity pressure at wall effects traverse points. If the probe cannot be positioned at a wall effects traverse point or if no velocity pressure can be detected at a wall effects point, measurements shall be taken at the first subsequent wall effects traverse point farther from the wall where velocity can be detected. Follow the instructions in section of this method for recording results for wall effects traverse points where velocity pressure cannot be detected. It should be noted that the full extent of velocity decay may not be accounted for if measurements are not taken at the 1-in. incremented wall effects traverse points closest to the wall.

8.5 Data Recording. For each wall effects and Method 1 traverse point where measurements are taken, record all pressure, temperature, and attendant measurements prescribed in section 3 of Method 2 or section 8.0 of Method 2F or 2G, as applicable.

8.6 Point Velocity Calculation. For each wall effects and Method 1 traverse point, calculate the point velocity value (vi) in accordance with sections 12.1 and 12.2 of Method 2F for tests using Method 2F and in accordance with sections 12.1 and 12.2 of Method 2G for tests using Method 2 and Method 2G. (Note that the term (vi) in this method corresponds to the term (va(i)) in Methods 2F and 2G.) When the equations in the indicated sections of Method 2G are used in deriving point velocity values for Method 2 tests, set the value of the yaw angles appearing in the equations to 0°.

8.7 Tabulating Calculated Point Velocity Values for Wall Effects Traverse Points. Enter the following values in a hardcopy or electronic form similar to Form 2H-1 (for 16-point Method 1 traverses) or Form 2H-2 (for Method 1 traverses consisting of more than 16 points). A separate form must be completed for each of the four Method 1 equal-area sectors that are closest to the wall.

(a) Port ID (e.g., A, B, C, or D)

(b) Probe type

(c) Probe ID

(d) Stack or duct diameter in ft (m) (determined in accordance with section 8.6 of Method 2F or Method 2G)

(e) Stack or duct radius in in. (cm)

(f) Distance from the wall of wall effects traverse points at 1-in. intervals, in ascending order starting with 1 in. (2.5 cm) (column A of Form 2H-1 or 2H-2)

(g) Point velocity values (vd) for 1-in. incremented traverse points (see section 8.7.1), including dlast (see section 8.7.2)

(h) Point velocity value (vdrem) at drem (see section 8.7.3).

8.7.1 Point velocity values at wall effects traverse points other than dlast. For every 1-in. incremented wall effects traverse point other than dlast, enter in column B of Form 2H-1 or 2H-2 either the velocity measured at the point (see section or the velocity measured at the first subsequent traverse point farther from the wall (see section A velocity value must be entered in column B of Form 2H-1 or 2H-2 for every 1-in. incremented traverse point from d1 (representing the wall effects traverse point 1 in. [2.5 cm] from the wall) to dlast. For wall effects traverse points where the probe can be positioned and velocity pressure can be detected, enter the value obtained in accordance with section 8.6. For wall effects traverse points that were skipped [see section] and for points where the probe cannot be positioned or where no velocity pressure can be detected, enter the value obtained at the first subsequent traverse point farther from the wall where velocity pressure was detected and measured and follow the entered value with a “flag,” such as the notation “NM,” to indicate that “no measurements” were actually taken at this point.

8.7.2 Point velocity value at dlast. For dlast, enter in column B of Form 2H-1 or 2H-2 the measured value obtained in accordance with section 8.6.

8.7.3 Point velocity value (vdrem) at drem. Enter the point velocity value obtained at drem in column G of row 4a in Form 2H-1 or 2H-2. If the distance between drem and dlast is less than or equal to
1/2 in. (12.7 mm), the measured velocity value at dlast may be used as the value at drem (see section

9.0 Quality Control.

9.1 Particulate Matter Build-up in Horizontal Ducts. Wall effects testing of horizontal circular ducts should be conducted only if build-up of particulate matter or other material in the bottom of the duct is not present.

9.2 Verifying Traverse Point Distances. In taking measurements at wall effects traverse points, it is very important for the probe impact pressure port to be positioned as close as practicable to the traverse point locations in the gas stream. For this reason, before beginning wall effects testing, it is important to calculate and record the traverse point positions that will be marked on each probe for each port, taking into account the distance that each port nipple (or probe mounting flange for automated probes) extends out of the stack and any extension of the port nipple (or mounting flange) into the gas stream. To ensure that traverse point positions are properly identified, the following procedures should be performed on each probe used.

9.2.1 Manual probes. Mark the probe insertion distance of the wall effects and Method 1 traverse points on the probe sheath so that when a mark is aligned with the outside face of the stack port, the probe impact port is located at the calculated distance of the traverse point from the stack inside wall. The use of different colored marks is recommended for designating the wall effects and Method 1 traverse points. Before the first use of each probe, check to ensure that the distance of each mark from the center of the probe impact pressure port agrees with the previously calculated traverse point positions to within ±
1/4 in. (6.4 mm).

9.2.2 Automated probe systems. For automated probe systems that mechanically position the probe head at prescribed traverse point positions, activate the system with the probe assemblies removed from the test ports and sequentially extend the probes to the programmed location of each wall effects traverse point and the Method 1 traverse points. Measure the distance between the center of the probe impact pressure port and the inside of the probe assembly mounting flange for each traverse point. The measured distances must agree with the previously calculated traverse point positions to within ±
1/4 in. (6.4 mm).

9.3 Probe Installation. Properly sealing the port area is particularly important in taking measurements at wall effects traverse points. For testing involving manual probes, the area between the probe sheath and the port should be sealed with a tightly fitting flexible seal made of an appropriate material such as heavy cloth so that leakage is minimized. For automated probe systems, the probe assembly mounting flange area should be checked to verify that there is no leakage.

9.4 Velocity Stability. This method should be performed only when the average gas velocity in the stack or duct is relatively constant over the duration of the test. If the average gas velocity changes significantly during the course of a wall effects test, the test results should be discarded.

10.0 Calibration

10.1 The calibration coefficient(s) or curves obtained under Method 2, 2F, or 2G and used to perform the Method 1 traverse are applicable under this method.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

11.1 Sample collection and analysis are concurrent for this method (see section 8).

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

12.1 The following calculations shall be performed to obtain a wall effects adjustment factor (WAF) from (1) the wall effects-unadjusted average velocity (T4avg), (2) the replacement velocity (v
ej) for each of the four Method 1 sectors closest to the wall, and (3) the average stack gas velocity that accounts for velocity decay near the wall (v

12.2 Nomenclature. The following terms are listed in the order in which they appear in Equations 2H-5 through 2H-21.

vavg = the average stack gas velocity, unadjusted for wall effects, actual ft/sec (m/sec);

vii = stack gas point velocity value at Method 1 interior equal-area sectors, actual ft/sec (m/sec);

vej = stack gas point velocity value, unadjusted for wall effects, at Method 1 exterior equal-area sectors, actual ft/sec (m/sec);

i = index of Method 1 interior equal-area traverse points;

j = index of Method 1 exterior equal-area traverse points;

n = total number of traverse points in the Method 1 traverse;

vdecd = the wall effects decay velocity for a sub-sector located between the traverse points at distances d−1 (in metric units, d−2.5) and d from the wall, actual ft/sec (m/sec);

vd = the measured stack gas velocity at distance d from the wall, actual ft/sec (m/sec); Note: v0 = 0;

d = the distance of a 1-in. incremented wall effects traverse point from the wall, for traverse points d1 through dlast, in. (cm);

Ad = the cross-sectional area of a sub-sector located between the traverse points at distances d−1 (in metric units, d−2.5) and d from the wall, in.
2 (cm
2) ( e.g., sub-sector A2 shown in Figures 2H-3 and 2H-4);

r = the stack or duct radius, in. (cm);

Qd = the stack gas volumetric flow rate for a sub-sector located between the traverse points at distances d−1 (in metric units, d−2.5) and d from the wall, actual ft-in.
2/sec (m-cm

Qd1dlast = the total stack gas volumetric flow rate for all sub-sectors located between the wall and dlast, actual ft-in.
2/sec (m-cm

dlast = the distance from the wall of the last 1-in. incremented wall effects traverse point, in. (cm);

Adrem = the cross-sectional area of the sub-sector located between dlast and the interior edge of the Method 1 equal-area sector closest to the wall, in.
2 (cm
2) (see Figure 2H-4);

p = the number of Method 1 traverse points per diameter, p≥8 (e.g., for a 16-point traverse, p = 8);

drem = the distance from the wall of the centroid of the area between dlast and the interior edge of the Method 1 equal-area sector closest to the wall, in. (cm);

Qdrem = the total stack gas volumetric flow rate for the sub-sector located between dlast and the interior edge of the Method 1 equal-area sector closest to the wall, actual ft-in.
2/sec (m-cm

vdrem = the measured stack gas velocity at distance drem from the wall, actual ft/sec (m/sec);

QT = the total stack gas volumetric flow rate for the Method 1 equal-area sector closest to the wall, actual ft-in.
2/sec (m-cm

ej = the replacement stack gas velocity for the Method 1 equal-area sector closest to the wall, i.e., the stack gas point velocity value, adjusted for wall effects, for the j
th Method 1 equal-area sector closest to the wall, actual ft/sec (m/sec);

avg = the average stack gas velocity that accounts for velocity decay near the wall, actual ft/sec (m/sec);

WAF = the wall effects adjustment factor derived from vavg and v
avg for a single traverse, dimensionless;

final = the final wall effects-adjusted average stack gas velocity that replaces the unadjusted average stack gas velocity obtained using Method 2, 2F, or 2G for a field test consisting of a single traverse, actual ft/sec (m/sec);

= the wall effects adjustment factor that is applied to the average velocity, unadjusted for wall effects, in order to obtain the final wall effects-adjusted stack gas velocity, v
final or, v
final(k), dimensionless;

final(k) = the final wall effects-adjusted average stack gas velocity that replaces the unadjusted average stack gas velocity obtained using Method 2, 2F, or 2G on run k of a RATA or other multiple-run field test procedure, actual ft/sec (m/sec);

vavg(k) = the average stack gas velocity, obtained on run k of a RATA or other multiple-run procedure, unadjusted for velocity decay near the wall, actual ft/sec (m/sec);

k=index of runs in a RATA or other multiple-run procedure.

12.3 Calculate the average stack gas velocity that does not account for velocity decay near the wall (vavg) using Equation 2H-5.

(Note that vavg in Equation 2H-5 is the same as v(a)avg in Equations 2F-9 and 2G-8 in Methods 2F and 2G, respectively.)

For a 16-point traverse, Equation 2H-5 may be written as follows:

12.4 Calculate the replacement velocity, v
ej, for each of the four Method 1 equal-area sectors closest to the wall using the procedures described in sections 12.4.1 through 12.4.8. Forms 2H-1 and 2H-2 provide sample tables that may be used in either hardcopy or spreadsheet format to perform the calculations described in sections 12.4.1 through 12.4.8. Forms 2H-3 and 2H-4 provide examples of Form 2H-1 filled in for partial and complete wall effects traverses.

12.4.1 Calculate the average velocity (designated the “decay velocity,” vdecd) for each sub-sector located between the wall and dlast (see Figure 2H-3) using Equation 2H-7.

For each line in column A of Form 2H-1 or 2H-2 that contains a value of d, enter the corresponding calculated value of vdecd in column C.

12.4.2 Calculate the cross-sectional area between the wall and the first 1-in. incremented wall effects traverse point and between successive 1-in. incremented wall effects traverse points, from the wall to dlast (see Figure 2H-3), using Equation 2H-8.

For each line in column A of Form 2H-1 or 2H-2 that contains a value of d, enter the value of the expression
1/4 π(r−d + 1)
2 in column D, the value of the expression
1/4 π(r−d)
2 in column E, and the value of Ad in column F. Note that Equation 2H-8 is designed for use only with English units (in.). If metric units (cm) are used, the first term,
1/4 π(r−d + 1)
2, must be changed to
1/4 π(r−d + 2.5)
2. This change must also be made in column D of Form 2H-1 or 2H-2.

12.4.3 Calculate the volumetric flow through each cross-sectional area derived in section 12.4.2 by multiplying the values of vdecd, derived according to section 12.4.1, by the cross-sectional areas derived in section 12.4.2 using Equation 2H-9.

For each line in column A of Form 2H-1 or 2H-2 that contains a value of d, enter the corresponding calculated value of Qd in column G.

12.4.4 Calculate the total volumetric flow through all sub-sectors located between the wall and dlast, using Equation 2H-10.

Enter the calculated value of Qd1→cdlast in line 3 of column G of Form 2H-1 or 2H-2.

12.4.5 Calculate the cross-sectional area of the sub-sector located between dlast and the interior edge of the Method 1 equal-area sector (e.g., sub-sector Adrem shown in Figures 2H-3 and 2H-4) using Equation 2H-11.

For a 16-point traverse (eight points per diameter), Equation 2H-11 may be written as follows:

Enter the calculated value of Adrem in line 4b of column G of Form 2H-1 or 2H-2.

12.4.6 Calculate the volumetric flow for the sub-sector located between dlast and the interior edge of the Method 1 equal-area sector, using Equation 2H-13.

In Equation 2H-13, vdrem is either (1) the measured velocity value at drem or (2) the measured velocity at dlast, if the distance between drem and dlast is less than or equal to
1/2 in. (12.7 mm) and no velocity measurement is taken at drem (see section Enter the calculated value of Qdrem in line 4c of column G of Form 2H-1 or 2H-2.

12.4.7 Calculate the total volumetric flow for the Method 1 equal-area sector closest to the wall, using Equation 2H-14.

Enter the calculated value of QT in line 5a of column G of Form 2H-1 or 2H-2.

12.4.8 Calculate the wall effects-adjusted replacement velocity value for the Method 1 equal-area sector closest to the wall, using Equation 2H-15.

For a 16-point traverse (eight points per diameter), Equation 2H-15 may be written as follows:

Enter the calculated value of v
ej in line 5B of column G of Form 2H-1 or 2H-2.

12.5 Calculate the wall effects-adjusted average velocity, v
avg, by replacing the four values of vej shown in Equation 2H-5 with the four wall effects-adjusted replacement velocity values,v
ej, calculated according to section 12.4.8, using Equation 2H-17.

For a 16-point traverse, Equation 2H-17 may be written as follows:

12.6 Calculate the wall effects adjustment factor, WAF, using Equation 2H-19.

12.6.1 Partial wall effects traverse. If a partial wall effects traverse (see section 8.2.2) is conducted, the value obtained from Equation 2H-19 is acceptable and may be reported as the wall effects adjustment factor provided that the value is greater than or equal to 0.9800. If the value is less than 0.9800, it shall not be used and a wall effects adjustment factor of 0.9800 may be used instead.

12.6.2 Complete wall effects traverse. If a complete wall effects traverse (see section 8.2.3) is conducted, the value obtained from Equation 2H-19 is acceptable and may be reported as the wall effects adjustment factor provided that the value is greater than or equal to 0.9700. If the value is less than 0.9700, it shall not be used and a wall effects adjustment factor of 0.9700 may be used instead. If the wall effects adjustment factor for a particular stack or duct is less than 0.9700, the tester may (1) repeat the wall effects test, taking measurements at more Method 1 traverse points and (2) recalculate the wall effects adjustment factor from these measurements, in an attempt to obtain a wall effects adjustment factor that meets the 0.9700 specification and completely characterizes the wall effects.

12.7 Applying a Wall Effects Adjustment Factor. A default wall effects adjustment factor, as specified in section 8.1, or a calculated wall effects adjustment factor meeting the requirements of section 12.6.1 or 12.6.2 may be used to adjust the average stack gas velocity obtained using Methods 2, 2F, or 2G to take into account velocity decay near the wall of circular stacks or ducts. Default wall effects adjustment factors specified in section 8.1 and calculated wall effects adjustment factors that meet the requirements of section 12.6.1 and 12.6.2 are summarized in Table 2H-2.

12.7.1 Single-run tests. Calculate the final wall effects-adjusted average stack gas velocity for field tests consisting of a single traverse using Equation 2H-20.

The wall effects adjustment factor, WAF, shown in Equation 2H-20, may be (1) a default wall effects adjustment factor, as specified in section 8.1, or (2) a calculated adjustment factor that meets the specifications in sections 12.6.1 or 12.6.2. If a calculated adjustment factor is used in Equation 2H-20, the factor must have been obtained during the same traverse in which vavg was obtained.

12.7.2 RATA or other multiple run test procedure. Calculate the final wall effects-adjusted average stack gas velocity for any run k of a RATA or other multiple-run procedure using Equation 2H-21.

The wall effects adjustment factor, W
, shown in Equation 2H-21 may be (1) a default wall effects adjustment factor, as specified in section 8.1; (2) a calculated adjustment factor (meeting the specifications in sections 12.6.1 or 12.6.2) obtained from any single run of the RATA that includes run k; or (3) the arithmetic average of more than one WAF (each meeting the specifications in sections 12.6.1 or 12.6.2) obtained through wall effects testing conducted during several runs of the RATA that includes run k. If wall effects adjustment factors (meeting the specifications in sections 12.6.1 or 12.6.2) are determined for more than one RATA run, the arithmetic average of all of the resulting calculated wall effects adjustment factors must be used as the value of W
and applied to all runs of that RATA. If a calculated, not a default, wall effects adjustment factor is used in Equation 2H-21, the average velocity unadjusted for wall effects, vavg(k) must be obtained from runs in which the number of Method 1 traverse points sampled does not exceed the number of Method 1 traverse points in the runs used to derive the wall effects adjustment factor, W
, shown in Equation 2H-21.

12.8 Calculating Volumetric Flow Using Final Wall Effects-Adjusted Average Velocity Value. To obtain a stack gas flow rate that accounts for velocity decay near the wall of circular stacks or ducts, replace vs in Equation 2-10 in Method 2, or va(avg) in Equations 2F-10 and 2F-11 in Method 2F, or va(avg) in Equations 2G-9 and 2G-10 in Method 2G with one of the following.

12.8.1 For single-run test procedures, use the final wall effects-adjusted average stack gas velocity, v
final, calculated according to Equation 2H-20.

12.8.2 For RATA and other multiple run test procedures, use the final wall effects-adjusted average stack gas velocity, v
final(k), calculated according to Equation 2H-21.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 Reporting

16.1 Field Test Reports. Field test reports shall be submitted to the Agency according to the applicable regulatory requirements. When Method 2H is performed in conjunction with Method 2, 2F, or 2G to derive a wall effects adjustment factor, a single consolidated Method 2H/2F (or 2H/2G) field test report should be prepared. At a minimum, the consolidated field test report should contain (1) all of the general information, and data for Method 1 points, specified in section 16.0 of Method 2F (when Method 2H is used in conjunction with Method 2F) or section 16.0 of Method 2G (when Method 2H is used in conjunction with Method 2 or 2G) and (2) the additional general information, and data for Method 1 points and wall effects points, specified in this section (some of which are included in section 16.0 of Methods 2F and 2G and are repeated in this section to ensure complete reporting for wall effects testing).

16.1.1 Description of the source and site. The field test report should include the descriptive information specified in section 16.1.1 of Method 2F (when using Method 2F) or 2G (when using either Method 2 or 2G). It should also include a description of the stack or duct’s construction material along with the diagram showing the dimensions of the stack or duct at the test port elevation prescribed in Methods 2F and 2G. The diagram should indicate the location of all wall effects traverse points where measurements were taken as well as the Method 1 traverse points. The diagram should provide a unique identification number for each wall effects and Method 1 traverse point, its distance from the wall, and its location relative to the probe entry ports.

16.1.2 Field test forms. The field test report should include a copy of Form 2H-1, 2H-2, or an equivalent for each Method 1 exterior equal-area sector.

16.1.3 Field test data. The field test report should include the following data for the Method 1 and wall effects traverse. Data for each traverse point. The field test report should include the values specified in section of Method 2F (when using Method 2F) or 2G (when using either Method 2 or 2G) for each Method 1 and wall effects traverse point. The provisions of section 8.4.2 of Method 2H apply to the temperature measurements reported for wall effects traverse points. For each wall effects and Method 1 traverse point, the following values should also be included in the field test report.

(a) Traverse point identification number for each Method 1 and wall effects traverse point.

(b) Probe type.

(c) Probe identification number.

(d) Probe velocity calibration coefficient (i.e., Cp when Method 2 or 2G is used; F2 when Method 2F is used).

For each Method 1 traverse point in an exterior equal-area sector, the following additional value should be included.

(e) Calculated replacement velocity, v
ej, accounting for wall effects. Data for each run. The values specified in section of Method 2F (when using Method 2F) or 2G (when using either Method 2 or 2G) should be included in the field test report once for each run. The provisions of section 12.8 of Method 2H apply for calculating the reported gas volumetric flow rate. In addition, the following Method 2H run values should also be included in the field test report.

(a) Average velocity for run, accounting for wall effects, v

(b) Wall effects adjustment factor derived from a test run, WAF. Data for a complete set of runs. The values specified in section of Method 2F (when using Method 2F) or 2G (when using either Method 2 or 2G) should be included in the field test report once for each complete set of runs. In addition, the field test report should include the wall effects adjustment factor, W
, that is applied in accordance with section 12.7.1 or 12.7.2 to obtain the final wall effects-adjusted average stack gas velocity v
final or v

16.1.4 Quality assurance and control. Quality assurance and control procedures, specifically tailored to wall effects testing, should be described.

16.2 Reporting a Default Wall Effects Adjustment Factor. When a default wall effects adjustment factor is used in accordance with section 8.1 of this method, its value and a description of the stack or duct’s construction material should be reported in lieu of submitting a test report.

17.0 References.

(1) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 1—Sample and velocity traverses for stationary sources.

(2) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 2—Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate (Type S pitot tube).

(3) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 2F—Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate with three-dimensional probes.

(4) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 2G—Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate with two-dimensional probes.

(5) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 3—Gas analysis for carbon dioxide, oxygen, excess air, and dry molecular weight.

(6) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 3A—Determination of oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in emissions from stationary sources (instrumental analyzer procedure).

(7) 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 4—Determination of moisture content in stack gases.

(8) Emission Measurement Center (EMC) Approved Alternative Method (ALT-011) “Alternative Method 2 Thermocouple Calibration Procedure.”

(9) The Cadmus Group, Inc., 1998, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Data Report, Texas Utilities, DeCordova Steam Electric Station, Volume I: Test Description and Appendix A (Data Distribution Package),” EPA/430-R-98-015a.

(10) The Cadmus Group, Inc., 1998, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Data Report, Texas Utilities, Lake Hubbard Steam Electric Station, Volume I: Test Description and Appendix A (Data Distribution Package),” EPA/430-R-98-017a.

(11) The Cadmus Group, Inc., 1998, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Data Report, Pennsylvania Electric Co., G.P.U. Genco Homer City Station: Unit 1, Volume I: Test Description and Appendix A (Data Distribution Package),” EPA/430-R-98-018a.

(12) The Cadmus Group, Inc., May 1999, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Findings Report,” EPA/430-R-99-009.

(13) The Cadmus Group, Inc., 1997, “EPA Flow Reference Method Testing and Analysis: Wind Tunnel Experimental Results,” EPA/430-R-97-013.

(14) National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998, “Report of Special Test of Air Speed Instrumentation, Four Prandtl Probes, Four S-Type Probes, Four French Probes, Four Modified Kiel Probes,” Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under IAG No. DW13938432-01-0.

(15) National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998, “Report of Special Test of Air Speed Instrumentation, Five Autoprobes,” Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under IAG No. DW13938432-01-0.

(16) National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998, “Report of Special Test of Air Speed Instrumentation, Eight Spherical Probes,” Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under IAG No. DW13938432-01-0.

(17) National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998, “Report of Special Test of Air Speed Instrumentation, Four DAT Probes,” Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under IAG No. DW13938432-01-0.

(18) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 1998, “Calibration of Eight Wind Speed Probes Over a Reynolds Number Range of 46,000 to 725,000 per Foot, Text and Summary Plots,” Plus Appendices, WBWT-TR-1317, Prepared for The Cadmus Group, Inc., under EPA Contract 68-W6-0050, Work Assignment 0007AA-3.

(19) Fossil Energy Research Corporation, Final Report, “Velocity Probe Tests in Non-axial Flow Fields,” November 1998, Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

(20) Fossil Energy Research Corporation, “Additional Swirl Tunnel Tests: E-DAT and T-DAT Probes,” February 24, 1999, Technical Memorandum Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, P.O. No. 7W-1193-NALX.

Method 3—Gas Analysis for the Determination of Dry Molecular Weight


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should also have a thorough knowledge of Method 1.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Analytes.

Oxygen (O2)7782-44-72,000 ppmv.
Nitrogen (N2)7727-37-9N/A.
Carbon dioxide (CO2)124-38-92,000 ppmv.
Carbon monoxide (CO)630-08-0N/A.

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of CO2 and O2 concentrations and dry molecular weight of a sample from an effluent gas stream of a fossil-fuel combustion process or other process.

1.3 Other methods, as well as modifications to the procedure described herein, are also applicable for all of the above determinations. Examples of specific methods and modifications include: (1) A multi-point grab sampling method using an Orsat analyzer to analyze the individual grab sample obtained at each point; (2) a method for measuring either CO2 or O2 and using stoichiometric calculations to determine dry molecular weight; and (3) assigning a value of 30.0 for dry molecular weight, in lieu of actual measurements, for processes burning natural gas, coal, or oil. These methods and modifications may be used, but are subject to the approval of the Administrator. The method may also be applicable to other processes where it has been determined that compounds other than CO2, O2, carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen (N2) are not present in concentrations sufficient to affect the results.

1.4 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 A gas sample is extracted from a stack by one of the following methods: (1) single-point, grab sampling; (2) single-point, integrated sampling; or (3) multi-point, integrated sampling. The gas sample is analyzed for percent CO2 and percent O2. For dry molecular weight determination, either an Orsat or a Fyrite analyzer may be used for the analysis.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences

4.1 Several compounds can interfere, to varying degrees, with the results of Orsat or Fyrite analyses. Compounds that interfere with CO2 concentration measurement include acid gases (e.g., sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride); compounds that interfere with O2 concentration measurement include unsaturated hydrocarbons (e.g., acetone, acetylene), nitrous oxide, and ammonia. Ammonia reacts chemically with the O2 absorbing solution, and when present in the effluent gas stream must be removed before analysis.

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

5.2 Corrosive Reagents.

5.2.1 A typical Orsat analyzer requires four reagents: a gas-confining solution, CO2 absorbent, O2 absorbent, and CO absorbent. These reagents may contain potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, cuprous chloride, cuprous sulfate, alkaline pyrogallic acid, and/or chromous chloride. Follow manufacturer’s operating instructions and observe all warning labels for reagent use.

5.2.2 A typical Fyrite analyzer contains zinc chloride, hydrochloric acid, and either potassium hydroxide or chromous chloride. Follow manufacturer’s operating instructions and observe all warning labels for reagent use.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies


As an alternative to the sampling apparatus and systems described herein, other sampling systems (e.g., liquid displacement) may be used, provided such systems are capable of obtaining a representative sample and maintaining a constant sampling rate, and are, otherwise, capable of yielding acceptable results. Use of such systems is subject to the approval of the Administrator.

6.1 Grab Sampling (See Figure 3-1).

6.1.1 Probe. Stainless steel or borosilicate glass tubing equipped with an in-stack or out-of-stack filter to remove particulate matter (a plug of glass wool is satisfactory for this purpose). Any other materials, resistant to temperature at sampling conditions and inert to all components of the gas stream, may be used for the probe. Examples of such materials may include aluminum, copper, quartz glass, and Teflon.

6.1.2 Pump. A one-way squeeze bulb, or equivalent, to transport the gas sample to the analyzer.

6.2 Integrated Sampling (Figure 3-2).

6.2.1 Probe. Same as in section 6.1.1.

6.2.2 Condenser. An air-cooled or water-cooled condenser, or other condenser no greater than 250 ml that will not remove O2, CO2, CO, and N2, to remove excess moisture which would interfere with the operation of the pump and flowmeter.

6.2.3 Valve. A needle valve, to adjust sample gas flow rate.

6.2.4 Pump. A leak-free, diaphragm-type pump, or equivalent, to transport sample gas to the flexible bag. Install a small surge tank between the pump and rate meter to eliminate the pulsation effect of the diaphragm pump on the rate meter.

6.2.5 Rate Meter. A rotameter, or equivalent, capable of measuring flow rate to ±2 percent of the selected flow rate. A flow rate range of 500 to 1000 ml/min is suggested.

6.2.6 Flexible Bag. Any leak-free plastic (e.g., Tedlar, Mylar, Teflon) or plastic-coated aluminum (e.g., aluminized Mylar) bag, or equivalent, having a capacity consistent with the selected flow rate and duration of the test run. A capacity in the range of 55 to 90 liters (1.9 to 3.2 ft
3) is suggested. To leak-check the bag, connect it to a water manometer, and pressurize the bag to 5 to 10 cm H2O (2 to 4 in. H2O). Allow to stand for 10 minutes. Any displacement in the water manometer indicates a leak. An alternative leak-check method is to pressurize the bag to 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 in.) H2O and allow to stand overnight. A deflated bag indicates a leak.

6.2.7 Pressure Gauge. A water-filled U-tube manometer, or equivalent, of about 30 cm (12 in.), for the flexible bag leak-check.

6.2.8 Vacuum Gauge. A mercury manometer, or equivalent, of at least 760 mm (30 in.) Hg, for the sampling train leak-check.

6.3 Analysis. An Orsat or Fyrite type combustion gas analyzer.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

7.1 Reagents. As specified by the Orsat or Fyrite-type combustion analyzer manufacturer.

7.2 Standards. Two standard gas mixtures, traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards, to be used in auditing the accuracy of the analyzer and the analyzer operator technique:

7.2.1. Gas cylinder containing 2 to 4 percent O2 and 14 to 18 percent CO2.

7.2.2. Gas cylinder containing 2 to 4 percent CO2 and about 15 percent O2.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport

8.1 Single Point, Grab Sampling Procedure.

8.1.1 The sampling point in the duct shall either be at the centroid of the cross section or at a point no closer to the walls than 1.0 m (3.3 ft), unless otherwise specified by the Administrator.

8.1.2 Set up the equipment as shown in Figure 3-1, making sure all connections ahead of the analyzer are tight. If an Orsat analyzer is used, it is recommended that the analyzer be leak-checked by following the procedure in section 11.5; however, the leak-check is optional.

8.1.3 Place the probe in the stack, with the tip of the probe positioned at the sampling point. Purge the sampling line long enough to allow at least five exchanges. Draw a sample into the analyzer, and immediately analyze it for percent CO2 and percent O2 according to section 11.2.

8.2 Single-Point, Integrated Sampling Procedure.

8.2.1 The sampling point in the duct shall be located as specified in section 8.1.1.

8.2.2 Leak-check (optional) the flexible bag as in section 6.2.6. Set up the equipment as shown in Figure 3-2. Just before sampling, leak-check (optional) the train by placing a vacuum gauge at the condenser inlet, pulling a vacuum of at least 250 mm Hg (10 in. Hg), plugging the outlet at the quick disconnect, and then turning off the pump. The vacuum should remain stable for at least 0.5 minute. Evacuate the flexible bag. Connect the probe, and place it in the stack, with the tip of the probe positioned at the sampling point. Purge the sampling line. Next, connect the bag, and make sure that all connections are tight.

8.2.3 Sample Collection. Sample at a constant rate (±10 percent). The sampling run should be simultaneous with, and for the same total length of time as, the pollutant emission rate determination. Collection of at least 28 liters (1.0 ft
3) of sample gas is recommended; however, smaller volumes may be collected, if desired.

8.2.4 Obtain one integrated flue gas sample during each pollutant emission rate determination. Within 8 hours after the sample is taken, analyze it for percent CO2 and percent O2 using either an Orsat analyzer or a Fyrite type combustion gas analyzer according to section 11.3.


When using an Orsat analyzer, periodic Fyrite readings may be taken to verify/confirm the results obtained from the Orsat.

8.3 Multi-Point, Integrated Sampling Procedure.

8.3.1 Unless otherwise specified in an applicable regulation, or by the Administrator, a minimum of eight traverse points shall be used for circular stacks having diameters less than 0.61 m (24 in.), a minimum of nine shall be used for rectangular stacks having equivalent diameters less than 0.61 m (24 in.), and a minimum of 12 traverse points shall be used for all other cases. The traverse points shall be located according to Method 1.

8.3.2 Follow the procedures outlined in sections 8.2.2 through 8.2.4, except for the following: Traverse all sampling points, and sample at each point for an equal length of time. Record sampling data as shown in Figure 3-3.

9.0 Quality Control

Quality control measure
8.2Use of Fyrite to confirm Orsat resultsEnsures the accurate measurement of CO2 and O2.
10.1Periodic audit of analyzer and operator techniqueEnsures that the analyzer is operating properly and that the operator performs the sampling procedure correctly and accurately.
11.3Replicable analyses of integrated samplesMinimizes experimental error.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

10.1 Analyzer. The analyzer and analyzer operator’s technique should be audited periodically as follows: take a sample from a manifold containing a known mixture of CO2 and O2, and analyze according to the procedure in section 11.3. Repeat this procedure until the measured concentration of three consecutive samples agrees with the stated value ±0.5 percent. If necessary, take corrective action, as specified in the analyzer users manual.

10.2 Rotameter. The rotameter need not be calibrated, but should be cleaned and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instruction.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

11.1 Maintenance. The Orsat or Fyrite-type analyzer should be maintained and operated according to the manufacturers specifications.

11.2 Grab Sample Analysis. Use either an Orsat analyzer or a Fyrite-type combustion gas analyzer to measure O2 and CO2 concentration for dry molecular weight determination, using procedures as specified in the analyzer user’s manual. If an Orsat analyzer is used, it is recommended that the Orsat leak-check, described in section 11.5, be performed before this determination; however, the check is optional. Calculate the dry molecular weight as indicated in section 12.0. Repeat the sampling, analysis, and calculation procedures until the dry molecular weights of any three grab samples differ from their mean by no more than 0.3 g/g-mole (0.3 lb/lb-mole). Average these three molecular weights, and report the results to the nearest 0.1 g/g-mole (0.1 lb/lb-mole).

11.3 Integrated Sample Analysis. Use either an Orsat analyzer or a Fyrite-type combustion gas analyzer to measure O2 and CO2 concentration for dry molecular weight determination, using procedures as specified in the analyzer user’s manual. If an Orsat analyzer is used, it is recommended that the Orsat leak-check, described in section 11.5, be performed before this determination; however, the check is optional. Calculate the dry molecular weight as indicated in section 12.0. Repeat the analysis and calculation procedures until the individual dry molecular weights for any three analyses differ from their mean by no more than 0.3 g/g-mole (0.3 lb/lb-mole). Average these three molecular weights, and report the results to the nearest 0.1 g/g-mole (0.1 lb/lb-mole).

11.4 Standardization. A periodic check of the reagents and of operator technique should be conducted at least once every three series of test runs as outlined in section 10.1.

11.5 Leak-Check Procedure for Orsat Analyzer. Moving an Orsat analyzer frequently causes it to leak. Therefore, an Orsat analyzer should be thoroughly leak-checked on site before the flue gas sample is introduced into it. The procedure for leak-checking an Orsat analyzer is as follows:

11.5.1 Bring the liquid level in each pipette up to the reference mark on the capillary tubing, and then close the pipette stopcock.

11.5.2 Raise the leveling bulb sufficiently to bring the confining liquid meniscus onto the graduated portion of the burette, and then close the manifold stopcock.

11.5.3 Record the meniscus position.

11.5.4 Observe the meniscus in the burette and the liquid level in the pipette for movement over the next 4 minutes.

11.5.5 For the Orsat analyzer to pass the leak-check, two conditions must be met: The liquid level in each pipette must not fall below the bottom of the capillary tubing during this 4-minute interval. The meniscus in the burette must not change by more than 0.2 ml during this 4-minute interval.

11.5.6 If the analyzer fails the leak-check procedure, check all rubber connections and stopcocks to determine whether they might be the cause of the leak. Disassemble, clean, and regrease any leaking stopcocks. Replace leaking rubber connections. After the analyzer is reassembled, repeat the leak-check procedure.

12.0 Calculations and Data Analysis

12.1 Nomenclature.

Md = Dry molecular weight, g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole).

%CO2 = Percent CO2 by volume, dry basis.

%O2 = Percent O2 by volume, dry basis.

%CO = Percent CO by volume, dry basis.

%N2 = Percent N2 by volume, dry basis.

0.280 = Molecular weight of N2 or CO, divided by 100.

0.320 = Molecular weight of O2 divided by 100.

0.440 = Molecular weight of CO2 divided by 100.

12.2 Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide Concentration. Determine the percentage of the gas that is N2 and CO by subtracting the sum of the percent CO2 and percent O2 from 100 percent.

12.3 Dry Molecular Weight. Use Equation 3-1 to calculate the dry molecular weight of the stack gas.


The above Equation 3-1 does not consider the effect on calculated dry molecular weight of argon in the effluent gas. The concentration of argon, with a molecular weight of 39.9, in ambient air is about 0.9 percent. A negative error of approximately 0.4 percent is introduced. The tester may choose to include argon in the analysis using procedures subject to approval of the Administrator.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

1. Altshuller, A.P. Storage of Gases and Vapors in Plastic Bags. International Journal of Air and Water Pollution. 6:75-81. 1963.

2. Conner, William D. and J.S. Nader. Air Sampling with Plastic Bags. Journal of the American Industrial Hygiene Association. 25:291-297. 1964.

3. Burrell Manual for Gas Analysts, Seventh edition. Burrell Corporation, 2223 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA. 15219. 1951.

4. Mitchell, W.J. and M.R. Midgett. Field Reliability of the Orsat Analyzer. Journal of Air Pollution Control Association. 26:491-495. May 1976.

5. Shigehara, R.T., R.M. Neulicht, and W.S. Smith. Validating Orsat Analysis Data from Fossil Fuel-Fired Units. Stack Sampling News. 4(2):21-26. August 1976.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Traverse point
Q (liter/min)
% Deviation


a % Dev.=[(Q−Qavg)/Qavg] × 100 (Must be ≤±10%)

Figure 3-3. Sampling Rate Data

Method 3A—Determination of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in Emissions From Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure)

1.0 Scope and Application

What is Method 3A?

Method 3A is a procedure for measuring oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in stationary source emissions using a continuous instrumental analyzer. Quality assurance and quality control requirements are included to assure that you, the tester, collect data of known quality. You must document your adherence to these specific requirements for equipment, supplies, sample collection and analysis, calculations, and data analysis.

This method does not completely describe all equipment, supplies, and sampling and analytical procedures you will need but refers to other methods for some of the details. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, you should also have a thorough knowledge of these additional test methods which are found in appendix A to this part:

(a) Method 1—Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources.

(b) Method 3—Gas Analysis for the Determination of Molecular Weight.

(c) Method 4—Determination of Moisture Content in Stack Gases.

(d) Method 7E—Determination of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure).

1.1 Analytes. What does this method determine? This method measures the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Oxygen (O2)7782-44-7Typically
Carbon dioxide (CO2)124-38-9Typically

1.2 Applicability. When is this method required? The use of Method 3A may be required by specific New Source Performance Standards, Clean Air Marketing rules, State Implementation Plans and permits, where measurements of O2 and CO2 concentrations in stationary source emissions must be made, either to determine compliance with an applicable emission standard or to conduct performance testing of a continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS). Other regulations may also require the use of Method 3A.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. How good must my collected data be? Refer to section 1.3 of Method 7E.

2.0 Summary of Method

In this method, you continuously or intermittently sample the effluent gas and convey the sample to an analyzer that measures the concentration of O2 or CO2. You must meet the performance requirements of this method to validate your data.

3.0 Definitions

Refer to section 3.0 of Method 7E for the applicable definitions.

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

Refer to section 5.0 of Method 7E.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

Figure 7E-1 in Method 7E is a schematic diagram of an acceptable measurement system.

6.1 What do I need for the measurement system? The components of the measurement system are described (as applicable) in sections 6.1 and 6.2 of Method 7E, except that the analyzer described in section 6.2 of this method must be used instead of the analyzer described in Method 7E. You must follow the noted specifications in section 6.1 of Method 7E except that the requirements to use stainless steel, Teflon, or non-reactive glass filters do not apply. Also, a heated sample line is not required to transport dry gases or for systems that measure the O2 or CO2 concentration on a dry basis, provided that the system is not also being used to concurrently measure SO2 and/or NOX.

6.2 What analyzer must I use? You must use an analyzer that continuously measures O2 or CO2 in the gas stream and meets the specifications in section 13.0.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

7.1 Calibration Gas. What calibration gases do I need? Refer to Section 7.1 of Method 7E for the calibration gas requirements. Example calibration gas mixtures are listed below. Pre-cleaned or scrubbed air may be used for the O2 high-calibration gas provided it does not contain other gases that interfere with the O2 measurement.

(a) CO2 in Nitrogen (N2).

(b) CO2/SO2 gas mixture in N2.

(c) O2/SO2 gas mixture in N2.

(d) O2/CO2/SO2 gas mixture in N2.

(e) CO2/NOX gas mixture in N2.

(f) CO2/SO2/NOX gas mixture in N2.

The tests for analyzer calibration error and system bias require high-, mid-, and low-level gases.

7.2 Interference Check. What reagents do I need for the interference check? Potential interferences may vary among available analyzers. Table 7E-3 of Method 7E lists a number of gases that should be considered in conducting the interference test.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport

8.1 Sampling Site and Sampling Points. You must follow the procedures of section 8.1 of Method 7E to determine the appropriate sampling points, unless you are using Method 3A only to determine the stack gas molecular weight and for no other purpose. In that case, you may use single-point integrated sampling as described in section 8.2.1 of Method 3. If the stratification test provisions in section 8.1.2 of Method 7E are used to reduce the number of required sampling points, the alternative acceptance criterion for 3-point sampling will be ±0.5 percent CO2 or O2, and the alternative acceptance criterion for single-point sampling will be ±0.3 percent CO2 or O2. In that case, you may use single-point integrated sampling as described in section 8.2.1 of Method 3.

8.2 Initial Measurement System Performance Tests. You must follow the procedures in section 8.2 of Method 7E. If a dilution-type measurement system is used, the special considerations in section 8.3 of Method 7E apply.

8.3 Interference Check. The O2 or CO2 analyzer must be documented to show that interference effects to not exceed 2.5 percent of the calibration span. The interference test in section 8.2.7 of Method 7E is a procedure that may be used to show this. The effects of all potential interferences at the concentrations encountered during testing must be addressed and documented. This testing and documentation may be done by the instrument manufacturer.

8.4 Sample Collection. You must follow the procedures in section 8.4 of Method 7E.

8.5 Post-Run System Bias Check and Drift Assessment. You must follow the procedures in section 8.5 of Method 7E.

9.0 Quality Control

Follow quality control procedures in section 9.0 of Method 7E.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

Follow the procedures for calibration and standardization in section 10.0 of Method 7E.

11.0 Analytical Procedures

Because sample collection and analysis are performed together (see section 8), additional discussion of the analytical procedure is not necessary.

12.0 Calculations and Data Analysis

You must follow the applicable procedures for calculations and data analysis in section 12.0 of Method 7E, substituting percent O2 and percent CO2 for ppmv of NOX as appropriate.

13.0 Method Performance

The specifications for the applicable performance checks are the same as in section 13.0 of Method 7E except for the alternative specifications for system bias, drift, and calibration error. In these alternative specifications, replace the term “0.5 ppmv” with the term “0.5 percent O2” or “0.5 percent CO2” (as applicable).

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 Alternative Procedures [Reserved]

17.0 References

1. “EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards” September 1997 as amended, EPA-600/R-97/121.

18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Refer to section 18.0 of Method 7E.

Method 3B—Gas Analysis for the Determination of Emission Rate Correction Factor or Excess Air


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1 and 3.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Analytes.

Oxygen (O2)7782-44-72,000 ppmv.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)124-38-92,000 ppmv.
Carbon Monoxide (CO)630-08-0N/A.

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of O2, CO2, and CO concentrations in the effluent from fossil-fuel combustion processes for use in excess air or emission rate correction factor calculations. Where compounds other than CO2, O2, CO, and nitrogen (N2) are present in concentrations sufficient to affect the results, the calculation procedures presented in this method must be modified, subject to the approval of the Administrator.

1.3 Other methods, as well as modifications to the procedure described herein, are also applicable for all of the above determinations. Examples of specific methods and modifications include: (1) A multi-point sampling method using an Orsat analyzer to analyze individual grab samples obtained at each point, and (2) a method using CO2 or O2 and stoichiometric calculations to determine excess air. These methods and modifications may be used, but are subject to the approval of the Administrator.

1.4 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 A gas sample is extracted from a stack by one of the following methods: (1) Single-point, grab sampling; (2) single-point, integrated sampling; or (3) multi-point, integrated sampling. The gas sample is analyzed for percent CO2, percent O2, and, if necessary, percent CO using an Orsat combustion gas analyzer.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences

4.1 Several compounds can interfere, to varying degrees, with the results of Orsat analyses. Compounds that interfere with CO2 concentration measurement include acid gases (e.g., sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride); compounds that interfere with O2 concentration measurement include unsaturated hydrocarbons (e.g., acetone, acetylene), nitrous oxide, and ammonia. Ammonia reacts chemically with the O2 absorbing solution, and when present in the effluent gas stream must be removed before analysis.

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

5.2 Corrosive Reagents. A typical Orsat analyzer requires four reagents: a gas-confining solution, CO2 absorbent, O2 absorbent, and CO absorbent. These reagents may contain potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, cuprous chloride, cuprous sulfate, alkaline pyrogallic acid, and/or chromous chloride. Follow manufacturer’s operating instructions and observe all warning labels for reagent use.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies


As an alternative to the sampling apparatus and systems described herein, other sampling systems (e.g., liquid displacement) may be used, provided such systems are capable of obtaining a representative sample and maintaining a constant sampling rate, and are, otherwise, capable of yielding acceptable results. Use of such systems is subject to the approval of the Administrator.

6.1 Grab Sampling and Integrated Sampling. Same as in sections 6.1 and 6.2, respectively for Method 3.

6.2 Analysis. An Orsat analyzer only. For low CO2 (less than 4.0 percent) or high O2 (greater than 15.0 percent) concentrations, the measuring burette of the Orsat must have at least 0.1 percent subdivisions. For Orsat maintenance and operation procedures, follow the instructions recommended by the manufacturer, unless otherwise specified herein.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

7.1 Reagents. Same as in Method 3, section 7.1.

7.2 Standards. Same as in Method 3, section 7.2.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport


Each of the three procedures below shall be used only when specified in an applicable subpart of the standards. The use of these procedures for other purposes must have specific prior approval of the Administrator. A Fyrite-type combustion gas analyzer is not acceptable for excess air or emission rate correction factor determinations, unless approved by the Administrator. If both percent CO2 and percent O2 are measured, the analytical results of any of the three procedures given below may also be used for calculating the dry molecular weight (see Method 3).

8.1 Single-Point, Grab Sampling and Analytical Procedure.

8.1.1 The sampling point in the duct shall either be at the centroid of the cross section or at a point no closer to the walls than 1.0 m (3.3 ft), unless otherwise specified by the Administrator.

8.1.2 Set up the equipment as shown in Figure 3-1 of Method 3, making sure all connections ahead of the analyzer are tight. Leak-check the Orsat analyzer according to the procedure described in section 11.5 of Method 3. This leak-check is mandatory.

8.1.3 Place the probe in the stack, with the tip of the probe positioned at the sampling point; purge the sampling line long enough to allow at least five exchanges. Draw a sample into the analyzer. For emission rate correction factor determinations, immediately analyze the sample for percent CO2 or percent O2, as outlined in section 11.2. For excess air determination, immediately analyze the sample for percent CO2, O2, and CO, as outlined in section 11.2, and calculate excess air as outlined in section 12.2.

8.1.4 After the analysis is completed, leak-check (mandatory) the Orsat analyzer once again, as described in section 11.5 of Method 3. For the results of the analysis to be valid, the Orsat analyzer must pass this leak-test before and after the analysis.

8.2 Single-Point, Integrated Sampling and Analytical Procedure.

8.2.1 The sampling point in the duct shall be located as specified in section 8.1.1.

8.2.2 Leak-check (mandatory) the flexible bag as in section 6.2.6 of Method 3. Set up the equipment as shown in Figure 3-2 of Method 3. Just before sampling, leak-check (mandatory) the train by placing a vacuum gauge at the condenser inlet, pulling a vacuum of at least 250 mm Hg (10 in. Hg), plugging the outlet at the quick disconnect, and then turning off the pump. The vacuum should remain stable for at least 0.5 minute. Evacuate the flexible bag. Connect the probe, and place it in the stack, with the tip of the probe positioned at the sampling point; purge the sampling line. Next, connect the bag, and make sure that all connections are tight.

8.2.3 Sample at a constant rate, or as specified by the Administrator. The sampling run must be simultaneous with, and for the same total length of time as, the pollutant emission rate determination. Collect at least 28 liters (1.0 ft
3) of sample gas. Smaller volumes may be collected, subject to approval of the Administrator.

8.2.4 Obtain one integrated flue gas sample during each pollutant emission rate determination. For emission rate correction factor determination, analyze the sample within 4 hours after it is taken for percent CO2 or percent O2 (as outlined in section 11.2).

8.3 Multi-Point, Integrated Sampling and Analytical Procedure.

8.3.1 Unless otherwise specified in an applicable regulation, or by the Administrator, a minimum of eight traverse points shall be used for circular stacks having diameters less than 0.61 m (24 in.), a minimum of nine shall be used for rectangular stacks having equivalent diameters less than 0.61 m (24 in.), and a minimum of 12 traverse points shall be used for all other cases. The traverse points shall be located according to Method 1.

8.3.2 Follow the procedures outlined in sections 8.2.2 through 8.2.4, except for the following: Traverse all sampling points, and sample at each point for an equal length of time. Record sampling data as shown in Figure 3-3 of Method 3.

9.0 Quality Control

9.1 Data Validation Using Fuel Factor. Although in most instances, only CO2 or O2 measurement is required, it is recommended that both CO2 and O2 be measured to provide a check on the quality of the data. The data validation procedure of section 12.3 is suggested.


Since this method for validating the CO2 and O2 analyses is based on combustion of organic and fossil fuels and dilution of the gas stream with air, this method does not apply to sources that (1) remove CO2 or O2 through processes other than combustion, (2) add O2 (e.g., oxygen enrichment) and N2 in proportions different from that of air, (3) add CO2 (e.g., cement or lime kilns), or (4) have no fuel factor, FO, values obtainable (e.g., extremely variable waste mixtures). This method validates the measured proportions of CO2 and O2 for fuel type, but the method does not detect sample dilution resulting from leaks during or after sample collection. The method is applicable for samples collected downstream of most lime or limestone flue-gas desulfurization units as the CO2 added or removed from the gas stream is not significant in relation to the total CO2 concentration. The CO2 concentrations from other types of scrubbers using only water or basic slurry can be significantly affected and would render the fuel factor check minimally useful.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

10.1 Analyzer. The analyzer and analyzer operator technique should be audited periodically as follows: take a sample from a manifold containing a known mixture of CO2 and O2, and analyze according to the procedure in section 11.3. Repeat this procedure until the measured concentration of three consecutive samples agrees with the stated value ±0.5 percent. If necessary, take corrective action, as specified in the analyzer users manual.

10.2 Rotameter. The rotameter need not be calibrated, but should be cleaned and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instruction.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

11.1 Maintenance. The Orsat analyzer should be maintained according to the manufacturers specifications.

11.2 Grab Sample Analysis. To ensure complete absorption of the CO2, O2, or if applicable, CO, make repeated passes through each absorbing solution until two consecutive readings are the same. Several passes (three or four) should be made between readings. (If constant readings cannot be obtained after three consecutive readings, replace the absorbing solution.) Although in most cases, only CO2 or O2 concentration is required, it is recommended that both CO2 and O2 be measured, and that the procedure in section 12.3 be used to validate the analytical data.


Since this single-point, grab sampling and analytical procedure is normally conducted in conjunction with a single-point, grab sampling and analytical procedure for a pollutant, only one analysis is ordinarily conducted. Therefore, great care must be taken to obtain a valid sample and analysis.

11.3 Integrated Sample Analysis. The Orsat analyzer must be leak-checked (see section 11.5 of Method 3) before the analysis. If excess air is desired, proceed as follows: (1) within 4 hours after the sample is taken, analyze it (as in sections 11.3.1 through 11.3.3) for percent CO2, O2, and CO; (2) determine the percentage of the gas that is N2 by subtracting the sum of the percent CO2, percent O2, and percent CO from 100 percent; and (3) calculate percent excess air, as outlined in section 12.2.

11.3.1 To ensure complete absorption of the CO2, O2, or if applicable, CO, follow the procedure described in section 11.2.


Although in most instances only CO2 or O2 is required, it is recommended that both CO2 and O2 be measured, and that the procedures in section 12.3 be used to validate the analytical data.

11.3.2 Repeat the analysis until the following criteria are met: For percent CO2, repeat the analytical procedure until the results of any three analyses differ by no more than (a) 0.3 percent by volume when CO2 is greater than 4.0 percent or (b) 0.2 percent by volume when CO2 is less than or equal to 4.0 percent. Average three acceptable values of percent CO2, and report the results to the nearest 0.2 percent. For percent O2, repeat the analytical procedure until the results of any three analyses differ by no more than (a) 0.3 percent by volume when O2 is less than 15.0 percent or (b) 0.2 percent by volume when O2 is greater than or equal to 15.0 percent. Average the three acceptable values of percent O2, and report the results to the nearest 0.1 percent. For percent CO, repeat the analytical procedure until the results of any three analyses differ by no more than 0.3 percent. Average the three acceptable values of percent CO, and report the results to the nearest 0.1 percent.

11.3.3 After the analysis is completed, leak-check (mandatory) the Orsat analyzer once again, as described in section 11.5 of Method 3. For the results of the analysis to be valid, the Orsat analyzer must pass this leak-test before and after the analysis.

11.4 Standardization. A periodic check of the reagents and of operator technique should be conducted at least once every three series of test runs as indicated in section 10.1.

12.0 Calculations and Data Analysis

12.1 Nomenclature. Same as section 12.1 of Method 3 with the addition of the following:

%EA = Percent excess air.

0.264 = Ratio of O2 to N2 in air, v/v.

12.2 Percent Excess Air. Determine the percentage of the gas that is N2 by subtracting the sum of the percent CO2, percent CO, and percent O2 from 100 percent. Calculate the percent excess air (if applicable) by substituting the appropriate values of percent O2, CO, and N2 into Equation 3B-1.


The equation above assumes that ambient air is used as the source of O2 and that the fuel does not contain appreciable amounts of N2 (as do coke oven or blast furnace gases). For those cases when appreciable amounts of N2 are present (coal, oil, and natural gas do not contain appreciable amounts of N2) or when oxygen enrichment is used, alternative methods, subject to approval of the Administrator, are required.

12.3 Data Validation When Both CO2 and O2 Are Measured.

12.3.1 Fuel Factor, Fo. Calculate the fuel factor (if applicable) using Equation 3B-2:


%O2 = Percent O2 by volume, dry basis.

%CO2 = Percent CO2 by volume, dry basis.

20.9 = Percent O2 by volume in ambient air.

If CO is present in quantities measurable by this method, adjust the O2 and CO2 values using Equations 3B-3 and 3B-4 before performing the calculation for Fo:


%CO = Percent CO by volume, dry basis.

12.3.2 Compare the calculated Fo factor with the expected Fo values. Table 3B-1 in section 17.0 may be used in establishing acceptable ranges for the expected Fo if the fuel being burned is known. When fuels are burned in combinations, calculate the combined fuel Fd and Fc factors (as defined in Method 19, section 12.2) according to the procedure in Method 19, sections 12.2 and 12.3. Then calculate the Fo factor according to Equation 3B-5.

12.3.3 Calculated Fo values, beyond the acceptable ranges shown in this table, should be investigated before accepting the test results. For example, the strength of the solutions in the gas analyzer and the analyzing technique should be checked by sampling and analyzing a known concentration, such as air; the fuel factor should be reviewed and verified. An acceptability range of ±12 percent is appropriate for the Fo factor of mixed fuels with variable fuel ratios. The level of the emission rate relative to the compliance level should be considered in determining if a retest is appropriate; i.e., if the measured emissions are much lower or much greater than the compliance limit, repetition of the test would not significantly change the compliance status of the source and would be unnecessarily time consuming and costly.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

Same as Method 3, section 16.0.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Table 3B-1—Fo Factors for Selected Fuels

Fuel type
Fo range
Anthracite and lignite1.016-1.130
Wood bark1.003-1.130

Method 3C—Determination of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrogen, and Oxygen From Stationary Sources

1. Applicability and Principle

1.1 Applicability. This method applies to the analysis of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen (N2), and oxygen (O2) in samples from municipal solid waste landfills and other sources when specified in an applicable subpart.

1.2 Principle. A portion of the sample is injected into a gas chromatograph (GC) and the CO2, CH4, N2, and O2 concentrations are determined by using a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) and integrator.

2. Range and Sensitivity

2.1 Range. The range of this method depends upon the concentration of samples. The analytical range of TCD’s is generally between approximately 10 ppmv and the upper percent range.

2.2 Sensitivity. The sensitivity limit for a compound is defined as the minimum detectable concentration of that compound, or the concentration that produces a signal-to-noise ratio of three to one. For CO2, CH4, N2, and O2, the sensitivity limit is in the low ppmv range.

3. Interferences

Since the TCD exhibits universal response and detects all gas components except the carrier, interferences may occur. Choosing the appropriate GC or shifting the retention times by changing the column flow rate may help to eliminate resolution interferences.

To assure consistent detector response, helium is used to prepare calibration gases. Frequent exposure to samples or carrier gas containing oxygen may gradually destroy filaments.

4. Apparatus

4.1 Gas Chromatograph. GC having at least the following components:

4.1.1 Separation Column. Appropriate column(s) to resolve CO2, CH4, N2, O2, and other gas components that may be present in the sample.

4.1.2 Sample Loop. Teflon or stainless steel tubing of the appropriate diameter.


Mention of trade names or specific products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.

4.1.3 Conditioning System. To maintain the column and sample loop at constant temperature.

4.1.4 Thermal Conductivity Detector.

4.2 Recorder. Recorder with linear strip chart. Electronic integrator (optional) is recommended.

4.3 Teflon Tubing. Diameter and length determined by connection requirements of cylinder regulators and the GC.

4.4 Regulators. To control gas cylinder pressures and flow rates.

4.5 Adsorption Tubes. Applicable traps to remove any O2 from the carrier gas.

5. Reagents

5.1 Calibration and Linearity Gases. Standard cylinder gas mixtures for each compound of interest with at least three concentration levels spanning the range of suspected sample concentrations. The calibration gases shall be prepared in helium.

5.2 Carrier Gas. Helium, high-purity.

6. Analysis

6.1 Sample Collection. Use the sample collection procedures described in Methods 3 or 25C to collect a sample of landfill gas (LFG).

6.2 Preparation of GC. Before putting the GC analyzer into routine operation, optimize the operational conditions according to the manufacturer’s specifications to provide good resolution and minimum analysis time. Establish the appropriate carrier gas flow and set the detector sample and reference cell flow rates at exactly the same levels. Adjust the column and detector temperatures to the recommended levels. Allow sufficient time for temperature stabilization. This may typically require 1 hour for each change in temperature.

6.3 Analyzer Linearity Check and Calibration. Perform this test before sample analysis.

6.3.1 Using the gas mixtures in section 5.1, verify the detector linearity over the range of suspected sample concentrations with at least three concentrations per compound of interest. This initial check may also serve as the initial instrument calibration.

6.3.2 You may extend the use of the analyzer calibration by performing a single-point calibration verification. Calibration verifications shall be performed by triplicate injections of a single-point standard gas. The concentration of the single-point calibration must either be at the midpoint of the calibration curve or at approximately the source emission concentration measured during operation of the analyzer.

6.3.3 Triplicate injections must agree within 5 percent of their mean, and the average calibration verification point must agree within 10 percent of the initial calibration response factor. If these calibration verification criteria are not met, the initial calibration described in section 6.3.1, using at least three concentrations, must be repeated before analysis of samples can continue.

6.3.4 For each instrument calibration, record the carrier and detector flow rates, detector filament and block temperatures, attenuation factor, injection time, chart speed, sample loop volume, and component concentrations.

6.3.5 Plot a linear regression of the standard concentrations versus area values to obtain the response factor of each compound. Alternatively, response factors of uncorrected component concentrations (wet basis) may be generated using instrumental integration.


Peak height may be used instead of peak area throughout this method.

6.4 Sample Analysis. Purge the sample loop with sample, and allow to come to atmospheric pressure before each injection. Analyze each sample in duplicate, and calculate the average sample area (A). The results are acceptable when the peak areas for two consecutive injections agree within 5 percent of their average. If they do not agree, run additional samples until consistent area data are obtained. Determine the tank sample concentrations according to section 7.2.

7. Calculations

Carry out calculations retaining at least one extra decimal figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round off results only after the final calculation.

7.1 Nomenclature.

Bw = Moisture content in the sample, fraction.

CN2 = Measured N2 concentration (by Method 3C), fraction.

CN2Corr = Measured N2 concentration corrected only for dilution, fraction.

Ct = Calculated NMOC concentration, ppmv C equivalent.

Ctm = Measured NMOC concentration, ppmv C equivalent.

Pb = Barometric pressure, mm Hg.

Pt = Gas sample tank pressure after sampling, but before pressurizing, mm Hg absolute.

Ptf = Final gas sample tank pressure after pressurizing, mm Hg absolute.

Pti = Gas sample tank pressure after evacuation, mm Hg absolute.

Pw = Vapor pressure of H2O (from Table 25C-1), mm Hg.

r = Total number of analyzer injections of sample tank during analysis (where j = injection number, 1 . . . r).

R = Mean calibration response factor for specific sample component, area/ppm.

Tt = Sample tank temperature at completion of sampling, °K.

Tti = Sample tank temperature before sampling, °K.

Ttf = Sample tank temperature after pressurizing, °K.

7.2 Concentration of Sample Components. Calculate C for each compound using Equations 3C-1 and 3C-2. Use the temperature and barometric pressure at the sampling site to calculate Bw. If the sample was diluted with helium using the procedures in Method 25C, use Equation 3C-3 to calculate the concentration.

7.3 Measured N2 Concentration Correction. Calculate the reported N2 correction for Method 25-C using Eq. 3C-4. If oxygen is determined in place of N2, substitute the oxygen concentration for the nitrogen concentration in the equation.

8. Bibliography

1. McNair, H.M., and E.J. Bonnelli. Basic Gas Chromatography. Consolidated Printers, Berkeley, CA. 1969.

[36 FR 24877, Dec. 23, 1971]

Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting appendix A-2 to part 60, see the List of CFR sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.

Appendix A-3 to Part 60—Test Methods 4 through 5I

Method 4—Determination of moisture content in stack gases

Method 5—Determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources

Method 5A—Determination of particulate matter emissions from the asphalt processing and asphalt roofing industry

Method 5B—Determination of nonsulfuric acid particulate matter emissions from stationary sources

Method 5C [Reserved]

Method 5D—Determination of particulate matter emissions from positive pressure fabric filters

Method 5E—Determination of particulate matter emissions from the wool fiberglass insulation manufacturing industry

Method 5F—Determination of nonsulfate particulate matter emissions from stationary sources

Method 5G—Determination of particulate matter emissions from wood heaters (dilution tunnel sampling location)

Method 5H—Determination of particulate emissions from wood heaters from a stack location

Method 5I—Determination of Low Level Particulate Matter Emissions From Stationary Sources

The test methods in this appendix are referred to in § 60.8 (Performance Tests) and § 60.11 (Compliance With Standards and Maintenance Requirements) of 40 CFR part 60, subpart A (General Provisions). Specific uses of these test methods are described in the standards of performance contained in the subparts, beginning with Subpart D.

Within each standard of performance, a section title “Test Methods and Procedures” is provided to: (1) Identify the test methods to be used as reference methods to the facility subject to the respective standard and (2) identify any special instructions or conditions to be followed when applying a method to the respective facility. Such instructions (for example, establish sampling rates, volumes, or temperatures) are to be used either in addition to, or as a substitute for procedures in a test method. Similarly, for sources subject to emission monitoring requirements, specific instructions pertaining to any use of a test method as a reference method are provided in the subpart or in Appendix B.

Inclusion of methods in this appendix is not intended as an endorsement or denial of their applicability to sources that are not subject to standards of performance. The methods are potentially applicable to other sources; however, applicability should be confirmed by careful and appropriate evaluation of the conditions prevalent at such sources.

The approach followed in the formulation of the test methods involves specifications for equipment, procedures, and performance. In concept, a performance specification approach would be preferable in all methods because this allows the greatest flexibility to the user. In practice, however, this approach is impractical in most cases because performance specifications cannot be established. Most of the methods described herein, therefore, involve specific equipment specifications and procedures, and only a few methods in this appendix rely on performance criteria.

Minor changes in the test methods should not necessarily affect the validity of the results and it is recognized that alternative and equivalent methods exist. section 60.8 provides authority for the Administrator to specify or approve (1) equivalent methods, (2) alternative methods, and (3) minor changes in the methodology of the test methods. It should be clearly understood that unless otherwise identified all such methods and changes must have prior approval of the Administrator. An owner employing such methods or deviations from the test methods without obtaining prior approval does so at the risk of subsequent disapproval and retesting with approved methods.

Within the test methods, certain specific equipment or procedures are recognized as being acceptable or potentially acceptable and are specifically identified in the methods. The items identified as acceptable options may be used without approval but must be identified in the test report. The potentially approvable options are cited as “subject to the approval of the Administrator” or as “or equivalent.” Such potentially approvable techniques or alternatives may be used at the discretion of the owner without prior approval. However, detailed descriptions for applying these potentially approvable techniques or alternatives are not provided in the test methods. Also, the potentially approvable options are not necessarily acceptable in all applications. Therefore, an owner electing to use such potentially approvable techniques or alternatives is responsible for: (1) assuring that the techniques or alternatives are in fact applicable and are properly executed; (2) including a written description of the alternative method in the test report (the written method must be clear and must be capable of being performed without additional instruction, and the degree of detail should be similar to the detail contained in the test methods); and (3) providing any rationale or supporting data necessary to show the validity of the alternative in the particular application. Failure to meet these requirements can result in the Administrator’s disapproval of the alternative.

Method 4—Determination of Moisture Content in Stack Gases


This method does not include all the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 5, and Method 6.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Analytes.

Water vapor (H2O)7732-18-5N/A

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of the moisture content of stack gas.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 A gas sample is extracted at a constant rate from the source; moisture is removed from the sample stream and determined gravimetrically.

2.2 The method contains two possible procedures: a reference method and an approximation method.

2.2.1 The reference method is used for accurate determinations of moisture content (such as are needed to calculate emission data). The approximation method, provides estimates of percent moisture to aid in setting isokinetic sampling rates prior to a pollutant emission measurement run. The approximation method described herein is only a suggested approach; alternative means for approximating the moisture content (e.g., drying tubes, wet bulb-dry bulb techniques, condensation techniques, stoichiometric calculations, previous experience, etc.) are also acceptable.

2.2.2 The reference method is often conducted simultaneously with a pollutant emission measurement run. When it is, calculation of percent isokinetic, pollutant emission rate, etc., for the run shall be based upon the results of the reference method or its equivalent. These calculations shall not be based upon the results of the approximation method, unless the approximation method is shown, to the satisfaction of the Administrator, to be capable of yielding results within one percent H2O of the reference method.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences

4.1 The moisture content of saturated gas streams or streams that contain water droplets, as measured by the reference method, may be positively biased. Therefore, when these conditions exist or are suspected, a second determination of the moisture content shall be made simultaneously with the reference method, as follows: Assume that the gas stream is saturated. Attach a temperature sensor [capable of measuring to ±1 °C (2 °F)] to the reference method probe. Measure the stack gas temperature at each traverse point (see section during the reference method traverse, and calculate the average stack gas temperature. Next, determine the moisture percentage, either by: (1) Using a psychrometric chart and making appropriate corrections if the stack pressure is different from that of the chart, or (2) using saturation vapor pressure tables. In cases where the psychrometric chart or the saturation vapor pressure tables are not applicable (based on evaluation of the process), alternative methods, subject to the approval of the Administrator, shall be used.

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Reference Method. A schematic of the sampling train used in this reference method is shown in Figure 4-1.

6.1.1 Probe. Stainless steel or glass tubing, sufficiently heated to prevent water condensation, and equipped with a filter, either in-stack (e.g., a plug of glass wool inserted into the end of the probe) or heated out-of-stack (e.g., as described in Method 5), to remove particulate matter. When stack conditions permit, other metals or plastic tubing may be used for the probe, subject to the approval of the Administrator.

6.1.2 Condenser. Same as Method 5, section

6.1.3 Cooling System. An ice bath container, crushed ice, and water (or equivalent), to aid in condensing moisture.

6.1.4 Metering System. Same as in Method 5, section, except do not use sampling systems designed for flow rates higher than 0.0283 m
3/min (1.0 cfm). Other metering systems, capable of maintaining a constant sampling rate to within 10 percent and determining sample gas volume to within 2 percent, may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator.

6.1.5 Barometer and Balance. Same as Method 5, sections 6.1.2 and 6.2.5, respectively.

6.2. Approximation Method. A schematic of the sampling train used in this approximation method is shown in Figure 4-2.

6.2.1 Probe. Same as section 6.1.1.

6.2.2 Condenser. Two midget impingers, each with 30-ml capacity, or equivalent.

6.2.3 Cooling System. Ice bath container, crushed ice, and water, to aid in condensing moisture in impingers.

6.2.4 Drying Tube. Tube packed with new or regenerated 6- to 16-mesh indicating-type silica gel (or equivalent desiccant), to dry the sample gas and to protect the meter and pump.

6.2.5 Valve. Needle valve, to regulate the sample gas flow rate.

6.2.6 Pump. Leak-free, diaphragm type, or equivalent, to pull the gas sample through the train.

6.2.7 Volume Meter. Dry gas meter, sufficiently accurate to measure the sample volume to within 2 percent, and calibrated over the range of flow rates and conditions actually encountered during sampling.

6.2.8 Rate Meter. Rotameter, or equivalent, to measure the flow range from 0 to 3 liters/min (0 to 0.11 cfm).

6.2.9 Graduated Cylinder. 25-ml.

6.2.10 Barometer. Same as Method 5, section 6.1.2.

6.2.11 Vacuum Gauge. At least 760-mm (30-in.) Hg gauge, to be used for the sampling leak check.

7.0 Reagents and Standards [Reserved]

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Transport, and Storage

8.1 Reference Method. The following procedure is intended for a condenser system (such as the impinger system described in section of Method 5) incorporating volumetric analysis to measure the condensed moisture, and silica gel and gravimetric analysis to measure the moisture leaving the condenser.

8.1.1 Preliminary Determinations. Unless otherwise specified by the Administrator, a minimum of eight traverse points shall be used for circular stacks having diameters less than 0.61 m (24 in.), a minimum of nine points shall be used for rectangular stacks having equivalent diameters less than 0.61 m (24 in.), and a minimum of twelve traverse points shall be used in all other cases. The traverse points shall be located according to Method 1. The use of fewer points is subject to the approval of the Administrator. Select a suitable probe and probe length such that all traverse points can be sampled. Consider sampling from opposite sides of the stack (four total sampling ports) for large stacks, to permit use of shorter probe lengths. Mark the probe with heat resistant tape or by some other method to denote the proper distance into the stack or duct for each sampling point. Select a total sampling time such that a minimum total gas volume of 0.60 scm (21 scf) will be collected, at a rate no greater than 0.021 m
3/min (0.75 cfm). When both moisture content and pollutant emission rate are to be determined, the moisture determination shall be simultaneous with, and for the same total length of time as, the pollutant emission rate run, unless otherwise specified in an applicable subpart of the standards.

8.1.2 Preparation of Sampling Train. Transfer water into the first two impingers, leave the third impinger empty and add silica gel to the fourth impinger. Weigh the impingers before sampling and record the weight to the nearest 0.5g at a minimum. Set up the sampling train as shown in Figure 4-1. Turn on the probe heater and (if applicable) the filter heating system to temperatures of approximately 120 °C (248 °F), to prevent water condensation ahead of the condenser. Allow time for the temperatures to stabilize. Place crushed ice and water in the ice bath container.

8.1.3 Leak-Check Procedures. Leak Check of Metering System Shown in Figure 4-1. That portion of the sampling train from the pump to the orifice meter should be leak-checked prior to initial use and after each shipment. Leakage after the pump will result in less volume being recorded than is actually sampled. The following procedure is suggested (see Figure 5-2 of Method 5): Close the main valve on the meter box. Insert a one-hole rubber stopper with rubber tubing attached into the orifice exhaust pipe. Disconnect and vent the low side of the orifice manometer. Close off the low side orifice tap. Pressurize the system to 13 to 18 cm (5 to 7 in.) water column by blowing into the rubber tubing. Pinch off the tubing and observe the manometer for one minute. A loss of pressure on the manometer indicates a leak in the meter box; leaks, if present, must be corrected. Pretest Leak Check. A pretest leak check of the sampling train is recommended, but not required. If the pretest leak check is conducted, the following procedure should be used. After the sampling train has been assembled, turn on and set the filter and probe heating systems to the desired operating temperatures. Allow time for the temperatures to stabilize. Leak-check the train by first plugging the inlet to the filter holder and pulling a 380 mm (15 in.) Hg vacuum. Then connect the probe to the train, and leak-check at approximately 25 mm (1 in.) Hg vacuum; alternatively, the probe may be leak-checked with the rest of the sampling train, in one step, at 380 mm (15 in.) Hg vacuum. Leakage rates in excess of 4 percent of the average sampling rate or 0.00057 m
3/min (0.020 cfm), whichever is less, are unacceptable. Start the pump with the bypass valve fully open and the coarse adjust valve completely closed. Partially open the coarse adjust valve, and slowly close the bypass valve until the desired vacuum is reached. Do not reverse the direction of the bypass valve, as this will cause water to back up into the filter holder. If the desired vacuum is exceeded, either leak-check at this higher vacuum, or end the leak check and start over. When the leak check is completed, first slowly remove the plug from the inlet to the probe, filter holder, and immediately turn off the vacuum pump. This prevents the water in the impingers from being forced backward into the filter holder and the silica gel from being entrained backward into the third impinger. Leak Checks During Sample Run. If, during the sampling run, a component (e.g., filter assembly or impinger) change becomes necessary, a leak check shall be conducted immediately before the change is made. The leak check shall be done according to the procedure outlined in section, except that it shall be done at a vacuum equal to or greater than the maximum value recorded up to that point in the test. If the leakage rate is found to be no greater than 0.00057 m
3/min (0.020 cfm) or 4 percent of the average sampling rate (whichever is less), the results are acceptable, and no correction will need to be applied to the total volume of dry gas metered; if, however, a higher leakage rate is obtained, either record the leakage rate and plan to correct the sample volume as shown in section 12.3 of Method 5, or void the sample run.

Note: Immediately after component changes, leak checks are optional. If such leak checks are done, the procedure outlined in section should be used. Post-Test Leak Check. A leak check of the sampling train is mandatory at the conclusion of each sampling run. The leak check shall be performed in accordance with the procedures outlined in section, except that it shall be conducted at a vacuum equal to or greater than the maximum value reached during the sampling run. If the leakage rate is found to be no greater than 0.00057 m
3 min (0.020 cfm) or 4 percent of the average sampling rate (whichever is less), the results are acceptable, and no correction need be applied to the total volume of dry gas metered. If, however, a higher leakage rate is obtained, either record the leakage rate and correct the sample volume as shown in section 12.3 of Method 5 or void the sampling run.

8.1.4 Sampling Train Operation. During the sampling run, maintain a sampling rate within 10 percent of constant rate, or as specified by the Administrator. For each run, record the data required on a data sheet similar to that shown in Figure 4-3. Be sure to record the dry gas meter reading at the beginning and end of each sampling time increment and whenever sampling is halted. Take other appropriate readings at each sample point at least once during each time increment.


When Method 4 is used concurrently with an isokinetic method (e.g., Method 5) the sampling rate should be maintained at isokinetic conditions rather than 10 percent of constant rate. To begin sampling, position the probe tip at the first traverse point. Immediately start the pump, and adjust the flow to the desired rate. Traverse the cross section, sampling at each traverse point for an equal length of time. Add more ice and, if necessary, salt to maintain a temperature of less than 20 °C (68 °F) at the silica gel outlet. At the end of the sample run, close the coarse adjust valve, remove the probe and nozzle from the stack, turn off the pump, record the final DGM meter reading, and conduct a post-test leak check, as outlined in section

8.2 Approximation Method.


The approximation method described below is presented only as a suggested method (see section 2.0).

8.2.1 Place exactly 5 ml water in each impinger. Leak check the sampling train as follows: Temporarily insert a vacuum gauge at or near the probe inlet. Then, plug the probe inlet and pull a vacuum of at least 250 mm (10 in.) Hg. Note the time rate of change of the dry gas meter dial; alternatively, a rotameter (0 to 40 ml/min) may be temporarily attached to the dry gas meter outlet to determine the leakage rate. A leak rate not in excess of 2 percent of the average sampling rate is acceptable.


Release the probe inlet plug slowly before turning off the pump.

8.2.2 Connect the probe, insert it into the stack, and sample at a constant rate of 2 liters/min (0.071 cfm). Continue sampling until the dry gas meter registers about 30 liters (1.1 ft
3) or until visible liquid droplets are carried over from the first impinger to the second. Record temperature, pressure, and dry gas meter readings as indicated by Figure 4-4.

9.0 Quality Control

9.1 Miscellaneous Quality Control Measures.

Quality control measure
Section rate of the sampling system cannot exceed four percent of the average sampling rate or 0.00057 m
3/min (0.020 cfm)
Ensures the accuracy of the volume of gas sampled. (Reference Method).
Section 8.2.1Leak rate of the sampling system cannot exceed two percent of the average sampling rateEnsures the accuracy of the volume of gas sampled. (Approximation Method).

9.2 Volume Metering System Checks. Same as Method 5, section 9.2.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization


Maintain a laboratory log of all calibrations.

10.1 Reference Method. Calibrate the metering system, temperature sensors, and barometer according to Method 5, sections 10.3, 10.5, and 10.6, respectively.

10.2 Approximation Method. Calibrate the metering system and the barometer according to Method 6, section 10.1 and Method 5, section 10.6, respectively.

10.3 Field Balance Calibration Check. Check the calibration of the balance used to weigh impingers with a weight that is at least 500g or within 50g of a loaded impinger. The weight must be ASTM E617-13 “Standard Specification for Laboratory Weights and Precision Mass Standards” (incorporated by reference-see 40 CFR 60.17) Class 6 (or better). Daily, before use, the field balance must measure the weight within ± 0.5g of the certified mass. If the daily balance calibration check fails, perform corrective measures and repeat the check before using balance.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

11.1 Reference Method. Weigh the impingers after sampling and record the difference in weight to the nearest 0.5 g at a minimum. Determine the increase in weight of the silica gel (or silica gel plus impinger) to the nearest 0.5 g at a minimum. Record this information (see example data sheet, Figure 4-5), and calculate the moisture content, as described in section 12.0.

11.2 Approximation Method. Weigh the contents of the two impingers, and measure the weight to the nearest 0.5 g.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Carry out the following calculations, retaining at least one extra significant figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round off figures after final calculation.

12.1 Reference Method.

12.1.1 Nomenclature.

Bws = Proportion of water vapor, by volume, in the gas stream.

Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.015 g/g-mole (18.015 lb/lb-mole).

Pm = Absolute pressure (for this method, same as barometric pressure) at the dry gas meter, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg).

R = Ideal gas constant, 0.06236 (mm Hg)(m
3)/(g-mole)(°K) for metric units and 21.85 (in. Hg)(ft
3)/(lb-mole) (°R) for English units.

Tm = Absolute temperature at meter, °K (°R).

Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293.15 °K (527.67 °R).

Vf = Final weight of condenser water plus impinger, g.

Vi = Initial weight, if any, of condenser water plus impinger, g.

Vm = Dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter, dcm (dcf).

Vm(std) = Dry gas volume measured by the dry gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, dscm (dscf).

Vwc(std) = Volume of water vapor condensed, corrected to standard conditions, scm (scf).

Vwsg(std) = Volume of water vapor collected in silica gel, corrected to standard conditions, scm (scf).

Wf = Final weight of silica gel or silica gel plus impinger, g.

Wi = Initial weight of silica gel or silica gel plus impinger, g.

Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor.

ΔVm = Incremental dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter at each traverse point, dcm (dcf).

12.1.2 Volume of Water Vapor Condensed.


K1 = 0.001335 m
3/g for metric units,

= 0.04716 ft
3/g for English units.

12.1.3 Volume of Water Collected in Silica Gel.


K3 = 0.001335 m
3/g for metric units = 0.04716 ft
3/g for English units.

12.1.4 Sample Gas Volume.


K4 = 0.3855 °K/mm Hg for metric units,

= 17.64 °R/in. Hg for English units.


If the post-test leak rate (Section exceeds the allowable rate, correct the value of Vm in Equation 4-3, as described in section 12.3 of Method 5.

12.1.5 Moisture Content.

12.1.6 Verification of Constant Sampling Rate. For each time increment, determine the ΔVm. Calculate the average. If the value for any time increment differs from the average by more than 10 percent, reject the results, and repeat the run.

12.1.7 In saturated or moisture droplet-laden gas streams, two calculations of the moisture content of the stack gas shall be made, one using a value based upon the saturated conditions (see section 4.1), and another based upon the results of the impinger analysis. The lower of these two values of Bws shall be considered correct.

12.2 Approximation Method. The approximation method presented is designed to estimate the moisture in the stack gas; therefore, other data, which are only necessary for accurate moisture determinations, are not collected. The following equations adequately estimate the moisture content for the purpose of determining isokinetic sampling rate settings.

12.2.1 Nomenclature.

Bwm = Approximate proportion by volume of water vapor in the gas stream leaving the second impinger, 0.025.

Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream, proportion by volume.

Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.015 g/g-mole (18.015 lb/lb-mole).

Pm = Absolute pressure (for this method, same as barometric pressure) at the dry gas meter, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg).

R = Ideal gas constant, 0.06236 [(mm Hg)(m
3)]/[(g-mole)(K)] for metric units and 21.85 [(in. Hg)(ft
3)]/[(lb-mole)(°R)] for English units.

Tm = Absolute temperature at meter, °K (°R).

Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293.15 °K (527.67 °R).

Vf = Final weight of condenser water plus impinger, g.

Vi = Initial weight, if any, of condenser water plus impinger, g.

Vm = Dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter, dcm (dcf).

Vm(std) = Dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, dscm (dscf).

Vwc(std) = Volume of water vapor condensed, corrected to standard conditions, scm (scf).

Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor.

12.2.2 Volume of Water Vapor Collected.

K5 = 0.001335 m
3/g for metric units,

= 0.04716 ft
3/g for English units.

12.2.3 Sample Gas Volume.


K6 = 0.3855 °K/mm Hg for metric units,

= 17.64 °R/in. Hg for English units.

12.2.4 Approximate Moisture Content.

12.2.5 Using F-factors to determine approximate moisture for estimating moisture content where no wet scrubber is being used, for the purpose of determining isokinetic sampling rate settings with no fuel sample, is acceptable using the average Fc or Fd factor from Method 19 (see Method 19, section 12.3.1). If this option is selected, calculate the approximate moisture as follows:

Bws = BH + BA+ BF


BA = Mole Fraction of moisture in the ambient air.

Bws = Mole fraction of moisture in the stack gas.

Fd = Volume of dry combustion components per unit of heat content at 0 percent oxygen, dscf/10

Btu (scm/J). See Table 19-2 in Method 19.

Fw = Volume of wet combustion components per unit of heat content at 0 percent oxygen, wet.

6 Btu (scm/J). See Table 19-2 in Method 19.

%RH = Percent relative humidity (calibrated hygrometer acceptable), percent.

PBar = Barometric pressure, in. Hg.

T = Ambient temperature, °F.

W = Percent free water by weight, percent.

O2 = Percent oxygen in stack gas, dry basis, percent.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 Alternative Procedures

16.1 The procedure described in Method 5 for determining moisture content is an acceptable alternative to Method 4.

16.2 The procedures in Method 6A for determining moisture is an acceptable alternative to Method 4.

16.3 Method 320 is an acceptable alternative to Method 4 for determining moisture.

16.4 Using F-factors to determine moisture is an acceptable alternative to Method 4 for a combustion stack not using a scrubber, and where a fuel sample is taken during the test run and analyzed for development of an Fd factor (see Method 19, section 12.3.2), and where stack O2 content is measured by Method 3A or 3B during each test run. If this option is selected, calculate the moisture content as follows:

Bws = BH + BA + BF


BA = Mole fraction of moisture in the ambient air.


Values of BA should be between 0.00 and 0.06 with common values being about 0.015.

BF = Mole fraction of moisture from free water in the fuel.


Free water in fuel is minimal for distillate oil and gases, such as propane and natural gas, so this step may be omitted for those fuels.

BH = Mole fraction of moisture from the hydrogen in the fuel.

Bws = Mole fraction of moisture in the stack gas.

Fd = Volume of dry combustion components per unit of heat content at 0 percent oxygen, dscf/10
6 Btu (scm/J). Develop a test specific Fd value using an integrated fuel sample from each test run and Equation 19-13 in section 12.3.2 of Method 19.

Fw = Volume of wet combustion components per unit of heat content at 0 percent oxygen, wet scf/10
6 Btu (scm/J). Develop a test specific Fw value using an integrated fuel sample from each test run and Equation 19-14 in section 12.3.2 of Method 19.

%RH = Percent relative humidity (calibrated hygrometer acceptable), percent.

PBar = Barometric pressure, in. Hg.

T = Ambient temperature, °F.

W = Percent free water by weight, percent.

O2 = Percent oxygen in stack gas, dry basis, percent.

17.0 References

1. Air Pollution Engineering Manual (Second Edition). Danielson, J.A. (ed.). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC. Publication No. AP-40. 1973.

2. Devorkin, Howard, et al. Air Pollution Source Testing Manual. Air Pollution Control District, Los Angeles, CA. November 1963.

3. Methods for Determination of Velocity, Volume, Dust and Mist Content of Gases. Western Precipitation Division of Joy Manufacturing Co. Los Angeles, CA. Bulletin WP-50. 1968.

18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Figure 4-3. Moisture Determination—Reference Method

Method 5—Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions From Stationary Sources


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2, Method 3.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Analyte. Particulate matter (PM). No CAS number assigned.

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of PM emissions from stationary sources.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

Particulate matter is withdrawn isokinetically from the source and collected on a glass fiber filter maintained at a temperature of 120 ±14 °C (248 ±25 °F) or such other temperature as specified by an applicable subpart of the standards or approved by the Administrator for a particular application. The PM mass, which includes any material that condenses at or above the filtration temperature, is determined gravimetrically after the removal of uncombined water.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Sample Collection. The following items are required for sample collection:

6.1.1 Sampling Train. A schematic of the sampling train used in this method is shown in Figure 5-1 in section 18.0. Complete construction details are given in APTD-0581 (Reference 2 in section 17.0); commercial models of this train are also available. For changes from APTD-0581 and for allowable modifications of the train shown in Figure 5-1, see the following subsections.


The operating and maintenance procedures for the sampling train are described in APTD-0576 (Reference 3 in section 17.0). Since correct usage is important in obtaining valid results, all users should read APTD-0576 and adopt the operating and maintenance procedures outlined in it, unless otherwise specified herein. Probe Nozzle. Stainless steel (316) or glass with a sharp, tapered leading edge. The angle of taper shall be ≤30°, and the taper shall be on the outside to preserve a constant internal diameter. The probe nozzle shall be of the button-hook or elbow design, unless otherwise specified by the Administrator. If made of stainless steel, the nozzle shall be constructed from seamless tubing. Other materials of construction may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator. A range of nozzle sizes suitable for isokinetic sampling should be available. Typical nozzle sizes range from 0.32 to 1.27 cm (
1/8 to
1/2 in) inside diameter (ID) in increments of 0.16 cm (
1/16 in). Larger nozzles sizes are also available if higher volume sampling trains are used. Each nozzle shall be calibrated, according to the procedures outlined in section 10.1. Probe Liner. Borosilicate or quartz glass tubing with a heating system capable of maintaining a probe gas temperature during sampling of 120 ±14 °C (248 ±25 °F), or such other temperature as specified by an applicable subpart of the standards or as approved by the Administrator for a particular application. Since the actual temperature at the outlet of the probe is not usually monitored during sampling, probes constructed according to APTD-0581 and utilizing the calibration curves of APTD-0576 (or calibrated according to the procedure outlined in APTD-0576) will be considered acceptable. Either borosilicate or quartz glass probe liners may be used for stack temperatures up to about 480 °C (900 °F); quartz glass liners shall be used for temperatures between 480 and 900 °C (900 and 1,650 °F). Both types of liners may be used at higher temperatures than specified for short periods of time, subject to the approval of the Administrator. The softening temperature for borosilicate glass is 820 °C (1500 °F), and for quartz glass it is 1500 °C (2700 °F). Whenever practical, every effort should be made to use borosilicate or quartz glass probe liners. Alternatively, metal liners (e.g., 316 stainless steel, Incoloy 825 or other corrosion resistant metals) made of seamless tubing may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator. Pitot Tube. Type S, as described in section 6.1 of Method 2, or other device approved by the Administrator. The pitot tube shall be attached to the probe (as shown in Figure 5-1) to allow constant monitoring of the stack gas velocity. The impact (high pressure) opening plane of the pitot tube shall be even with or above the nozzle entry plane (see Method 2, Figure 2-7) during sampling. The Type S pitot tube assembly shall have a known coefficient, determined as outlined in section 10.0 of Method 2. Differential Pressure Gauge. Inclined manometer or equivalent device (two), as described in section 6.2 of Method 2. One manometer shall be used for velocity head (Δp) readings, and the other, for orifice differential pressure readings. Filter Holder. Borosilicate glass, with a glass or Teflon frit filter support and a silicone rubber gasket. Other materials of construction (e.g., stainless steel or Viton) may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator. The holder design shall provide a positive seal against leakage from the outside or around the filter. The holder shall be attached immediately at the outlet of the probe (or cyclone, if used). Filter Heating System. Any heating system capable of monitoring and maintaining temperature around the filter shall be used to ensure the sample gas temperature exiting the filter of 120 ±14 °C (248 ±25 °F) during sampling or such other temperature as specified by an applicable subpart of the standards or approved by the Administrator for a particular application. The monitoring and regulation of the temperature around the filter may be done with the filter temperature sensor or another temperature sensor. Filter Temperature Sensor. A temperature sensor capable of measuring temperature to within ±3 °C (5.4 °F) shall be installed so that the sensing tip of the temperature sensor is in direct contact with the sample gas exiting the filter. The sensing tip of the sensor may be encased in glass, Teflon, or metal and must protrude at least
1/2 in. into the sample gas exiting the filter. The filter temperature sensor must be monitored and recorded during sampling to ensure a sample gas temperature exiting the filter of 120 ±14 °C (248 ±25 °F), or such other temperature as specified by an applicable subpart of the standards or approved by the Administrator for a particular application. Condenser. The following system shall be used to determine the stack gas moisture content: Four impingers connected in series with leak-free ground glass fittings or any similar leak-free noncontaminating fittings. The first, third, and fourth impingers shall be of the Greenburg-Smith design, modified by replacing the tip with a 1.3 cm (
1/2 in.) ID glass tube extending to about 1.3 cm (
1/2 in.) from the bottom of the flask. The second impinger shall be of the Greenburg-Smith design with the standard tip. Modifications (e.g., using flexible connections between the impingers, using materials other than glass, or using flexible vacuum lines to connect the filter holder to the condenser) may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator. The first and second impingers shall contain known quantities of water (Section 8.3.1), the third shall be empty, and the fourth shall contain a known weight of silica gel, or equivalent desiccant. A temperature sensor, capable of measuring temperature to within 1 °C (2 °F) shall be placed at the outlet of the fourth impinger for monitoring purposes. Alternatively, any system that cools the sample gas stream and allows measurement of the water condensed and moisture leaving the condenser, each to within 0.5 g may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator. An acceptable technique involves the measurement of condensed water either gravimetrically and the determination of the moisture leaving the condenser by: (1) Monitoring the temperature and pressure at the exit of the condenser and using Dalton’s law of partial pressures; or (2) passing the sample gas stream through a tared silica gel (or equivalent desiccant) trap with exit gases kept below 20 °C (68 °F) and determining the weight gain. If means other than silica gel are used to determine the amount of moisture leaving the condenser, it is recommended that silica gel (or equivalent) still be used between the condenser system and pump to prevent moisture condensation in the pump and metering devices and to avoid the need to make corrections for moisture in the metered volume.


If a determination of the PM collected in the impingers is desired in addition to moisture content, the impinger system described above shall be used, without modification. Individual States or control agencies requiring this information shall be contacted as to the sample recovery and analysis of the impinger contents. Metering System. Vacuum gauge, leak-free pump, calibrated temperature sensors, dry gas meter (DGM) capable of measuring volume to within 2 percent, and related equipment, as shown in Figure 5-1. Other metering systems capable of maintaining sampling rates within 10 percent of isokinetic and of determining sample volumes to within 2 percent may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator. When the metering system is used in conjunction with a pitot tube, the system shall allow periodic checks of isokinetic rates. The average DGM temperature for use in the calculations of section 12.0 may be obtained by averaging the two temperature sensors located at the inlet and outlet of the DGM as shown in Figure 5-3 or alternatively from a single temperature sensor located at the immediate outlet of the DGM or the plenum of the DGM. Sampling trains utilizing metering systems designed for higher flow rates than that described in APTD-0581 or APTD-0576 may be used provided that the specifications of this method are met.

6.1.2 Barometer. Mercury, aneroid, or other barometer capable of measuring atmospheric pressure to within 2.5 mm Hg (0.1 in.).


The barometric pressure reading may be obtained from a nearby National Weather Service station. In this case, the station value (which is the absolute barometric pressure) shall be requested and an adjustment for elevation differences between the weather station and sampling point shall be made at a rate of minus 2.5 mm Hg (0.1 in.) per 30 m (100 ft) elevation increase or plus 2.5 mm Hg (0.1 in) per 30 m (100 ft) elevation decrease.

6.1.3 Gas Density Determination Equipment. Temperature sensor and pressure gauge, as described in sections 6.3 and 6.4 of Method 2, and gas analyzer, if necessary, as described in Method 3. The temperature sensor shall, preferably, be permanently attached to the pitot tube or sampling probe in a fixed configuration, such that the tip of the sensor extends beyond the leading edge of the probe sheath and does not touch any metal. Alternatively, the sensor may be attached just prior to use in the field. Note, however, that if the temperature sensor is attached in the field, the sensor must be placed in an interference-free arrangement with respect to the Type S pitot tube openings (see Method 2, Figure 2-4). As a second alternative, if a difference of not more than 1 percent in the average velocity measurement is to be introduced, the temperature sensor need not be attached to the probe or pitot tube. (This alternative is subject to the approval of the Administrator.)

6.2 Sample Recovery. The following items are required for sample recovery:

6.2.1 Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes. Nylon bristle brushes with stainless steel wire handles. The probe brush shall have extensions (at least as long as the probe) constructed of stainless steel, Nylon, Teflon, or similarly inert material. The brushes shall be properly sized and shaped to brush out the probe liner and nozzle.

6.2.2 Wash Bottles. Two Glass wash bottles are recommended. Alternatively, polyethylene wash bottles may be used. It is recommended that acetone not be stored in polyethylene bottles for longer than a month.

6.2.3 Glass Sample Storage Containers. Chemically resistant, borosilicate glass bottles, for acetone washes, 500 ml or 1000 ml. Screw cap liners shall either be rubber-backed Teflon or shall be constructed so as to be leak-free and resistant to chemical attack by acetone. (Narrow mouth glass bottles have been found to be less prone to leakage.) Alternatively, polyethylene bottles may be used.

6.2.4 Petri dishes. For filter samples; glass, polystyrene, or polyethylene, unless otherwise specified by the Administrator.

6.2.5 Balance. To measure condensed water to within 0.5 g at a minimum.

6.2.6 Plastic Storage Containers. Air-tight containers to store silica gel.

6.2.7 Funnel and Rubber Policeman. To aid in transfer of silica gel to container; not necessary if silica gel is weighed in the field.

6.2.8 Funnel. Glass or polyethylene, to aid in sample recovery.

6.3 Sample Analysis. The following equipment is required for sample analysis:

6.3.1 Glass Weighing Dishes.

6.3.2 Desiccator.

6.3.3 Analytical Balance. To measure to within 0.1 mg.

6.3.4 Balance. To measure to within 0.5 g.

6.3.5 Beakers. 250 ml.

6.3.6 Hygrometer. To measure the relative humidity of the laboratory environment.

6.3.7 Temperature Sensor. To measure the temperature of the laboratory environment.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

7.1 Sample Collection. The following reagents are required for sample collection:

7.1.1 Filters. Glass fiber filters, without organic binder, exhibiting at least 99.95 percent efficiency (2 or SO3, the filter material must be of a type that is unreactive to SO2 or SO3. Reference 10 in section 17.0 may be used to select the appropriate filter.

7.1.2 Silica Gel. Indicating type, 6 to 16 mesh. If previously used, dry at 175 °C (350 °F) for 2 hours. New silica gel may be used as received. Alternatively, other types of desiccants (equivalent or better) may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator.

7.1.3 Water. When analysis of the material caught in the impingers is required, deionized distilled water [to conform to ASTM D1193-77 or 91 Type 3 (incorporated by reference—see § 60.17)] with at least

7.1.4 Crushed Ice.

7.2 Sample Recovery. Acetone, reagent grade, ≤0.001 percent residue, in glass bottles, is required. Acetone from metal containers generally has a high residue blank and should not be used. Sometimes, suppliers transfer acetone to glass bottles from metal containers; thus, acetone blanks shall be run prior to field use and only acetone with low blank values (≤0.001 percent) shall be used. In no case shall a blank value of greater than 0.001 percent of the weight of acetone used be subtracted from the sample weight.

7.3 Sample Analysis. The following reagents are required for sample analysis:

7.3.1 Acetone. Same as in section 7.2.

7.3.2 Desiccant. Anhydrous calcium sulfate, indicating type. Alternatively, other types of desiccants may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport

8.1 Pretest Preparation. It is suggested that sampling equipment be maintained according to the procedures described in APTD-0576. Alternative mercury-free thermometers may be used if the thermometers are at a minimum equivalent in terms of performance or suitably effective for the specific temperature measurement application.

8.1.1 Place 200 to 300 g of silica gel in each of several air-tight containers. Weigh each container, including silica gel, to the nearest 0.5 g, and record this weight. As an alternative, the silica gel need not be preweighed, but may be weighed directly in its impinger or sampling holder just prior to train assembly.

8.1.2 Check filters visually against light for irregularities, flaws, or pinhole leaks. Label filters of the proper diameter on the back side near the edge using numbering machine ink. As an alternative, label the shipping containers (glass, polystyrene or polyethylene petri dishes), and keep each filter in its identified container at all times except during sampling.

8.1.3 Desiccate the filters at 20 ±5.6 °C (68 ±10 °F) and ambient pressure for at least 24 hours. Weigh each filter (or filter and shipping container) at intervals of at least 6 hours to a constant weight (i.e., ≤0.5 mg change from previous weighing). Record results to the nearest 0.1 mg. During each weighing, the period for which the filter is exposed to the laboratory atmosphere shall be less than 2 minutes. Alternatively (unless otherwise specified by the Administrator), the filters may be oven dried at 105 °C (220 °F) for 2 to 3 hours, desiccated for 2 hours, and weighed. Procedures other than those described, which account for relative humidity effects, may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator.

8.2 Preliminary Determinations.

8.2.1 Select the sampling site and the minimum number of sampling points according to Method 1 or as specified by the Administrator. Determine the stack pressure, temperature, and the range of velocity heads using Method 2; it is recommended that a leak check of the pitot lines (see Method 2, section 8.1) be performed. Determine the moisture content using Approximation Method 4 or its alternatives for the purpose of making isokinetic sampling rate settings. Determine the stack gas dry molecular weight, as described in Method 2, section 8.6; if integrated Method 3 sampling is used for molecular weight determination, the integrated bag sample shall be taken simultaneously with, and for the same total length of time as, the particulate sample run.

8.2.2 Select a nozzle size based on the range of velocity heads, such that it is not necessary to change the nozzle size in order to maintain isokinetic sampling rates. During the run, do not change the nozzle size. Ensure that the proper differential pressure gauge is chosen for the range of velocity heads encountered (see section 8.3 of Method 2).

8.2.3 Select a suitable probe liner and probe length such that all traverse points can be sampled. For large stacks, consider sampling from opposite sides of the stack to reduce the required probe length.

8.2.4 Select a total sampling time greater than or equal to the minimum total sampling time specified in the test procedures for the specific industry such that (l) the sampling time per point is not less than 2 minutes (or some greater time interval as specified by the Administrator), and (2) the sample volume taken (corrected to standard conditions) will exceed the required minimum total gas sample volume. The latter is based on an approximate average sampling rate.

8.2.5 The sampling time at each point shall be the same. It is recommended that the number of minutes sampled at each point be an integer or an integer plus one-half minute, in order to avoid timekeeping errors.

8.2.6 In some circumstances (e.g., batch cycles) it may be necessary to sample for shorter times at the traverse points and to obtain smaller gas sample volumes. In these cases, the Administrator’s approval must first be obtained.

8.3 Preparation of Sampling Train.

8.3.1 During preparation and assembly of the sampling train, keep all openings where contamination can occur covered until just prior to assembly or until sampling is about to begin. Place 100 ml of water in each of the first two impingers, leave the third impinger empty, and transfer approximately 200 to 300 g of preweighed silica gel from its container to the fourth impinger. More silica gel may be used, but care should be taken to ensure that it is not entrained and carried out from the impinger during sampling. Place the container in a clean place for later use in the sample recovery. Alternatively, the weight of the silica gel plus impinger may be determined to the nearest 0.5 g and recorded.

8.3.2 Using a tweezer or clean disposable surgical gloves, place a labeled (identified) and weighed filter in the filter holder. Be sure that the filter is properly centered and the gasket properly placed so as to prevent the sample gas stream from circumventing the filter. Check the filter for tears after assembly is completed.

8.3.3 When glass probe liners are used, install the selected nozzle using a Viton A O-ring when stack temperatures are less than 260 °C (500 °F) or a heat-resistant string gasket when temperatures are higher. See APTD-0576 for details. Other connecting systems using either 316 stainless steel or Teflon ferrules may be used. When metal liners are used, install the nozzle as discussed above or by a leak-free direct mechanical connection. Mark the probe with heat resistant tape or by some other method to denote the proper distance into the stack or duct for each sampling point.

8.3.4 Set up the train as shown in Figure 5-1 ensuring that the connections are leak-tight. Subject to the approval of the Administrator, a glass cyclone may be used between the probe and filter holder when the total particulate catch is expected to exceed 100 mg or when water droplets are present in the stack gas.

8.3.5 Place crushed ice around the impingers.

8.4 Leak-Check Procedures.

8.4.1 Leak Check of Metering System Shown in Figure 5-1. That portion of the sampling train from the pump to the orifice meter should be leak-checked prior to initial use and after each shipment. Leakage after the pump will result in less volume being recorded than is actually sampled. The following procedure is suggested (see Figure 5-2): Close the main valve on the meter box. Insert a one-hole rubber stopper with rubber tubing attached into the orifice exhaust pipe. Disconnect and vent the low side of the orifice manometer. Close off the low side orifice tap. Pressurize the system to 13 to 18 cm (5 to 7 in.) water column by blowing into the rubber tubing. Pinch off the tubing, and observe the manometer for one minute. A loss of pressure on the manometer indicates a leak in the meter box; leaks, if present, must be corrected.

8.4.2 Pretest Leak Check. A pretest leak check of the sampling train is recommended, but not required. If the pretest leak check is conducted, the following procedure should be used. After the sampling train has been assembled, turn on and set the filter and probe heating systems to the desired operating temperatures. Allow time for the temperatures to stabilize. If a Viton A O-ring or other leak-free connection is used in assembling the probe nozzle to the probe liner, leak-check the train at the sampling site by plugging the nozzle and pulling a 380 mm (15 in.) Hg vacuum.


A lower vacuum may be used, provided that it is not exceeded during the test. If a heat-resistant string is used, do not connect the probe to the train during the leak check. Instead, leak-check the train by first plugging the inlet to the filter holder (cyclone, if applicable) and pulling a 380 mm (15 in.) Hg vacuum (see note in section Then connect the probe to the train, and leak-check at approximately 25 mm (1 in.) Hg vacuum; alternatively, the probe may be leak-checked with the rest of the sampling train, in one step, at 380 mm (15 in.) Hg vacuum. Leakage rates in excess of 4 percent of the average sampling rate or 0.00057 m
3/min (0.020 cfm), whichever is less, are unacceptable. The following leak-check instructions for the sampling train described in APTD-0576 and APTD-0581 may be helpful. Start the pump with the bypass valve fully open and the coarse adjust valve completely closed. Partially open the coarse adjust valve, and slowly close the bypass valve until the desired vacuum is reached. Do not reverse the direction of the bypass valve, as this will cause water to back up into the filter holder. If the desired vacuum is exceeded, either leak-check at this higher vacuum, or end the leak check and start over. When the leak check is completed, first slowly remove the plug from the inlet to the probe, filter holder, or cyclone (if applicable), and immediately turn off the vacuum pump. This prevents the water in the impingers from being forced backward into the filter holder and the silica gel from being entrained backward into the third impinger.

8.4.3 Leak Checks During Sample Run. If, during the sampling run, a component (e.g., filter assembly or impinger) change becomes necessary, a leak check shall be conducted immediately before the change is made. The leak check shall be done according to the procedure outlined in section 8.4.2 above, except that it shall be done at a vacuum equal to or greater than the maximum value recorded up to that point in the test. If the leakage rate is found to be no greater than 0.00057 m
3/min (0.020 cfm) or 4 percent of the average sampling rate (whichever is less), the results are acceptable, and no correction will need to be applied to the total volume of dry gas metered; if, however, a higher leakage rate is obtained, either record the leakage rate and plan to correct the sample volume as shown in section 12.3 of this method, or void the sample run.


Immediately after component changes, leak checks are optional. If such leak checks are done, the procedure outlined in section 8.4.2 above should be used.

8.4.4 Post-Test Leak Check. A leak check of the sampling train is mandatory at the conclusion of each sampling run. The leak check shall be performed in accordance with the procedures outlined in section 8.4.2, except that it shall be conducted at a vacuum equal to or greater than the maximum value reached during the sampling run. If the leakage rate is found to be no greater than 0.00057 m
3 min (0.020 cfm) or 4 percent of the average sampling rate (whichever is less), the results are acceptable, and no correction need be applied to the total volume of dry gas metered. If, however, a higher leakage rate is obtained, either record the leakage rate and correct the sample volume as shown in section 12.3 of this method, or void the sampling run.

8.5 Sampling Train Operation. During the sampling run, maintain an isokinetic sampling rate (within 10 percent of true isokinetic unless otherwise specified by the Administrator) and a sample gas temperature through the filter of 120 ±14 °C (248 ±25 °F) or such other temperature as specified by an applicable subpart of the standards or approved by the Administrator.

8.5.1 For each run, record the data required on a data sheet such as the one shown in Figure 5-3. Be sure to record the initial DGM reading. Record the DGM readings at the beginning and end of each sampling time increment, when changes in flow rates are made, before and after each leak check, and when sampling is halted. Take other readings indicated by Figure 5-3 at least once at each sample point during each time increment and additional readings when significant changes (20 percent variation in velocity head readings) necessitate additional adjustments in flow rate. Level and zero the manometer. Because the manometer level and zero may drift due to vibrations and temperature changes, make periodic checks during the traverse.

8.5.2 Clean the portholes prior to the test run to minimize the chance of collecting deposited material. To begin sampling, verify that the filter and probe heating systems are up to temperature, remove the nozzle cap, verify that the pitot tube and probe are properly positioned. Position the nozzle at the first traverse point with the tip pointing directly into the gas stream. Immediately start the pump, and adjust the flow to isokinetic conditions. Nomographs are available which aid in the rapid adjustment of the isokinetic sampling rate without excessive computations. These nomographs are designed for use when the Type S pitot tube coefficient (Cp) is 0.85 ±0.02, and the stack gas equivalent density [dry molecular weight (Md)] is equal to 29 ±4. APTD-0576 details the procedure for using the nomographs. If Cp and Md are outside the above stated ranges, do not use the nomographs unless appropriate steps (see Reference 7 in section 17.0) are taken to compensate for the deviations.

8.5.3 When the stack is under significant negative pressure (i.e., height of impinger stem), take care to close the coarse adjust valve before inserting the probe into the stack to prevent water from backing into the filter holder. If necessary, the pump may be turned on with the coarse adjust valve closed.

8.5.4 When the probe is in position, block off the openings around the probe and porthole to prevent unrepresentative dilution of the gas stream.

8.5.5 Traverse the stack cross-section, as required by Method 1 or as specified by the Administrator, being careful not to bump the probe nozzle into the stack walls when sampling near the walls or when removing or inserting the probe through the portholes; this minimizes the chance of extracting deposited material.

8.5.6 During the test run, make periodic adjustments to keep the temperature around the filter holder at the proper level to maintain the sample gas temperature exiting the filter; add more ice and, if necessary, salt to maintain a temperature of less than 20 °C (68 °F) at the condenser/silica gel outlet. Also, periodically check the level and zero of the manometer.

8.5.7 If the pressure drop across the filter becomes too high, making isokinetic sampling difficult to maintain, the filter may be replaced in the midst of the sample run. It is recommended that another complete filter assembly be used rather than attempting to change the filter itself. Before a new filter assembly is installed, conduct a leak check (see section 8.4.3). The total PM weight shall include the summation of the filter assembly catches.

8.5.8 A single train shall be used for the entire sample run, except in cases where simultaneous sampling is required in two or more separate ducts or at two or more different locations within the same duct, or in cases where equipment failure necessitates a change of trains. In all other situations, the use of two or more trains will be subject to the approval of the Administrator.


When two or more trains are used, separate analyses of the front-half and (if applicable) impinger catches from each train shall be performed, unless identical nozzle sizes were used on all trains, in which case, the front-half catches from the individual trains may be combined (as may the impinger catches) and one analysis of front-half catch and one analysis of impinger catch may be performed. Consult with the Administrator for details concerning the calculation of results when two or more trains are used.

8.5.9 At the end of the sample run, close the coarse adjust valve, remove the probe and nozzle from the stack, turn off the pump, record the final DGM meter reading, and conduct a post-test leak check, as outlined in section 8.4.4. Also, leak-check the pitot lines as described in Method 2, section 8.1. The lines must pass this leak check, in order to validate the velocity head data.

8.6 Calculation of Percent Isokinetic. Calculate percent isokinetic (see Calculations, section 12.11) to determine whether the run was valid or another test run should be made. If there was difficulty in maintaining isokinetic rates because of source conditions, consult with the Administrator for possible variance on the isokinetic rates.

8.7 Sample Recovery.

8.7.1 Proper cleanup procedure begins as soon as the probe is removed from the stack at the end of the sampling period. Allow the probe to cool.

8.7.2 When the probe can be safely handled, wipe off all external PM near the tip of the probe nozzle, and place a cap over it to prevent losing or gaining PM. Do not cap off the probe tip tightly while the sampling train is cooling down. This would create a vacuum in the filter holder, thereby drawing water from the impingers into the filter holder.

8.7.3 Before moving the sample train to the cleanup site, remove the probe from the sample train and cap the open outlet of the probe. Be careful not to lose any condensate that might be present. Cap the filter inlet where the probe was fastened. Remove the umbilical cord from the last impinger, and cap the impinger. If a flexible line is used between the first impinger or condenser and the filter holder, disconnect the line at the filter holder, and let any condensed water or liquid drain into the impingers or condenser. Cap off the filter holder outlet and impinger inlet. Either ground-glass stoppers, plastic caps, or serum caps may be used to close these openings.

8.7.4 Transfer the probe and filter-impinger assembly to the cleanup area. This area should be clean and protected from the wind so that the chances of contaminating or losing the sample will be minimized.

8.7.5 Save a portion of the acetone used for cleanup as a blank. From each storage container of acetone used for cleanup, save 200 ml and place in a glass sample container labeled “acetone blank.” To minimize any particulate contamination, rinse the wash bottle prior to filling from the tested container.

8.7.6 Inspect the train prior to and during disassembly, and note any abnormal conditions. Treat the samples as follows: Container No. 1. Carefully remove the filter from the filter holder, and place it in its identified petri dish container. Use a pair of tweezers and/or clean disposable surgical gloves to handle the filter. If it is necessary to fold the filter, do so such that the PM cake is inside the fold. Using a dry Nylon bristle brush and/or a sharp-edged blade, carefully transfer to the petri dish any PM and/or filter fibers that adhere to the filter holder gasket. Seal the container. Container No. 2. Taking care to see that dust on the outside of the probe or other exterior surfaces does not get into the sample, quantitatively recover PM or any condensate from the probe nozzle, probe fitting, probe liner, and front half of the filter holder by washing these components with acetone and placing the wash in a glass container. Deionized distilled water may be used instead of acetone when approved by the Administrator and shall be used when specified by the Administrator. In these cases, save a water blank, and follow the Administrator’s directions on analysis. Perform the acetone rinse as follows: Carefully remove the probe nozzle. Clean the inside surface by rinsing with acetone from a wash bottle and brushing with a Nylon bristle brush. Brush until the acetone rinse shows no visible particles, after which make a final rinse of the inside surface with acetone. Brush and rinse the inside parts of the fitting with acetone in a similar way until no visible particles remain. Rinse the probe liner with acetone by tilting and rotating the probe while squirting acetone into its upper end so that all inside surfaces will be wetted with acetone. Let the acetone drain from the lower end into the sample container. A funnel (glass or polyethylene) may be used to aid in transferring liquid washes to the container. Follow the acetone rinse with a probe brush. Hold the probe in an inclined position, squirt acetone into the upper end as the probe brush is being pushed with a twisting action through the probe; hold a sample container underneath the lower end of the probe, and catch any acetone and particulate matter that is brushed from the probe. Run the brush through the probe three times or more until no visible PM is carried out with the acetone or until none remains in the probe liner on visual inspection. With stainless steel or other metal probes, run the brush through in the above prescribed manner at least six times since metal probes have small crevices in which particulate matter can be entrapped. Rinse the brush with acetone, and quantitatively collect these washings in the sample container. After the brushing, make a final acetone rinse of the probe. It is recommended that two people clean the probe to minimize sample losses. Between sampling runs, keep brushes clean and protected from contamination. Clean the inside of the front half of the filter holder by rubbing the surfaces with a Nylon bristle brush and rinsing with acetone. Rinse each surface three times or more if needed to remove visible particulate. Make a final rinse of the brush and filter holder. Carefully rinse out the glass cyclone, also (if applicable). After all acetone washings and particulate matter have been collected in the sample container, tighten the lid on the sample container so that acetone will not leak out when it is shipped to the laboratory. Mark the height of the fluid level to allow determination of whether leakage occurred during transport. Label the container to clearly identify its contents. Container No. 3. Note the color of the indicating silica gel to determine whether it has been completely spent, and make a notation of its condition. Transfer the silica gel from the fourth impinger to its original container, and seal. A funnel may make it easier to pour the silica gel without spilling. A rubber policeman may be used as an aid in removing the silica gel from the impinger. It is not necessary to remove the small amount of dust particles that may adhere to the impinger wall and are difficult to remove. Since the gain in weight is to be used for moisture calculations, do not use any water or other liquids to transfer the silica gel. If a balance is available in the field, follow the procedure for Container No. 3 in section 11.2.3. Impinger Water. Treat the impingers as follows: Make a notation of any color or film in the liquid catch. Measure the liquid that is in the first three impingers by weighing it to within 0.5 g at a minimum by using a balance. Record the weight of liquid present. This information is required to calculate the moisture content of the effluent gas. Discard the liquid after measuring and recording the weight, unless analysis of the impinger catch is required (see Note, section If a different type of condenser is used, measure the amount of moisture condensed gravimetrically.

8.8 Sample Transport. Whenever possible, containers should be shipped in such a way that they remain upright at all times.

9.0 Quality Control

9.1 Miscellaneous Quality Control Measures.

Quality control measure
8.4, 10.1-10.6Sampling equipment leak check and calibrationEnsures accurate measurement of stack gas flow rate, sample volume.

9.2 Volume Metering System Checks. The following procedures are suggested to check the volume metering system calibration values at the field test site prior to sample collection. These procedures are optional.

9.2.1 Meter Orifice Check. Using the calibration data obtained during the calibration procedure described in section 10.3, determine the ΔH@ for the metering system orifice. The ΔH@ is the orifice pressure differential in units of in. H2O that correlates to 0.75 cfm of air at 528 °R and 29.92 in. Hg. The ΔH@ is calculated as follows:


ΔH = Average pressure differential across the orifice meter, in. H2O.

Tm = Absolute average DGM temperature, °R.

Pbar = Barometric pressure, in. Hg.

θ = Total sampling time, min.

Y = DGM calibration factor, dimensionless.

Vm = Volume of gas sample as measured by DGM, dcf.

0.0319 = (0.0567 in. Hg/°R) (0.75 cfm)
2 Before beginning the field test (a set of three runs usually constitutes a field test), operate the metering system (i.e., pump, volume meter, and orifice) at the ΔH@ pressure differential for 10 minutes. Record the volume collected, the DGM temperature, and the barometric pressure. Calculate a DGM calibration check value, Yc, as follows:


Yc = DGM calibration check value, dimensionless.

10 = Run time, min. Compare the Yc value with the dry gas meter calibration factor Y to determine that: 0.97Y c c value is not within this range, the volume metering system should be investigated before beginning the test.

9.2.2 Calibrated Critical Orifice. A critical orifice, calibrated against a wet test meter or spirometer and designed to be inserted at the inlet of the sampling meter box, may be used as a check by following the procedure of section 16.2.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization


Maintain a laboratory log of all calibrations.

10.1 Probe Nozzle. Probe nozzles shall be calibrated before their initial use in the field. Using a micrometer, measure the ID of the nozzle to the nearest 0.025 mm (0.001 in.). Make three separate measurements using different diameters each time, and obtain the average of the measurements. The difference between the high and low numbers shall not exceed 0.1 mm (0.004 in.). When nozzles become nicked, dented, or corroded, they shall be reshaped, sharpened, and recalibrated before use. Each nozzle shall be permanently and uniquely identified.

10.2 Pitot Tube Assembly. The Type S pitot tube assembly shall be calibrated according to the procedure outlined in section 10.1 of Method 2.

10.3 Metering System.

10.3.1 Calibration Prior to Use. Before its initial use in the field, the metering system shall be calibrated as follows: Connect the metering system inlet to the outlet of a wet test meter that is accurate to within 1 percent. Refer to Figure 5-4. The wet test meter should have a capacity of 30 liters/rev (1 ft
3/rev). A spirometer of 400 liters (14 ft
3) or more capacity, or equivalent, may be used for this calibration, although a wet test meter is usually more practical. The wet test meter should be periodically calibrated with a spirometer or a liquid displacement meter to ensure the accuracy of the wet test meter. Spirometers or wet test meters of other sizes may be used, provided that the specified accuracies of the procedure are maintained. Run the metering system pump for about 15 minutes with the orifice manometer indicating a median reading as expected in field use to allow the pump to warm up and to permit the interior surface of the wet test meter to be thoroughly wetted. Then, at each of a minimum of three orifice manometer settings, pass an exact quantity of gas through the wet test meter and note the gas volume indicated by the DGM. Also note the barometric pressure and the temperatures of the wet test meter, the inlet of the DGM, and the outlet of the DGM. Select the highest and lowest orifice settings to bracket the expected field operating range of the orifice. Use a minimum volume of 0.14 m
3 (5 ft
3) at all orifice settings. Record all the data on a form similar to Figure 5-5 and calculate Y, the DGM calibration factor, and ΔH , the orifice calibration factor, at each orifice setting as shown on Figure 5-5. Allowable tolerances for individual Y and ΔH values are given in Figure 5-5. Use the average of the Y values in the calculations in section 12.0. Before calibrating the metering system, it is suggested that a leak check be conducted. For metering systems having diaphragm pumps, the normal leak-check procedure will not detect leakages within the pump. For these cases the following leak-check procedure is suggested: make a 10-minute calibration run at 0.00057 m
3/min (0.020 cfm). At the end of the run, take the difference of the measured wet test meter and DGM volumes. Divide the difference by 10 to get the leak rate. The leak rate should not exceed 0.00057 m
3/min (0.020 cfm).

10.3.2 Calibration After Use. After each field use, the calibration of the metering system shall be checked by performing three calibration runs at a single, intermediate orifice setting (based on the previous field test), with the vacuum set at the maximum value reached during the test series. To adjust the vacuum, insert a valve between the wet test meter and the inlet of the metering system. Calculate the average value of the DGM calibration factor. If the value has changed by more than 5 percent, recalibrate the meter over the full range of orifice settings, as detailed in section 10.3.1.


Alternative procedures (e.g., rechecking the orifice meter coefficient) may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator.

10.3.3 Acceptable Variation in Calibration Check. If the DGM coefficient values obtained before and after a test series differ by more than 5 percent, the test series shall either be voided, or calculations for the test series shall be performed using whichever meter coefficient value (i.e., before or after) gives the lower value of total sample volume.

10.4 Probe Heater Calibration. Use a heat source to generate air heated to selected temperatures that approximate those expected to occur in the sources to be sampled. Pass this air through the probe at a typical sample flow rate while measuring the probe inlet and outlet temperatures at various probe heater settings. For each air temperature generated, construct a graph of probe heating system setting versus probe outlet temperature. The procedure outlined in APTD-0576 can also be used. Probes constructed according to APTD-0581 need not be calibrated if the calibration curves in APTD-0576 are used. Also, probes with outlet temperature monitoring capabilities do not require calibration.


The probe heating system shall be calibrated before its initial use in the field.

10.5 Temperature Sensors. Use the procedure in Section 10.3 of Method 2 to calibrate in-stack temperature sensors. Dial thermometers, such as are used for the DGM and condenser outlet, shall be calibrated against mercury-in-glass thermometers. An alternative mercury-free NIST-traceable thermometer may be used if the thermometer is, at a minimum, equivalent in terms of performance or suitably effective for the specific temperature measurement application. As an alternative, the following single-point calibration procedure may be used. After each test run series, check the accuracy (and, hence, the calibration) of each thermocouple system at ambient temperature, or any other temperature, within the range specified by the manufacturer, using a reference thermometer (either ASTM reference thermometer or a thermometer that has been calibrated against an ASTM reference thermometer). The temperatures of the thermocouple and reference thermometers shall agree to within ±2 °F.

10.6 Barometer. Calibrate against a mercury barometer or NIST-traceable barometer prior to the field test. Alternatively, barometric pressure may be obtained from a weather report that has been adjusted for the test point (on the stack) elevation.

10.7 Field Balance Calibration Check. Check the calibration of the balance used to weigh impingers with a weight that is at least 500g or within 50g of a loaded impinger. The weight must be ASTM E617-13 “Standard Specification for Laboratory Weights and Precision Mass Standards” (incorporated by reference—see 40 CFR 60.17) Class 6 (or better). Daily before use, the field balance must measure the weight within ±0.5g of the certified mass. If the daily balance calibration check fails, perform corrective measures and repeat the check before using balance.

10.8 Analytical Balance Calibration. Perform a multipoint calibration (at least five points spanning the operational range) of the analytical balance before the first use, and semiannually thereafter. The calibration of the analytical balance must be conducted using ASTM E617-13 “Standard Specification for Laboratory Weights and Precision Mass Standards” (incorporated by reference—see 40 CFR 60.17) Class 2 (or better) tolerance weights. Audit the balance each day it is used for gravimetric measurements by weighing at least one ASTM E617-13 Class 2 tolerance (or better) calibration weight that corresponds to 50 to 150 percent of the weight of one filter or between 1g and 5g. If the scale cannot reproduce the value of the calibration weight to within 0.5 mg of the certified mass, perform corrective measures, and conduct the multipoint calibration before use.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

11.1 Record the data required on a sheet such as the one shown in Figure 5-6.

11.2 Handle each sample container as follows:

11.2.1 Container No. 1. Leave the contents in the shipping container or transfer the filter and any loose PM from the sample container to a tared weighing container. Desiccate for 24 hours in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh to a constant weight, and report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg. For the purposes of this section, the term “constant weight” means a difference of no more than 0.5 mg or 1 percent of total weight less tare weight, whichever is greater, between two consecutive weighings, with no less than 6 hours of desiccation time between weighings. Alternatively, the sample may be oven dried at 104 °C (220 °F) for 2 to 3 hours, cooled in the desiccator, and weighed to a constant weight, unless otherwise specified by the Administrator. The sample may be oven dried at 104 °C (220 °F) for 2 to 3 hours. Once the sample has cooled, weigh the sample, and use this weight as a final weight.

11.2.2 Container No. 2. Note the level of liquid in the container, and confirm on the analysis sheet whether leakage occurred during transport. If a noticeable amount of leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use methods, subject to the approval of the Administrator, to correct the final results. Measure the liquid in this container either volumetrically to ±1 ml or gravimetrically to ±0.5 g. Transfer the contents to a tared 250 ml beaker, and evaporate to dryness at ambient temperature and pressure. Desiccate for 24 hours, and weigh to a constant weight. Report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg.

11.2.3 Container No. 3. Weigh the spent silica gel (or silica gel plus impinger) to the nearest 0.5 g using a balance. This step may be conducted in the field.

11.2.4 Acetone Blank Container. Measure the acetone in this container either volumetrically or gravimetrically. Transfer the acetone to a tared 250 ml beaker, and evaporate to dryness at ambient temperature and pressure. Desiccate for 24 hours, and weigh to a constant weight. Report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg.


The contents of Container No. 2 as well as the acetone blank container may be evaporated at temperatures higher than ambient. If evaporation is done at an elevated temperature, the temperature must be below the boiling point of the solvent; also, to prevent “bumping,” the evaporation process must be closely supervised, and the contents of the beaker must be swirled occasionally to maintain an even temperature. Use extreme care, as acetone is highly flammable and has a low flash point.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Carry out calculations, retaining at least one extra significant figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round off figures after the final calculation. Other forms of the equations may be used, provided that they give equivalent results.

12.1 Nomenclature.

An = Cross-sectional area of nozzle, m
2 (ft

Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream, proportion by volume.

Ca = Acetone blank residue concentration, mg/mg.

cs = Concentration of particulate matter in stack gas, dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, g/dscm (gr/dscf).

I = Percent of isokinetic sampling.

L1 = Individual leakage rate observed during the leak-check conducted prior to the first component change, m
3/min (ft

La = Maximum acceptable leakage rate for either a pretest leak-check or for a leak-check following a component change; equal to 0.00057 m
3/min (0.020 cfm) or 4 percent of the average sampling rate, whichever is less.

Li = Individual leakage rate observed during the leak-check conducted prior to the “i
th” component change (i = 1, 2, 3 . . . n), m
3/min (cfm).

Lp = Leakage rate observed during the post-test leak-check, m
3/min (cfm).

ma = Mass of residue of acetone after evaporation, mg.

mn = Total amount of particulate matter collected, mg.

Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.015 g/g-mole (18.015 lb/lb-mole).

Pbar = Barometric pressure at the sampling site, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Ps = Absolute stack gas pressure, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg).

R = Ideal gas constant, 0.06236 ((mm Hg)(m
3))/((K)(g-mole)) {21.85 ((in. Hg) (ft
3))/((°R) (lb-mole))}.

Tm = Absolute average DGM temperature (see Figure 5-3), K (°R).

Ts = Absolute average stack gas temperature (see Figure 5-3), K (°R).

Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293.15 K (527.67 °R).

Va = Volume of acetone blank, ml.

Vaw = Volume of acetone used in wash, ml.

V1c = Total volume of liquid collected in impingers and silica gel (see Figure 5-6), g.

Vm = Volume of gas sample as measured by dry gas meter, dcm (dcf).

Vm(std) = Volume of gas sample measured by the dry gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, dscm (dscf).

Vw(std) = Volume of water vapor in the gas sample, corrected to standard conditions, scm (scf).

Vs = Stack gas velocity, calculated by Method 2, Equation 2-7, using data obtained from Method 5, m/sec (ft/sec).

Wa = Weight of residue in acetone wash, mg.

Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor.

ΔH = Average pressure differential across the orifice meter (see Figure 5-4), mm H2O (in. H2O).

ρa = Density of acetone, mg/ml (see label on bottle).

θ = Total sampling time, min.

θ1 = Sampling time interval, from the beginning of a run until the first component change, min.

θi = Sampling time interval, between two successive component changes, beginning with the interval between the first and second changes, min.

θp = Sampling time interval, from the final (nth) component change until the end of the sampling run, min.

13.6 = Specific gravity of mercury.

60 = Sec/min.

100 = Conversion to percent.

12.2 Average Dry Gas Meter Temperature and Average Orifice Pressure Drop. See data sheet (Figure 5-3).

12.3 Dry Gas Volume. Correct the sample volume measured by the dry gas meter to standard conditions (20 °C, 760mm Hg or 68 °F, 29.92 in. Hg) by using Equation 5-1.


K1 = 0.38572 °K/mm Hg for metric units = 17.636 °R/in. Hg for English units.

Note: Equation 5-1 can be used as written unless the leakage rate observed during any of the mandatory leak checks (i.e., the post-test leak check or leak checks conducted prior to component changes) exceeds La. If Lp or Li exceeds La, Equation 5-1 must be modified as follows:

(a) Case I. No component changes made during sampling run. In this case, replace Vm in Equation 5-1 with the expression:

(Vm − (LpLa)θ)

(b) Case II. One or more component changes made during the sampling run. In this case, replace Vm in Equation 5-1 by the expression:

and substitute only for those leakage rates (Li or Lp) which exceed La.

12.4 Volume of Water Vapor Condensed


K2 = 0.001335 m
3/g for metric units, = 0.04716 ft
3/g for English units.

12.5 Moisture Content.


In saturated or water droplet-laden gas streams, two calculations of the moisture content of the stack gas shall be made, one from the impinger analysis (Equation 5-3), and a second from the assumption of saturated conditions. The lower of the two values of Bws shall be considered correct. The procedure for determining the moisture content based upon the assumption of saturated conditions is given in section 4.0 of Method 4. For the purposes of this method, the average stack gas temperature from Figure 5-3 may be used to make this determination, provided that the accuracy of the in-stack temperature sensor is ±1 °C (2 °F).

12.6 Acetone Blank Concentration.

12.7 Acetone Wash Blank.

12.8 Total Particulate Weight. Determine the total particulate matter catch from the sum of the weights obtained from Containers 1 and 2 less the acetone blank (see Figure 5-6).


In no case shall a blank value of greater than 0.001 percent of the weight of acetone used be subtracted from the sample weight. Refer to section 8.5.8 to assist in calculation of results involving two or more filter assemblies or two or more sampling trains.

12.9 Particulate Concentration.


K3 = 0.001 g/mg for metric units.

= 0.0154 gr/mg for English units.

12.10 Conversion Factors:

Multiply by
grlb1.429 × 10−4

12.11 Isokinetic Variation.

12.11.1 Calculation from Raw Data.


K4 = 0.003456 ((mm Hg)(m
3))/((ml)(°K)) for metric units,

= 0.002668 ((in. Hg)(ft
3))/((ml)(°R)) for English units.

12.11.2 Calculation from Intermediate Values.


K5 = 4.3209 for metric units = 0.09450 for English units.

12.11.3 Acceptable Results. If 90 percent ≤I ≤110 percent, the results are acceptable. If the PM results are low in comparison to the standard, and “I” is over 110 percent or less than 90 percent, the Administrator may opt to accept the results. Reference 4 in section 17.0 may be used to make acceptability judgments. If “I” is judged to be unacceptable, reject the results, and repeat the sampling run.

12.12 Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate. Calculate the average stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate, if needed, using data obtained in this method and the equations in sections 12.3 and 12.4 of Method 2.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 Alternative Procedures

16.1 Dry Gas Meter as a Calibration Standard. A DGM may be used as a calibration standard for volume measurements in place of the wet test meter specified in section 10.3, provided that it is calibrated initially and recalibrated periodically as follows:

16.1.1 Standard Dry Gas Meter Calibration. The DGM to be calibrated and used as a secondary reference meter should be of high quality and have an appropriately sized capacity (e.g., 3 liters/rev (0.1 ft
3/rev)). A spirometer (400 liters (14 ft
3) or more capacity), or equivalent, may be used for this calibration, although a wet test meter is usually more practical. The wet test meter should have a capacity of 30 liters/rev (1 ft
3/rev) and capable of measuring volume to within 1.0 percent. Wet test meters should be checked against a spirometer or a liquid displacement meter to ensure the accuracy of the wet test meter. Spirometers or wet test meters of other sizes may be used, provided that the specified accuracies of the procedure are maintained. Set up the components as shown in Figure 5-7. A spirometer, or equivalent, may be used in place of the wet test meter in the system. Run the pump for at least 5 minutes at a flow rate of about 10 liters/min (0.35 cfm) to condition the interior surface of the wet test meter. The pressure drop indicated by the manometer at the inlet side of the DGM should be minimized (no greater than 100 mm H2O (4 in. H2O) at a flow rate of 30 liters/min (1 cfm)). This can be accomplished by using large diameter tubing connections and straight pipe fittings. Collect the data as shown in the example data sheet (see Figure 5-8). Make triplicate runs at each of the flow rates and at no less than five different flow rates. The range of flow rates should be between 10 and 34 liters/min (0.35 and 1.2 cfm) or over the expected operating range. Calculate flow rate, Q, for each run using the wet test meter volume, Vw, and the run time, θ. Calculate the DGM coefficient, Yds, for each run. These calculations are as follows:


K1 = 0.38572 °K/mm Hg for metric units = 17.636 °R/in. Hg for English units.

Vw = Wet test meter volume, liter (ft3).

Vds = Dry gas meter volume, liter (ft3).

Tds = Average dry gas meter temperature, °C ( °F).

Tadj = 273.15 °C for metric units = 459.67 °F for English units.

Tw = Average wet test meter temperature, °C ( °F).

Pbar = Barometric pressure, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Δp = Dry gas meter inlet differential pressure, mm H2O (in. H2O).

θ = Run time, min. Compare the three Yds values at each of the flow rates and determine the maximum and minimum values. The difference between the maximum and minimum values at each flow rate should be no greater than 0.030. Extra sets of triplicate runs may be made in order to complete this requirement. In addition, the meter coefficients should be between 0.95 and 1.05. If these specifications cannot be met in three sets of successive triplicate runs, the meter is not suitable as a calibration standard and should not be used as such. If these specifications are met, average the three Yds values at each flow rate resulting in no less than five average meter coefficients, Yds. Prepare a curve of meter coefficient, Yds, versus flow rate, Q, for the DGM. This curve shall be used as a reference when the meter is used to calibrate other DGMs and to determine whether recalibration is required.

16.1.2 Standard Dry Gas Meter Recalibration. Recalibrate the standard DGM against a wet test meter or spirometer annually or after every 200 hours of operation, whichever comes first. This requirement is valid provided the standard DGM is kept in a laboratory and, if transported, cared for as any other laboratory instrument. Abuse to the standard meter may cause a change in the calibration and will require more frequent recalibrations. As an alternative to full recalibration, a two-point calibration check may be made. Follow the same procedure and equipment arrangement as for a full recalibration, but run the meter at only two flow rates [suggested rates are 14 and 30 liters/min (0.5 and 1.0 cfm)]. Calculate the meter coefficients for these two points, and compare the values with the meter calibration curve. If the two coefficients are within 1.5 percent of the calibration curve values at the same flow rates, the meter need not be recalibrated until the next date for a recalibration check.

16.2 Critical Orifices As Calibration Standards. Critical orifices may be used as calibration standards in place of the wet test meter specified in section 16.1, provided that they are selected, calibrated, and used as follows:

16.2.1 Selection of Critical Orifices. The procedure that follows describes the use of hypodermic needles or stainless steel needle tubings which have been found suitable for use as critical orifices. Other materials and critical orifice designs may be used provided the orifices act as true critical orifices (i.e., a critical vacuum can be obtained, as described in section Select five critical orifices that are appropriately sized to cover the range of flow rates between 10 and 34 liters/min (0.35 and 1.2 cfm) or the expected operating range. Two of the critical orifices should bracket the expected operating range. A minimum of three critical orifices will be needed to calibrate a Method 5 DGM; the other two critical orifices can serve as spares and provide better selection for bracketing the range of operating flow rates. The needle sizes and tubing lengths shown in Table 5-1 in section 18.0 give the approximate flow rates. These needles can be adapted to a Method 5 type sampling train as follows: Insert a serum bottle stopper, 13 by 20 mm sleeve type, into a
1/2-inch Swagelok (or equivalent) quick connect. Insert the needle into the stopper as shown in Figure 5-9.

16.2.2 Critical Orifice Calibration. The procedure described in this section uses the Method 5 meter box configuration with a DGM as described in section to calibrate the critical orifices. Other schemes may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator. Calibration of Meter Box. The critical orifices must be calibrated in the same configuration as they will be used (i.e., there should be no connections to the inlet of the orifice). Before calibrating the meter box, leak check the system as follows: Fully open the coarse adjust valve, and completely close the by-pass valve. Plug the inlet. Then turn on the pump, and determine whether there is any leakage. The leakage rate shall be zero (i.e., no detectable movement of the DGM dial shall be seen for 1 minute). Check also for leakages in that portion of the sampling train between the pump and the orifice meter. See section 8.4.1 for the procedure; make any corrections, if necessary. If leakage is detected, check for cracked gaskets, loose fittings, worn O-rings, etc., and make the necessary repairs. After determining that the meter box is leakless, calibrate the meter box according to the procedure given in section 10.3. Make sure that the wet test meter meets the requirements stated in section Check the water level in the wet test meter. Record the DGM calibration factor, Y. Calibration of Critical Orifices. Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 5-10. Allow a warm-up time of 15 minutes. This step is important to equilibrate the temperature conditions through the DGM. Leak check the system as in section The leakage rate shall be zero. Before calibrating the critical orifice, determine its suitability and the appropriate operating vacuum as follows: Turn on the pump, fully open the coarse adjust valve, and adjust the by-pass valve to give a vacuum reading corresponding to about half of atmospheric pressure. Observe the meter box orifice manometer reading, ΔH. Slowly increase the vacuum reading until a stable reading is obtained on the meter box orifice manometer. Record the critical vacuum for each orifice. Orifices that do not reach a critical value shall not be used. Obtain the barometric pressure using a barometer as described in section 6.1.2. Record the barometric pressure, Pbar, in mm Hg (in. Hg). Conduct duplicate runs at a vacuum of 25 to 50 mm Hg (1 to 2 in. Hg) above the critical vacuum. The runs shall be at least 5 minutes each. The DGM volume readings shall be in increments of complete revolutions of the DGM. As a guideline, the times should not differ by more than 3.0 seconds (this includes allowance for changes in the DGM temperatures) to achieve ±0.5 percent in K′ (see Eq. 5-11). Record the information listed in Figure 5-11. Calculate K′ using Equation 5-11.


K′ = Critical orifice coefficient,


[(mm Hg)(min)] {[(ft
1/2)] [(in. Hg)(min)].

Tamb = Absolute ambient temperature, °K (°R).

Calculate the arithmetic mean of the K′ values. The individual K’ values should not differ by more than ±0.5 percent from the mean value.

16.2.3 Using the Critical Orifices as Calibration Standards. Record the barometric pressure. Calibrate the metering system according to the procedure outlined in section 16.2.2. Record the information listed in Figure 5-12. Calculate the standard volumes of air passed through the DGM and the critical orifices, and calculate the DGM calibration factor, Y, using the equations below:


Vcr(std) = Volume of gas sample passed through the critical orifice, corrected to standard conditions, dscm (dscf).

K1 = 0.38572 °K/mm Hg for metric units = 17.636 °R/in. Hg for English units. Average the DGM calibration values for each of the flow rates. The calibration factor, Y, at each of the flow rates should not differ by more than ±2 percent from the average. To determine the need for recalibrating the critical orifices, compare the DGM Y factors obtained from two adjacent orifices each time a DGM is calibrated; for example, when checking orifice 13/2.5, use orifices 12/10.2 and 13/5.1. If any critical orifice yields a DGM Y factor differing by more than 2 percent from the others, recalibrate the critical orifice according to section 16.2.2.

16.3 Alternative Post-Test Metering System Calibration. The following procedure may be used as an alternative to the post-test calibration described in Section 10.3.2. This alternative procedure does not detect leakages between the inlet of the metering system and the dry gas meter. Therefore, two steps must be included to make it an equivalent alternative:

(1) The metering system must pass the post-test leak-check from either the inlet of the sampling train or the inlet of the metering system. Therefore, if the train fails the former leak-check, another leak-check from the inlet of the metering system must be conducted;

(2) The metering system must pass the leak-check of that portion of the train from the pump to the orifice meter as described in Section 8.4.1.

16.3.1 After each test run, do the following: Ensure that the metering system has passed the post-test leak-check. If not, conduct a leak-check of the metering system from its inlet. Conduct the leak-check of that portion of the train from the pump to the orifice meter as described in Section Calculate Yqa for each test run using the following equation:


Yqa = Dry gas meter calibration check value, dimensionless.

0.0319 = (29.92/528) (0.75)
2 (in. Hg/°R) cfm

ΔH@ = Orifice meter calibration coefficient, in. H2O.

Md = Dry molecular weight of stack gas, lb/lb-mole.

29 = Dry molecular weight of air, lb/lb-mole.

16.3.2 After each test run series, do the following: Average the three or more Yqa‘s obtained from the test run series and compare this average Yqa with the dry gas meter calibration factor Y. The average Yqa must be within 5 percent of Y. If the average Yqa does not meet the 5 percent criterion, recalibrate the meter over the full range of orifice settings as detailed in Section 10.3.1. Then follow the procedure in Section 10.3.3.

17.0 References.

1. Addendum to Specifications for Incinerator Testing at Federal Facilities. PHS, NCAPC. December 6, 1967.

2. Martin, Robert M. Construction Details of Isokinetic Source-Sampling Equipment. Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC. APTD-0581. April 1971.

3. Rom, Jerome J. Maintenance, Calibration, and Operation of Isokinetic Source Sampling Equipment. Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC. APTD-0576. March 1972.

4. Smith, W.S., R.T. Shigehara, and W.F. Todd. A Method of Interpreting Stack Sampling Data. Paper Presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, St. Louis, MO. June 14-19, 1970.

5. Smith, W.S., et al. Stack Gas Sampling Improved and Simplified With New Equipment. APCA Paper No. 67-119. 1967.

6. Specifications for Incinerator Testing at Federal Facilities. PHS, NCAPC. 1967.

7. Shigehara, R.T. Adjustment in the EPA Nomograph for Different Pitot Tube Coefficients and Dry Molecular Weights. Stack Sampling News 2:4-11. October 1974.

8. Vollaro, R.F. A Survey of Commercially Available Instrumentation for the Measurement of Low-Range Gas Velocities. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Emission Measurement Branch. Research Triangle Park, NC. November 1976 (unpublished paper).

9. Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Part 26. Gaseous Fuels; Coal and Coke; Atmospheric Analysis. American Society for Testing and Materials. Philadelphia, PA. 1974. pp. 617-622.

10. Felix, L.G., G.I. Clinard, G.E. Lacy, and J.D. McCain. Inertial Cascade Impactor Substrate Media for Flue Gas Sampling. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC 27711. Publication No. EPA-600/7-77-060. June 1977. 83 pp.

11. Westlin, P.R. and R.T. Shigehara. Procedure for Calibrating and Using Dry Gas Volume Meters as Calibration Standards. Source Evaluation Society Newsletter. 3(1):17-30. February 1978.

12. Lodge, J.P., Jr., J.B. Pate, B.E. Ammons, and G.A. Swanson. The Use of Hypodermic Needles as Critical Orifices in Air Sampling. J. Air Pollution Control Association. 16:197-200. 1966.

13. Shigehara, Roger T., P.G. Royals, and E.W. Steward. “Alternative Method 5 Post-Test Calibration.” Entropy Incorporated, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.

18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Table 5-1 Flor Rates for Various needle Sizes and Tube Lengths

Flow rate

Flow rate



Train ID

DGM cal. factor

Critical orifice ID

Dry gas meter

Run No.
Final readingm
3 (ft
Initial readingm
3 (ft
Difference, V
3 (ft
Temperatures:°C ( °F)//
Initial°C ( °F)//
Av. Temeperature, t mmin
Time, θ
Orifice man. rdg., ΔHmm (in.) H 2
Bar. pressure, P
mm (in.) Hg
Ambient temperature, tambmm (in.) Hg
Pump vacuum
K′ factor

Figure 5-11. Data sheet of determining K′ factor.


Train ID

Critical orifice ID

Critical orifice K’ factor

Dry gas meter

Run No.
Final readingm
3 (ft
Initial readingm
3 (ft
Difference, Vmm
3 (ft
Inlet/outlet temperatures°C ( °F)//
Initial°C ( °F)//
Final°C ( °F)
Avg. Temperature, tmmin/sec//
Time, θmin
Orifice man. rdg., ΔHmin
Bar. pressure, Pbarmm (in.) H2O
Ambient temperature, tambmm (in.) Hg
Pump vacuum°C ( °F)
Vm(std)mm (in.) Hg
3 (ft
DGM cal. factor, Ym
3 (ft

Figure 5-12. Data Sheet for Determining DGM Y Factor

Method 5A—Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions From the Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Industry


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2, Method 3, and Method 5.

1.0 Scope and Applications

1.1 Analyte. Particulate matter (PM). No CAS number assigned.

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of PM emissions from asphalt roofing industry process saturators, blowing stills, and other sources as specified in the regulations.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

Particulate matter is withdrawn isokinetically from the source and collected on a glass fiber filter maintained at a temperature of 42 ±10 °C (108 ±18 °F). The PM mass, which includes any material that condenses at or above the filtration temperature, is determined gravimetrically after the removal of uncombined water.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Sample Collection. Same as Method 5, section 6.1, with the following exceptions and additions:

6.1.1 Probe Liner. Same as Method 5, section, with the note that at high stack gas temperatures greater than 250 °C (480 °F), water-cooled probes may be required to control the probe exit temperature to 42 ±10 °C (108 ±18 °F).

6.1.2 Precollector Cyclone. Borosilicate glass following the construction details shown in Air Pollution Technical Document (APTD)-0581, “Construction Details of Isokinetic Source-Sampling Equipment” (Reference 2 in Method 5, section 17.0).


The cyclone shall be used when the stack gas moisture is greater than 10 percent, and shall not be used otherwise.

6.1.3 Filter Heating System. Any heating (or cooling) system capable of maintaining a sample gas temperature at the exit end of the filter holder during sampling at 42 ±10 °C (108 ±18 °F).

6.2 Sample Recovery. The following items are required for sample recovery:

6.2.1 Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes, Graduated Cylinder and/or Balance, Plastic Storage Containers, and Funnel and Rubber Policeman. Same as in Method 5, sections 6.2.1, 6.2.5, 6.2.6, and 6.2.7, respectively.

6.2.2 Wash Bottles. Glass.

6.2.3 Sample Storage Containers. Chemically resistant 500-ml or 1,000-ml borosilicate glass bottles, with rubber-backed Teflon screw cap liners or caps that are constructed so as to be leak-free, and resistant to chemical attack by 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCE). (Narrow-mouth glass bottles have been found to be less prone to leakage.)

6.2.4 Petri Dishes. Glass, unless otherwise specified by the Administrator.

6.2.5 Funnel. Glass.

6.3 Sample Analysis. Same as Method 5, section 6.3, with the following additions:

6.3.1 Beakers. Glass, 250-ml and 500-ml.

6.3.2 Separatory Funnel. 100-ml or greater.

7.0. Reagents and Standards

7.1 Sample Collection. The following reagents are required for sample collection:

7.1.1 Filters, Silica Gel, Water, and Crushed Ice. Same as in Method 5, sections 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, and 7.1.4, respectively.

7.1.2 Stopcock Grease. TCE-insoluble, heat-stable grease (if needed). This is not necessary if screw-on connectors with Teflon sleeves, or similar, are used.

7.2 Sample Recovery. Reagent grade TCE, ≤0.001 percent residue and stored in glass bottles. Run TCE blanks before field use, and use only TCE with low blank values (≤0.001 percent). In no case shall a blank value of greater than 0.001 percent of the weight of TCE used be subtracted from the sample weight.

7.3 Analysis. Two reagents are required for the analysis:

7.3.1 TCE. Same as in section 7.2.

7.3.2 Desiccant. Same as in Method 5, section 7.3.2.

8.0. Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport

8.1 Pretest Preparation. Unless otherwise specified, maintain and calibrate all components according to the procedure described in APTD-0576, “Maintenance, Calibration, and Operation of Isokinetic Source-Sampling Equipment” (Reference 3 in Method 5, Section 17.0). Alternative mercury-free thermometers may be used if the thermometers are, at a minimum, equivalent in terms of performance or suitably effective for the specific temperature measurement application.

8.1.1 Prepare probe liners and sampling nozzles as needed for use. Thoroughly clean each component with soap and water followed by a minimum of three TCE rinses. Use the probe and nozzle brushes during at least one of the TCE rinses (refer to section 8.7 for rinsing techniques). Cap or seal the open ends of the probe liners and nozzles to prevent contamination during shipping.

8.1.2 Prepare silica gel portions and glass filters as specified in Method 5, section 8.1.

8.2 Preliminary Determinations. Select the sampling site, probe nozzle, and probe length as specified in Method 5, section 8.2. Select a total sampling time greater than or equal to the minimum total sampling time specified in the “Test Methods and Procedures” section of the applicable subpart of the regulations. Follow the guidelines outlined in Method 5, section 8.2 for sampling time per point and total sample volume collected.

8.3 Preparation of Sampling Train. Prepare the sampling train as specified in Method 5, section 8.3, with the addition of the precollector cyclone, if used, between the probe and filter holder. The temperature of the precollector cyclone, if used, should be maintained in the same range as that of the filter, i.e., 42 ±10 °C (108 ±18 °F). Use no stopcock grease on ground glass joints unless grease is insoluble in TCE.

8.4 Leak-Check Procedures. Same as Method 5, section 8.4.

8.5 Sampling Train Operation. Operate the sampling train as described in Method 5, section 8.5, except maintain the temperature of the gas exiting the filter holder at 42 ±10 °C (108 ±18 °F).

8.6 Calculation of Percent Isokinetic. Same as Method 5, section 8.6.

8.7 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 5, section 8.7.1 through, with the addition of the following:

8.7.1 Container No. 2 (Probe to Filter Holder). Taking care to see that material on the outside of the probe or other exterior surfaces does not get into the sample, quantitatively recover PM or any condensate from the probe nozzle, probe fitting, probe liner, precollector cyclone and collector flask (if used), and front half of the filter holder by washing these components with TCE and placing the wash in a glass container. Carefully measure the total amount of TCE used in the rinses. Perform the TCE rinses as described in Method 5, section, using TCE instead of acetone. Brush and rinse the inside of the cyclone, cyclone collection flask, and the front half of the filter holder. Brush and rinse each surface three times or more, if necessary, to remove visible PM.

8.7.2 Container No. 3 (Silica Gel). Same as in Method 5, section

8.7.3 Impinger Water. Same as Method 5, section

8.8 Blank. Save a portion of the TCE used for cleanup as a blank. Take 200 ml of this TCE directly from the wash bottle being used, and place it in a glass sample container labeled “TCE Blank.”

9.0 Quality Control

9.1 Miscellaneous Quality Control Measures.

Quality control measure
8.4, 10.0Sampling equipment leak check and calibrationEnsures accurate measurement of stack gas flow rate, sample volume.

9.2 A quality control (QC) check of the volume metering system at the field site is suggested before collecting the sample. Use the procedure outlined in Method 5, section 9.2.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

Same as Method 5, section 10.0.

11.0 Analytical Procedures

11.1 Analysis. Record the data required on a sheet such as the one shown in Figure 5A-1. Handle each sample container as follows:

11.1.1 Container No. 1 (Filter). Transfer the filter from the sample container to a tared glass weighing dish, and desiccate for 24 hours in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Rinse Container No. 1 with a measured amount of TCE, and analyze this rinse with the contents of Container No. 2. Weigh the filter to a constant weight. For the purpose of this analysis, the term “constant weight” means a difference of no more than 10 percent of the net filter weight or 2 mg (whichever is greater) between two consecutive weighings made 24 hours apart. Report the “final weight” to the nearest 0.1 mg as the average of these two values.

11.1.2 Container No. 2 (Probe to Filter Holder). Before adding the rinse from Container No. 1 to Container No. 2, note the level of liquid in Container No. 2, and confirm on the analysis sheet whether leakage occurred during transport. If noticeable leakage occurred, either void the sample or take steps, subject to the approval of the Administrator, to correct the final results. Add the rinse from Container No. 1 to Container No. 2 and measure the liquid in this container either volumetrically to ±1 ml or gravimetrically to ±0.5 g. Check to see whether there is any appreciable quantity of condensed water present in the TCE rinse (look for a boundary layer or phase separation). If the volume of condensed water appears larger than 5 ml, separate the oil-TCE fraction from the water fraction using a separatory funnel. Measure the volume of the water phase to the nearest ml; adjust the stack gas moisture content, if necessary (see sections 12.3 and 12.4). Next, extract the water phase with several 25-ml portions of TCE until, by visual observation, the TCE does not remove any additional organic material. Transfer the remaining water fraction to a tared beaker and evaporate to dryness at 93 °C (200 °F), desiccate for 24 hours, and weigh to the nearest 0.1 mg. Treat the total TCE fraction (including TCE from the filter container rinse and water phase extractions) as follows: Transfer the TCE and oil to a tared beaker, and evaporate at ambient temperature and pressure. The evaporation of TCE from the solution may take several days. Do not desiccate the sample until the solution reaches an apparent constant volume or until the odor of TCE is not detected. When it appears that the TCE has evaporated, desiccate the sample, and weigh it at 24-hour intervals to obtain a “constant weight” (as defined for Container No. 1 above). The “total weight” for Container No. 2 is the sum of the evaporated PM weight of the TCE-oil and water phase fractions. Report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg.

11.1.3 Container No. 3 (Silica Gel). This step may be conducted in the field. Weigh the spent silica gel (or silica gel plus impinger) to the nearest 0.5 g using a balance.

11.1.4 “TCE Blank” Container. Measure TCE in this container either volumetrically or gravimetrically. Transfer the TCE to a tared 250-ml beaker, and evaporate to dryness at ambient temperature and pressure. Desiccate for 24 hours, and weigh to a constant weight. Report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg.


In order to facilitate the evaporation of TCE liquid samples, these samples may be dried in a controlled temperature oven at temperatures up to 38 °C (100 °F) until the liquid is evaporated.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Carry out calculations, retaining at least one extra significant figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round off figures after the final calculation. Other forms of the equations may be used as long as they give equivalent results.

12.1 Nomenclature. Same as Method 5, section 12.1, with the following additions:

Ct = TCE blank residue concentration, mg/g.

mt = Mass of residue of TCE blank after evaporation, mg.

Vpc = Volume of water collected in precollector, ml.

Vt = Volume of TCE blank, ml.

Vtw = Volume of TCE used in wash, ml.

Wt = Weight of residue in TCE wash, mg.

ρt = Density of TCE (see label on bottle), g/ml.

12.2 Dry Gas Meter Temperature, Orifice Pressure Drop, and Dry Gas Volume. Same as Method 5, sections 12.2 and 12.3, except use data obtained in performing this test.

12.3 Volume of Water Vapor.


K2 = 0.001333 m
3/ml for metric units.

= 0.04706 ft
3/ml for English units.

12.4 Moisture Content.


In saturated or water droplet-laden gas streams, two calculations of the moisture content of the stack gas shall be made, one from the impinger and precollector analysis (Equations 5A-1 and 5A-2) and a second from the assumption of saturated conditions. The lower of the two values of moisture content shall be considered correct. The procedure for determining the moisture content based upon assumption of saturated conditions is given in section 4.0 of Method 4. For the purpose of this method, the average stack gas temperature from Figure 5-3 of Method 5 may be used to make this determination, provided that the accuracy of the in-stack temperature sensor is within 1 °C (2 °F).

12.5 TCE Blank Concentration.


In no case shall a blank value of greater than 0.001 percent of the weight of TCE used be subtracted from the sample weight.

12.6 TCE Wash Blank.

12.7 Total PM Weight. Determine the total PM catch from the sum of the weights obtained from Containers 1 and 2, less the TCE blank.

12.8 PM Concentration.


K3 = 0.001 g/mg for metric units

= 0.0154 gr/mg for English units

12.9 Isokinetic Variation. Same as in Method 5, section 12.11.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

Same as Method 5, section 17.0.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data



Run No.

Filter No.

Amount liquid lost during transport

Acetone blank volume, m1

Acetone blank concentration, mg/mg (Equation 5-4)

Acetone wash blank, mg (Equation 5-5)

Container number
Weight of particulate collected, mg
Final weight
Tare weight
Weight gain
Less acetone blank
Weight of particulate matter

Volume of liquid water collected
Impinger volume,

Silica gel weight,

Liquid collected
Total volume collectedg* ml

* Convert weight of water to volume by dividing total weight increase by density of water (1 g/ml).

Method 5B—Determination of Nonsulfuric Acid Particulate Matter Emissions From Stationary Sources


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2, Method 3, Method 5.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Analyte. Nonsulfuric acid particulate matter. No CAS number assigned.

1.2 Applicability. This method is determining applicable for the determination of nonsulfuric acid particulate matter from stationary sources, only where specified by an applicable subpart of the regulations or where approved by the Administrator for a particular application.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

Particulate matter is withdrawn isokinetically from the source and collected on a glass fiber filter maintained at a temperature of 160 ±14 °C (320 ±25 °F). The collected sample is then heated in an oven at 160 °C (320 °F) for 6 hours to volatilize any condensed sulfuric acid that may have been collected, and the nonsulfuric acid particulate mass is determined gravimetrically.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

Same as Method 5, section 6.0, with the following addition and exceptions:

6.1 Sample Collection. The probe liner heating system and filter heating system must be capable of maintaining a sample gas temperature of 160 ±14 °C (320 ±25 °F).

6.2 Sample Preparation. An oven is required for drying the sample.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

Same as Method 5, section 7.0.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport.

Same as Method 5, with the exception of the following:

8.1 Initial Filter Tare. Oven dry the filter at 160 ±5 °C (320 ±10 °F) for 2 to 3 hours, cool in a desiccator for 2 hours, and weigh. Desiccate to constant weight to obtain the initial tare weight. Use the applicable specifications and techniques of section 8.1.3 of Method 5 for this determination.

8.2 Probe and Filter Temperatures. Maintain the probe outlet and filter temperatures at 160 ±14 °C (320 ±25 °F).

9.0 Quality Control

Same as Method 5, section 9.0.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

Same as Method 5, section 10.0.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

11.1 Record and report the data required on a sheet such as the one shown in Figure 5B-1.

11.2 Handle each sample container as follows:

11.2.1 Container No. 1. Leave the contents in the shipping container or transfer the filter and any loose PM from the sample container to a tared non-reactive oven-proof container. Oven dry the filter sample at a temperature of 160 ±5 °C (320 ±9 °F) for 6 hours. Cool in a desiccator for 2 hours, and weigh to constant weight. Report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg. For the purposes of this section, the term “constant weight” means a difference of no more than 0.5 mg or 1 percent of total weight less tare weight, whichever is greater, between two consecutive weighings, with no less than 6 hours of desiccation time between weighings.

11.2.2 Container No. 2. Note the level of liquid in the container, and confirm on the analysis sheet whether leakage occurred during transport. If a noticeable amount of leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use methods, subject to the approval of the Administrator, to correct the final results. Measure the liquid in this container either volumetrically to ±1 ml or gravimetrically to ±0.5 g. Transfer the contents to a tared 250 ml beaker, and evaporate to dryness at ambient temperature and pressure. Then oven dry the probe sample at a temperature of 160 ±5 °C (320 ±9 °F) for 6 hours. Cool in a desiccator for 2 hours, and weigh to constant weight. Report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg.

11.2.3 Container No. 3. Weigh the spent silica gel (or silica gel plus impinger) to the nearest 0.5 g using a balance. This step may be conducted in the field.

11.2.4 Acetone Blank Container. Measure the acetone in this container either volumetrically or gravimetrically. Transfer the acetone to a tared 250 ml beaker, and evaporate to dryness at ambient temperature and pressure. Desiccate for 24 hours, and weigh to a constant weight. Report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg.

Note: The contents of Container No. 2 as well as the acetone blank container may be evaporated at temperatures higher than ambient. If evaporation is done at an elevated temperature, the temperature must be below the boiling point of the solvent; also, to prevent “bumping,” the evaporation process must be closely supervised, and the contents of the beaker must be swirled occasionally to maintain an even temperature. Use extreme care, as acetone is highly flammable and has a low flash point.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Same as in Method 5, section 12.0.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

Same as Method 5, section 17.0.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Container number
Weight of particulate collected, mg
Final weight
Tare weight
Weight gain
Less acetone blank
Weight of particulate matter

Volume of liquid water collected
Impinger volume,
Silica gel weight,
Liquid collected
Total volume collectedg* ml

* Convert weight of water to volume by dividing total weight increase by density of water (1 g/ml).

Figure 5B-1. Analytical Data Sheet

Method 5C [Reserved]

Method 5D—Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions from Positive Pressure Fabric Filters


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2, Method 3, Method 5, Method 17.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Analyte. Particulate matter (PM). No CAS number assigned.

1.2 Applicability.

1.2.1 This method is applicable for the determination of PM emissions from positive pressure fabric filters. Emissions are determined in terms of concentration (mg/m
3 or gr/ft
3) and emission rate (kg/hr or lb/hr).

1.2.2 The General Provisions of 40 CFR part 60, § 60.8(e), require that the owner or operator of an affected facility shall provide performance testing facilities. Such performance testing facilities include sampling ports, safe sampling platforms, safe access to sampling sites, and utilities for testing. It is intended that affected facilities also provide sampling locations that meet the specification for adequate stack length and minimal flow disturbances as described in Method 1. Provisions for testing are often overlooked factors in designing fabric filters or are extremely costly. The purpose of this procedure is to identify appropriate alternative locations and procedures for sampling the emissions from positive pressure fabric filters. The requirements that the affected facility owner or operator provide adequate access to performance testing facilities remain in effect.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 Particulate matter is withdrawn isokinetically from the source and collected on a glass fiber filter maintained at a temperature at or above the exhaust gas temperature up to a nominal 120 °C (248 ±25 °F). The particulate mass, which includes any material that condenses at or above the filtration temperature, is determined gravimetrically after the removal of uncombined water.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

Same as section 6.0 of either Method 5 or Method 17.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

Same as section 7.0 of either Method 5 or Method 17.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport

Same section 8.0 of either Method 5 or Method 17, except replace section 8.2.1 of Method 5 with the following:

8.1 Determination of Measurement Site. The configuration of positive pressure fabric filter structures frequently are not amenable to emission testing according to the requirements of Method 1. Following are several alternatives for determining measurement sites for positive pressure fabric filters.

8.1.1 Stacks Meeting Method 1 Criteria. Use a measurement site as specified in Method 1, section 11.1.

8.1.2 Short Stacks Not Meeting Method 1 Criteria. Use stack extensions and the procedures in Method 1. Alternatively, use flow straightening vanes of the “egg-crate” type (see Figure 5D-1). Locate the measurement site downstream of the straightening vanes at a distance equal to or greater than two times the average equivalent diameter of the vane openings and at least one-half of the overall stack diameter upstream of the stack outlet.

8.1.3 Roof Monitor or Monovent. (See Figure 5D-2). For a positive pressure fabric filter equipped with a peaked roof monitor, ridge vent, or other type of monovent, use a measurement site at the base of the monovent. Examples of such locations are shown in Figure 5D-2. The measurement site must be upstream of any exhaust point (e.g., louvered vent).

8.1.4 Compartment Housing. Sample immediately downstream of the filter bags directly above the tops of the bags as shown in the examples in Figure 5D-2. Depending on the housing design, use sampling ports in the housing walls or locate the sampling equipment within the compartment housing.

8.2 Determination of Number and Location of Traverse Points. Locate the traverse points according to Method 1, section 11.3. Because a performance test consists of at least three test runs and because of the varied configurations of positive pressure fabric filters, there are several schemes by which the number of traverse points can be determined and the three test runs can be conducted.

8.2.1 Single Stacks Meeting Method 1 Criteria. Select the number of traverse points according to Method 1. Sample all traverse points for each test run.

8.2.2 Other Single Measurement Sites. For a roof monitor or monovent, single compartment housing, or other stack not meeting Method 1 criteria, use at least 24 traverse points. For example, for a rectangular measurement site, such as a monovent, use a balanced 5 × 5 traverse point matrix. Sample all traverse points for each test run.

8.2.3 Multiple Measurement Sites. Sampling from two or more stacks or measurement sites may be combined for a test run, provided the following guidelines are met: All measurement sites up to 12 must be sampled. For more than 12 measurement sites, conduct sampling on at least 12 sites or 50 percent of the sites, whichever is greater. The measurement sites sampled should be evenly, or nearly evenly, distributed among the available sites; if not, all sites are to be sampled. The same number of measurement sites must be sampled for each test run. The minimum number of traverse points per test run is 24. An exception to the 24-point minimum would be a test combining the sampling from two stacks meeting Method 1 criteria for acceptable stack length, and Method 1 specifies fewer than 12 points per site. As long as the 24 traverse points per test run criterion is met, the number of traverse points per measurement site may be reduced to eight. Alternatively, conduct a test run for each measurement site individually using the criteria in section 8.2.1 or 8.2.2 to determine the number of traverse points. Each test run shall count toward the total of three required for a performance test. If more than three measurement sites are sampled, the number of traverse points per measurement site may be reduced to eight as long as at least 72 traverse points are sampled for all the tests. The following examples demonstrate the procedures for sampling multiple measurement sites. Example 1: A source with nine circular measurement sites of equal areas may be tested as follows: For each test run, traverse three measurement sites using four points per diameter (eight points per measurement site). In this manner, test run number 1 will include sampling from sites 1,2, and 3; run 2 will include samples from sites 4, 5, and 6; and run 3 will include sites 7, 8, and 9. Each test area may consist of a separate test of each measurement site using eight points. Use the results from all nine tests in determining the emission average. Example 2: A source with 30 rectangular measurement sites of equal areas may be tested as follows: For each of the three test runs, traverse five measurement sites using a 3 × 3 matrix of traverse points for each site. In order to distribute the sampling evenly over all the available measurement sites while sampling only 50 percent of the sites, number the sites consecutively from 1 to 30 and sample all the even numbered (or odd numbered) sites. Alternatively, conduct a separate test of each of 15 measurement sites using section 8.2.1 or 8.2.2 to determine the number and location of traverse points, as appropriate. Example 3: A source with two measurement sites of equal areas may be tested as follows: For each test of three test runs, traverse both measurement sites, using section 8.2.3 in determining the number of traverse points. Alternatively, conduct two full emission test runs for each measurement site using the criteria in section 8.2.1 or 8.2.2 to determine the number of traverse points. Other test schemes, such as random determination of traverse points for a large number of measurement sites, may be used with prior approval from the Administrator.

8.3 Velocity Determination.

8.3.1 The velocities of exhaust gases from positive pressure baghouses are often too low to measure accurately with the type S pitot tube specified in Method 2 (i.e., velocity head 2O (0.05 in. H2O)). For these conditions, measure the gas flow rate at the fabric filter inlet following the procedures outlined in Method 2. Calculate the average gas velocity at the measurement site as shown in section 12.2 and use this average velocity in determining and maintaining isokinetic sampling rates.

8.3.2 Velocity determinations to determine and maintain isokinetic rates at measurement sites with gas velocities within the range measurable with the type S pitot tube (i.e., velocity head greater than 1.3 mm H2O (0.05 in. H2O)) shall be conducted according to the procedures outlined in Method 2.

8.4 Sampling. Follow the procedures specified in sections 8.1 through 8.6 of Method 5 or sections 8.1 through 8.25 in Method 17 with the exceptions as noted above.

8.5 Sample Recovery. Follow the procedures specified in section 8.7 of Method 5 or section 8.2 of Method 17.

9.0 Quality Control

9.1 Miscellaneous Quality Control Measures.

Quality control measure
8.0, 10.0Sampling equipment leak check and calibrationEnsures accurate measurement of stack gas flow rate, sample volume.

9.2 Volume Metering System Checks. Same as Method 5, section 9.2.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

Same as section 10.0 of either Method 5 or Method 17.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

Same as section 11.0 of either Method 5 or Method 17.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Same as section 12.0 of either Method 5 or Method 17 with the following exceptions:

12.1 Nomenclature.

Ao = Measurement site(s) total cross-sectional area, m
2 (ft

or Cavg = Average concentration of PM for all n runs, mg/scm (gr/scf).

Qi = Inlet gas volume flow rate, m
3/sec (ft

mi = Mass collected for run i of n, mg (gr).

To = Average temperature of gas at measurement site, °K (°R).

Ti = Average temperature of gas at inlet, °K (°R).

Voli = Sample volume collected for run i of n, scm (scf).

= Average gas velocity at the measurement site(s), m/s (ft/s)

Qo = Total baghouse exhaust volumetric flow rate, m
3/sec (ft

Qd = Dilution air flow rate, m
3/sec (ft

Tamb = Ambient Temperature, (°K).

12.2 Average Gas Velocity. When following section 8.3.1, calculate the average gas velocity at the measurement site as follows:

12.3 Volumetric Flow Rate. Total volumetric flow rate may be determined as follows:

12.4 Dilution Air Flow Rate.

12.5 Average PM Concentration. For multiple measurement sites, calculate the average PM concentration as follows:

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

Same as Method 5, section 17.0.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Method 5E—Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions From the Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Industry


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2, Method 3, and Method 5.

1.0 Scope and Applications

1.1 Analyte. Particulate matter (PM). No CAS number assigned.

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of PM emissions from wool fiberglass insulation manufacturing sources.

2.0 Summary of Method

Particulate matter is withdrawn isokinetically from the source and is collected either on a glass fiber filter maintained at a temperature in the range of 120 ±14 °C (248 ±25 °F) and in impingers in solutions of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The filtered particulate mass, which includes any material that condenses at or above the filtration temperature, is determined gravimetrically after the removal of uncombined water. The condensed PM collected in the impinger solutions is determined as total organic carbon (TOC) using a nondispersive infrared type of analyzer. The sum of the filtered PM mass and the condensed PM is reported as the total PM mass.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

5.2 Corrosive Reagents. The following reagents are hazardous. Personal protective equipment and safe procedures are useful in preventing chemical splashes. If contact occurs, immediately flush with copious amounts of water at least 15 minutes. Remove clothing under shower and decontaminate. Treat residual chemical burn as thermal burn.

5.2.1 Hydrochloric Acid (HCl). Highly toxic. Vapors are highly irritating to eyes, skin, nose, and lungs, causing severe damage. May cause bronchitis, pneumonia, or edema of lungs. Exposure to concentrations of 0.13 to 0.2 percent in air can be lethal in minutes. Will react with metals, producing hydrogen.

5.2.2 Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). Causes severe damage to eye tissues and to skin. Inhalation causes irritation to nose, throat, and lungs. Reacts exothermically with limited amounts of water.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Sample Collection. Same as Method 5, section 6.1, with the exception of the following:

6.1.1 Probe Liner. Same as described in section of Method 5 except use only borosilicate or quartz glass liners.

6.1.2 Filter Holder. Same as described in section of Method 5 with the addition of a leak-tight connection in the rear half of the filter holder designed for insertion of a temperature sensor used for measuring the sample gas exit temperature.

6.2 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 5, section 6.2, except three wash bottles are needed instead of two and only glass storage bottles and funnels may be used.

6.3 Sample Analysis. Same as Method 5, section 6.3, with the additional equipment for TOC analysis as described below:

6.3.1 Sample Blender or Homogenizer. Waring type or ultrasonic.

6.3.2 Magnetic Stirrer.

6.3.3 Hypodermic Syringe. 0- to 100-µl capacity.

6.3.4 Total Organic Carbon Analyzer. Rosemount Model 2100A analyzer or equivalent and a recorder.

6.3.5 Beaker. 30-ml.

6.3.6 Water Bath. Temperature controlled.

6.3.7 Volumetric Flasks. 1000-ml and 500-ml.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that all reagents conform to the specifications established by the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, where such specifications are available; otherwise, use the best available grade.

7.1 Sample Collection. Same as Method 5, section 7.1, with the addition of 0.1 N NaOH (Dissolve 4 g of NaOH in water and dilute to 1 liter).

7.2 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 5, section 7.2, with the addition of the following:

7.2.1 Water. Deionized distilled to conform to ASTM Specification D 1193-77 or 91 Type 3 (incorporated by reference—see § 60.17). The potassium permanganate (KMnO4) test for oxidizable organic matter may be omitted when high concentrations of organic matter are not expected to be present.

7.2.2 Sodium Hydroxide. Same as described in section 7.1.

7.3 Sample Analysis. Same as Method 5, section 7.3, with the addition of the following:

7.3.1 Carbon Dioxide-Free Water. Distilled or deionized water that has been freshly boiled for 15 minutes and cooled to room temperature while preventing exposure to ambient air by using a cover vented with an Ascarite tube.

7.3.2 Hydrochloric Acid. HCl, concentrated, with a dropper.

7.3.3 Organic Carbon Stock Solution. Dissolve 2.1254 g of dried potassium biphthalate (HOOCC6H4COOK) in CO2-free water, and dilute to 1 liter in a volumetric flask. This solution contains 1000 mg/L organic carbon.

7.3.4 Inorganic Carbon Stock Solution. Dissolve 4.404 g anhydrous sodium carbonate (Na2CO3.) in about 500 ml of CO2-free water in a 1-liter volumetric flask. Add 3.497 g anhydrous sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) to the flask, and dilute to 1 liter with CO2 -free water. This solution contains 1000 mg/L inorganic carbon.

7.3.5 Oxygen Gas. CO2 -free.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport

8.1 Pretest Preparation and Preliminary Determinations. Same as Method 5, sections 8.1 and 8.2, respectively.

8.2 Preparation of Sampling Train. Same as Method 5, section 8.3, except that 0.1 N NaOH is used in place of water in the impingers. The volumes of the solutions are the same as in Method 5.

8.3 Leak-Check Procedures, Sampling Train Operation, Calculation of Percent Isokinetic. Same as Method 5, sections 8.4 through 8.6, respectively.

8.4 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 5, sections 8.7.1 through 8.7.4, with the addition of the following:

8.4.1 Save portions of the water, acetone, and 0.1 N NaOH used for cleanup as blanks. Take 200 ml of each liquid directly from the wash bottles being used, and place in glass sample containers labeled “water blank,” “acetone blank,” and “NaOH blank,” respectively.

8.4.2 Inspect the train prior to and during disassembly, and note any abnormal conditions. Treat the samples as follows: Container No. 1. Same as Method 5, section Container No. 2. Use water to rinse the sample nozzle, probe, and front half of the filter holder three times in the manner described in section of Method 5 except that no brushing is done. Put all the water wash in one container, seal, and label. Container No. 3. Rinse and brush the sample nozzle, probe, and front half of the filter holder with acetone as described for Container No. 2 in section of Method 5. Container No. 4. Place the contents of the silica gel impinger in its original container as described for Container No. 3 in section of Method 5. Container No. 5. Measure the liquid in the first three impingers and record the volume or weight as described for the Impinger Water in section of Method 5. Do not discard this liquid, but place it in a sample container using a glass funnel to aid in the transfer from the impingers or graduated cylinder (if used) to the sample container. Rinse each impinger thoroughly with 0.1 N NaOH three times, as well as the graduated cylinder (if used) and the funnel, and put these rinsings in the same sample container. Seal the container and label to clearly identify its contents.

8.5 Sample Transport. Whenever possible, containers should be shipped in such a way that they remain upright at all times.

9.0 Quality Control.

9.1 Miscellaneous Quality Control Measures.

Quality control measure
8.3, 10.0Sampling equipment leak-check and calibrationEnsures accurate measurement of stack gas flow rate, sample volume.
10.1.2, analysesEnsures precise measurement of total carbon and inorganic carbon concentration of samples, blank, and standards.
10.1.4TOC analyzer calibrationEnsures linearity of analyzer response to standards.

9.2 Volume Metering System Checks. Same as Method 5, section 9.2.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

Same as Method 5, section 10.0, with the addition of the following procedures for calibrating the total organic carbon analyzer:

10.1 Preparation of Organic Carbon Standard Curve.

10.1.1 Add 10 ml, 20 ml, 30 ml, 40 ml, and 50 ml of the organic carbon stock solution to a series of five 1000-ml volumetric flasks. Add 30 ml, 40 ml, and 50 ml of the same solution to a series of three 500-ml volumetric flasks. Dilute the contents of each flask to the mark using CO2-free water. These flasks contain 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, and 100 mg/L organic carbon, respectively.

10.1.2 Use a hypodermic syringe to withdraw a 20- to 50-µl aliquot from the 10 mg/L standard solution and inject it into the total carbon port of the analyzer. Measure the peak height. Repeat the injections until three consecutive peaks are obtained within 10 percent of their arithmetic mean. Repeat this procedure for the remaining organic carbon standard solutions.

10.1.3 Calculate the corrected peak height for each standard by deducting the blank correction (see section as follows:


A = Peak height of standard or sample, mm or other appropriate unit.

B = Peak height of blank, mm or other appropriate unit.

10.1.4 Prepare a linear regression plot of the arithmetic mean of the three consecutive peak heights obtained for each standard solution against the concentration of that solution. Calculate the calibration factor as the inverse of the slope of this curve. If the product of the arithmetic mean peak height for any standard solution and the calibration factor differs from the actual concentration by more than 5 percent, remake and reanalyze that standard.

10.2 Preparation of Inorganic Carbon Standard Curve. Repeat the procedures outlined in sections 10.1.1 through 10.1.4, substituting the inorganic carbon stock solution for the organic carbon stock solution, and the inorganic carbon port of the analyzer for the total carbon port.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

11.1 Record the data required on a sheet such as the one shown in Figure 5-6 of Method 5.

11.2 Handle each sample container as follows:

11.2.1 Container No. 1. Same as Method 5, section 11.2.1, except that the filters must be dried at 20 ±6 °C (68 ±10 °F) and ambient pressure.

11.2.2 Containers No. 2 and No. 3. Same as Method 5, section 11.2.2, except that evaporation of the samples must be at 20 ±6 °C (68 ±10 °F) and ambient pressure.

11.2.3 Container No. 4. Same as Method 5, section 11.2.3.

11.2.4 “Water Blank” and “Acetone Blank” Containers. Determine the water and acetone blank values following the procedures for the “Acetone Blank” container in section 11.2.4 of Method 5. Evaporate the samples at ambient temperature (20 ±6 °C (68 ±10 °F)) and pressure.

11.2.5 Container No. 5. For the determination of total organic carbon, perform two analyses on successive identical samples, i.e., total carbon and inorganic carbon. The desired quantity is the difference between the two values obtained. Both analyses are based on conversion of sample carbon into carbon dioxide for measurement by a nondispersive infrared analyzer. Results of analyses register as peaks on a strip chart recorder. The principal differences between the operating parameters for the two channels involve the combustion tube packing material and temperature. In the total carbon channel, a high temperature (950 °C (1740 °F)) furnace heats a Hastelloy combustion tube packed with cobalt oxide-impregnated asbestos fiber. The oxygen in the carrier gas, the elevated temperature, and the catalytic effect of the packing result in oxidation of both organic and inorganic carbonaceous material to CO2, and steam. In the inorganic carbon channel, a low temperature (150 °C (300 °F)) furnace heats a glass tube containing quartz chips wetted with 85 percent phosphoric acid. The acid liberates CO2 and steam from inorganic carbonates. The operating temperature is below that required to oxidize organic matter. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for assembly, testing, calibration, and operation of the analyzer. As samples collected in 0.1 N NaOH often contain a high measure of inorganic carbon that inhibits repeatable determinations of TOC, sample pretreatment is necessary. Measure and record the liquid volume of each sample (or impinger contents). If the sample contains solids or immiscible liquid matter, homogenize the sample with a blender or ultrasonics until satisfactory repeatability is obtained. Transfer a representative portion of 10 to 15 ml to a 30-ml beaker, and acidify with about 2 drops of concentrated HCl to a pH of 2 or less. Warm the acidified sample at 50 °C (120 °F) in a water bath for 15 minutes. While stirring the sample with a magnetic stirrer, use a hypodermic syringe to withdraw a 20-to 50-µ1 aliquot from the beaker. Analyze the sample for total carbon and calculate its corrected mean peak height according to the procedures outlined in sections 10.1.2 and 10.1.3. Similarly analyze an aliquot of the sample for inorganic carbon. Repeat the analyses for all the samples and for the 0.1 N NaOH blank. Ascertain the total carbon and inorganic carbon concentrations (CTC and CIC, respectively) of each sample and blank by comparing the corrected mean peak heights for each sample and blank to the appropriate standard curve.


If samples must be diluted for analysis, apply an appropriate dilution factor.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Same as Method 5, section 12.0, with the addition of the following:

12.1 Nomenclature.

Cc = Concentration of condensed particulate matter in stack gas, gas dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, g/dscm (gr/dscf).

CIC = Concentration of condensed TOC in the liquid sample, from section 11.2.5, mg/L.

Ct = Total particulate concentration, dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, g/dscm (gr/dscf).

CTC = Concentration of condensed TOC in the liquid sample, from section 11.2.5, mg/L.

CTOC = Concentration of condensed TOC in the liquid sample, mg/L.

mTOC = Mass of condensed TOC collected in the impingers, mg.

Vm(std) = Volume of gas sample measured by the dry gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, from section 12.3 of Method 5, dscm (dscf).

Vs = Total volume of liquid sample, ml.

12.2 Concentration of Condensed TOC in Liquid Sample.

12.3 Mass of Condensed TOC Collected.


0.001 = Liters per milliliter.

12.4 Concentration of Condensed Particulate Material.


K4 = 0.001 g/mg for metric units.

= 0.0154 gr/mg for English units.

12.5 Total Particulate Concentration.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 Alternative Procedures

16.1 Total Organic Carbon Analyzer. Tekmar-Dohrmann analyzers using the single injection technique may be used as an alternative to Rosemount Model 2100A analyzers.

17.0 References.

Same as section 17.0 of Method 5, with the addition of the following:

1. American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Pollution Control Federation. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Fifteenth Edition. Washington, D.C. 1980.

18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data [Reserved]

Method 5F—Determination of Nonsulfate Particulate Matter Emissions From Stationary Sources


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2, Method 3, and Method 5.

1.0 Scope and Applications

1.1 Analyte. Nonsulfate particulate matter (PM). No CAS number assigned.

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of nonsulfate PM emissions from stationary sources. Use of this method must be specified by an applicable subpart of the standards, or approved by the Administrator for a particular application.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

Particulate matter is withdrawn isokinetically from the source and collected on a filter maintained at a temperature in the range 160 ±14 °C (320 ±25 °F). The collected sample is extracted with water. A portion of the extract is analyzed for sulfate content by ion chromatography. The remainder is neutralized with ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH), dried, and weighed. The weight of sulfate in the sample is calculated as ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4), and is subtracted from the total particulate weight; the result is reported as nonsulfate particulate matter.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Sample Collection and Recovery. Same as Method 5, sections 6.1 and 6.2, respectively.

6.2 Sample Analysis. Same as Method 5, section 6.3, with the addition of the following:

6.2.1 Erlenmeyer Flasks. 125-ml, with ground glass joints.

6.2.2 Air Condenser. With ground glass joint compatible with the Erlenmeyer flasks.

6.2.3 Beakers. 600-ml.

6.2.4 Volumetric Flasks. 1-liter, 500-ml (one for each sample), 200-ml, and 50-ml (one for each sample and standard).

6.2.5 Pipet. 5-ml (one for each sample and standard).

6.2.6 Ion Chromatograph. The ion chromatograph should have at least the following components. Columns. An anion separation column or other column capable of resolving the sulfate ion from other species present and a standard anion suppressor column. Suppressor columns are produced as proprietary items; however, one can be produced in the laboratory using the resin available from BioRad Company, 32nd and Griffin Streets, Richmond, California. Other systems which do not use suppressor columns may also be used. Pump. Capable of maintaining a steady flow as required by the system. Flow Gauges. Capable of measuring the specified system flow rate. Conductivity Detector. Recorder. Compatible with the output voltage range of the detector.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that all reagents conform to the specifications established by the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, where such specifications are available; otherwise, use the best available grade.

7.1 Sample Collection. Same as Method 5, section 7.1.

7.2 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 5, section 7.2, with the addition of the following:

7.2.1 Water. Deionized distilled, to conform to ASTM D 1193-77 or 91 Type 3 (incorporated by reference—see § 60.17). The potassium permanganate (KMnO4) test for oxidizable organic matter may be omitted when high concentrations of organic matter are not expected to be present.

7.3 Analysis. Same as Method 5, section 7.3, with the addition of the following:

7.3.1 Water. Same as in section 7.2.1.

7.3.2 Stock Standard Solution, 1 mg (NH4)2SO4/ml. Dry an adequate amount of primary standard grade ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) at 105 to 110 °C (220 to 230 °F) for a minimum of 2 hours before preparing the standard solution. Then dissolve exactly 1.000 g of dried (NH4)2SO4 in water in a 1-liter volumetric flask, and dilute to 1 liter. Mix well.

7.3.3 Working Standard Solution, 25 µg (NH4)2SO4/ml. Pipet 5 ml of the stock standard solution into a 200-ml volumetric flask. Dilute to 200 ml with water.

7.3.4 Eluent Solution. Weigh 1.018 g of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and 1.008 g of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), and dissolve in 4 liters of water. This solution is 0.0024 M Na2CO3/0.003 M NaHCO3. Other eluents appropriate to the column type and capable of resolving sulfate ion from other species present may be used.

7.3.5 Ammonium Hydroxide. Concentrated, 14.8 M.

7.3.6 Phenolphthalein Indicator. 3,3-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-(3H)-isobenzo-furanone. Dissolve 0.05 g in 50 ml of ethanol and 50 ml of water.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport

Same as Method 5, section 8.0, with the exception of the following:

8.1 Sampling Train Operation. Same as Method 5, section 8.5, except that the probe outlet and filter temperatures shall be maintained at 160 ±14 °C (320 ±25 °F).

8.2 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 5, section 8.7, except that the recovery solvent shall be water instead of acetone, and a clean filter from the same lot as those used during testing shall be saved for analysis as a blank.

9.0 Quality Control

9.1 Miscellaneous Quality Control Measures

Quality control measure
8.3, 10.0Sampling equipment leak check and calibrationEnsures accurate measurement of stack gas flow rate, sample volume.
10.1.2, analysesEnsures precise measurement of total carbon and inorganic carbon concentration of samples, blank, and standards.

9.2 Volume Metering System Checks. Same as Method 5, section 9.2.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

Same as Method 5, section 10.0, with the addition of the following:

10.1 Determination of Ion Chromatograph Calibration Factor S. Prepare a series of five standards by adding 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, and 10.0 ml of working standard solution (25 µg/ml) to a series of five 50-ml volumetric flasks. (The standard masses will equal 25, 50, 100, 150, and 250 µg.) Dilute each flask to the mark with water, and mix well. Analyze each standard according to the chromatograph manufacturer’s instructions. Take peak height measurements with symmetrical peaks; in all other cases, calculate peak areas. Prepare or calculate a linear regression plot of the standard masses in µg (x-axis) versus their responses (y-axis). From this line, or equation, determine the slope and calculate its reciprocal which is the calibration factor, S. If any point deviates from the line by more than 7 percent of the concentration at that point, remake and reanalyze that standard. This deviation can be determined by multiplying S times the response for each standard. The resultant concentrations must not differ by more than 7 percent from each known standard mass (i.e., 25, 50, 100, 150, and 250 µg).

10.2 Conductivity Detector. Calibrate according to manufacturer’s specifications prior to initial use.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

11.1 Sample Extraction.

11.1.1 Note on the analytical data sheet, the level of the liquid in the container, and whether any sample was lost during shipment. If a noticeable amount of leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use methods, subject to the approval of the Administrator, to correct the final results.

11.1.2 Cut the filter into small pieces, and place it in a 125-ml Erlenmeyer flask with a ground glass joint equipped with an air condenser. Rinse the shipping container with water, and pour the rinse into the flask. Add additional water to the flask until it contains about 75 ml, and place the flask on a hot plate. Gently reflux the contents for 6 to 8 hours. Cool the solution, and transfer it to a 500-ml volumetric flask. Rinse the Erlenmeyer flask with water, and transfer the rinsings to the volumetric flask including the pieces of filter.

11.1.3 Transfer the probe rinse to the same 500-ml volumetric flask with the filter sample. Rinse the sample bottle with water, and add the rinsings to the volumetric flask. Dilute the contents of the flask to the mark with water.

11.1.4 Allow the contents of the flask to settle until all solid material is at the bottom of the flask. If necessary, remove and centrifuge a portion of the sample.

11.1.5 Repeat the procedures outlined in sections 11.1.1 through 11.1.4 for each sample and for the filter blank.

11.2 Sulfate (SO4) Analysis.

11.2.1 Prepare a standard calibration curve according to the procedures outlined in section 10.1.

11.2.2 Pipet 5 ml of the sample into a 50-ml volumetric flask, and dilute to 50 ml with water. (Alternatively, eluent solution may be used instead of water in all sample, standard, and blank dilutions.) Analyze the set of standards followed by the set of samples, including the filter blank, using the same injection volume used for the standards.

11.2.3 Repeat the analyses of the standards and the samples, with the standard set being done last. The two peak height or peak area responses for each sample must agree within 5 percent of their arithmetic mean for the analysis to be valid. Perform this analysis sequence on the same day. Dilute any sample and the blank with equal volumes of water if the concentration exceeds that of the highest standard.

11.2.4 Document each sample chromatogram by listing the following analytical parameters: injection point, injection volume, sulfate retention time, flow rate, detector sensitivity setting, and recorder chart speed.

11.3 Sample Residue.

11.3.1 Transfer the remaining contents of the volumetric flask to a tared 600-ml beaker or similar container. Rinse the volumetric flask with water, and add the rinsings to the tared beaker. Make certain that all particulate matter is transferred to the beaker. Evaporate the water in an oven at 105 °C (220 °F) until only about 100 ml of water remains. Remove the beakers from the oven, and allow them to cool.

11.3.2 After the beakers have cooled, add five drops of phenolphthalein indicator, and then add concentrated ammonium hydroxide until the solution turns pink. Return the samples to the oven at 105 °C (220 °F), and evaporate the samples to dryness. Cool the samples in a desiccator, and weigh the samples to constant weight.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Same as Method 5, section 12.0, with the addition of the following:

12.1 Nomenclature.

CW = Water blank residue concentration, mg/ml.

F = Dilution factor (required only if sample dilution was needed to reduce the concentration into the range of calibration).

HS = Arithmetic mean response of duplicate sample analyses, mm for height or mm2 for area.

Hb = Arithmetic mean response of duplicate filter blank analyses, mm for height or mm2 for area.

mb = Mass of beaker used to dry sample, mg.

mf = Mass of sample filter, mg.

mn = Mass of nonsulfate particulate matter in the sample as collected, mg.

ms = Mass of ammonium sulfate in the sample as collected, mg.

mt = Mass of beaker, filter, and dried sample, mg.

mw = Mass of residue after evaporation of water blank, mg.

S = Calibration factor, µg/mm.

Vb = Volume of water blank, ml.

VS = Volume of sample collected, 500 ml.

12.2 Water Blank Concentration.

12.3 Mass of Ammonium Sulfate.


100 = Aliquot factor, 495 ml/5 ml

1000 = Constant, µg/mg

12.4 Mass of Nonsulfate Particulate Matter.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 Alternative Procedures

16.1 The following procedure may be used as an alternative to the procedure in section 11.0

16.1.1 Apparatus. Same as for Method 6, sections 6.3.3 to 6.3.6 with the following additions. Beakers. 250-ml, one for each sample, and 600-ml. Oven. Capable of maintaining temperatures of 75 ±5 °C (167 ±9 °F) and 105 ±5 °C (221 ±9 °F). Buchner Funnel. Glass Columns. 25-mm × 305-mm (1-in. × 12-in.) with Teflon stopcock. Volumetric Flasks. 50-ml and 500-ml, one set for each sample, and 100-ml, 200-ml, and 1000-ml. Pipettes. Two 20-ml and one 200-ml, one set for each sample, and 5-ml. Filter Flasks. 500-ml. Polyethylene Bottle. 500-ml, one for each sample.

16.1.2 Reagents. Same as Method 6, sections 7.3.2 to 7.3.5 with the following additions: Water, Ammonium Hydroxide, and Phenolphthalein. Same as sections 7.2.1, 7.3.5, and 7.3.6 of this method, respectively. Filter. Glass fiber to fit Buchner funnel. Hydrochloric Acid (HCl), 1 m. Add 8.3 ml of concentrated HCl (12 M) to 50 ml of water in a 100-ml volumetric flask. Dilute to 100 ml with water. Glass Wool. Ion Exchange Resin. Strong cation exchange resin, hydrogen form, analytical grade. pH Paper. Range of 1 to 7.

16.1.3 Analysis. Ion Exchange Column Preparation. Slurry the resin with 1 M HCl in a 250-ml beaker, and allow to stand overnight. Place 2.5 cm (1 in.) of glass wool in the bottom of the glass column. Rinse the slurried resin twice with water. Resuspend the resin in water, and pour sufficient resin into the column to make a bed 5.1 cm (2 in.) deep. Do not allow air bubbles to become entrapped in the resin or glass wool to avoid channeling, which may produce erratic results. If necessary, stir the resin with a glass rod to remove air bubbles, after the column has been prepared, never let the liquid level fall below the top of the upper glass wool plug. Place a 2.5-cm (1-in.) plug of glass wool on top of the resin. Rinse the column with water until the eluate gives a pH of 5 or greater as measured with pH paper. Sample Extraction. Followup the procedure given in section 11.1.3 except do not dilute the sample to 500 ml. Sample Residue. Place at least one clean glass filter for each sample in a Buchner funnel, and rinse the filters with water. Remove the filters from the funnel, and dry them in an oven at 105 ±5 °C (221 ±9 °F); then cool in a desiccator. Weigh each filter to constant weight according to the procedure in Method 5, section 11.0. Record the weight of each filter to the nearest 0.1 mg. Assemble the vacuum filter apparatus, and place one of the clean, tared glass fiber filters in the Buchner funnel. Decant the liquid portion of the extracted sample (Section through the tared glass fiber filter into a clean, dry, 500-ml filter flask. Rinse all the particulate matter remaining in the volumetric flask onto the glass fiber filter with water. Rinse the particulate matter with additional water. Transfer the filtrate to a 500-ml volumetric flask, and dilute to 500 ml with water. Dry the filter overnight at 105 ±5 °C (221 ±9 °F), cool in a desiccator, and weigh to the nearest 0.1 mg. Dry a 250-ml beaker at 75 ±5 °C (167 ±9 °F), and cool in a desiccator; then weigh to constant weight to the nearest 0.1 mg. Pipette 200 ml of the filtrate that was saved into a tared 250-ml beaker; add five drops of phenolphthalein indicator and sufficient concentrated ammonium hydroxide to turn the solution pink. Carefully evaporate the contents of the beaker to dryness at 75 ±5 °C (167 ±9 °F). Check for dryness every 30 minutes. Do not continue to bake the sample once it has dried. Cool the sample in a desiccator, and weigh to constant weight to the nearest 0.1 mg. Sulfate Analysis. Adjust the flow rate through the ion exchange column to 3 ml/min. Pipette a 20-ml aliquot of the filtrate onto the top of the ion exchange column, and collect the eluate in a 50-ml volumetric flask. Rinse the column with two 15-ml portions of water. Stop collection of the eluate when the volume in the flask reaches 50-ml. Pipette a 20-ml aliquot of the eluate into a 250-ml Erlenmeyer flask, add 80 ml of 100 percent isopropanol and two to four drops of thorin indicator, and titrate to a pink end point using 0.0100 N barium perchlorate. Repeat and average the titration volumes. Run a blank with each series of samples. Replicate titrations must agree within 1 percent or 0.2 ml, whichever is larger. Perform the ion exchange and titration procedures on duplicate portions of the filtrate. Results should agree within 5 percent. Regenerate or replace the ion exchange resin after 20 sample aliquots have been analyzed or if the end point of the titration becomes unclear.


Protect the 0.0100 N barium perchlorate solution from evaporation at all times. Blank Determination. Begin with a sample of water of the same volume as the samples being processed and carry it through the analysis steps described in sections and A blank value larger than 5 mg should not be subtracted from the final particulate matter mass. Causes for large blank values should be investigated and any problems resolved before proceeding with further analyses.

16.1.4 Calibration. Calibrate the barium perchlorate solutions as in Method 6, section 10.5.

16.1.5 Calculations. Nomenclature. Same as section 12.1 with the following additions:

ma = Mass of clean analytical filter, mg.

md = Mass of dissolved particulate matter, mg.

me = Mass of beaker and dissolved particulate matter after evaporation of filtrate, mg.

mp = Mass of insoluble particulate matter, mg.

mr = Mass of analytical filter, sample filter, and insoluble particulate matter, mg.

mbk = Mass of nonsulfate particulate matter in blank sample, mg.

mn = Mass of nonsulfate particulate matter, mg.

ms = Mass of Ammonium sulfate, mg.

N = Normality of Ba(ClO4) titrant, meq/ml.

Va = Volume of aliquot taken for titration, 20 ml.

Vc = Volume of titrant used for titration blank, ml.

Vd = Volume of filtrate evaporated, 200 ml.

Ve = Volume of eluate collected, 50 ml.

Vf = Volume of extracted sample, 500 ml.

Vi = Volume of filtrate added to ion exchange column, 20 ml.

Vt = Volume of Ba(C104)2 titrant, ml.

W = Equivalent weight of ammonium sulfate, 66.07 mg/meq. Mass of Insoluble Particulate Matter. Mass of Dissolved Particulate Matter. Mass of Ammonium Sulfate. Mass of Nonsulfate Particulate Matter.

17.0 References

Same as Method 5, section 17.0, with the addition of the following:

1. Mulik, J.D. and E. Sawicki. Ion Chromatographic Analysis of Environmental Pollutants. Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc. Vol. 2, 1979.

2. Sawicki, E., J.D. Mulik, and E. Wittgenstein. Ion Chromatographic Analysis of Environmental Pollutants. Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc. Vol. 1. 1978.

3. Siemer, D.D. Separation of Chloride and Bromide from Complex Matrices Prior to Ion Chromatographic Determination. Analytical Chemistry 52(12): 1874-1877. October 1980.

4. Small, H., T.S. Stevens, and W.C. Bauman. Novel Ion Exchange Chromatographic Method Using Conductimetric Determination. Analytical Chemistry. 47(11):1801. 1975.

18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data [Reserved]

Method 5G—Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions From Wood Heaters (Dilution Tunnel Sampling Location)


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2, Method 3, Method 4, Method 5, Method 5H, and Method 28.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Analyte. Particulate matter (PM). No CAS number assigned.

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of PM emissions from wood heaters.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 The exhaust from a wood heater is collected with a total collection hood, and is combined with ambient dilution air. Particulate matter is withdrawn proportionally from a single point in a sampling tunnel, and is collected on two glass fiber filters in series. The filters are maintained at a temperature of no greater than 32 °C (90 °F). The particulate mass is determined gravimetrically after the removal of uncombined water.

2.2 There are three sampling train approaches described in this method: (1) One dual-filter dry sampling train operated at about 0.015 m
3/min (0.5 cfm), (2) One dual-filter plus impingers sampling train operated at about 0.015 m
3/min (0.5 cfm), and (3) two dual-filter dry sampling trains operated simultaneously at any flow rate. Options (2) and (3) are referenced in section 16.0 of this method. The dual-filter dry sampling train equipment and operation, option (1), are described in detail in this method.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Sample Collection. The following items are required for sample collection:

6.1.1 Sampling Train. The sampling train configuration is shown in Figure 5G-1 and consists of the following components: Probe. Stainless steel (e.g., 316 or grade more corrosion resistant) or glass about 9.5 mm (
3/8 in.) I.D., 0.6 m (24 in.) in length. If made of stainless steel, the probe shall be constructed from seamless tubing. Pitot Tube. Type S, as described in section 6.1 of Method 2. The Type S pitot tube assembly shall have a known coefficient, determined as outlined in Method 2, section 10. Alternatively, a standard pitot may be used as described in Method 2, section 6.1.2. Differential Pressure Gauge. Inclined manometer or equivalent device, as described in Method 2, section 6.2. One manometer shall be used for velocity head (Δp) readings and another (optional) for orifice differential pressure readings (ΔH). Filter Holders. Two each made of borosilicate glass, stainless steel, or Teflon, with a glass frit or stainless steel filter support and a silicone rubber, Teflon, or Viton gasket. The holder design shall provide a positive seal against leakage from the outside or around the filters. The filter holders shall be placed in series with the backup filter holder located 25 to 100 mm (1 to 4 in.) downstream from the primary filter holder. The filter holder shall be capable of holding a filter with a 100 mm (4 in.) diameter, except as noted in section 16. Filter Temperature Monitoring System. A temperature sensor capable of measuring temperature to within ±3 °C (±5 °F). The sensor shall be installed at the exit side of the front filter holder so that the sensing tip of the temperature sensor is in direct contact with the sample gas or in a thermowell as shown in Figure 5G-1. The temperature sensor shall comply with the calibration specifications in Method 2, section 10.3. Alternatively, the sensing tip of the temperature sensor may be installed at the inlet side of the front filter holder. Dryer. Any system capable of removing water from the sample gas to less than 1.5 percent moisture (volume percent) prior to the metering system. The system shall include a temperature sensor for demonstrating that sample gas temperature exiting the dryer is less than 20 °C (68 °F). Metering System. Same as Method 5, section

6.1.2 Barometer. Same as Method 5, section 6.1.2.

6.1.3 Dilution Tunnel Gas Temperature Measurement. A temperature sensor capable of measuring temperature to within ±3 °C (±5 °F).

6.1.4 Dilution Tunnel. The dilution tunnel apparatus is shown in Figure 5G-2 and consists of the following components: Hood. Constructed of steel with a minimum diameter of 0.3 m (1 ft) on the large end and a standard 0.15 to 0.3 m (0.5 to 1 ft) coupling capable of connecting to standard 0.15 to 0.3 m (0.5 to 1 ft) stove pipe on the small end. 90° Elbows. Steel 90° elbows, 0.15 to 0.3 m (0.5 to 1 ft) in diameter for connecting mixing duct, straight duct and optional damper assembly. There shall be at least two 90° elbows upstream of the sampling section (see Figure 5G-2). Straight Duct. Steel, 0.15 to 0.3 m (0.5 to 1 ft) in diameter to provide the ducting for the dilution apparatus upstream of the sampling section. Steel duct, 0.15 m (0.5 ft) in diameter shall be used for the sampling section. In the sampling section, at least 1.2 m (4 ft) downstream of the elbow, shall be two holes (velocity traverse ports) at 90° to each other of sufficient size to allow entry of the pitot for traverse measurements. At least 1.2 m (4 ft) downstream of the velocity traverse ports, shall be one hole (sampling port) of sufficient size to allow entry of the sampling probe. Ducts of larger diameter may be used for the sampling section, provided the specifications for minimum gas velocity and the dilution rate range shown in section 8 are maintained. The length of duct from the hood inlet to the sampling ports shall not exceed 9.1 m (30 ft). Mixing Baffles. Steel semicircles (two) attached at 90° to the duct axis on opposite sides of the duct midway between the two elbows upstream of sampling section. The space between the baffles shall be about 0.3 m (1 ft). Blower. Squirrel cage or other fan capable of extracting gas from the dilution tunnel of sufficient flow to maintain the velocity and dilution rate specifications in section 8 and exhausting the gas to the atmosphere.

6.2 Sample Recovery. The following items are required for sample recovery: probe brushes, wash bottles, sample storage containers, petri dishes, and funnel. Same as Method 5, sections 6.2.1 through 6.2.4, and 6.2.8, respectively.

6.3 Sample Analysis. The following items are required for sample analysis: glass weighing dishes, desiccator, analytical balance, beakers (250-ml or smaller), hygrometer, and temperature sensor. Same as Method 5, sections 6.3.1 through 6.3.3 and 6.3.5 through 6.3.7, respectively.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

7.1 Sample Collection. The following reagents are required for sample collection:

7.1.1 Filters. Glass fiber filters with a minimum diameter of 100 mm (4 in.), without organic binder, exhibiting at least 99.95 percent efficiency (

7.1.2 Stopcock Grease. Same as Method 5, section 7.1.5. 7.2 Sample Recovery. Acetone-reagent grade, same as Method 5, section 7.2.

7.3 Sample Analysis. Two reagents are required for the sample analysis:

7.3.1 Acetone. Same as in section 7.2.

7.3.2 Desiccant. Anhydrous calcium sulfate, calcium chloride, or silica gel, indicating type.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Transport, and Storage

8.1 Dilution Tunnel Assembly and Cleaning. A schematic of a dilution tunnel is shown in Figure 5G-2. The dilution tunnel dimensions and other features are described in section 6.1.4. Assemble the dilution tunnel, sealing joints and seams to prevent air leakage. Clean the dilution tunnel with an appropriately sized wire chimney brush before each certification test.

8.2 Draft Determination. Prepare the wood heater as in Method 28, section 6.2.1. Locate the dilution tunnel hood centrally over the wood heater stack exhaust. Operate the dilution tunnel blower at the flow rate to be used during the test run. Measure the draft imposed on the wood heater by the dilution tunnel (i.e., the difference in draft measured with and without the dilution tunnel operating) as described in Method 28, section 6.2.3. Adjust the distance between the top of the wood heater stack exhaust and the dilution tunnel hood so that the dilution tunnel induced draft is less than 1.25 Pa (0.005 in. H2O). Have no fire in the wood heater, close the wood heater doors, and open fully the air supply controls during this check and adjustment.

8.3 Pretest Ignition. Same as Method 28, section 8.7.

8.4 Smoke Capture. During the pretest ignition period, operate the dilution tunnel and visually monitor the wood heater stack exhaust. Operate the wood heater with the doors closed and determine that 100 percent of the exhaust gas is collected by the dilution tunnel hood. If less than 100 percent of the wood heater exhaust gas is collected, adjust the distance between the wood heater stack and the dilution tunnel hood until no visible exhaust gas is escaping. Stop the pretest ignition period, and repeat the draft determination procedure described in section 8.2.

8.5 Velocity Measurements. During the pretest ignition period, conduct a velocity traverse to identify the point of average velocity. This single point shall be used for measuring velocity during the test run.

8.5.1 Velocity Traverse. Measure the diameter of the duct at the velocity traverse port location through both ports. Calculate the duct area using the average of the two diameters. A pretest leak-check of pitot lines as in Method 2, section 8.1, is recommended. Place the calibrated pitot tube at the centroid of the stack in either of the velocity traverse ports. Adjust the damper or similar device on the blower inlet until the velocity indicated by the pitot is approximately 220 m/min (720 ft/min). Continue to read the Δp and temperature until the velocity has remained constant (less than 5 percent change) for 1 minute. Once a constant velocity is obtained at the centroid of the duct, perform a velocity traverse as outlined in Method 2, section 8.3 using four points per traverse as outlined in Method 1. Measure the Δp and tunnel temperature at each traverse point and record the readings. Calculate the total gas flow rate using calculations contained in Method 2, section 12. Verify that the flow rate is 4 ±0.40 dscm/min (140 ±14 dscf/min); if not, readjust the damper, and repeat the velocity traverse. The moisture may be assumed to be 4 percent (100 percent relative humidity at 85 °F). Direct moisture measurements (e.g., according to Method 4) are also permissible.


If burn rates exceed 3 kg/hr (6.6 lb/hr), dilution tunnel duct flow rates greater than 4 dscm/min (140 dscfm) and sampling section duct diameters larger than 150 mm (6 in.) are allowed. If larger ducts or flow rates are used, the sampling section velocity shall be at least 220 m/min (720 fpm). In order to ensure measurable particulate mass catch, it is recommended that the ratio of the average mass flow rate in the dilution tunnel to the average fuel burn rate be less than 150:1 if larger duct sizes or flow rates are used.

8.5.2 Testing Velocity Measurements. After obtaining velocity traverse results that meet the flow rate requirements, choose a point of average velocity and place the pitot and temperature sensor at that location in the duct. Alternatively, locate the pitot and the temperature sensor at the duct centroid and calculate a velocity correction factor for the centroidal position. Mount the pitot to ensure no movement during the test run and seal the port holes to prevent any air leakage. Align the pitot opening to be parallel with the duct axis at the measurement point. Check that this condition is maintained during the test run (about 30-minute intervals). Monitor the temperature and velocity during the pretest ignition period to ensure that the proper flow rate is maintained. Make adjustments to the dilution tunnel flow rate as necessary.

8.6 Pretest Preparation. Same as Method 5, section 8.1.

8.7 Preparation of Sampling Train. During preparation and assembly of the sampling train, keep all openings where contamination can occur covered until just prior to assembly or until sampling is about to begin.

Using a tweezer or clean disposable surgical gloves, place one labeled (identified) and weighed filter in each of the filter holders. Be sure that each filter is properly centered and that the gasket is properly placed so as to prevent the sample gas stream from circumventing the filter. Check each filter for tears after assembly is completed.

Mark the probe with heat resistant tape or by some other method to denote the proper distance into the stack or duct. Set up the train as shown in Figure 5G-1.

8.8 Leak-Check Procedures.

8.8.1 Leak-Check of Metering System Shown in Figure 5G-1. That portion of the sampling train from the pump to the orifice meter shall be leak-checked prior to initial use and after each certification or audit test. Leakage after the pump will result in less volume being recorded than is actually sampled. Use the procedure described in Method 5, section 8.4.1. Similar leak-checks shall be conducted for other types of metering systems (i.e., without orifice meters).

8.8.2 Pretest Leak-Check. A pretest leak-check of the sampling train is recommended, but not required. If the pretest leak check is conducted, the procedures outlined in Method 5, section 8.4.2 should be used. A vacuum of 130 mm Hg (5 in. Hg) may be used instead of 380 mm Hg (15 in. Hg).

8.8.3 Post-Test Leak-Check. A leak-check of the sampling train is mandatory at the conclusion of each test run. The leak-check shall be performed in accordance with the procedures outlined in Method 5, section 8.4.2. A vacuum of 130 mm Hg (5 in. Hg) or the highest vacuum measured during the test run, whichever is greater, may be used instead of 380 mm Hg (15 in. Hg).

8.9 Preliminary Determinations. Determine the pressure, temperature and the average velocity of the tunnel gases as in section 8.5. Moisture content of diluted tunnel gases is assumed to be 4 percent for making flow rate calculations; the moisture content may be measured directly as in Method 4.

8.10 Sampling Train Operation. Position the probe inlet at the stack centroid, and block off the openings around the probe and porthole to prevent unrepresentative dilution of the gas stream. Be careful not to bump the probe into the stack wall when removing or inserting the probe through the porthole; this minimizes the chance of extracting deposited material.

8.10.1 Begin sampling at the start of the test run as defined in Method 28, section 8.8.1. During the test run, maintain a sample flow rate proportional to the dilution tunnel flow rate (within 10 percent of the initial proportionality ratio) and a filter holder temperature of no greater than 32 °C (90 °F). The initial sample flow rate shall be approximately 0.015 m
3/min (0.5 cfm).

8.10.2 For each test run, record the data required on a data sheet such as the one shown in Figure 5G-3. Be sure to record the initial dry gas meter reading. Record the dry gas meter readings at the beginning and end of each sampling time increment and when sampling is halted. Take other readings as indicated on Figure 5G-3 at least once each 10 minutes during the test run. Since the manometer level and zero may drift because of vibrations and temperature changes, make periodic checks during the test run.

8.10.3 For the purposes of proportional sampling rate determinations, data from calibrated flow rate devices, such as glass rotameters, may be used in lieu of incremental dry gas meter readings. Proportional rate calculation procedures must be revised, but acceptability limits remain the same.

8.10.4 During the test run, make periodic adjustments to keep the temperature between (or upstream of) the filters at the proper level. Do not change sampling trains during the test run.

8.10.5 At the end of the test run (see Method 28, section 6.4.6), turn off the coarse adjust valve, remove the probe from the stack, turn off the pump, record the final dry gas meter reading, and conduct a post-test leak-check, as outlined in section 8.8.2. Also, leak-check the pitot lines as described in Method 2, section 8.1; the lines must pass this leak-check in order to validate the velocity head data.

8.11 Calculation of Proportional Sampling Rate. Calculate percent proportionality (see section 12.7) to determine whether the run was valid or another test run should be made.

8.12 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 5, section 8.7, with the exception of the following:

8.12.1 An acetone blank volume of about 50-ml or more may be used.

8.12.2 Treat the samples as follows: Container Nos. 1 and 1A. Treat the two filters according to the procedures outlined in Method 5, section The filters may be stored either in a single container or in separate containers. Use the sum of the filter tare weights to determine the sample mass collected. Container No. 2. Taking care to see that dust on the outside of the probe or other exterior surfaces does not get into the sample, quantitatively recover particulate matter or any condensate from the probe and filter holders by washing and brushing these components with acetone and placing the wash in a labeled glass container. At least three cycles of brushing and rinsing are required. Between sampling runs, keep brushes clean and protected from contamination. After all acetone washings and particulate matter have been collected in the sample containers, tighten the lids on the sample containers so that the acetone will not leak out when transferred to the laboratory weighing area. Mark the height of the fluid levels to determine whether leakage occurs during transport. Label the containers clearly to identify contents.

8.13 Sample Transport. Whenever possible, containers should be shipped in such a way that they remain upright at all times.


Requirements for capping and transport of sample containers are not applicable if sample recovery and analysis occur in the same room.

9.0 Quality Control

9.1 Miscellaneous Quality Control Measures.

Quality control measure
8.8, 10.1-10.4Sampling equipment leak check and calibrationEnsures accurate measurement of stack gas flow rate, sample volume.
10.5Analytical balance calibrationEnsure accurate and precise measurement of collected particulate.
16.2.5Simultaneous, dual-train sample collectionEnsure precision of measured particulate concentration.

9.2 Volume Metering System Checks. Same as Method 5, section 9.2.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization


Maintain a laboratory record of all calibrations.

10.1 Pitot Tube. The Type S pitot tube assembly shall be calibrated according to the procedure outlined in Method 2, section 10.1, prior to the first certification test and checked semiannually, thereafter. A standard pitot need not be calibrated but shall be inspected and cleaned, if necessary, prior to each certification test.

10.2 Volume Metering System.

10.2.1 Initial and Periodic Calibration. Before its initial use and at least semiannually thereafter, calibrate the volume metering system as described in Method 5, section 10.3.1, except that the wet test meter with a capacity of 3.0 liters/rev (0.1 ft
3/rev) may be used. Other liquid displacement systems accurate to within ±1 percent, may be used as calibration standards.


Procedures and equipment specified in Method 5, section 16.0, for alternative calibration standards, including calibrated dry gas meters and critical orifices, are allowed for calibrating the dry gas meter in the sampling train. A dry gas meter used as a calibration standard shall be recalibrated at least once annually.

10.2.2 Calibration After Use. After each certification or audit test (four or more test runs conducted on a wood heater at the four burn rates specified in Method 28), check calibration of the metering system by performing three calibration runs at a single, intermediate flow rate as described in Method 5, section 10.3.2.


Procedures and equipment specified in Method 5, section 16.0, for alternative calibration standards are allowed for the post-test dry gas meter calibration check.

10.2.3 Acceptable Variation in Calibration. If the dry gas meter coefficient values obtained before and after a certification test differ by more than 5 percent, the certification test shall either be voided and repeated, or calculations for the certification test shall be performed using whichever meter coefficient value (i.e., before or after) gives the lower value of total sample volume.

10.3 Temperature Sensors. Use the procedure in Method 2, section 10.3, to calibrate temperature sensors before the first certification or audit test and at least semiannually, thereafter.

10.4 Barometer. Calibrate against a mercury barometer before the first certification test and at least semiannually, thereafter. If a mercury barometer is used, no calibration is necessary. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for operation.

10.5 Analytical Balance. Perform a multipoint calibration (at least five points spanning the operational range) of the analytical balance before the first certification test and semiannually, thereafter. Before each certification test, audit the balance by weighing at least one calibration weight (class F) that corresponds to 50 to 150 percent of the weight of one filter. If the scale cannot reproduce the value of the calibration weight to within 0.1 mg, conduct the multipoint calibration before use.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

11.1 Record the data required on a sheet such as the one shown in Figure 5G-4. Use the same analytical balance for determining tare weights and final sample weights.

11.2 Handle each sample container as follows:

11.2.1 Container Nos. 1 and 1A. Treat the two filters according to the procedures outlined in Method 5, section 11.2.1.

11.2.2 Container No. 2. Same as Method 5, section 11.2.2, except that the beaker may be smaller than 250 ml.

11.2.3 Acetone Blank Container. Same as Method 5, section 11.2.4, except that the beaker may be smaller than 250 ml.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Carry out calculations, retaining at least one extra significant figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round off figures after the final calculation. Other forms of the equations may be used as long as they give equivalent results.

12.1 Nomenclature.

Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream, proportion by volume (assumed to be 0.04).

cs = Concentration of particulate matter in stack gas, dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, g/dscm (gr/dscf).

E = Particulate emission rate, g/hr (lb/hr).

Eadj = Adjusted particulate emission rate, g/hr (lb/hr).

La = Maximum acceptable leakage rate for either a pretest or post-test leak-check, equal to 0.00057 m
3/min (0.020 cfm) or 4 percent of the average sampling rate, whichever is less.

Lp = Leakage rate observed during the post-test leak-check, m
3/min (cfm).

ma = Mass of residue of acetone blank after evaporation, mg.

maw = Mass of residue from acetone wash after evaporation, mg.

mn = Total amount of particulate matter collected, mg.

Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.0 g/g-mole (18.0 lb/lb-mole).

Pbar = Barometric pressure at the sampling site, mm Hg (in. Hg).

PR = Percent of proportional sampling rate.

Ps = Absolute gas pressure in dilution tunnel, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg).

Qsd = Average gas flow rate in dilution tunnel, calculated as in Method 2, Equation 2-8, dscm/hr (dscf/hr).

Tm = Absolute average dry gas meter temperature (see Figure 5G-3), °K (°R).

Tmi = Absolute average dry gas meter temperature during each 10-minute interval, i, of the test run, °K (°R).

Ts = Absolute average gas temperature in the dilution tunnel (see Figure 5G-3), °K (°R).

Tsi = Absolute average gas temperature in the dilution tunnel during each 10 minute interval, i, of the test run, °K (°R).

Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293 °K (528 °R).

Va = Volume of acetone blank, ml.

Vaw = Volume of acetone used in wash, ml.

Vm = Volume of gas sample as measured by dry gas meter, dcm (dcf).

Vmi = Volume of gas sample as measured by dry gas meter during each 10-minute interval, i, of the test run, dcm.

Vm(std) = Volume of gas sample measured by the dry gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, dscm (dscf).

Vs = Average gas velocity in the dilution tunnel, calculated by Method 2, Equation 2-7, m/sec (ft/sec). The dilution tunnel dry gas molecular weight may be assumed to be 29 g/g mole (lb/lb mole).

Vsi = Average gas velocity in dilution tunnel during each 10-minute interval, i, of the test run, calculated by Method 2, Equation 2-7, m/sec (ft/sec).

Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor.

ΔH = Average pressure differential across the orifice meter, if used (see Figure 5G-2), mm H
2O (in. H

U = Total sampling time, min.

10 = 10 minutes, length of first sampling period.

13.6 = Specific gravity of mercury.

100 = Conversion to percent.

12.2 Dry Gas Volume. Same as Method 5, section 12.2, except that component changes are not allowable.

12.3 Solvent Wash Blank.

12.4 Total Particulate Weight. Determine the total particulate catch, mn, from the sum of the weights obtained from Container Nos. 1, 1A, and 2, less the acetone blank (see Figure 5G-4).

12.5 Particulate Concentration.


K2 = 0.001 g/mg for metric units.

= 0.0154 gr/mg for English units.

12.6 Particulate Emission Rate.


Particulate emission rate results produced using the sampling train described in section 6 and shown in Figure 5G-1 shall be adjusted for reporting purposes by the following method adjustment factor:


K3 = constant, 1.82 for metric units.

= constant, 0.643 for English units.

12.7 Proportional Rate Variation. Calculate PR for each 10-minute interval, i, of the test run.

Alternate calculation procedures for proportional rate variation may be used if other sample flow rate data (e.g., orifice flow meters or rotameters) are monitored to maintain proportional sampling rates. The proportional rate variations shall be calculated for each 10-minute interval by comparing the stack to nozzle velocity ratio for each 10-minute interval to the average stack to nozzle velocity ratio for the test run. Proportional rate variation may be calculated for intervals shorter than 10 minutes with appropriate revisions to Equation 5G-5. If no more than 10 percent of the PR values for all the intervals exceed 90 percent ≤PR ≤110 percent, and if no PR value for any interval exceeds 80 percent ≤PR ≤120 percent, the results are acceptable. If the PR values for the test run are judged to be unacceptable, report the test run emission results, but do not include the results in calculating the weighted average emission rate, and repeat the test run.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 Alternative Procedures

16.1 Method 5H Sampling Train. The sampling train and sample collection, recovery, and analysis procedures described in Method 5H, sections 6.1.1, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.10, 8.11, and 11.0, respectively, may be used in lieu of similar sections in Method 5G. Operation of the Method 5H sampling train in the dilution tunnel is as described in section 8.10 of this method. Filter temperatures and condenser conditions are as described in Method 5H. No adjustment to the measured particulate matter emission rate (Equation 5G-4, section 12.6) is to be applied to the particulate emission rate measured by this alternative method.

16.2 Dual Sampling Trains. Two sampling trains may be operated simultaneously at sample flow rates other than that specified in section 8.10, provided that the following specifications are met.

16.2.1 Sampling Train. The sampling train configuration shall be the same as specified in section 6.1.1, except the probe, filter, and filter holder need not be the same sizes as specified in the applicable sections. Filter holders of plastic materials such as Nalgene or polycarbonate materials may be used (the Gelman 1119 filter holder has been found suitable for this purpose). With such materials, it is recommended that solvents not be used in sample recovery. The filter face velocity shall not exceed 150 mm/sec (30 ft/min) during the test run. The dry gas meter shall be calibrated for the same flow rate range as encountered during the test runs. Two separate, complete sampling trains are required for each test run.

16.2.2 Probe Location. Locate the two probes in the dilution tunnel at the same level (see section Two sample ports are necessary. Locate the probe inlets within the 50 mm (2 in.) diameter centroidal area of the dilution tunnel no closer than 25 mm (1 in.) apart.

16.2.3 Sampling Train Operation. Operate the sampling trains as specified in section 8.10, maintaining proportional sampling rates and starting and stopping the two sampling trains simultaneously. The pitot values as described in section 8.5.2 shall be used to adjust sampling rates in both sampling trains.

16.2.4 Recovery and Analysis of Sample. Recover and analyze the samples from the two sampling trains separately, as specified in sections 8.12 and 11.0, respectively. For this alternative procedure, the probe and filter holder assembly may be weighed without sample recovery (use no solvents) described above in order to determine the sample weight gains. For this approach, weigh the clean, dry probe and filter holder assembly upstream of the front filter (without filters) to the nearest 0.1 mg to establish the tare weights. The filter holder section between the front and second filter need not be weighed. At the end of the test run, carefully clean the outside of the probe, cap the ends, and identify the sample (label). Remove the filters from the filter holder assemblies as described for container Nos. 1 and 1A in section Reassemble the filter holder assembly, cap the ends, identify the sample (label), and transfer all the samples to the laboratory weighing area for final weighing. Requirements for capping and transport of sample containers are not applicable if sample recovery and analysis occur in the same room. For this alternative procedure, filters may be weighed directly without a petri dish. If the probe and filter holder assembly are to be weighed to determine the sample weight, rinse the probe with acetone to remove moisture before desiccating prior to the test run. Following the test run, transport the probe and filter holder to the desiccator, and uncap the openings of the probe and the filter holder assembly. Desiccate for 24 hours and weigh to a constant weight. Report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg.

16.2.5 Calculations. Calculate an emission rate (Section 12.6) for the sample from each sampling train separately and determine the average emission rate for the two values. The two emission rates shall not differ by more than 7.5 percent from the average emission rate, or 7.5 percent of the weighted average emission rate limit in the applicable subpart of the regulations, whichever is greater. If this specification is not met, the results are unacceptable. Report the results, but do not include the results in calculating the weighted average emission rate. Repeat the test run until acceptable results are achieved, report the average emission rate for the acceptable test run, and use the average in calculating the weighted average emission rate.

17.0 References

Same as Method 5, section 17.0, References 1 through 11, with the addition of the following:

1. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. Standard Method for Measuring the Emissions and Efficiencies of Woodstoves. June 8, 1984. Pursuant to Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, Division 21.

2. American Society for Testing and Materials. Proposed Test Methods for Heating Performance and Emissions of Residential Wood-fired Closed Combustion-Chamber Heating Appliances. E-6 Proposal P 180. August 1986.

18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Method 5H—Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions From Wood Heaters From a Stack Location


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 2, Method 3, Method 5, Method 5G, Method 6, Method 6C, Method 16A, and Method 28.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Analyte. Particulate matter (PM). No CAS number assigned.

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of PM and condensible emissions from wood heaters.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 Particulate matter is withdrawn proportionally from the wood heater exhaust and is collected on two glass fiber filters separated by impingers immersed in an ice water bath. The first filter is maintained at a temperature of no greater than 120 °C (248 °F). The second filter and the impinger system are cooled such that the temperature of the gas exiting the second filter is no greater than 20 °C (68 °F). The particulate mass collected in the probe, on the filters, and in the impingers is determined gravimetrically after the removal of uncombined water.

3.0 Definitions

Same as in Method 6C, section 3.0.

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Sample Collection. The following items are required for sample collection:

6.1.1 Sampling Train. The sampling train configuration is shown in Figure 5H-1. Same as Method 5, section 6.1.1, with the exception of the following: Probe Nozzle. The nozzle is optional; a straight sampling probe without a nozzle is an acceptable alternative. Probe Liner. Same as Method 5, section, except that the maximum length of the sample probe shall be 0.6 m (2 ft) and probe heating is optional. Filter Holders. Two each of borosilicate glass, with a glass frit or stainless steel filter support and a silicone rubber, Teflon, or Viton gasket. The holder design shall provide a positive seal against leakage from the outside or around the filter. The front filter holder shall be attached immediately at the outlet of the probe and prior to the first impinger. The second filter holder shall be attached on the outlet of the third impinger and prior to the inlet of the fourth (silica gel) impinger.

6.1.2 Barometer. Same as Method 5, section 6.2.

6.1.3 Stack Gas Flow Rate Measurement System. A schematic of an example test system is shown in Figure 5H-2. The flow rate measurement system consists of the following components: Sample Probe. A glass or stainless steel sampling probe. Gas Conditioning System. A high density filter to remove particulate matter and a condenser capable of lowering the dew point of the gas to less than 5 °C (40 °F). Desiccant, such as Drierite, may be used to dry the sample gas. Do not use silica gel. Pump. An inert (e.g., Teflon or stainless steel heads) sampling pump capable of delivering more than the total amount of sample required in the manufacturer’s instructions for the individual instruments. A means of controlling the analyzer flow rate and a device for determining proper sample flow rate (e.g., precision rotameter, pressure gauge downstream of all flow controls) shall be provided at the analyzer. The requirements for measuring and controlling the analyzer flow rate are not applicable if data are presented that demonstrate that the analyzer is insensitive to flow variations over the range encountered during the test. Carbon Monoxide (CO) Analyzer. Any analyzer capable of providing a measure of CO in the range of 0 to 10 percent by volume at least once every 10 minutes. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Analyzer. Any analyzer capable of providing a measure of CO2 in the range of 0 to 25 percent by volume at least once every 10 minutes.


Analyzers with ranges less than those specified above may be used provided actual concentrations do not exceed the range of the analyzer. Manifold. A sampling tube capable of delivering the sample gas to two analyzers and handling an excess of the total amount used by the analyzers. The excess gas is exhausted through a separate port. Recorders (optional). To provide a permanent record of the analyzer outputs.

6.1.4 Proportional Gas Flow Rate System. To monitor stack flow rate changes and provide a measurement that can be used to adjust and maintain particulate sampling flow rates proportional to the stack gas flow rate. A schematic of the proportional flow rate system is shown in Figure 5H-2 and consists of the following components: Tracer Gas Injection System. To inject a known concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2) into the flue. The tracer gas injection system consists of a cylinder of SO2, a gas cylinder regulator, a stainless steel needle valve or flow controller, a nonreactive (stainless steel and glass) rotameter, and an injection loop to disperse the SO2 evenly in the flue. Sample Probe. A glass or stainless steel sampling probe. Gas Conditioning System. A combustor as described in Method 16A, sections 6.1.5 and 6.1.6, followed by a high density filter to remove particulate matter, and a condenser capable of lowering the dew point of the gas to less than 5 °C (40 °F). Desiccant, such as Drierite, may be used to dry the sample gas. Do not use silica gel. Pump. Same as described in section SO2 Analyzer. Any analyzer capable of providing a measure of the SO2 concentration in the range of 0 to 1,000 ppm by volume (or other range necessary to measure the SO2 concentration) at least once every 10 minutes. Recorder (optional). To provide a permanent record of the analyzer outputs.


Other tracer gas systems, including helium gas systems, are acceptable for determination of instantaneous proportional sampling rates.

6.2 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 5, section 6.2.

6.3 Sample Analysis. Same as Method 5, section 6.3, with the addition of the following:

6.3.1 Separatory Funnel. Glass or Teflon, 500-ml or greater.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

7.1 Sample Collection. Same as Method 5, section 7.1, including deionized distilled water.

7.2 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 5, section 7.2.

7.3 Sample Analysis. The following reagents and standards are required for sample analysis:

7.3.1 Acetone. Same as Method 5 section 7.2.

7.3.2 Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride). Reagent grade,

7.3.3 Desiccant. Anhydrous calcium sulfate, calcium chloride, or silica gel, indicating type.

7.3.4 Cylinder Gases. For the purposes of this procedure, span value is defined as the upper limit of the range specified for each analyzer as described in section or If an analyzer with a range different from that specified in this method is used, the span value shall be equal to the upper limit of the range for the analyzer used (see note in section Calibration Gases. The calibration gases for the CO2, CO, and SO2 analyzers shall be CO2 in nitrogen (N2), CO in N2, and SO2 in N2, respectively. CO2 and CO calibration gases may be combined in a single cylinder. Use three calibration gases as specified in Method 6C, sections 7.2.1 through 7.2.3. SO2 Injection Gas. A known concentration of SO2 in N2. The concentration must be at least 2 percent SO2 with a maximum of 100 percent SO2.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Transport, and Storage

8.1 Pretest Preparation. Same as Method 5, section 8.1.

8.2 Calibration Gas and SO2 Injection Gas Concentration Verification, Sampling System Bias Check, Response Time Test, and Zero and Calibration Drift Tests. Same as Method 6C, sections 8.2.1, 8.2.3, 8.2.4, and 8.5, respectively, except that for verification of CO and CO2 gas concentrations, substitute Method 3 for Method 6.

8.3 Preliminary Determinations.

8.3.1 Sampling Location. The sampling location for the particulate sampling probe shall be 2.45 ±0.15 m (8 ±0.5 ft) above the platform upon which the wood heater is placed (i.e., the top of the scale).

8.3.2 Sampling Probe and Nozzle. Select a nozzle, if used, sized for the range of velocity heads, such that it is not necessary to change the nozzle size in order to maintain proportional sampling rates. During the run, do not change the nozzle size. Select a suitable probe liner and probe length to effect minimum blockage.

8.4 Preparation of Particulate Sampling Train. Same as Method 5, section 8.3, with the exception of the following:

8.4.1 The train should be assembled as shown in Figure 5H-1.

8.4.2 A glass cyclone may not be used between the probe and filter holder.

8.5 Leak-Check Procedures.

8.5.1 Leak-Check of Metering System Shown in Figure 5H-1. That portion of the sampling train from the pump to the orifice meter shall be leak-checked after each certification or audit test. Use the procedure described in Method 5, section 8.4.1.

8.5.2 Pretest Leak-Check. A pretest leak-check of the sampling train is recommended, but not required. If the pretest leak-check is conducted, the procedures outlined in Method 5, section 8.5.2 should be used. A vacuum of 130 mm Hg (5 in. Hg) may be used instead of 380 mm Hg (15 in. Hg).

8.5.2 Leak-Checks During Sample Run. If, during the sampling run, a component (e.g., filter assembly or impinger) change becomes necessary, conduct a leak-check as described in Method 5, section 8.4.3.

8.5.3 Post-Test Leak-Check. A leak-check is mandatory at the conclusion of each sampling run. The leak-check shall be performed in accordance with the procedures outlined in Method 5, section 8.4.4, except that a vacuum of 130 mm Hg (5 in. Hg) or the greatest vacuum measured during the test run, whichever is greater, may be used instead of 380 mm Hg (15 in. Hg).

8.6 Tracer Gas Procedure. A schematic of the tracer gas injection and sampling systems is shown in Figure 5H-2.

8.6.1 SO2 Injection Probe. Install the SO2 injection probe and dispersion loop in the stack at a location 2.9 ±0.15 m (9.5 ±0.5 ft) above the sampling platform.

8.6.2 SO2 Sampling Probe. Install the SO2 sampling probe at the centroid of the stack at a location 4.1 ±0.15 m (13.5 ±0.5 ft) above the sampling platform.

8.7 Flow Rate Measurement System. A schematic of the flow rate measurement system is shown in Figure 5H-2. Locate the flow rate measurement sampling probe at the centroid of the stack at a location 2.3 ±0.3 m (7.5 ±1 ft) above the sampling platform.

8.8 Tracer Gas Procedure. Within 1 minute after closing the wood heater door at the start of the test run (as defined in Method 28, section 8.8.1), meter a known concentration of SO2 tracer gas at a constant flow rate into the wood heater stack. Monitor the SO2 concentration in the stack, and record the SO2 concentrations at 10-minute intervals or more often. Adjust the particulate sampling flow rate proportionally to the SO2 concentration changes using Equation 5H-6 (e.g., the SO2 concentration at the first 10-minute reading is measured to be 100 ppm; the next 10 minute SO2 concentration is measured to be 75 ppm: the particulate sample flow rate is adjusted from the initial 0.15 cfm to 0.20 cfm). A check for proportional rate variation shall be made at the completion of the test run using Equation 5H-10.

8.9 Volumetric Flow Rate Procedure. Apply stoichiometric relationships to the wood combustion process in determining the exhaust gas flow rate as follows:

8.9.1 Test Fuel Charge Weight. Record the test fuel charge weight (wet) as specified in Method 28, section 8.8.2. The wood is assumed to have the following weight percent composition: 51 percent carbon, 7.3 percent hydrogen, 41 percent oxygen. Record the wood moisture for each fuel charge as described in Method 28, section 8.6.5. The ash is assumed to have negligible effect on associated C, H, and O concentrations after the test burn.

8.9.2 Measured Values. Record the CO and CO2 concentrations in the stack on a dry basis every 10 minutes during the test run or more often. Average these values for the test run. Use as a mole fraction (e.g., 10 percent CO2 is recorded as 0.10) in the calculations to express total flow (see Equation 5H-6).

8.10 Sampling Train Operation.

8.10.1 For each run, record the data required on a data sheet such as the one shown in Figure 5H-3. Be sure to record the initial dry gas meter reading. Record the dry gas meter readings at the beginning and end of each sampling time increment, when changes in flow rates are made, before and after each leak-check, and when sampling is halted. Take other readings as indicated on Figure 5H-3 at least once each 10 minutes during the test run.

8.10.2 Remove the nozzle cap, verify that the filter and probe heating systems are up to temperature, and that the probe is properly positioned. Position the nozzle, if used, facing into gas stream, or the probe tip in the 50 mm (2 in.) centroidal area of the stack.

8.10.3 Be careful not to bump the probe tip into the stack wall when removing or inserting the probe through the porthole; this minimizes the chance of extracting deposited material.

8.10.4 When the probe is in position, block off the openings around the probe and porthole to prevent unrepresentative dilution of the gas stream.

8.10.5 Begin sampling at the start of the test run as defined in Method 28, section 8.8.1, start the sample pump, and adjust the sample flow rate to between 0.003 and 0.014 m
3/min (0.1 and 0.5 cfm). Adjust the sample flow rate proportionally to the stack gas flow during the test run according to the procedures outlined in section 8. Maintain a proportional sampling rate (within 10 percent of the desired value) and a filter holder temperature no greater than 120 °C (248 °F).

8.10.6 During the test run, make periodic adjustments to keep the temperature around the filter holder at the proper level. Add more ice to the impinger box and, if necessary, salt to maintain a temperature of less than 20 °C (68 °F) at the condenser/silica gel outlet.

8.10.7 If the pressure drop across the filter becomes too high, making proportional sampling difficult to maintain, either filter may be replaced during a sample run. It is recommended that another complete filter assembly be used rather than attempting to change the filter itself. Before a new filter assembly is installed, conduct a leak-check (see section 8.5.2). The total particulate weight shall include the summation of all filter assembly catches. The total time for changing sample train components shall not exceed 10 minutes. No more than one component change is allowed for any test run.

8.10.8 At the end of the test run, turn off the coarse adjust valve, remove the probe and nozzle from the stack, turn off the pump, record the final dry gas meter reading, and conduct a post-test leak-check, as outlined in section 8.5.3.

8.11 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 5, section 8.7, with the exception of the following:

8.11.1 Blanks. The volume of the acetone blank may be about 50-ml, rather than 200-ml; a 200-ml water blank shall also be saved for analysis.

8.11.2 Samples. Container Nos. 1 and 1A. Treat the two filters according to the procedures outlined in Method 5, section The filters may be stored either in a single container or in separate containers. Container No. 2. Same as Method 5, section, except that the container should not be sealed until the impinger rinse solution is added (see section Container No. 3. Treat the impingers as follows: Measure the liquid which is in the first three impingers to within 1-ml by using a graduated cylinder or by weighing it to within 0.5 g by using a balance (if one is available). Record the volume or weight of liquid present. This information is required to calculate the moisture content of the effluent gas. Transfer the water from the first, second, and third impingers to a glass container. Tighten the lid on the sample container so that water will not leak out. Rinse impingers and graduated cylinder, if used, with acetone three times or more. Avoid direct contact between the acetone and any stopcock grease or collection of any stopcock grease in the rinse solutions. Add these rinse solutions to sample Container No. 2. Container No. 4. Same as Method 5, section

8.12 Sample Transport. Whenever possible, containers should be transferred in such a way that they remain upright at all times.


Requirements for capping and transport of sample containers are not applicable if sample recovery and analysis occur in the same room.

9.0 Quality Control

9.1 Miscellaneous Quality Control Measures.

Quality control measure
8.2Sampling system bias checkEnsures that bias introduced by measurement system, minus analyzer, is no greater than 3 percent of span.
8.2Analyzer zero and calibration drift testsEnsures that bias introduced by drift in the measurement system output during the run is no greater than 3 percent of span.
8.5, 10.1, 12.13Sampling equipment leak-check and calibration; proportional sampling rate verificationEnsures accurate measurement of stack gas flow rate, sample volume.
10.1Analytical balance calibrationEnsure accurate and precise measurement of collected particulate.
10.3Analyzer calibration error checkEnsures that bias introduced by analyzer calibration error is no greater than 2 percent of span.

9.2 Volume Metering System Checks. Same as Method 5, section 9.2.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization


Maintain a laboratory record of all calibrations.

10.1 Volume Metering System, Temperature Sensors, Barometer, and Analytical Balance. Same as Method 5G, sections 10.2 through 10.5, respectively.

10.2 SO2 Injection Rotameter. Calibrate the SO2 injection rotameter system with a soap film flowmeter or similar direct volume measuring device with an accuracy of 2 percent. Operate the rotameter at a single reading for at least three calibration runs for 10 minutes each. When three consecutive calibration flow rates agree within 5 percent, average the three flow rates, mark the rotameter at the calibrated setting, and use the calibration flow rate as the SO2 injection flow rate during the test run. Repeat the rotameter calibration before the first certification test and semiannually thereafter.

10.3. Gas Analyzers. Same as Method 6C, section 10.0.

10.4 Field Balance Calibration Check. Check the calibration of the balance used to weigh impingers with a weight that is at least 500g or within 50g of a loaded impinger. The weight must be ASTM E617-13 “Standard Specification for Laboratory Weights and Precision Mass Standards” (incorporated by reference—see 40 CFR 60.17) Class 6 (or better). Daily before use, the field balance must measure the weight within ± 0.5g of the certified mass. If the daily balance calibration check fails, perform corrective measures and repeat the check before using balance.

10.5 Analytical Balance Calibration. Perform a multipoint calibration (at least five points spanning the operational range) of the analytical balance before the first use, and semiannually thereafter. The calibration of the analytical balance must be conducted using ASTM E617-13 “Standard Specification for Laboratory Weights and Precision Mass Standards” (incorporated by reference—see 40 CFR 60.17) Class 2 (or better) tolerance weights. Audit the balance each day it is used for gravimetric measurements by weighing at least one ASTM E617-13 Class 2 tolerance (or better) calibration weight that corresponds to 50 to 150 percent of the weight of one filter or between 1g and 5g. If the scale cannot reproduce the value of the calibration weight to within 0.5 mg of the certified mass, perform corrective measures, and conduct the multipoint calibration before use.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

11.1 Record the data required on a sheet such as the one shown in Figure 5H-4.

11.2 Handle each sample container as follows:

11.2.1 Container Nos. 1 and 1A. Treat the two filters according to the procedures outlined in Method 5, section 11.2.1.

11.2.2 Container No. 2. Same as Method 5, section 11.2.2, except that the beaker may be smaller than 250-ml.

11.2.3 Container No. 3. Note the level of liquid in the container and confirm on the analysis sheet whether leakage occurred during transport. If a noticeable amount of leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use methods, subject to the approval of the Administrator, to correct the final results. Determination of sample leakage is not applicable if sample recovery and analysis occur in the same room. Measure the liquid in this container either volumetrically to within 1-ml or gravimetrically to within 0.5 g. Transfer the contents to a 500-ml or larger separatory funnel. Rinse the container with water, and add to the separatory funnel. Add 25-ml of dichloromethane to the separatory funnel, stopper and vigorously shake 1 minute, let separate and transfer the dichloromethane (lower layer) into a tared beaker or evaporating dish. Repeat twice more. It is necessary to rinse Container No. 3 with dichloromethane. This rinse is added to the impinger extract container. Transfer the remaining water from the separatory funnel to a tared beaker or evaporating dish and evaporate to dryness at 104 °C (220 °F). Desiccate and weigh to a constant weight. Evaporate the combined impinger water extracts at ambient temperature and pressure. Desiccate and weigh to a constant weight. Report both results to the nearest 0.1 mg.

11.2.4 Container No. 4. Weigh the spent silica gel (or silica gel plus impinger) to the nearest 0.5 g using a balance.

11.2.5 Acetone Blank Container. Same as Method 5, section 11.2.4, except that the beaker may be smaller than 250 ml.

11.2.6 Dichloromethane Blank Container. Treat the same as the acetone blank.

11.2.7 Water Blank Container. Transfer the water to a tared 250 ml beaker and evaporate to dryness at 104 °C (220 °F). Desiccate and weigh to a constant weight.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Carry out calculations, retaining at least one extra significant figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round off figures after the final calculation. Other forms of the equations may be used as long as they give equivalent results.

12.1 Nomenclature.

A = Sample flow rate adjustment factor.

BR = Dry wood burn rate, kg/hr (lb/hr), from Method 28, Section 8.3.

Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream, proportion by volume.

Ci = Tracer gas concentration at inlet, ppmv.

Co = Tracer gas concentration at outlet, ppmv.

Cs = Concentration of particulate matter in stack gas, dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, g/dscm (g/dscf).

E = Particulate emission rate, g/hr (lb/hr).

ΔH = Average pressure differential across the orifice meter (see Figure 5H-1), mm H2O (in. H2O).

La = Maximum acceptable leakage rate for either a post-test leak-check or for a leak-check following a component change; equal to 0.00057 cmm (0.020 cfm) or 4 percent of the average sampling rate, whichever is less.

L1 = Individual leakage rate observed during the leak-check conducted before a component change, cmm (cfm).

Lp = Leakage rate observed during the post-test leak-check, cmm (cfm).

mn = Total amount of particulate matter collected, mg.

Ma = Mass of residue of solvent after evaporation, mg.

NC = Grams of carbon/gram of dry fuel (lb/lb), equal to 0.0425.

NT = Total dry moles of exhaust gas/kg of dry wood burned, g-moles/kg (lb-moles/lb).

PR = Percent of proportional sampling rate.

Pbar = Barometric pressure at the sampling site, mm Hg (in.Hg).

Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in.Hg).

Qi = Gas volumetric flow rate at inlet, cfm (l/min).

Qo = Gas volumetric flow rate at outlet, cfm (l/min).

12.2 Average Dry Gas Meter Temperature and Average Orifice Pressure Drop. See data sheet (Figure 5H-3).

12.3 Dry Gas Volume. Same as Method 5, section 12.3.

12.4 Volume of Water Vapor.


K2 = 0.001333 m
3/ml for metric units.

K2 = 0.04707 ft
3/ml for English units.

12.5 Moisture Content.

12.6 Solvent Wash Blank.

12.7 Total Particulate Weight. Determine the total particulate catch from the sum of the weights obtained from containers 1, 2, 3, and 4 less the appropriate solvent blanks (see Figure 5H-4).


Refer to Method 5, section 8.5 to assist in calculation of results involving two filter assemblies.

12.8 Particulate Concentration.

12.9 Sample Flow Rate Adjustment.

12.10 Carbon Balance for Total Moles of Exhaust Gas (dry)/kg of Wood Burned in the Exhaust Gas.


K3 = 1000 g/kg for metric units.

K3 = 1.0 lb/lb for English units.


The NOX/SOX portion of the gas is assumed to be negligible.

12.11 Total Stack Gas Flow Rate.


K4 = 0.02406 dscm/g-mole for metric units.

K4 = 384.8 dscf/lb-mole for English units.

12.12 Particulate Emission Rate.

12.13 Proportional Rate Variation. Calculate PR for each 10-minute interval, i, of the test run.

12.14 Acceptable Results. If no more than 15 percent of the PR values for all the intervals fall outside the range 90 percent ≤PR ≤110 percent, and if no PR value for any interval falls outside the range 75 ≤PR ≤125 percent, the results are acceptable. If the PR values for the test runs are judged to be unacceptable, report the test run emission results, but do not include the test run results in calculating the weighted average emission rate, and repeat the test.

12.15 Alternative Tracer Gas Flow Rate Determination.


This gives Q for a single instance only. Repeated multiple determinations are needed to track temporal variations. Very small variations in Qi, Ci, or Co may give very large variations in Qo.

13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 Alternative Procedures

16.1 Alternative Stack Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Determination (Tracer Gas).

16.1.1 Apparatus. Tracer Gas Injector System. This is to inject a known concentration of tracer gas into the stack. This system consists of a cylinder of tracer gas, a gas cylinder regulator, a stainless steel needle valve or a flow controller, a nonreactive (stainless steel or glass) rotameter, and an injection loop to disperse the tracer gas evenly in the stack. Tracer Gas Probe. A glass or stainless steel sampling probe. Gas Conditioning System. A gas conditioning system is suitable for delivering a cleaned sample to the analyzer consisting of a filter to remove particulate and a condenser capable of lowering the dew point of the sample gas to less than 5 °C (40 °F). A desiccant such as anhydrous calcium sulfate may be used to dry the sample gas. Desiccants which react or absorb tracer gas or stack gas may not be used, e.g. silica gel absorbs CO2. Pump. An inert (i.e., stainless steel or Teflon head) pump to deliver more than the total sample required by the manufacturer’s specifications for the analyzer used to measure the downstream tracer gas concentration. Gas Analyzer. A gas analyzer is any analyzer capable of measuring the tracer gas concentration in the range necessary at least every 10 minutes. A means of controlling the analyzer flow rate and a device for determining proper sample flow rate shall be provided unless data is provided to show that the analyzer is insensitive to flow variations over the range encountered during the test. The gas analyzer needs to meet or exceed the following performance specifications:

Linearity±1 percent of full scale.
Calibration Error≤2 percent of span.
Response Time≤10 seconds.
Zero Drift (24 hour)≤2 percent of full scale.
Span Drift (24 hour)≤2 percent of full scale.
Resolution≤0.5 percent of span. Recorder (optional). To provide a permanent record of the analyzer output.

16.1.2 Reagents. Tracer Gas. The tracer gas is sulfur hexafluoride in an appropriate concentration for accurate analyzer measurement or pure sulfur dioxide. The gas used must be nonreactive with the stack effluent and give minimal (

16.1.3 Procedure. Select upstream and downstream locations in the stack or duct for introducing the tracer gas and delivering the sampled gas to the analyzer. The inlet location should be 8 or more duct diameters beyond any upstream flow disturbance. The outlet should be 8 or more undisturbed duct diameters from the inlet and 2 or more duct diameters from the duct exit. After installing the apparatus, meter a known concentration of the tracer gas into the stack at the inlet location. Use the gas sample probe and analyzer to show that no stratification of the tracer gas is found in the stack at the measurement locations. Monitor the tracer gas concentration from the outlet location and record the concentration at 10-minute intervals or more often at the option of the tester. A minimum of three measured intervals is recommended to determine the stack gas volumetric flow rate. Other statistical procedures may be applied for complete flow characterization and additional QA/QC.

17.0 References

Same as Method 5G, section 17.0.

18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Method 5I—Determination of Low Level Particulate Matter Emissions From Stationary Sources


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Certain information is contained in other EPA procedures found in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have experience with and a thorough knowledge of the following Methods: Methods 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

1. Scope and Application.

1.1 Analyte. Particulate matter (PM). No CAS number assigned.

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of low level particulate matter (PM) emissions from stationary sources. The method is most effective for total PM catches of 50 mg or less. This method was initially developed for performing correlation of manual PM measurements to PM continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS), however it is also useful for other low particulate concentration applications.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods. Method 5I requires the use of paired trains. Acceptance criteria for the identification of data quality outliers from the paired trains are provided in section 12.2 of this Method.

2. Summary of Method.

2.1. Description. The system setup and operation is essentially identical to Method 5. Particulate is withdrawn isokinetically from the source and collected on a 47 mm glass fiber filter maintained at a temperature of 120 ±14 °C (248 ±25 °F). The PM mass is determined by gravimetric analysis after the removal of uncombined water. Specific measures in this procedure designed to improve system performance at low particulate levels include:

1. Improved sample handling procedures

2 Light weight sample filter assembly

3. Use of low residue grade acetone

Accuracy is improved through the minimization of systemic errors associated with sample handling and weighing procedures. High purity reagents, all glass, grease free, sample train components, and light weight filter assemblies and beakers, each contribute to the overall objective of improved precision and accuracy at low particulate concentrations.

2.2 Paired Trains. This method must be performed using a paired train configuration. These trains may be operated as co-located trains (to trains operating collecting from one port) or as simultaneous trains (separate trains operating from different ports at the same time). Procedures for calculating precision of the paired trains are provided in section 12.

2.3 Detection Limit. a. Typical detection limit for manual particulate testing is 0.5 mg. This mass is also cited as the accepted weight variability limit in determination of “constant weight” as cited in section 8.1.2 of this Method. EPA has performed studies to provide guidance on minimum PM catch. The minimum detection limit (MDL) is the minimum concentration or amount of an analyte that can be determined with a specified degree of confidence to be different from zero. We have defined the minimum or target catch as a concentration or amount sufficiently larger than the MDL to ensure that the results are reliable and repeatable. The particulate matter catch is the product of the average particulate matter concentration on a mass per volume basis and the volume of gas collected by the sample train. The tester can generally control the volume of gas collected by increasing the sampling time or to a lesser extent by increasing the rate at which sample is collected. If the tester has a reasonable estimate of the PM concentration from the source, the tester can ensure that the target catch is collected by sampling the appropriate gas volume.

b. However, if the source has a very low particulate matter concentration in the stack, the volume of gas sampled may need to be very large which leads to unacceptably long sampling times. When determining compliance with an emission limit, EPA guidance has been that the tester does not always have to collect the target catch. Instead, we have suggested that the tester sample enough stack gas, that if the source were exactly at the level of the emission standard, the sample catch would equal the target catch. Thus, if at the end of the test the catch were smaller than the target, we could still conclude that the source is in compliance though we might not know the exact emission level. This volume of gas becomes a target volume that can be translated into a target sampling time by assuming an average sampling rate. Because the MDL forms the basis for our guidance on target sampling times, EPA has conducted a systematic laboratory study to define what is the MDL for Method 5 and determined the Method to have a calculated practical quantitation limit (PQL) of 3 mg of PM and an MDL of 1 mg.

c. Based on these results, the EPA has concluded that for PM testing, the target catch must be no less than 3 mg. Those sample catches between 1 mg and 3 mg are between the detection limit and the limit of quantitation. If a tester uses the target catch to estimate a target sampling time that results in sample catches that are less than 3 mg, you should not automatically reject the results. If the tester calculated the target sampling time as described above by assuming that the source was at the level of the emission limit, the results would still be valid for determining that the source was in compliance. For purposes other than determining compliance, results should be divided into two categories—those that fall between 3 mg and 1 mg and those that are below 1 mg. A sample catch between 1 and 3 mg may be used for such purposes as calculating emission rates with the understanding that the resulting emission rates can have a high degree of uncertainty. Results of less than 1 mg should not be used for calculating emission rates or pollutant concentrations.

d. When collecting small catches such as 3 mg, bias becomes an important issue. Source testers must use extreme caution to reach the PQL of 3 mg by assuring that sampling probes are very clean (perhaps confirmed by low blank weights) before use in the field. They should also use low tare weight sample containers, and establish a well-controlled balance room to weigh the samples.

3. Definitions.

3.1 Light Weight Filter Housing. A smaller housing that allows the entire filtering system to be weighed before and after sample collection. (See. 6.1.3)

3.2 Paired Train. Sample systems trains may be operated as co-located trains (two sample probes attached to each other in the same port) or as simultaneous trains (two separate trains operating from different ports at the same time).

4. Interferences.

a. There are numerous potential interferents that may be encountered during performance of Method 5I sampling and analyses. This Method should be considered more sensitive to the normal interferents typically encountered during particulate testing because of the low level concentrations of the flue gas stream being sampled.

b. Care must be taken to minimize field contamination, especially to the filter housing since the entire unit is weighed (not just the filter media). Care must also be taken to ensure that no sample is lost during the sampling process (such as during port changes, removal of the filter assemblies from the probes, etc.).

c. Balance room conditions are a source of concern for analysis of the low level samples. Relative humidity, ambient temperatures variations, air draft, vibrations and even barometric pressure can affect consistent reproducible measurements of the sample media. Ideally, the same analyst who performs the tare weights should perform the final weights to minimize the effects of procedural differences specific to the analysts.

d. Attention must also be provided to weighing artifacts caused by electrostatic charges which may have to be discharged or neutralized prior to sample analysis. Static charge can affect consistent and reliable gravimetric readings in low humidity environments. Method 5I recommends a relative humidity of less than 50 percent in the weighing room environment used for sample analyses. However, lower humidity may be encountered or required to address sample precision problems. Low humidity conditions can increase the effects of static charge.

e. Other interferences associated with typical Method 5 testing (sulfates, acid gases, etc.) are also applicable to Method 5I.

5. Safety.

Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety concerns associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability and observe all regulatory limitations before using this method.

6. Equipment and Supplies.

6.1 Sample Collection Equipment and Supplies. The sample train is nearly identical in configuration to the train depicted in Figure 5-1 of Method 5. The primary difference in the sample trains is the lightweight Method 5I filter assembly that attaches directly to the exit to the probe. Other exceptions and additions specific to Method 5I include:

6.1.1 Probe Nozzle. Same as Method 5, with the exception that it must be constructed of borosilicate or quartz glass tubing.

6.1.2 Probe Liner. Same as Method 5, with the exception that it must be constructed of borosilicate or quartz glass tubing.

6.1.3 Filter Holder. The filter holder is constructed of borosilicate or quartz glass front cover designed to hold a 47-mm glass fiber filter, with a wafer thin stainless steel (SS) filter support, a silicone rubber or Viton O-ring, and Teflon tape seal. This holder design will provide a positive seal against leakage from the outside or around the filter. The filter holder assembly fits into a SS filter holder and attaches directly to the outlet of the probe. The tare weight of the filter, borosilicate or quartz glass holder, SS filter support, O-ring and Teflon tape seal generally will not exceed approximately 35 grams. The filter holder is designed to use a 47-mm glass fiber filter meeting the quality criteria in of Method 5. These units are commercially available from several source testing equipment vendors. Once the filter holder has been assembled, desiccated and tared, protect it from external sources of contamination by covering the front socket with a ground glass plug. Secure the plug with an impinger clamp or other item that will ensure a leak-free fitting.

6.2 Sample Recovery Equipment and Supplies. Same as Method 5, with the following exceptions:

6.2.1 Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes. Teflon or nylon bristle brushes with stainless steel wire handles, should be used to clean the probe. The probe brush must have extensions (at least as long as the probe) of Teflon, nylon or similarly inert material. The brushes must be properly sized and shaped for brushing out the probe liner and nozzle.

6.2.2 Wash Bottles. Two Teflon wash bottles are recommended however, polyethylene wash bottles may be used at the option of the tester. Acetone should not be stored in polyethylene bottles for longer than one month.

6.2.3 Filter Assembly Transport. A system should be employed to minimize contamination of the filter assemblies during transport to and from the field test location. A carrying case or packet with clean compartments of sufficient size to accommodate each filter assembly can be used. This system should have an air tight seal to further minimize contamination during transport to and from the field.

6.3 Analysis Equipment and Supplies. Same as Method 5, with the following exception:

6.3.1 Lightweight Beaker Liner. Teflon or other lightweight beaker liners are used for the analysis of the probe and nozzle rinses. These light weight liners are used in place of the borosilicate glass beakers typically used for the Method 5 weighings in order to improve sample analytical precision.

6.3.2 Anti-static Treatment. Commercially available gaseous anti-static rinses are recommended for low humidity situations that contribute to static charge problems.

7. Reagents and Standards.

7.1 Sampling Reagents. The reagents used in sampling are the same as Method 5 with the following exceptions:

7.1.1 Filters. The quality specifications for the filters are identical to those cited for Method 5. The only difference is the filter diameter of 47 millimeters.

7.1.2 Stopcock Grease. Stopcock grease cannot be used with this sampling train. We recommend that the sampling train be assembled with glass joints containing O-ring seals or screw-on connectors, or similar.

7.1.3 Acetone. Low residue type acetone, ≤0.001 percent residue, purchased in glass bottles is used for the recovery of particulate matter from the probe and nozzle. Acetone from metal containers generally has a high residue blank and should not be used. Sometimes, suppliers transfer acetone to glass bottles from metal containers; thus, acetone blanks must be run prior to field use and only acetone with low blank values (≤0.001 percent residue, as specified by the manufacturer) must be used. Acetone blank correction is not allowed for this method; therefore, it is critical that high purity reagents be purchased and verified prior to use.

7.1.4 Gloves. Disposable, powder-free, latex surgical gloves, or their equivalent are used at all times when handling the filter housings or performing sample recovery.

7.2 Standards. There are no applicable standards commercially available for Method 5I analyses.

8. Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport.

8.1 Pretest Preparation. Same as Method 5 with several exceptions specific to filter assembly and weighing.

8.1.1 Filter Assembly. Uniquely identify each filter support before loading filters into the holder assembly. This can be done with an engraving tool or a permanent marker. Use powder free latex surgical gloves whenever handling the filter holder assemblies. Place the O-ring on the back of the filter housing in the O-ring groove. Place a 47 mm glass fiber filter on the O-ring with the face down. Place a stainless steel filter holder against the back of the filter. Carefully wrap 5 mm (
1/4 inch) wide Teflon” tape one timearound the outside of the filter holder overlapping the stainless steel filter support by approximately 2.5 mm (
1/8 inch). Gently brush the Teflon tape down on the back of the stainless steel filter support. Store the filter assemblies in their transport case until time for weighing or field use.

8.1.2 Filter Weighing Procedures. a. Desiccate the entire filter holder assemblies at 20 ±5.6 °C (68 ±10 °F) and ambient pressure for at least 24 hours. Weigh at intervals of at least 6 hours to a constant weight, i.e., 0.5 mg change from previous weighing. Record the results to the nearest 0.1 mg. During each weighing, the filter holder assemblies must not be exposed to the laboratory atmosphere for a period greater than 2 minutes and a relative humidity above 50 percent. Lower relative humidity may be required in order to improve analytical precision. However, low humidity conditions increase static charge to the sample media.

b. Alternatively (unless otherwise specified by the Administrator), the filters holder assemblies may be oven dried at 105 °C (220 °F) for a minimum of 2 hours, desiccated for 2 hours, and weighed. The procedure used for the tare weigh must also be used for the final weight determination.

c. Experience has shown that weighing uncertainties are not only related to the balance performance but to the entire weighing procedure. Therefore, before performing any measurement, establish and follow standard operating procedures, taking into account the sampling equipment and filters to be used.

8.2 Preliminary Determinations. Select the sampling site, traverse points, probe nozzle, and probe length as specified in Method 5.

8.3 Preparation of Sampling Train. Same as Method 5, section 8.3, with the following exception: During preparation and assembly of the sampling train, keep all openings where contamination can occur covered until justbefore assembly or until sampling is about to begin. Using gloves, place a labeled (identified) and weighed filter holder assembly into the stainless steel holder. Then place this whole unit in the Method 5 hot box, and attach it to the probe. Do not use stopcock grease.

8.4 Leak-Check Procedures. Same as Method 5.

8.5 Sampling Train Operation.

8.5.1. Operation. Operate the sampling train in a manner consistent with those described in Methods 1, 2, 4 and 5 in terms of the number of sample points and minimum time per point. The sample rate and total gas volume should be adjusted based on estimated grain loading of the source being characterized. The total sampling time must be a function of the estimated mass of particulate to be collected for the run. Targeted mass to be collected in a typical Method 5I sample train should be on the order of 10 to 20 mg. Method 5I is most appropriate for total collected masses of less than 50 milligrams, however, there is not an exact particulate loading cutoff, and it is likely that some runs may exceed 50 mg. Exceeding 50 mg (or less than 10 mg) for the sample mass does not necessarily justify invalidating a sample run if all other Method criteria are met.

8.5.2 Paired Train. This Method requires PM samples be collected with paired trains. It is important that the systems be operated truly simultaneously. This implies that both sample systems start and stop at the same times. This also means that if one sample system is stopped during the run, the other sample systems must also be stopped until the cause has been corrected. Care should be taken to maintain the filter box temperature of the paired trains as close as possible to the Method required temperature of 120 ±14 °C (248 ±25 °F). If separate ovens are being used for simultaneously operated trains, it is recommended that the oven temperature of each train be maintained within ±14 °C (±25 °F) of each other. The nozzles for paired trains need not be identically sized. Co-located sample nozzles must be within the same plane perpendicular to the gas flow. Co-located nozzles and pitot assemblies should be within a 6.0 cm × 6.0 cm square (as cited for a quadruple train in Reference Method 301).

8.5.3 Duplicate gas samples for molecular weight determination need not be collected.

8.6 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 5 with several exceptions specific to the filter housing.

8.6.1 Before moving the sampling train to the cleanup site, remove the probe from the train and seal the nozzle inlet and outlet of the probe. Be careful not to lose any condensate that might be present. Cap the filter inlet using a standard ground glass plug and secure the cap with an impinger clamp. Remove the umbilical cord from the last impinger and cap the impinger. If a flexible line is used between the first impinger condenser and the filter holder, disconnect the line at the filter holder and let any condensed water or liquid drain into the impingers or condenser.

8.6.2 Transfer the probe and filter-impinger assembly to the cleanup area. This area must be clean and protected from the wind so that the possibility of losing any of the sample will be minimized.

8.6.3 Inspect the train prior to and during disassembly and note any abnormal conditions such as particulate color, filter loading, impinger liquid color, etc.

8.6.4 Container No. 1, Filter Assembly. Carefully remove the cooled filter holder assembly from the Method 5 hot box and place it in the transport case. Use a pair of clean gloves to handle the filter holder assembly.

8.6.5 Container No. 2, Probe Nozzle and Probe Liner Rinse. Rinse the probe and nozzle components with acetone. Be certain that the probe and nozzle brushes have been thoroughly rinsed prior to use as they can be a source of contamination.

8.6.6 All Other Train Components. (Impingers) Same as Method 5.

8.7 Sample Storage and Transport. Whenever possible, containers should be shipped in such a way that they remain upright at all times. All appropriate dangerous goods shipping requirements must be observed since acetone is a flammable liquid.

9. Quality Control.

9.1 Miscellaneous Field Quality Control Measures.

9.1.1 A quality control (QC) check of the volume metering system at the field site is suggested before collecting the sample using the procedures in Method 5, section 4.4.1.

9.1.2 All other quality control checks outlined in Methods 1, 2, 4 and 5 also apply to Method 5I. This includes procedures such as leak-checks, equipment calibration checks, and independent checks of field data sheets for reasonableness and completeness.

9.2 Quality Control Samples.

9.2.1 Required QC Sample. A laboratory reagent blank must be collected and analyzed for each lot of acetone used for a field program to confirm that it is of suitable purity. The particulate samples cannot be blank corrected.

9.2.2 Recommended QC Samples. These samples may be collected and archived for future analyses. A field reagent blank is a recommended QC sample collected from a portion of the acetone used for cleanup of the probe and nozzle. Take 100 ml of this acetone directly from the wash bottle being used and place it in a glass sample container labeled “field acetone reagent blank.” At least one field reagent blank is recommended for every five runs completed. The field reagent blank samples demonstrate the purity of the acetone was maintained throughout the program. A field bias blank train is a recommended QC sample. This sample is collected by recovering a probe and filter assembly that has been assembled, taken to the sample location, leak checked, heated, allowed to sit at the sample location for a similar duration of time as a regular sample run, leak-checked again, and then recovered in the same manner as a regular sample. Field bias blanks are not a Method requirement, however, they are recommended and are very useful for identifying sources of contamination in emission testing samples. Field bias blank train results greater than 5 times the method detection limit may be considered problematic.

10. Calibration and Standardization Same as Method 5, section 5.

10.1 Field Balance Calibration Check. Check the calibration of the balance used to weigh impingers with a weight that is at least 500g or within 50g of a loaded impinger. The weight must be ASTM E617-13 “Standard Specification for Laboratory Weights and Precision Mass Standards” (incorporated by reference—see 40 CFR 60.17) Class 6 (or better). Daily, before use, the field balance must measure the weight within ±0.5g of the certified mass. If the daily balance calibration check fails, perform corrective measures and repeat the check before using balance.

10.2 Analytical Balance Calibration. Perform a multipoint calibration (at least five points spanning the operational range) of the analytical balance before the first use, and semiannually thereafter. The calibration of the analytical balance must be conducted using ASTM E617-13 “Standard Specification for Laboratory Weights and Precision Mass Standards” (incorporated by reference—see 40 CFR 60.17) Class 2 (or better) tolerance weights. Audit the balance each day it is used for gravimetric measurements by weighing at least one ASTM E617-13 Class 2 tolerance (or better) calibration weight that corresponds to 50 to 150 percent of the weight of one filter or between 1g and 5g. If the scale cannot reproduce the value of the calibration weight to within 0.5 mg of the certified mass, perform corrective measures and conduct the multipoint calibration before use.

11. Analytical Procedures.

11.1 Analysis. Same as Method 5, sections 11.1-11.2.4, with the following exceptions:

11.1.1 Container No. 1. Same as Method 5, section 11.2.1, with the following exception: Use disposable gloves to remove each of the filter holder assemblies from the desiccator, transport container, or sample oven (after appropriate cooling).

11.1.2 Container No. 2. Same as Method 5, section 11.2.2, with the following exception: It is recommended that the contents of Container No. 2 be transferred to a 250 ml beaker with a Teflon liner or similar container that has a minimal tare weight before bringing to dryness.

12. Data Analysis and Calculations.

12.1 Particulate Emissions. The analytical results cannot be blank corrected for residual acetone found in any of the blanks. All other sample calculations are identical to Method 5.

12.2 Paired Trains Outliers. a. Outliers are identified through the determination of precision and any systemic bias of the paired trains. Data that do not meet this criteria should be flagged as a data quality problem. The primary reason for performing dual train sampling is to generate information to quantify the precision of the Reference Method data. The relative standard deviation (RSD) of paired data is the parameter used to quantify data precision. RSD for two simultaneously gathered data points is determined according to:

where, Ca and Cb are concentration values determined from trains A and B respectively. For RSD calculation, the concentration units are unimportant so long as they are consistent.

b. A minimum precision criteria for Reference Method PM data is that RSD for any data pair must be less than 10% as long as the mean PM concentration is greater than 10 mg/dscm. If the mean PM concentration is less than 10 mg/dscm higher RSD values are acceptable. At mean PM concentration of 1 mg/dscm acceptable RSD for paired trains is 25%. Between 1 and 10 mg/dscm acceptable RSD criteria should be linearly scaled from 25% to 10%. Pairs of manual method data exceeding these RSD criteria should be eliminated from the data set used to develop a PM CEMS correlation or to assess RCA. If the mean PM concentration is less than 1 mg/dscm, RSD does not apply and the mean result is acceptable.

13. Method Performance [Reserved]

14. Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15. Waste Management [Reserved]

16. Alternative Procedures. Same as Method 5.

17. Bibliography. Same as Method 5.

18. Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts and Validation Data. Figure 5I-1 is a schematic of the sample train.

[36 FR 24877, Dec. 23, 1971]

Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting appendix A-3 to part 60, see the List of CFR sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.

Appendix A-4 to Part 60—Test Methods 6 through 10B

Method 6—Determination of sulfur dioxide emissions from stationary sources

Method 6A—Determination of sulfur dioxide, moisture, and carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion sources

Method 6B—Determination of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide daily average emissions from fossil fuel combustion sources

Method 6C—Determination of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure)

Method 7—Determination of nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources

Method 7A—Determination of nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources—Ion chromatographic method

Method 7B—Determination of nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources (Ultraviolet spectrophotometry)

Method 7C—Determination of nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources—Alkaline-permanganate/colorimetric method

Method 7D—Determination of nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources—Alkaline-permanganate/ion chromatographic method

Method 7E—Determination of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions From Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure)

Method 8—Determination of sulfuric acid mist and sulfur dioxide emissions from stationary sources

Method 9—Visual determination of the opacity of emissions from stationary sources

Alternate method 1—Determination of the opacity of emissions from stationary sources remotely by lidar

Method 10—Determination of carbon monoxide emissions from stationary sources

Method 10A—Determination of carbon monoxide emissions in certifying continuous emission monitoring systems at petroleum refineries

Method 10B—Determination of carbon monoxide emissions from stationary sources

The test methods in this appendix are referred to in § 60.8 (Performance Tests) and § 60.11 (Compliance With Standards and Maintenance Requirements) of 40 CFR part 60, subpart A (General Provisions). Specific uses of these test methods are described in the standards of performance contained in the subparts, beginning with Subpart D.

Within each standard of performance, a section title “Test Methods and Procedures” is provided to: (1) Identify the test methods to be used as reference methods to the facility subject to the respective standard and (2) identify any special instructions or conditions to be followed when applying a method to the respective facility. Such instructions (for example, establish sampling rates, volumes, or temperatures) are to be used either in addition to, or as a substitute for procedures in a test method. Similarly, for sources subject to emission monitoring requirements, specific instructions pertaining to any use of a test method as a reference method are provided in the subpart or in Appendix B.

Inclusion of methods in this appendix is not intended as an endorsement or denial of their applicability to sources that are not subject to standards of performance. The methods are potentially applicable to other sources; however, applicability should be confirmed by careful and appropriate evaluation of the conditions prevalent at such sources.

The approach followed in the formulation of the test methods involves specifications for equipment, procedures, and performance. In concept, a performance specification approach would be preferable in all methods because this allows the greatest flexibility to the user. In practice, however, this approach is impractical in most cases because performance specifications cannot be established. Most of the methods described herein, therefore, involve specific equipment specifications and procedures, and only a few methods in this appendix rely on performance criteria.

Minor changes in the test methods should not necessarily affect the validity of the results and it is recognized that alternative and equivalent methods exist. section 60.8 provides authority for the Administrator to specify or approve (1) equivalent methods, (2) alternative methods, and (3) minor changes in the methodology of the test methods. It should be clearly understood that unless otherwise identified all such methods and changes must have prior approval of the Administrator. An owner employing such methods or deviations from the test methods without obtaining prior approval does so at the risk of subsequent disapproval and retesting with approved methods.

Within the test methods, certain specific equipment or procedures are recognized as being acceptable or potentially acceptable and are specifically identified in the methods. The items identified as acceptable options may be used without approval but must be identified in the test report. The potentially approvable options are cited as “subject to the approval of the Administrator” or as “or equivalent.” Such potentially approvable techniques or alternatives may be used at the discretion of the owner without prior approval. However, detailed descriptions for applying these potentially approvable techniques or alternatives are not provided in the test methods. Also, the potentially approvable options are not necessarily acceptable in all applications. Therefore, an owner electing to use such potentially approvable techniques or alternatives is responsible for: (1) assuring that the techniques or alternatives are in fact applicable and are properly executed; (2) including a written description of the alternative method in the test report (the written method must be clear and must be capable of being performed without additional instruction, and the degree of detail should be similar to the detail contained in the test methods); and (3) providing any rationale or supporting data necessary to show the validity of the alternative in the particular application. Failure to meet these requirements can result in the Administrator’s disapproval of the alternative.

Method 6—Determination of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From Stationary Sources


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2, Method 3, Method 5, and Method 8.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Analytes.

SO27449-09-53.4 mg SO2/m

(2.12 × 10)−7 lb/ft

1.2 Applicability. This method applies to the measurement of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from stationary sources.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 A gas sample is extracted from the sampling point in the stack. The SO2 and the sulfur trioxide, including those fractions in any sulfur acid mist, are separated. The SO2 fraction is measured by the barium-thorin titration method.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences

4.1 Free Ammonia. Free ammonia interferes with this method by reacting with SO2 to form particulate sulfite and by reacting with the indicator. If free ammonia is present (this can be determined by knowledge of the process and/or noticing white particulate matter in the probe and isopropanol bubbler), alternative methods, subject to the approval of the Administrator are required. One approved alternative is listed in Reference 13 of section 17.0.

4.2 Water-Soluble Cations and Fluorides. The cations and fluorides are removed by a glass wool filter and an isopropanol bubbler; therefore, they do not affect the SO2 analysis. When samples are collected from a gas stream with high concentrations of metallic fumes (i.e., very fine cation aerosols) a high-efficiency glass fiber filter must be used in place of the glass wool plug (i.e., the one in the probe) to remove the cation interferent.

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before performing this test method.

5.2 Corrosive reagents. The following reagents are hazardous. Personal protective equipment and safe procedures are useful in preventing chemical splashes. If contact occurs, immediately flush with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove clothing under shower and decontaminate. Treat residual chemical burns as thermal burns.

5.2.1 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2). Irritating to eyes, skin, nose, and lungs. 30% H2O2 is a strong oxidizing agent. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and combustible material. Wear gloves when handling.

5.2.2 Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). Causes severe damage to eyes and skin. Inhalation causes irritation to nose, throat, and lungs. Reacts exothermically with limited amounts of water.

5.2.3 Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4). Rapidly destructive to body tissue. Will cause third degree burns. Eye damage may result in blindness. Inhalation may be fatal from spasm of the larynx, usually within 30 minutes. May cause lung tissue damage with edema. 1 mg/m
3 for 8 hours will cause lung damage or, in higher concentrations, death. Provide ventilation to limit inhalation. Reacts violently with metals and organics.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Sample Collection. The following items are required for sample collection:

6.1.1 Sampling Train. A schematic of the sampling train is shown in Figure 6-1. The sampling equipment described in Method 8 may be substituted in place of the midget impinger equipment of Method 6. However, the Method 8 train must be modified to include a heated filter between the probe and isopropanol impinger, and the operation of the sampling train and sample analysis must be at the flow rates and solution volumes defined in Method 8. Alternatively, SO2 may be determined simultaneously with particulate matter and moisture determinations by either (1) replacing the water in a Method 5 impinger system with a 3 percent H2O2 solution, or (2) replacing the Method 5 water impinger system with a Method 8 isopropanol-filter-H2O2 system. The analysis for SO2 must be consistent with the procedure of Method 8. The Method 6 sampling train consists of the following components: Probe. Borosilicate glass or stainless steel (other materials of construction may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator), approximately 6 mm (0.25 in.) inside diameter, with a heating system to prevent water condensation and a filter (either in-stack or heated out-of-stack) to remove particulate matter, including sulfuric acid mist. A plug of glass wool is a satisfactory filter. Bubbler and Impingers. One midget bubbler with medium-coarse glass frit and borosilicate or quartz glass wool packed in top (see Figure 6-1) to prevent sulfuric acid mist carryover, and three 30-ml midget impingers. The midget bubbler and midget impingers must be connected in series with leak-free glass connectors. Silicone grease may be used, if necessary, to prevent leakage. A midget impinger may be used in place of the midget bubbler.


Other collection absorbers and flow rates may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator, but the collection efficiency must be shown to be at least 99 percent for each test run and must be documented in the report. If the efficiency is found to be acceptable after a series of three tests, further documentation is not required. To conduct the efficiency test, an extra absorber must be added and analyzed separately. This extra absorber must not contain more than 1 percent of the total SO2. Glass Wool. Borosilicate or quartz. Stopcock Grease. Acetone-insoluble, heat-stable silicone grease may be used, if necessary. Temperature Sensor. Dial thermometer, or equivalent, to measure temperature of gas leaving impinger train to within 1 °C (2 °F). Drying Tube. Tube packed with 6- to 16- mesh indicating-type silica gel, or equivalent, to dry the gas sample and to protect the meter and pump. If silica gel is previously used, dry at 177 °C (350 °F) for 2 hours. New silica gel may be used as received. Alternatively, other types of desiccants (equivalent or better) may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator. Valve. Needle valve, to regulate sample gas flow rate. Pump. Leak-free diaphragm pump, or equivalent, to pull gas through the train. Install a small surge tank between the pump and rate meter to negate the pulsation effect of the diaphragm pump on the rate meter. Rate Meter. Rotameter, or equivalent, capable of measuring flow rate to within 2 percent of the selected flow rate of about 1 liter/min (0.035 cfm). Volume Meter. Dry gas meter (DGM), sufficiently accurate to measure the sample volume to within 2 percent, calibrated at the selected flow rate and conditions actually encountered during sampling, and equipped with a temperature sensor (dial thermometer, or equivalent) capable of measuring temperature accurately to within 3 °C (5.4 °F). A critical orifice may be used in place of the DGM specified in this section provided that it is selected, calibrated, and used as specified in section 16.0.

6.1.2 Barometer. Mercury, aneroid, or other barometer capable of measuring atmospheric pressure to within 2.5 mm Hg (0.1 in. Hg). See the note in Method 5, section 6.1.2.

6.1.3 Vacuum Gauge and Rotameter. At least 760-mm Hg (30-in. Hg) gauge and 0- to 40-ml/min rotameter, to be used for leak-check of the sampling train.

6.2 Sample Recovery. The following items are needed for sample recovery:

6.2.1 Wash Bottles. Two polyethylene or glass bottles, 500-ml.

6.2.2 Storage Bottles. Polyethylene bottles, 100-ml, to store impinger samples (one per sample).

6.3 Sample Analysis. The following equipment is needed for sample analysis:

6.3.1 Pipettes. Volumetric type, 5-ml, 20-ml (one needed per sample), and 25-ml sizes.

6.3.2 Volumetric Flasks. 100-ml size (one per sample) and 1000-ml size.

6.3.3 Burettes. 5- and 50-ml sizes.

6.3.4 Erlenmeyer Flasks. 250-ml size (one for each sample, blank, and standard).

6.3.5 Dropping Bottle. 125-ml size, to add indicator.

6.3.6 Graduated Cylinder. 100-ml size.

6.3.7 Spectrophotometer. To measure absorbance at 352 nm.

7.0 Reagents and Standards


Unless otherwise indicated, all reagents must conform to the specifications established by the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society. Where such specifications are not available, use the best available grade.

7.1 Sample Collection. The following reagents are required for sample collection:

7.1.1 Water. Deionized distilled to conform to ASTM Specification D 1193-77 or 91 Type 3 (incorporated by reference—see § 60.17). The KMnO4 test for oxidizable organic matter may be omitted when high concentrations of organic matter are not expected to be present.

7.1.2 Isopropanol, 80 Percent by Volume. Mix 80 ml of isopropanol with 20 ml of water. Check each lot of isopropanol for peroxide impurities as follows: Shake 10 ml of isopropanol with 10 ml of freshly prepared 10 percent potassium iodide solution. Prepare a blank by similarly treating 10 ml of water. After 1 minute, read the absorbance at 352 nm on a spectrophotometer using a 1-cm path length. If absorbance exceeds 0.1, reject alcohol for use. Peroxides may be removed from isopropanol by redistilling or by passage through a column of activated alumina; however, reagent grade isopropanol with suitably low peroxide levels may be obtained from commercial sources. Rejection of contaminated lots may, therefore, be a more efficient procedure.

7.1.3 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), 3 Percent by Volume. Add 10 ml of 30 percent H2O2 to 90 ml of water. Prepare fresh daily.

7.1.4 Potassium Iodide Solution, 10 Percent Weight by Volume (w/v). Dissolve 10.0 g of KI in water, and dilute to 100 ml. Prepare when needed.

7.2 Sample Recovery. The following reagents are required for sample recovery:

7.2.1 Water. Same as in section 7.1.1.

7.2.2 Isopropanol, 80 Percent by Volume. Same as in section 7.1.2.

7.3 Sample Analysis. The following reagents and standards are required for sample analysis:

7.3.1 Water. Same as in section 7.1.1.

7.3.2 Isopropanol, 100 Percent.

7.3.3 Thorin Indicator. 1-(o-arsonophenylazo)-2-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid, disodium salt, or equivalent. Dissolve 0.20 g in 100 ml of water.

7.3.4 Barium Standard Solution, 0.0100 N. Dissolve 1.95 g of barium perchlorate trihydrate [Ba(ClO4)2 3H2O] in 200 ml water, and dilute to 1 liter with isopropanol. Alternatively, 1.22 g of barium chloride dihydrate [BaCl2 2H2O] may be used instead of the barium perchlorate trihydrate. Standardize as in section 10.5.

7.3.5 Sulfuric Acid Standard, 0.0100 N. Purchase or standardize to ±0.0002 N against 0.0100 N NaOH which has previously been standardized against potassium acid phthalate (primary standard grade).

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage and Transport

8.1 Preparation of Sampling Train. Measure 15 ml of 80 percent isopropanol into the midget bubbler and 15 ml of 3 percent H2O2 into each of the first two midget impingers. Leave the final midget impinger dry. Assemble the train as shown in Figure 6-1. Adjust the probe heater to a temperature sufficient to prevent water condensation. Place crushed ice and water around the impingers.

8.2 Sampling Train Leak-Check Procedure. A leak-check prior to the sampling run is recommended, but not required. A leak-check after the sampling run is mandatory. The leak-check procedure is as follows:

8.2.1 Temporarily attach a suitable (e.g., 0- to 40- ml/min) rotameter to the outlet of the DGM, and place a vacuum gauge at or near the probe inlet. Plug the probe inlet, pull a vacuum of at least 250 mm Hg (10 in. Hg), and note the flow rate as indicated by the rotameter. A leakage rate in excess of 2 percent of the average sampling rate is not acceptable.


Carefully (i.e., slowly) release the probe inlet plug before turning off the pump.

8.2.2 It is suggested (not mandatory) that the pump be leak-checked separately, either prior to or after the sampling run. To leak-check the pump, proceed as follows: Disconnect the drying tube from the probe-impinger assembly. Place a vacuum gauge at the inlet to either the drying tube or the pump, pull a vacuum of 250 mm Hg (10 in. Hg), plug or pinch off the outlet of the flow meter, and then turn off the pump. The vacuum should remain stable for at least 30 seconds.

If performed prior to the sampling run, the pump leak-check shall precede the leak-check of the sampling train described immediately above; if performed after the sampling run, the pump leak-check shall follow the sampling train leak-check.

8.2.3 Other leak-check procedures may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator.

8.3 Sample Collection.

8.3.1 Record the initial DGM reading and barometric pressure. To begin sampling, position the tip of the probe at the sampling point, connect the probe to the bubbler, and start the pump. Adjust the sample flow to a constant rate of approximately 1.0 liter/min as indicated by the rate meter. Maintain this constant rate (±10 percent) during the entire sampling run.

8.3.2 Take readings (DGM volume, temperatures at DGM and at impinger outlet, and rate meter flow rate) at least every 5 minutes. Add more ice during the run to keep the temperature of the gases leaving the last impinger at 20 °C (68 °F) or less.

8.3.3 At the conclusion of each run, turn off the pump, remove the probe from the stack, and record the final readings. Conduct a leak-check as described in section 8.2. (This leak-check is mandatory.) If a leak is detected, void the test run or use procedures acceptable to the Administrator to adjust the sample volume for the leakage.

8.3.4 Drain the ice bath, and purge the remaining part of the train by drawing clean ambient air through the system for 15 minutes at the sampling rate. Clean ambient air can be provided by passing air through a charcoal filter or through an extra midget impinger containing 15 ml of 3 percent H2O2. Alternatively, ambient air without purification may be used.

8.4 Sample Recovery. Disconnect the impingers after purging. Discard the contents of the midget bubbler. Pour the contents of the midget impingers into a leak-free polyethylene bottle for shipment. Rinse the three midget impingers and the connecting tubes with water, and add the rinse to the same storage container. Mark the fluid level. Seal and identify the sample container.

9.0 Quality Control

Quality control measure
7.1.2Isopropanol checkEnsure acceptable level of peroxide impurities in isopropanol.
8.2, 10.1-10.4Sampling equipment leak-check and calibrationEnsure accurate measurement of stack gas flow rate, sample volume.
10.5Barium standard solution standardizationEnsure precision of normality determination
11.2.3Replicate titrationsEnsure precision of titration determinations.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

10.1 Volume Metering System.

10.1.1 Initial Calibration. Before its initial use in the field, leak-check the metering system (drying tube, needle valve, pump, rate meter, and DGM) as follows: Place a vacuum gauge at the inlet to the drying tube and pull a vacuum of 250 mm Hg (10 in. Hg). Plug or pinch off the outlet of the flow meter, and then turn off the pump. The vacuum must remain stable for at least 30 seconds. Carefully release the vacuum gauge before releasing the flow meter end. Remove the drying tube, and calibrate the metering system (at the sampling flow rate specified by the method) as follows: Connect an appropriately sized wet-test meter (e.g., 1 liter per revolution) to the inlet of the needle valve. Make three independent calibration runs, using at least five revolutions of the DGM per run. Calculate the calibration factor Y (wet-test meter calibration volume divided by the DGM volume, both volumes adjusted to the same reference temperature and pressure) for each run, and average the results (Yi). If any Y-value deviates by more than 2 percent from (Yi), the metering system is unacceptable for use. If the metering system is acceptable, use (Yi) as the calibration factor for subsequent test runs.

10.1.2 Post-Test Calibration Check. After each field test series, conduct a calibration check using the procedures outlined in section, except that three or more revolutions of the DGM may be used, and only two independent runs need be made. If the average of the two post-test calibration factors does not deviate by more than 5 percent from Yi, then Yi is accepted as the DGM calibration factor (Y), which is used in Equation 6-1 to calculate collected sample volume (see section 12.2). If the deviation is more than 5 percent, recalibrate the metering system as in section 10.1.1, and determine a post-test calibration factor (Yf). Compare Yi and Yf; the smaller of the two factors is accepted as the DGM calibration factor. If recalibration indicates that the metering system is unacceptable for use, either void the test run or use methods, subject to the approval of the Administrator, to determine an acceptable value for the collected sample volume.

10.1.3 DGM as a Calibration Standard. A DGM may be used as a calibration standard for volume measurements in place of the wet-test meter specified in section, provided that it is calibrated initially and recalibrated periodically according to the same procedures outlined in Method 5, section 10.3 with the following exceptions: (a) the DGM is calibrated against a wet-test meter having a capacity of 1 liter/rev (0.035 ft
3/rev) or 3 liters/rev (0.1 ft
3/rev) and having the capability of measuring volume to within 1 percent; (b) the DGM is calibrated at 1 liter/min (0.035 cfm); and (c) the meter box of the Method 6 sampling train is calibrated at the same flow rate.

10.2 Temperature Sensors. Calibrate against mercury-in-glass thermometers. An alternative mercury-free thermometer may be used if the thermometer is, at a minimum, equivalent in terms of performance or suitably effective for the specific temperature measurement application.

10.3 Rate Meter. The rate meter need not be calibrated, but should be cleaned and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

10.4 Barometer. Calibrate against a mercury barometer or NIST-traceable barometer prior to the field test.

10.5 Barium Standard Solution. Standardize the barium perchlorate or chloride solution against 25 ml of standard sulfuric acid to which 100 ml of 100 percent isopropanol has been added. Run duplicate analyses. Calculate the normality using the average of duplicate analyses where the titrations agree within 1 percent or 0.2 ml, whichever is larger.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

11.1 Sample Loss Check. Note level of liquid in container and confirm whether any sample was lost during shipment; note this finding on the analytical data sheet. If a noticeable amount of leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use methods, subject to the approval of the Administrator, to correct the final results.

11.2 Sample Analysis.

11.2.1 Transfer the contents of the storage container to a 100-ml volumetric flask, dilute to exactly 100 ml with water, and mix the diluted sample.

11.2.2 Pipette a 20-ml aliquot of the diluted sample into a 250-ml Erlenmeyer flask and add 80 ml of 100 percent isopropanol plus two to four drops of thorin indicator. While stirring the solution, titrate to a pink endpoint using 0.0100 N barium standard solution.

11.2.3 Repeat the procedures in section 11.2.2, and average the titration volumes. Run a blank with each series of samples. Replicate titrations must agree within 1 percent or 0.2 ml, whichever is larger.


Protect the 0.0100 N barium standard solution from evaporation at all times.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Carry out calculations, retaining at least one extra significant figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round off figures after final calculation.

12.1 Nomenclature

CSO2 = Concentration of SO2, dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, mg/dscm (lb/dscf).

N = Normality of barium standard titrant, meq/ml.

Pbar = Barometric pressure, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg).

Tm = Average DGM absolute temperature, °K (°R).

Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293 °K (528 °R).

Va = Volume of sample aliquot titrated, ml.

Vm = Dry gas volume as measured by the DGM, dcm (dcf).

Vm(std) = Dry gas volume measured by the DGM, corrected to standard conditions, dscm (dscf).

Vsoln = Total volume of solution in which the SO2 sample is contained, 100 ml.

Vt = Volume of barium standard titrant used for the sample (average of replicate titration), ml.

Vtb = Volume of barium standard titrant used for the blank, ml.

Y = DGM calibration factor.

12.2 Dry Sample Gas Volume, Corrected to Standard Conditions.


K1 = 0.3855 °K/mm Hg for metric units,

K1 = 17.65 °R/in. Hg for English units.

12.3 SO2 Concentration.


K2 = 32.03 mg SO2/meq for metric units,

K2 = 7.061 × 10−5 lb SO2/meq for English units.

13.0 Method Performance

13.1 Range. The minimum detectable limit of the method has been determined to be 3.4 mg SO2/m
3 (2.12 × 10−7 lb/ft
3). Although no upper limit has been established, tests have shown that concentrations as high as 80,000 mg/m
3 (0.005 lb/ft
3) of SO2 can be collected efficiently at a rate of 1.0 liter/min (0.035 cfm) for 20 minutes in two midget impingers, each containing 15 ml of 3 percent H2O2. Based on theoretical calculations, the upper concentration limit in a 20 liter (0.7 ft
3) sample is about 93,300 mg/m
3 (0.00583 lb/ft

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 Alternative Procedures

16.1 Nomenclature. Same as section 12.1, with the following additions:

Bwa = Water vapor in ambient air, proportion by volume.

Ma = Molecular weight of the ambient air saturated at impinger temperature, g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole).

Ms = Molecular weight of the sample gas saturated at impinger temperature, g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole).

Pc = Inlet vacuum reading obtained during the calibration run, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Psr = Inlet vacuum reading obtained during the sampling run, mm Hg (in. Hg).

std = Volumetric flow rate through critical orifice, scm/min (scf/min).

Qstd = Average flow rate of pre-test and post-test calibration runs, scm/min (scf/min).

Tamb = Ambient absolute temperature of air, °K (°R).

Vsb = Volume of gas as measured by the soap bubble meter, m
3 (ft

Vsb(std) = Volume of gas as measured by the soap bubble meter, corrected to standard conditions, scm (scf).

θ = Soap bubble travel time, min.

θs = Time, min.

16.2 Critical Orifices for Volume and Rate Measurements. A critical orifice may be used in place of the DGM specified in section, provided that it is selected, calibrated, and used as follows:

16.2.1 Preparation of Sampling Train. Assemble the sampling train as shown in Figure 6-2. The rate meter and surge tank are optional but are recommended in order to detect changes in the flow rate.


The critical orifices can be adapted to a Method 6 type sampling train as follows: Insert sleeve type, serum bottle stoppers into two reducing unions. Insert the needle into the stoppers as shown in Figure 6-3.

16.2.2 Selection of Critical Orifices. The procedure that follows describes the use of hypodermic needles and stainless steel needle tubings, which have been found suitable for use as critical orifices. Other materials and critical orifice designs may be used provided the orifices act as true critical orifices, (i.e., a critical vacuum can be obtained) as described in this section. Select a critical orifice that is sized to operate at the desired flow rate. The needle sizes and tubing lengths shown in Table 6-1 give the following approximate flow rates. Determine the suitability and the appropriate operating vacuum of the critical orifice as follows: If applicable, temporarily attach a rate meter and surge tank to the outlet of the sampling train, if said equipment is not present (see section 16.2.1). Turn on the pump and adjust the valve to give an outlet vacuum reading corresponding to about half of the atmospheric pressure. Observe the rate meter reading. Slowly increase the vacuum until a stable reading is obtained on the rate meter. Record the critical vacuum, which is the outlet vacuum when the rate meter first reaches a stable value. Orifices that do not reach a critical value must not be used.

16.2.3 Field Procedures. Leak-Check Procedure. A leak-check before the sampling run is recommended, but not required. The leak-check procedure is as follows: Temporarily attach a suitable (e.g., 0-40 ml/min) rotameter and surge tank, or a soap bubble meter and surge tank to the outlet of the pump. Plug the probe inlet, pull an outlet vacuum of at least 250 mm Hg (10 in. Hg), and note the flow rate as indicated by the rotameter or bubble meter. A leakage rate in excess of 2 percent of the average sampling rate (Q
std) is not acceptable. Carefully release the probe inlet plug before turning off the pump. Moisture Determination. At the sampling location, prior to testing, determine the percent moisture of the ambient air using the wet and dry bulb temperatures or, if appropriate, a relative humidity meter. Critical Orifice Calibration. At the sampling location, prior to testing, calibrate the entire sampling train (i.e., determine the flow rate of the sampling train when operated at critical conditions). Attach a 500-ml soap bubble meter to the inlet of the probe, and operate the sampling train at an outlet vacuum of 25 to 50 mm Hg (1 to 2 in. Hg) above the critical vacuum. Record the information listed in Figure 6-4. Calculate the standard volume of air measured by the soap bubble meter and the volumetric flow rate using the equations below: Sampling. Operate the sampling train for sample collection at the same vacuum used during the calibration run. Start the watch and pump simultaneously. Take readings (temperature, rate meter, inlet vacuum, and outlet vacuum) at least every 5 minutes. At the end of the sampling run, stop the watch and pump simultaneously. Conduct a post-test calibration run using the calibration procedure outlined in section If the Qstd obtained before and after the test differ by more than 5 percent, void the test run; if not, calculate the volume of the gas measured with the critical orifice using Equation 6-6 as follows: If the percent difference between the molecular weight of the ambient air at saturated conditions and the sample gas is more that ±3 percent, then the molecular weight of the gas sample must be considered in the calculations using the following equation:


A post-test leak-check is not necessary because the post-test calibration run results will indicate whether there is any leakage. Drain the ice bath, and purge the sampling train using the procedure described in section 8.3.4.

16.3 Elimination of Ammonia Interference. The following alternative procedures must be used in addition to those specified in the method when sampling at sources having ammonia emissions.

16.3.1 Sampling. The probe shall be maintained at 275 °C (527 °F) and equipped with a high-efficiency in-stack filter (glass fiber) to remove particulate matter. The filter material shall be unreactive to SO2. Whatman 934AH (formerly Reeve Angel 934AH) filters treated as described in Reference 10 in section 17.0 of Method 5 is an example of a filter that has been shown to work. Where alkaline particulate matter and condensed moisture are present in the gas stream, the filter shall be heated above the moisture dew point but below 225 °C (437 °F).

16.3.2 Sample Recovery. Recover the sample according to section 8.4 except for discarding the contents of the midget bubbler. Add the bubbler contents, including the rinsings of the bubbler with water, to a separate polyethylene bottle from the rest of the sample. Under normal testing conditions where sulfur trioxide will not be present significantly, the tester may opt to delete the midget bubbler from the sampling train. If an approximation of the sulfur trioxide concentration is desired, transfer the contents of the midget bubbler to a separate polyethylene bottle.

16.3.3 Sample Analysis. Follow the procedures in sections 11.1 and 11.2, except add 0.5 ml of 0.1 N HCl to the Erlenmeyer flask and mix before adding the indicator. The following analysis procedure may be used for an approximation of the sulfur trioxide concentration. The accuracy of the calculated concentration will depend upon the ammonia to SO2 ratio and the level of oxygen present in the gas stream. A fraction of the SO2 will be counted as sulfur trioxide as the ammonia to SO2 ratio and the sample oxygen content increases. Generally, when this ratio is 1 or less and the oxygen content is in the range of 5 percent, less than 10 percent of the SO2 will be counted as sulfur trioxide. Analyze the peroxide and isopropanol sample portions separately. Analyze the peroxide portion as described above. Sulfur trioxide is determined by difference using sequential titration of the isopropanol portion of the sample. Transfer the contents of the isopropanol storage container to a 100-ml volumetric flask, and dilute to exactly 100 ml with water. Pipette a 20-ml aliquot of this solution into a 250-ml Erlenmeyer flask, add 0.5 ml of 0.1 N HCl, 80 ml of 100 percent isopropanol, and two to four drops of thorin indicator. Titrate to a pink endpoint using 0.0100 N barium perchlorate. Repeat and average the titration volumes that agree within 1 percent or 0.2 ml, whichever is larger. Use this volume in Equation 6-2 to determine the sulfur trioxide concentration. From the flask containing the remainder of the isopropanol sample, determine the fraction of SO2 collected in the bubbler by pipetting 20-ml aliquots into 250-ml Erlenmeyer flasks. Add 5 ml of 3 percent H2O2, 100 ml of 100 percent isopropanol, and two to four drips of thorin indicator, and titrate as before. From this titration volume, subtract the titrant volume determined for sulfur trioxide, and add the titrant volume determined for the peroxide portion. This final volume constitutes Vt, the volume of barium perchlorate used for the SO2 sample.

17.0 References

1. Atmospheric Emissions from Sulfuric Acid Manufacturing Processes. U.S. DHEW, PHS, Division of Air Pollution. Public Health Service Publication No. 999-AP-13. Cincinnati, OH. 1965.

2. Corbett, P.F. The Determination of SO2 and SO3 in Flue Gases. Journal of the Institute of Fuel. 24:237-243. 1961.

3. Matty, R.E., and E.K. Diehl. Measuring Flue-Gas SO2 and SO3. Power. 101:94-97. November 1957.

4. Patton, W.F., and J.A. Brink, Jr. New Equipment and Techniques for Sampling Chemical Process Gases. J. Air Pollution Control Association. 13:162. 1963.

5. Rom, J.J. Maintenance, Calibration, and Operation of Isokinetic Source Sampling Equipment. Office of Air Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC. APTD-0576. March 1972.

6. Hamil, H.F., and D.E. Camann. Collaborative Study of Method for the Determination of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Stationary Sources (Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generators). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. EPA-650/4-74-024. December 1973.

7. Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Part 31; Water, Atmospheric Analysis. American Society for Testing and Materials. Philadelphia, PA. 1974. pp. 40-42.

8. Knoll, J.E., and M.R. Midgett. The Application of EPA Method 6 to High Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC. EPA-600/4-76-038. July 1976.

9. Westlin, P.R., and R.T. Shigehara. Procedure for Calibrating and Using Dry Gas Volume Meters as Calibration Standards. Source Evaluation Society Newsletter. 3(1):17-30. February 1978.

10. Yu, K.K. Evaluation of Moisture Effect on Dry Gas Meter Calibration. Source Evaluation Society Newsletter. 5(1):24-28. February 1980.

11. Lodge, J.P., Jr., et al. The Use of Hypodermic Needles as Critical Orifices in Air Sampling. J. Air Pollution Control Association. 16:197-200. 1966.

12. Shigehara, R.T., and C.B. Sorrell. Using Critical Orifices as Method 5 CalibrationStandards. Source Evaluation Society Newsletter. 10:4-15. August 1985.

13. Curtis, F., Analysis of Method 6 Samples in the Presence of Ammonia. Source Evaluation Society Newsletter. 13(1):9-15 February 1988.

18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts and Validation Data

Table 6-1—Approximate Flow Rates for Various Needle Sizes

Needle size

Needle length

Flow rate


Method 6A—Determination of Sulfur Dioxide, Moisture, and Carbon Dioxide From Fossil Fuel Combustion Sources


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2, Method 3, Method 5, Method 6, and Method 19.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Analytes.

SO27449-09-053.4 mg SO2/m

(2.12 × 10−7 lb/ft

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from fossil fuel combustion sources in terms of concentration (mg/dscm or lb/dscf) and in terms of emission rate (ng/J or lb/10
6 Btu) and for the determination of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration (percent). Moisture content (percent), if desired, may also be determined by this method.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 A gas sample is extracted from a sampling point in the stack. The SO2 and the sulfur trioxide, including those fractions in any sulfur acid mist, are separated. The SO2 fraction is measured by the barium-thorin titration method. Moisture and CO2 fractions are collected in the same sampling train, and are determined gravimetrically.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences

Same as Method 6, section 4.0.

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

5.2 Corrosive reagents. Same as Method 6, section 5.2.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Sample Collection. Same as Method 6, section 6.1, with the exception of the following:

6.1.1 Sampling Train. A schematic of the sampling train used in this method is shown in Figure 6A-1. Impingers and Bubblers. Two 30 = ml midget impingers with a 1 = mm restricted tip and two 30 = ml midget bubblers with unrestricted tips. Other types of impingers and bubblers (e.g., Mae West for SO2 collection and rigid cylinders containing Drierite for moisture absorbers), may be used with proper attention to reagent volumes and levels, subject to the approval of the Administrator. CO2 Absorber. A sealable rigid cylinder or bottle with an inside diameter between 30 and 90 mm , a length between 125 and 250 mm, and appropriate connections at both ends. The filter may be a separate heated unit or may be within the heated portion of the probe. If the filter is within the sampling probe, the filter should not be within 15 cm of the probe inlet or any unheated section of the probe, such as the connection to the first bubbler. The probe and filter should be heated to at least 20 °C (68 °F) above the source temperature, but not greater than 120 °C (248 °F). The filter temperature (i.e., the sample gas temperature) should be monitored to assure the desired temperature is maintained. A heated Teflon connector may be used to connect the filter holder or probe to the first impinger.


For applications downstream of wet scrubbers, a heated out-of-stack filter (either borosilicate glass wool or glass fiber mat) is necessary.

6.2 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 6, section 6.2.

6.3 Sample Analysis. Same as Method 6, section 6.3, with the addition of a balance to measure within 0.05 g.

7.0 Reagents and Standards


Unless otherwise indicated, all reagents must conform to the specifications established by the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society. Where such specifications are not available, use the best available grade.

7.1 Sample Collection. Same as Method 6, section 7.1, with the addition of the following:

7.1.1 Drierite. Anhydrous calcium sulfate (CaSO4) desiccant, 8 mesh, indicating type is recommended.


Do not use silica gel or similar desiccant in this application.

7.1.2 CO2 Absorbing Material. Ascarite II. Sodium hydroxide-coated silica, 8- to 20-mesh.

7.2 Sample Recovery and Analysis. Same as Method 6, sections 7.2 and 7.3, respectively.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Transport, and Storage

8.1 Preparation of Sampling Train.

8.1.1 Measure 15 ml of 80 percent isopropanol into the first midget bubbler and 15 ml of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide into each of the two midget impingers (the second and third vessels in the train) as described in Method 6, section 8.1. Insert the glass wool into the top of the isopropanol bubbler as shown in Figure 6A-1. Place about 25 g of Drierite into the second midget bubbler (the fourth vessel in the train). Clean the outside of the bubblers and impingers and allow the vessels to reach room temperature. Weigh the four vessels simultaneously to the nearest 0.1 g, and record this initial weight (mwi).

8.1.2 With one end of the CO2 absorber sealed, place glass wool into the cylinder to a depth of about 1 cm (0.5 in.). Place about 150 g of CO2 absorbing material in the cylinder on top of the glass wool, and fill the remaining space in the cylinder with glass wool. Assemble the cylinder as shown in figure 6A-2. With the cylinder in a horizontal position, rotate it around the horizontal axis. The CO2 absorbing material should remain in position during the rotation, and no open spaces or channels should be formed. If necessary, pack more glass wool into the cylinder to make the CO2 absorbing material stable. Clean the outside of the cylinder of loose dirt and moisture and allow the cylinder to reach room temperature. Weigh the cylinder to the nearest 0.1 g, and record this initial weight (mai).

8.1.3 Assemble the train as shown in figure 6A-1. Adjust the probe heater to a temperature sufficient to prevent condensation (see note in section 6.1). Place crushed ice and water around the impingers and bubblers. Mount the CO2 absorber outside the water bath in a vertical flow position with the sample gas inlet at the bottom. Flexible tubing (e.g., Tygon) may be used to connect the last SO2 absorbing impinger to the moisture absorber and to connect the moisture absorber to the CO2 absorber. A second, smaller CO2 absorber containing Ascarite II may be added in-line downstream of the primary CO2 absorber as a breakthrough indicator. Ascarite II turns white when CO2 is absorbed.

8.2 Sampling Train Leak-Check Procedure and Sample Collection. Same as Method 6, sections 8.2 and 8.3, respectively.

8.3 Sample Recovery.

8.3.1 Moisture Measurement. Disconnect the isopropanol bubbler, the SO2 impingers, and the moisture absorber from the sample train. Allow about 10 minutes for them to reach room temperature, clean the outside of loose dirt and moisture, and weigh them simultaneously in the same manner as in section 8.1. Record this final weight (mwf).

8.3.2 Peroxide Solution. Discard the contents of the isopropanol bubbler and pour the contents of the midget impingers into a leak-free polyethylene bottle for shipping. Rinse the two midget impingers and connecting tubes with water, and add the washing to the same storage container.

8.3.3 CO2 Absorber. Allow the CO2 absorber to warm to room temperature (about 10 minutes), clean the outside of loose dirt and moisture, and weigh to the nearest 0.1 g in the same manner as in section 8.1. Record this final weight (maf). Discard used Ascarite II material.

9.0 Quality Control

Same as Method 6, section 9.0.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

Same as Method 6, section 10.0.

11.0 Analytical Procedure

11.1 Sample Analysis. The sample analysis procedure for SO2 is the same as that specified in Method 6, section 11.0.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Same as Method 6, section 12.0, with the addition of the following:

12.1 Nomenclature.

Cw = Concentration of moisture, percent.

CCO2 = Concentration of CO2, dry basis, percent.

ESO2 = Emission rate of SO2, ng/J (lb/10
6 Btu).

FC = Carbon F-factor from Method 19 for the fuel burned, dscm/J (dscf/10
6 Btu).

mwi = Initial weight of impingers, bubblers, and moisture absorber, g.

mwf = Final weight of impingers, bubblers, and moisture absorber, g.

mai = Initial weight of CO2 absorber, g.

maf = Final weight of CO2 absorber, g.

mSO2 = Mass of SO2 collected, mg.

VCO2(std) = Equivalent volume of CO2 collected at standard conditions, dscm (dscf).

Vw(std) = Equivalent volume of moisture collected at standard conditions, scm (scf).

12.2 CO2 Volume Collected, Corrected to Standard Conditions.


K3 = Equivalent volume of gaseous CO2 at standard conditions, 5.467 × 10−4 dscm/g (1.930 × 10−2 dscf/g).

12.3 Moisture Volume Collected, Corrected to Standard Conditions.


K4 = Equivalent volume of water vapor at standard conditions, 1.336 × 10−3 scm/g (4.717 × 10−2 scf/g).

12.4 SO2 Concentration.


K2 = 32.03 mg SO2/meq. SO2 (7.061 × 10−5 lb SO2/meq. SO2)

12.5 CO2 Concentration.

12.6 Moisture Concentration.

13.0 Method Performance

13.1 Range and Precision. The minimum detectable limit and the upper limit for the measurement of SO2 are the same as for Method 6. For a 20-liter sample, this method has a precision of ±0.5 percent CO2 for concentrations between 2.5 and 25 percent CO2 and ±1.0 percent moisture for moisture concentrations greater than 5 percent.

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 Alternative Methods

If the only emission measurement desired is in terms of emission rate of SO2 (ng/J or lb/10
6 Btu), an abbreviated procedure may be used. The differences between the above procedure and the abbreviated procedure are described below.

16.1 Sampling Train. The sampling train is the same as that shown in Figure 6A-1 and as described in section 6.1, except that the dry gas meter is not needed.

16.2 Preparation of the Sampling Train. Follow the same procedure as in section 8.1, except do not weigh the isopropanol bubbler, the SO2 absorbing impingers, or the moisture absorber.

16.3 Sampling Train Leak-Check Procedure and Sample Collection. Leak-check and operate the sampling train as described in section 8.2, except that dry gas meter readings, barometric pressure, and dry gas meter temperatures need not be recorded during sampling.

16.4 Sample Recovery. Follow the procedure in section 8.3, except do not weigh the isopropanol bubbler, the SO2 absorbing impingers, or the moisture absorber.

16.5 Sample Analysis. Analysis of the peroxide solution is the same as that described in section 11.1.

16.6 Calculations.

16.6.1 SO2 Collected.


K2 = 32.03 mg SO2/meq. SO2

K2 = 7.061 × 10−5 lb SO2/meq. SO2

16.6.2 Sulfur Dioxide Emission Rate.


K5 = 1.829 × 10
9 mg/dscm

K2 = 0.1142 lb/dscf

17.0 References

Same as Method 6, section 17.0, References 1 through 8, with the addition of the following:

1. Stanley, Jon and P.R. Westlin. An Alternate Method for Stack Gas Moisture Determination. Source Evaluation Society Newsletter. 3(4). November 1978.

2. Whittle, Richard N. and P.R. Westlin. Air Pollution Test Report: Development and Evaluation of an Intermittent Integrated SO2/CO2 Emission Sampling Procedure. Environmental Protection Agency, Emission Standard and Engineering Division, Emission Measurement Branch. Research Triangle Park, NC. December 1979. 14 pp.

18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Method 6B—Determination of Sulfur Dioxide and Carbon Dioxide Daily Average Emissions From Fossil Fuel Combustion Sources


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 2, Method 3, Method 5, Method 6, and Method 6A.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Analytes.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2)7449-09-053.4 mg SO2/m

(2.12 × 10−7 lb/ft
Carbon dioxide (CO2)124-38-9N/A

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of SO2 emissions from combustion sources in terms of concentration (ng/dscm or lb/dscf) and emission rate (ng/J or lb/10
6 Btu), and for the determination of CO2 concentration (percent) on a daily (24 hours) basis.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 A gas sample is extracted from the sampling point in the stack intermittently over a 24-hour or other specified time period. The SO2 fraction is measured by the barium-thorin titration method. Moisture and CO2 fractions are collected in the same sampling train, and are determined gravimetrically.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences

Same as Method 6, section 4.0.

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

5.2 Corrosive Reagents. Same as Method 6, section 5.2.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

Same as Method 6A, section 6.0, with the following exceptions and additions:

6.1 The isopropanol bubbler is not used. An empty bubbler for the collection of liquid droplets, that does not allow direct contact between the collected liquid and the gas sample, may be included in the sampling train.

6.2 For intermittent operation, include an industrial timer-switch designed to operate in the “on” position at least 2 minutes continuously and “off” the remaining period over a repeating cycle. The cycle of operation is designated in the applicable regulation. At a minimum, the sampling operation should include at least 12, equal, evenly-spaced periods per 24 hours.

6.3 Stainless steel sampling probes, type 316, are not recommended for use with Method 6B because of potential sample contamination due to corrosion. Glass probes or other types of stainless steel, e.g., Hasteloy or Carpenter 20, are recommended for long-term use.


For applications downstream of wet scrubbers, a heated out-of-stack filter (either borosilicate glass wool or glass fiber mat) is necessary. Probe and filter heating systems capable of maintaining a sample gas temperature of between 20 and 120 °C (68 and 248 °F) at the filter are also required in these cases. The electric supply for these heating systems should be continuous and separate from the timed operation of the sample pump.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

Same as Method 6A, section 7.0, with the following exceptions:

7.1 Isopropanol is not used for sampling.

7.2 The hydrogen peroxide absorbing solution shall be diluted to no less than 6 percent by volume, instead of 3 percent as specified in Methods 6 and 6A.

7.3 If the Method 6B sampling train is to be operated in a low sample flow condition (less than 100 ml/min or 0.21 ft
3/hr), molecular sieve material may be substituted for Ascarite II as the CO2 absorbing material. The recommended molecular sieve material is Union Carbide
1/16 inch pellets, 5 A°, or equivalent. Molecular sieve material need not be discarded following the sampling run, provided that it is regenerated as per the manufacturer’s instruction. Use of molecular sieve material at flow rates higher than 100 ml/min (0.21 ft
3/hr) may cause erroneous CO2 results.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Transport, and Storage

8.1 Preparation of Sampling Train. Same as Method 6A, section 8.1, with the addition of the following:

8.1.1 The sampling train is assembled as shown in Figure 6A-1 of Method 6A, except that the isopropanol bubbler is not included.

8.1.2 Adjust the timer-switch to operate in the “on” position from 2 to 4 minutes on a 2-hour repeating cycle or other cycle specified in the applicable regulation. Other timer sequences may be used with the restriction that the total sample volume collected is between 25 and 60 liters (0.9 and 2.1 ft
3) for the amounts of sampling reagents prescribed in this method.

8.1.3 Add cold water to the tank until the impingers and bubblers are covered at least two-thirds of their length. The impingers and bubbler tank must be covered and protected from intense heat and direct sunlight. If freezing conditions exist, the impinger solution and the water bath must be protected.


Sampling may be conducted continuously if a low flow-rate sample pump [20 to 40 ml/min (0.04 to 0.08 ft
3/hr) for the reagent volumes described in this method] is used. If sampling is continuous, the timer-switch is not necessary. In addition, if the sample pump is designed for constant rate sampling, the rate meter may be deleted. The total gas volume collected should be between 25 and 60 liters (0.9 and 2.1 ft
3) for the amounts of sampling reagents prescribed in this method.

8.2 Sampling Train Leak-Check Procedure. Same as Method 6, section 8.2.

8.3 Sample Collection.

8.3.1 The probe and filter (either in-stack, out-of-stack, or both) must be heated to a temperature sufficient to prevent water condensation.

8.3.2 Record the initial dry gas meter reading. To begin sampling, position the tip of the probe at the sampling point, connect the probe to the first impinger (or filter), and start the timer and the sample pump. Adjust the sample flow to a constant rate of approximately 1.0 liter/min (0.035 cfm) as indicated by the rotameter. Observe the operation of the timer, and determine that it is operating as intended (i.e., the timer is in the “on” position for the desired period, and the cycle repeats as required).

8.3.3 One time between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. during the 24-hour sampling period, record the dry gas meter temperature (Tm) and the barometric pressure (P(bar)).

8.3.4 At the conclusion of the run, turn off the timer and the sample pump, remove the probe from the stack, and record the final gas meter volume reading. Conduct a leak-check as described in section 8.2. If a leak is found, void the test run or use procedures acceptable to the Administrator to adjust the sample volume for leakage. Repeat the steps in sections 8.3.1 to 8.3.4 for successive runs.

8.4 Sample Recovery. The procedures for sample recovery (moisture measurement, peroxide solution, and CO2 absorber) are the same as those in Method 6A, section 8.3.

9.0 Quality Control

Same as Method 6, section 9.0., with the exception of the isopropanol-check.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

Same as Method 6, section 10.0, with the addition of the following:

10.1 Periodic Calibration Check. After 30 days of operation of the test train, conduct a calibration check according to the same procedures as the post-test calibration check (Method 6, section 10.1.2). If the deviation between initial and periodic calibration factors exceeds 5 percent, use the smaller of the two factors in calculations for the preceding 30 days of data, but use the most recent calibration factor for succeeding test runs.

11.0 Analytical Procedures

11.1 Sample Loss Check and Analysis. Same as Method 6, sections 11.1 and 11.2, respectively.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Same as Method 6A, section 12.0, except that Pbar and Tm correspond to the values recorded in section 8.3.3 of this method. The values are as follows:

Pbar = Initial barometric pressure for the test period, mm Hg.

Tm = Absolute meter temperature for the test period, °K.

13.0 Method Performance

13.1 Range.

13.1.1 Sulfur Dioxide. Same as Method 6.

13.1.2 Carbon Dioxide. Not determined.

13.2 Repeatability and Reproducibility. EPA-sponsored collaborative studies were undertaken to determine the magnitude of repeatability and reproducibility achievable by qualified testers following the procedures in this method. The results of the studies evolve from 145 field tests including comparisons with Methods 3 and 6. For measurements of emission rates from wet, flue gas desulfurization units in (ng/J), the repeatability (intra-laboratory precision) is 8.0 percent and the reproducibility (inter-laboratory precision) is 11.1 percent.

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 Alternative Methods

Same as Method 6A, section 16.0, except that the timer is needed and is operated as outlined in this method.

17.0 References

Same as Method 6A, section 17.0, with the addition of the following:

1. Butler, Frank E., et. al. The Collaborative Test of Method 6B: Twenty-Four-Hour Analysis of SO2 and CO2. JAPCA. Vol. 33, No. 10. October 1983.

18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data [Reserved]

Method 6C—Determination of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure)

1.0 Scope and Application

What is Method 6C?

Method 6C is a procedure for measuring sulfur dioxide (SO2) in stationary source emissions using a continuous instrumental analyzer. Quality assurance and quality control requirements are included to assure that you, the tester, collect data of known quality. You must document your adherence to these specific requirements for equipment, supplies, sample collection and analysis, calculations, and data analysis.

This method does not completely describe all equipment, supplies, and sampling and analytical procedures you will need but refers to other methods for some of the details. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, you should also have a thorough knowledge of these additional test methods which are found in appendix A to this part:

(a) Method 1—Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources.

(b) Method 4—Determination of Moisture Content in Stack Gases.

(c) Method 6—Determination of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Stationary Sources.

(d) Method 7E—Determination of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure).

1.1 Analytes. What does this method determine? This method measures the concentration of sulfur dioxide.


1.2 Applicability. When is this method required? The use of Method 6C may be required by specific New Source Performance Standards, Clean Air Marketing rules, State Implementation Plans, and permits where SO2 concentrations in stationary source emissions must be measured, either to determine compliance with an applicable emission standard or to conduct performance testing of a continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS). Other regulations may also require the use of Method 6C.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. How good must my collected data be? Refer to section 1.3 of Method 7E.

2.0 Summary of Method

In this method, you continuously sample the effluent gas and convey the sample to an analyzer that measures the concentration of SO2. You must meet the performance requirements of this method to validate your data.

3.0 Definitions

Refer to section 3.0 of Method 7E for the applicable definitions.

4.0 Interferences

Refer to Section 4.0 of Method 7E.

5.0 Safety

Refer to section 5.0 of Method 7E.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

Figure 7E-1 of Method 7E is a schematic diagram of an acceptable measurement system.

6.1 What do I need for the measurement system? The essential components of the measurement system are the same as those in sections 6.1 and 6.2 of Method 7E, except that the SO2 analyzer described in section 6.2 of this method must be used instead of the analyzer described in section 6.2 of Method 7E. You must follow the noted specifications in section 6.1 of Method 7E.

6.2 What analyzer must I use? You may use an instrument that uses an ultraviolet, non-dispersive infrared, fluorescence, or other detection principle to continuously measure SO2 in the gas stream and meets the performance specifications in section 13.0. The low-range and dual-range analyzer provisions in sections and of Method 7E apply.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

7.1 Calibration Gas. What calibration gases do I need? Refer to section 7.1 of Method 7E for the calibration gas requirements. Example calibration gas mixtures are listed below.

(a) SO2 in nitrogen (N2).

(b) SO2 in air.

(c) SO2 and CO2 in N2.

(d) SO2 andO2 in N2.

(e) SO2/CO2/O2 gas mixture in N2.

(f) CO2/NOX gas mixture in N2.

(g) CO2/SO2/NOX gas mixture in N2.

7.2 Interference Check. What additional reagents do I need for the interference check? The test gases for the interference check are listed in Table 7E-3 of Method 7E. For the alternative interference check, you must use the reagents described in section 7.0 of Method 6.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport

8.1 Sampling Site and Sampling Points. You must follow the procedures of section 8.1 of Method 7E.

8.2 Initial Measurement System Performance Tests. You must follow the procedures in section 8.2 of Method 7E. If a dilution-type measurement system is used, the special considerations in section 8.3 of Method 7E also apply.

8.3 Interference Check. You must follow the procedures of section 8.2.7 of Method 7E to conduct an interference check, substituting SO2 for NOX as the method pollutant. For dilution-type measurement systems, you must use the alternative interference check procedure in section 16 and a co-located, unmodified Method 6 sampling train.

8.4 Sample Collection. You must follow the procedures of section 8.4 of Method 7E.

8.5 Post-Run System Bias Check and Drift Assessment. You must follow the procedures of section 8.5 of Method 7E.

9.0 Quality Control

Follow quality control procedures in section 9.0 of Method 7E.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

Follow the procedures for calibration and standardization in section 10.0 of Method 7E.

11.0 Analytical Procedures

Because sample collection and analysis are performed together (see section 8), additional discussion of the analytical procedure is not necessary.

12.0 Calculations and Data Analysis

You must follow the applicable procedures for calculations and data analysis in section 12.0 of Method 7E as applicable, substituting SO2 for NOX as appropriate.

13.0 Method Performance

13.1 The specifications for the applicable performance checks are the same as in section 13.0 of Method 7E.

13.2 Alternative Interference Check. The results are acceptable if the difference between the Method 6C result and the modified Method 6 result is less than 7.0 percent of the Method 6 result for each of the three test runs. For the purposes of comparison, the Method 6 and 6C results must be expressed in the same units of measure.

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 Alternative Procedures

16.1 Alternative Interference Check. You may perform an alternative interference check consisting of at least three comparison runs between Method 6C and Method 6. This check validates the Method 6C results at each particular source category (type of facility) where the check is performed. When testing under conditions of low concentrations (


The procedure described below applies to non-dilution sampling systems only. If this alternative interference check is used for a dilution sampling system, use a standard Method 6 sampling train and extract the sample directly from the exhaust stream at points collocated with the Method 6C sample probe.

a. Build the modified Method 6 sampling train (flow control valve, two midget impingers containing 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, and dry gas meter) shown in Figure 6C-1. Connect the sampling train to the sample bypass discharge vent. Record the dry gas meter reading before you begin sampling. Simultaneously collect modified Method 6 and Method 6C samples. Open the flow control valve in the modified Method 6 train as you begin to sample with Method 6C. Adjust the Method 6 sampling rate to 1 liter per minute (.10 percent). The sampling time per run must be the same as for Method 6 plus twice the average measurement system response time. If your modified Method 6 train does not include a pump, you risk biasing the results high if you over-pressurize the midget impingers and cause a leak. You can reduce this risk by cautiously increasing the flow rate as sampling begins.

b. After completing a run, record the final dry gas meter reading, meter temperature, and barometric pressure. Recover and analyze the contents of the midget impingers using the procedures in Method 6. Determine the average gas concentration reported by Method 6C for the run.

17.0 References

1. “EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards” September 1997 as amended, EPA-600/R-97/121

18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Method 7—Determination of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions From Stationary Sources


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1 and Method 5.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Analytes.

Nitrogen oxides (NOX), as NO2, including:
Nitric oxide (NO)10102-43-9
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)10102-44-02-400 mg/dscm

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the measurement of nitrogen oxides (NOX) emitted from stationary sources.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sample methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

A grab sample is collected in an evacuated flask containing a dilute sulfuric acid-hydrogen peroxide absorbing solution, and the nitrogen oxides, except nitrous oxide, are measured colorimetrically using the phenoldisulfonic acid (PDS) procedure.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences

Biased results have been observed when sampling under conditions of high sulfur dioxide concentrations. At or above 2100 ppm SO2, use five times the H2O2 concentration of the Method 7 absorbing solution. Laboratory tests have shown that high concentrations of SO2 (about 2100 ppm) cause low results in Method 7 and 7A. Increasing the H2O2 concentration to five times the original concentration eliminates this bias. However, when no SO2 is present, increasing the concentration by five times results in a low bias.

5.0 Safety

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

5.2 Corrosive Reagents. The following reagents are hazardous. Personal protective equipment and safe procedures are useful in preventing chemical splashes. If contact occurs, immediately flush with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove clothing under shower and decontaminate. Treat residual chemical burns as thermal burns.

5.2.1 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2). Irritating to eyes, skin, nose, and lungs.

5.2.2 Phenoldisulfonic Acid. Irritating to eyes and skin.

5.2.3 Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). Causes severe damage to eyes and skin. Inhalation causes irritation to nose, throat, and lungs. Reacts exothermically with limited amounts of water.

5.2.4 Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4). Rapidly destructive to body tissue. Will cause third degree burns. Eye damage may result in blindness. Inhalation may be fatal from spasm of the larynx, usually within 30 minutes. May cause lung tissue damage with edema. 1 mg/m
3 for 8 hours will cause lung damage or, in higher concentrations, death. Provide ventilation to limit inhalation. Reacts violently with metals and organics.

5.2.5 Phenol. Poisonous and caustic. Do not handle with bare hands as it is absorbed through the skin.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Sample Collection. A schematic of the sampling train used in performing this method is shown in Figure 7-1. Other grab sampling systems or equipment, capable of measuring sample volume to within 2.0 percent and collecting a sufficient sample volume to allow analytical reproducibility to within 5 percent, will be considered acceptable alternatives, subject to the approval of the Administrator. The following items are required for sample collection:

6.1.1 Probe. Borosilicate glass tubing, sufficiently heated to prevent water condensation and equipped with an in-stack or heated out-of-stack filter to remove particulate matter (a plug of glass wool is satisfactory for this purpose). Stainless steel or Teflon tubing may also be used for the probe. Heating is not necessary if the probe remains dry during the purging period.

6.1.2 Collection Flask. Two-liter borosilicate, round bottom flask, with short neck and 24/40 standard taper opening, protected against implosion or breakage.

6.1.3 Flask Valve. T-bore stopcock connected to a 24/40 standard taper joint.

6.1.4 Temperature Gauge. Dial-type thermometer, or other temperature gauge, capable of measuring 1 °C (2 °F) intervals from −5 to 50 °C (23 to 122 °F).

6.1.5 Vacuum Line. Tubing capable of withstanding a vacuum of 75 mm (3 in.) Hg absolute pressure, with “T” connection and T-bore stopcock.

6.1.6 Vacuum Gauge. U-tube manometer, 1 meter (39 in.), with 1 mm (0.04 in.) divisions, or other gauge capable of measuring pressure to within 2.5 mm (0.10 in.) Hg.

6.1.7 Pump. Capable of evacuating the collection flask to a pressure equal to or less than 75 mm (3 in.) Hg absolute.

6.1.8 Squeeze Bulb. One-way.

6.1.9 Volumetric Pipette. 25-ml.

6.1.10 Stopcock and Ground Joint Grease. A high-vacuum, high-temperature chlorofluorocarbon grease is required. Halocarbon 25-5S has been found to be effective.

6.1.11 Barometer. Mercury, aneroid, or other barometer capable of measuring atmospheric pressure to within 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) Hg. See note in Method 5, section 6.1.2.

6.2 Sample Recovery. The following items are required for sample recovery:

6.2.1 Graduated Cylinder. 50-ml with 1 ml divisions.

6.2.2 Storage Containers. Leak-free polyethylene bottles.

6.2.3 Wash Bottle. Polyethylene or glass.

6.2.4 Glass Stirring Rod.

6.2.5 Test Paper for Indicating pH. To cover the pH range of 7 to 14.

6.3 Analysis. The following items are required for analysis:

6.3.1 Volumetric Pipettes. Two 1-ml, two 2-ml, one 3-ml, one 4-ml, two 10-ml, and one 25-ml for each sample and standard.

6.3.2 Porcelain Evaporating Dishes. 175- to 250-ml capacity with lip for pouring, one for each sample and each standard. The Coors No. 45006 (shallowform, 195-ml) has been found to be satisfactory. Alternatively, polymethyl pentene beakers (Nalge No. 1203, 150-ml), or glass beakers (150-ml) may be used. When glass beakers are used, etching of the beakers may cause solid matter to be present in the analytical step; the solids should be removed by filtration.

6.3.3 Steam Bath. Low-temperature ovens or thermostatically controlled hot plates kept below 70 °C (160 °F) are acceptable alternatives.

6.3.4 Dropping Pipette or Dropper. Three required.

6.3.5 Polyethylene Policeman. One for each sample and each standard.

6.3.6 Graduated Cylinder. 100-ml with 1-ml divisions.

6.3.7 Volumetric Flasks. 50-ml (one for each sample and each standard), 100-ml (one for each sample and each standard, and one for the working standard KNO3 solution), and 1000-ml (one).

6.3.8 Spectrophotometer. To measure at 410 nm.

6.3.9 Graduated Pipette. 10-ml with 0.1-ml divisions.

6.3.10 Test Paper for Indicating pH. To cover the pH range of 7 to 14.

6.3.11 Analytical Balance. To measure to within 0.1 mg.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that all reagents conform to the specifications established by the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, where such specifications are available; otherwise, use the best available grade.

7.1 Sample Collection. The following reagents are required for sampling:

7.1.1 Water. Deionized distilled to conform to ASTM D 1193-77 or 91 Type 3 (incorporated by reference—see § 60.17). The KMnO4 test for oxidizable organic matter may be omitted when high concentrations of organic matter are not expected to be present.

7.1.2 Absorbing Solution. Cautiously add 2.8 ml concentrated H2SO4 to a 1-liter flask partially filled with water. Mix well, and add 6 ml of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, freshly prepared from 30 percent hydrogen peroxide solution. Dilute to 1 liter of water and mix well. The absorbing solution should be used within 1 week of its preparation. Do not expose to extreme heat or direct sunlight.

7.2 Sample Recovery. The following reagents are required for sample recovery:

7.2.1 Water. Same as in 7.1.1.

7.2.2 Sodium Hydroxide, 1 N. Dissolve 40 g NaOH in water, and dilute to 1 liter.

7.3 Analysis. The following reagents and standards are required for analysis:

7.3.1 Water. Same as in 7.1.1.

7.3.2 Fuming Sulfuric Acid. 15 to 18 percent by weight free sulfur trioxide. HANDLE WITH CAUTION.

7.3.3 Phenol. White solid.

7.3.4 Sulfuric Acid. Concentrated, 95 percent minimum assay.

7.3.5 Potassium Nitrate (KNO3). Dried at 105 to 110 °C (221 to 230 °F) for a minimum of 2 hours just prior to preparation of standard solution.

7.3.6 Standard KNO3 Solution. Dissolve exactly 2.198 g of dried KNO3 in water, and dilute to 1 liter with water in a 1000-ml volumetric flask.

7.3.7 Working Standard KNO3 Solution. Dilute 10 ml of the standard solution to 100 ml with water. One ml of the working standard solution is equivalent to 100 µg nitrogen dioxide (NO2).

7.3.8 Phenoldisulfonic Acid Solution. Dissolve 25 g of pure white phenol solid in 150 ml concentrated sulfuric acid on a steam bath. Cool, add 75 ml fuming sulfuric acid (15 to 18 percent by weight free sulfur trioxide—HANDLE WITH CAUTION), and heat at 100 °C (212 °F) for 2 hours. Store in a dark, stoppered bottle.

7.3.9 Concentrated Ammonium Hydroxide.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage and Transport

8.1 Sample Collection.

8.1.1 Flask Volume. The volume of the collection flask and flask valve combination must be known prior to sampling. Assemble the flask and flask valve, and fill with water to the stopcock. Measure the volume of water to ±10 ml. Record this volume on the flask.

8.1.2 Pipette 25 ml of absorbing solution into a sample flask, retaining a sufficient quantity for use in preparing the calibration standards. Insert the flask valve stopper into the flask with the valve in the “purge” position. Assemble the sampling train as shown in Figure 7-1, and place the probe at the sampling point. Make sure that all fittings are tight and leak-free, and that all ground glass joints have been greased properly with a high-vacuum, high temperature chlorofluorocarbon-based stopcock grease. Turn the flask valve and the pump valve to their “evacuate” positions. Evacuate the flask to 75 mm (3 in.) Hg absolute pressure, or less. Evacuation to a pressure approaching the vapor pressure of water at the existing temperature is desirable. Turn the pump valve to its “vent” position, and turn off the pump. Check for leakage by observing the manometer for any pressure fluctuation. (Any variation greater than 10 mm (0.4 in.) Hg over a period of 1 minute is not acceptable, and the flask is not to be used until the leakage problem is corrected. Pressure in the flask is not to exceed 75 mm (3 in.) Hg absolute at the time sampling is commenced.) Record the volume of the flask and valve (Vf), the flask temperature (Ti), and the barometric pressure. Turn the flask valve counterclockwise to its “purge” position, and do the same with the pump valve. Purge the probe and the vacuum tube using the squeeze bulb. If condensation occurs in the probe and the flask valve area, heat the probe, and purge until the condensation disappears. Next, turn the pump valve to its “vent” position. Turn the flask valve clockwise to its “evacuate” position, and record the difference in the mercury levels in the manometer. The absolute internal pressure in the flask (Pi) is equal to the barometric pressure less the manometer reading. Immediately turn the flask valve to the “sample” position, and permit the gas to enter the flask until pressures in the flask and sample line (i.e., duct, stack) are equal. This will usually require about 15 seconds; a longer period indicates a plug in the probe, which must be corrected before sampling is continued. After collecting the sample, turn the flask valve to its “purge” position, and disconnect the flask from the sampling train.

8.1.3 Shake the flask for at least 5 minutes.

8.1.4 If the gas being sampled contains insufficient oxygen for the conversion of NO to NO2 (e.g., an applicable subpart of the standards may require taking a sample of a calibration gas mixture of NO in N2), then introduce oxygen into the flask to permit this conversion. Oxygen may be introduced into the flask by one of three methods: (1) Before evacuating the sampling flask, flush with pure cylinder oxygen, then evacuate flask to 75 mm (3 in.) Hg absolute pressure or less; or (2) inject oxygen into the flask after sampling; or (3) terminate sampling with a minimum of 50 mm (2 in.) Hg vacuum remaining in the flask, record this final pressure, and then vent the flask to the atmosphere until the flask pressure is almost equal to atmospheric pressure.

8.2 Sample Recovery. Let the flask sit for a minimum of 16 hours, and then shake the contents for 2 minutes.

8.2.1 Connect the flask to a mercury filled U-tube manometer. Open the valve from the flask to the manometer, and record the flask temperature (Tf), the barometric pressure, and the difference between the mercury levels in the manometer. The absolute internal pressure in the flask (Pf) is the barometric pressure less the manometer reading. Transfer the contents of the flask to a leak-free polyethylene bottle. Rinse the flask twice with 5 ml portions of water, and add the rinse water to the bottle. Adjust the pH to between 9 and 12 by adding 1 N NaOH, dropwise (about 25 to 35 drops). Check the pH by dipping a stirring rod into the solution and then touching the rod to the pH test paper. Remove as little material as possible during this step. Mark the height of the liquid level so that the container can be checked for leakage after transport. Label the container to identify clearly its contents. Seal the container for shipping.

9.0 Quality Control

Quality control measure
10.1Spectrophotometer calibrationEnsure linearity of spectrophotometer response to standards.

10.0 Calibration and Standardization

10.1 Spectrophotometer.

10.1.1 Optimum Wavelength Determination. Calibrate the wavelength scale of the spectrophotometer every 6 months. The calibration may be accomplished by using an energy source with an intense line emission such as a mercury lamp, or by using a series of glass filters spanning the measuring range of the spectrophotometer. Calibration materials are available commercially and from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Specific details on the use of such materials should be supplied by the vendor; general information about calibration techniques can be obtained from general reference books on analytical chemistry. The wavelength scale of the spectrophotometer must read correctly within 5 nm at all calibration points; otherwise, repair and recalibrate the spectrophotometer. Once the wavelength scale of the spectrophotometer is in proper calibration, use 410 nm as the optimum wavelength for the measurement of the absorbance of the standards and samples. Alternatively, a scanning procedure may be employed to determine the proper measuring wavelength. If the instrument is a double-beam spectrophotometer, scan the spectrum between 400 and 415 nm using a 200 µg NO2 standard solution in the sample cell and a blank solution in the reference cell. If a peak does not occur, the spectrophotometer is probably malfunctioning and should be repaired. When a peak is obtained within the 400 to 415 nm range, the wavelength at which this peak occurs shall be the optimum wavelength for the measurement of absorbance of both the standards and the samples. For a single-beam spectrophotometer, follow the scanning procedure described above, except scan separately the blank and standard solutions. The optimum wavelength shall be the wavelength at which the maximum difference in absorbance between the standard and the blank occurs.

10.1.2 Determination of Spectrophotometer Calibration Factor Kc. Add 0 ml, 2.0 ml, 4.0 ml, 6.0 ml, and 8.0 ml of the KNO3 working standard solution (1 ml = 100 µg NO2) to a series of five 50-ml volumetric flasks. To each flask, add 25 ml of absorbing solution and 10 ml water. Add 1 N NaOH to each flask until the pH is between 9 and 12 (about 25 to 35 drops). Dilute to the mark with water. Mix thoroughly, and pipette a 25-ml aliquot of each solution into a separate porcelain evaporating dish. Beginning with the evaporation step, follow the analysis procedure of section 11.2 until the solution has been transferred to the 100-ml volumetric flask and diluted to the mark. Measure the absorbance of each solution at the optimum wavelength as determined in section 10.1.1. This calibration procedure must be repeated on each day that samples are analyzed. Calculate the spectrophotometer calibration factor as shown in section 12.2.

10.1.3 Spectrophotometer Calibration Quality Control. Multiply the absorbance value obtained for each standard by the Kc factor (reciprocal of the least squares slope) to determine the distance each calibration point lies from the theoretical calibration line. The difference between the calculated concentration values and the actual concentrations (i.e., 100, 200, 300, and 400 µg NO2) shall be less than 7 percent for all standards.

10.2 Barometer. Calibrate against a mercury barometer or NIST-traceable barometer prior to the field test.

10.3 Temperature Gauge. Calibrate dial thermometers against mercury-in-glass thermometers. An alternative mercury-free thermometer may be used if the thermometer is, at a minimum, equivalent in terms of performance or suitably effective for the specific temperature measurement application.

10.4 Vacuum Gauge. Calibrate mechanical gauges, if used, against a mercury manometer such as that specified in section 6.1.6.

10.5 Analytical Balance. Calibrate against standard weights.

11.0 Analytical Procedures

11.1 Sample Loss Check. Note the level of the liquid in the container, and confirm whether any sample was lost during shipment. Note this on the analytical data sheet. If a noticeable amount of leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use methods, subject to the approval of the Administrator, to correct the final results.

11.2 Sample Preparation. Immediately prior to analysis, transfer the contents of the shipping container to a 50 ml volumetric flask, and rinse the container twice with 5 ml portions of water. Add the rinse water to the flask, and dilute to mark with water; mix thoroughly. Pipette a 25-ml aliquot into the porcelain evaporating dish. Return any unused portion of the sample to the polyethylene storage bottle. Evaporate the 25-ml aliquot to dryness on a steam bath, and allow to cool. Add 2 ml phenoldisulfonic acid solution to the dried residue, and triturate thoroughly with a polyethylene policeman. Make sure the solution contacts all the residue. Add 1 ml water and 4 drops of concentrated sulfuric acid. Heat the solution on a steam bath for 3 minutes with occasional stirring. Allow the solution to cool, add 20 ml water, mix well by stirring, and add concentrated ammonium hydroxide, dropwise, with constant stirring, until the pH is 10 (as determined by pH paper). If the sample contains solids, these must be removed by filtration (centrifugation is an acceptable alternative, subject to the approval of the Administrator) as follows: Filter through Whatman No. 41 filter paper into a 100-ml volumetric flask. Rinse the evaporating dish with three 5-ml portions of water. Filter these three rinses. Wash the filter with at least three 15-ml portions of water. Add the filter washings to the contents of the volumetric flask, and dilute to the mark with water. If solids are absent, the solution can be transferred directly to the 100-ml volumetric flask and diluted to the mark with water.

11.3 Sample Analysis. Mix the contents of the flask thoroughly, and measure the absorbance at the optimum wavelength used for the standards (section 10.1.1), using the blank solution as a zero reference. Dilute the sample and the blank with equal volumes of water if the absorbance exceeds A4, the absorbance of the 400-µg NO2 standard (see section 10.1.3).

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Carry out the calculations, retaining at least one extra significant figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round off figures after final calculations.

12.1 12.1 Nomenclature

A = Absorbance of sample.

A1 = Absorbance of the 100-µg NO2 standard.

A2 = Absorbance of the 200-µg NO2 standard.

A3 = Absorbance of the 300-µg NO2 standard.

A4 = Absorbance of the 400-µg NO2 standard.

C = Concentration of NOX as NO2, dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, mg/dsm
3 (lb/dscf).

F = Dilution factor (i.e., 25/5, 25/10, etc., required only if sample dilution was needed to reduce the absorbance into the range of the calibration).

Kc = Spectrophotometer calibration factor.

M = Mass of NOX as NO2 in gas sample, µg.

Pf = Final absolute pressure of flask, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Pi = Initial absolute pressure of flask, mm Hg (in. Hg).

Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg).

Tf = Final absolute temperature of flask, °K (°R).

Ti = Initial absolute temperature of flask, °K (°R).

Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293 °K (528°R).

Vsc = Sample volume at standard conditions (dry basis), ml.

Vf = Volume of flask and valve, ml.

Va = Volume of absorbing solution, 25 ml.

12.2 Spectrophotometer Calibration Factor.

12.3 Sample Volume, Dry Basis, Corrected to Standard Conditions.


K1 = 0.3858 °K/mm Hg for metric units,

K1 = 17.65 °R/in. Hg for English units.

12.4 Total µg NO2 per sample.


2 = 50/25, the aliquot factor.


If other than a 25-ml aliquot is used for analysis, the factor 2 must be replaced by a corresponding factor.

12.5 Sample Concentration, Dry Basis, Corrected to Standard Conditions.


K2 = 10
3 (mg/m
3)/(µg/ml) for metric units,

K2 = 6.242 × 10−5 (lb/scf)/(µg/ml) for English units.

13.0 Method Performance

13.1 Range. The analytical range of the method has been determined to be 2 to 400 milligrams NOX (as NO2) per dry standard cubic meter, without having to dilute the sample.

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

1. Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis. 6th ed. New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc. 1962. Vol. 1, pp. 329-330.

2. Standard Method of Test for Oxides of Nitrogen in Gaseous Combustion Products (Phenoldisulfonic Acid Procedure). In: 1968 Book of ASTM Standards, Part 26. Philadelphia, PA. 1968. ASTM Designation D 1608-60, pp. 725-729.

3. Jacob, M.B. The Chemical Analysis of Air Pollutants. New York. Interscience Publishers, Inc. 1960. Vol. 10, pp. 351-356.

4. Beatty, R.L., L.B. Berger, and H.H. Schrenk. Determination of Oxides of Nitrogen by the Phenoldisulfonic Acid Method. Bureau of Mines, U.S. Dept. of Interior. R.I. 3687. February 1943.

5. Hamil, H.F. and D.E. Camann. Collaborative Study of Method for the Determination of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Stationary Sources (Fossil Fuel-Fired Steam Generators). Southwest Research Institute Report for Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC. October 5, 1973.

6. Hamil, H.F. and R.E. Thomas. Collaborative Study of Method for the Determination of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Stationary Sources (Nitric Acid Plants). Southwest Research Institute Report for Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC. May 8, 1974.

7. Stack Sampling Safety Manual (Draft). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. September 1978.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data

Method 7A—Determination of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions From Stationary Sources (Ion Chromatographic Method)


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 3, Method 5, and Method 7.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Analytes.

Nitrogen oxides (NOX), as NO2, including:
Nitric oxide (NO)10102-43-9
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)10102-44-065-655 ppmv

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of NOX emissions from stationary sources.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

A grab sample is collected in an evacuated flask containing a dilute sulfuric acid-hydrogen peroxide absorbing solution. The nitrogen oxides, excluding nitrous oxide (N2O), are oxidized to nitrate and measured by ion chromatography.

3.0 Definitions [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences

Biased results have been observed when sampling under conditions of high sulfur dioxide concentrations. At or above 2100 ppm SO2, use five times the H2O2 concentration of the Method 7 absorbing solution. Laboratory tests have shown that high concentrations of SO2 (about 2100 ppm) cause low results in Method 7 and 7A. Increasing the H2O2 concentration to five times the original concentration eliminates this bias. However, when no SO2 is present, increasing the concentration by five times results in a low bias.

5.0 Safety

5.1 This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

5.2 Corrosive reagents. The following reagents are hazardous. Personal protective equipment and safe procedures are useful in preventing chemical splashes. If contact occurs, immediately flush with copious amounts of water at least 15 minutes. Remove clothing under shower and decontaminate. Treat residual chemical burns as thermal burns.

5.2.1 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2). Irritating to eyes, skin, nose, and lungs.

5.2.2 Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4). Rapidly destructive to body tissue. Will cause third degree burns. Eye damage may result in blindness. Inhalation may be fatal from spasm of the larynx, usually within 30 minutes. May cause lung tissue damage with edema. 3 mg/m
3 will cause lung damage in uninitiated. 1 mg/m
3 for 8 hours will cause lung damage or, in higher concentrations, death. Provide ventilation to limit inhalation. Reacts violently with metals and organics.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Sample Collection. Same as in Method 7, section 6.1.

6.2 Sample Recovery. Same as in Method 7, section 6.2, except the stirring rod and pH paper are not needed.

6.3 Analysis. For the analysis, the following equipment and supplies are required. Alternative instrumentation and procedures will be allowed provided the calibration precision requirement in section 10.1.2 can be met.

6.3.1 Volumetric Pipets. Class A;1-, 2-, 4-, 5-ml (two for the set of standards and one per sample), 6-, 10-, and graduated 5-ml sizes.

6.3.2 Volumetric Flasks. 50-ml (two per sample and one per standard), 200-ml, and 1-liter sizes.

6.3.3 Analytical Balance. To measure to within 0.1 mg.

6.3.4 Ion Chromatograph. The ion chromatograph should have at least the following components: Columns. An anion separation or other column capable of resolving the nitrate ion from sulfate and other species present and a standard anion suppressor column (optional). Suppressor columns are produced as proprietary items; however, one can be produced in the laboratory using the resin available from BioRad Company, 32nd and Griffin Streets, Richmond, California. Peak resolution can be optimized by varying the eluent strength or column flow rate, or by experimenting with alternative columns that may offer more efficient separation. When using guard columns with the stronger reagent to protect the separation column, the analyst should allow rest periods between injection intervals to purge possible sulfate buildup in the guard column. Pump. Capable of maintaining a steady flow as required by the system. Flow Gauges. Capable of measuring the specified system flow rate. Conductivity Detector. Recorder. Compatible with the output voltage range of the detector.

7.0 Reagents and Standards

Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that all reagents conform to the specifications established by the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, where such specifications are available; otherwise, use the best available grade.

7.1 Sample Collection. Same as Method 7, section 7.1.

7.2 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 7, section 7.1.1.

7.3 Analysis. The following reagents and standards are required for analysis:

7.3.1 Water. Same as Method 7, section 7.1.1.

7.3.2 Stock Standard Solution, 1 mg NO2/ml. Dry an adequate amount of sodium nitrate (NaNO3) at 105 to 110 °C (221 to 230 °F) for a minimum of 2 hours just before preparing the standard solution. Then dissolve exactly 1.847 g of dried NaNO3 in water, and dilute to l liter in a volumetric flask. Mix well. This solution is stable for 1 month and should not be used beyond this time.

7.3.3 Working Standard Solution, 25 µg/ml. Dilute 5 ml of the standard solution to 200 ml with water in a volumetric flask, and mix well.

7.3.4 Eluent Solution. Weigh 1.018 g of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and 1.008 g of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), and dissolve in 4 liters of water. This solution is 0.0024 M Na2CO3/0.003 M NaHCO3. Other eluents appropriate to the column type and capable of resolving nitrate ion from sulfate and other species present may be used.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport

8.1 Sampling. Same as in Method 7, section 8.1.

8.2 Sample Recovery. Same as in Method 7, section 8.2, except delete the steps on adjusting and checking the pH of the sample. Do not store the samples more than 4 days between collection and analysis.

9.0 Quality Control

Quality control measure
10.1Ion chromatographn calibrationEnsure linearity of ion chromatograph response to standards.

10.0 Calibration and Standardizations

10.1 Ion Chromatograph.

10.1.1 Determination of Ion Chromatograph Calibration Factor S. Prepare a series of five standards by adding 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, and 10.0 ml of working standard solution (25 µg/ml) to a series of five 50-ml volumetric flasks. (The standard masses will equal 25, 50, 100, 150, and 250 µg.) Dilute each flask to the mark with water, and mix well. Analyze with the samples as described in section 11.2, and subtract the blank from each value. Prepare or calculate a linear regression plot of the standard masses in µg (x-axis) versus their peak height responses in millimeters (y-axis). (Take peak height measurements with symmetrical peaks; in all other cases, calculate peak areas.) From this curve, or equation, determine the slope, and calculate its reciprocal to denote as the calibration factor, S.

10.1.2 Ion Chromatograph Calibration Quality Control. If any point on the calibration curve deviates from the line by more than 7 percent of the concentration at that point, remake and reanalyze that standard. This deviation can be determined by multiplying S times the peak height response for each standard. The resultant concentrations must not differ by more than 7 percent from each known standard mass (i.e., 25, 50, 100, 150, and 250 µg).

10.2 Conductivity Detector. Calibrate according to manufacturer’s specifications prior to initial use.

10.3 Barometer. Calibrate against a mercury barometer.

10.4 Temperature Gauge. Calibrate dial thermometers against mercury-in-glass thermometers. An alternative mercury-free thermometer may be used if the thermometer is, at a minimum, equivalent in terms of performance or suitably effective for the specific temperature measurement application.

10.5 Vacuum Gauge. Calibrate mechanical gauges, if used, against a mercury manometer such as that specified in section 6.1.6 of Method 7.

10.6 Analytical Balance. Calibrate against standard weights.

11.0 Analytical Procedures

11.1 Sample Preparation.

11.1.1 Note on the analytical data sheet, the level of the liquid in the container, and whether any sample was lost during shipment. If a noticeable amount of leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use methods, subject to the approval of the Administrator, to correct the final results. Immediately before analysis, transfer the contents of the shipping container to a 50-ml volumetric flask, and rinse the container twice with 5 ml portions of water. Add the rinse water to the flask, and dilute to the mark with water. Mix thoroughly.

11.1.2 Pipet a 5-ml aliquot of the sample into a 50-ml volumetric flask, and dilute to the mark with water. Mix thoroughly. For each set of determinations, prepare a reagent blank by diluting 5 ml of absorbing solution to 50 ml with water. (Alternatively, eluent solution may be used instead of water in all sample, standard, and blank dilutions.)

11.2 Analysis.

11.2.1 Prepare a standard calibration curve according to section 10.1.1. Analyze the set of standards followed by the set of samples using the same injection volume for both standards and samples. Repeat this analysis sequence followed by a final analysis of the standard set. Average the results. The two sample values must agree within 5 percent of their mean for the analysis to be valid. Perform this duplicate analysis sequence on the same day. Dilute any sample and the blank with equal volumes of water if the concentration exceeds that of the highest standard.

11.2.2 Document each sample chromatogram by listing the following analytical parameters: injection point, injection volume, nitrate and sulfate retention times, flow rate, detector sensitivity setting, and recorder chart speed.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations

Carry out the calculations, retaining at least one extra significant figure beyond that of the acquired data. Round off figures after final calculations.

12.1 Sample Volume. Calculate the sample volume Vsc (in ml), on a dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, using Equation 7-2 of Method 7.

12.2 Sample Concentration of NOX as NO2.

12.2.1 Calculate the sample concentration C (in mg/dscm) as follows:


H = Sample peak height, mm.

S = Calibration factor, µg/mm.

F = Dilution factor (required only if sample dilution was needed to reduce the concentration into the range of calibration), dimensionless.

4 = 1:10 dilution times conversion factor of: (mg/10
3 µg)(10
6 ml/m

12.2.2 If desired, the concentration of NO2 may be calculated as ppm NO2 at standard conditions as follows:


0.5228 = ml/mg NO2.

13.0 Method Performance

13.1 Range. The analytical range of the method is from 125 to 1250 mg NOX/m
3 as NO2 (65 to 655 ppmv), and higher concentrations may be analyzed by diluting the sample. The lower detection limit is approximately 19 mg/m
3 (10 ppmv), but may vary among instruments.

14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]

16.0 References

1. Mulik, J.D., and E. Sawicki. Ion Chromatographic Analysis of Environmental Pollutants. Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc. Vol. 2, 1979.

2. Sawicki, E., J.D. Mulik, and E. Wittgenstein. Ion Chromatographic Analysis of Environmental Pollutants. Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc. Vol. 1. 1978.

3. Siemer, D.D. Separation of Chloride and Bromide from Complex Matrices Prior to Ion Chromatographic Determination. Anal. Chem. 52(12):1874-1877. October 1980.

4. Small, H., T.S. Stevens, and W.C. Bauman. Novel Ion Exchange Chromatographic Method Using Conductimetric Determination. Anal. Chem. 47(11):1801. 1975.

5. Yu, K.K., and P.R. Westlin. Evaluation of Reference Method 7 Flask Reaction Time. Source Evaluation Society Newsletter. 4(4). November 1979. 10 pp.

6. Stack Sampling Safety Manual (Draft). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standard, Research Triangle Park, NC. September 1978.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data [Reserved]

Method 7B—Determination of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions From Stationary Sources (Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Method)


This method does not include all of the specifications (e.g., equipment and supplies) and procedures (e.g., sampling and analytical) essential to its performance. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in this part. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of at least the following additional test methods: Method 1, Method 5, and Method 7.

1.0 Scope and Application

1.1 Analytes.

Nitrogen oxides (NOX), as NO2, including:
Nitric oxide (NO)10102-43-9
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)10102-44-030-786 ppmv

1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of NOX emissions from nitric acid plants.

1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.

2.0 Summary of Method

2.1 A grab sample is collected in an evacuated flask containing a dilute sulfuric acid-hydrogen peroxide absorbing solution; the NOX, excluding nitrous oxide (N2O), are measured by ultraviolet spectrophotometry.

3.0 Definition [Reserved]

4.0 Interferences [Reserved]

5.0 Safety

5.1 This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

5.2 Corrosive reagents. The following reagents are hazardous. Personal protective equipment and safe procedures are useful in preventing chemical splashes. If contact occurs, immediately flush with copious amounts of water at least 15 minutes. Remove clothing under shower and decontaminate. Treat residual chemical burn as thermal burn.

5.2.1 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2). Irritating to eyes, skin, nose, and lungs.

5.2.2 Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). Causes severe damage to eyes and skin. Inhalation causes irritation to nose, throat, and lungs. Reacts exothermically with limited amounts of water.

5.2.3 Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4). Rapidly destructive to body tissue. Will cause third degree burns. Eye damage may result in blindness. Inhalation may be fatal from spasm of the larynx, usually within 30 minutes. May cause lung tissue damage with edema. 3 mg/m
3 will cause lung damage in uninitiated. 1 mg/m
3 for 8 hours will cause lung damage or, in higher concentrations, death. Provide ventilation to limit inhalation. Reacts violently with metals and organics.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies

6.1 Sample Collection. Same as Method 7, section 6.1.

6.2 Sample Recovery. The following items are required for sample recovery:

6.2.1 Wash Bottle. Polyethylene or glass.

6.2.2 Volumetric Flasks. 100-ml (one for each sample).

6.3 Analysis. The following items are required for analysis:

6.3.1 Volumetric Pipettes. 5-, 10-, 15-, and 20-ml to make standards and sample dilutions.

6.3.2 Volumetric Flasks. 1000- and 100-ml for preparing standards and dilution of samples.

6.3.3 Spectrophotometer. To measure ultraviolet absorbance at 210 nm.

6.3.4 Analytical Balance. To measure to within 0.1 mg.

7.0 Reagents and Standards


Unless otherwise indicated, all reagents are to conform to the specifications established by the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, where such specifications are available. Otherwise, use the best available grade.

7.1 Sample Collection. Same as Method 7, section 7.1. It is important that the amount of hydrogen peroxide in the absorbing solution not be increased. Higher concentrations of peroxide may interfere with sample analysis.

7.2 Sample Recovery. Same as Method 7, section 7.2.

7.3 Analysis. Same as Method 7, sections 7.3.1, 7.3.3, and 7.3.4, with the addition of the following:

7.3.1 Working Standard KNO3 Solution. Dilute 10 ml of the standard solution to 1000 ml with water. One milliliter of the working standard is equivalent to 10 µg NO2.

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport

8.1 Sample Collection. Same as Method 7, section 8.1.

8.2 Sample Recovery.

8.2.1 Let the flask sit for a minimum of 16 hours, and then shake the contents for 2 minutes.

8.2.2 Connect the flask to a mercury filled U-tube manometer. Open the valve from the flask to the manometer, and record the flask temperature (Tf), the barometric pressure, and the difference between the mercury levels in the manometer. The absolute internal pressure in the flask (Pf) is the barometric pressure less the manometer reading.

8.2.3 Transfer the contents of the flask to a leak-free wash bottle. Rinse the flask three times with 10-ml portions of water, and add to the bottle. Mark the height of the liquid level so that the container can be checked for leakage after transport. Label the container to identify clearly its contents. Seal the container for shipping.

9.0 Quality Control

Quality control measure
10.1Spectrophotometer calibrationEnsures linearity of spectrophotometer response to standards.

10.0 Calibration and Standardizations

Same as Method 7, sections 10.2 through 10.5, with the addition of the following:

10.1 Determination of Spectrophotometer Standard Curve. Add 0 ml